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[i习作temp] Issue212 勇往直前13th作业bynbta03 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-1 21:39:26 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE212 - "If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable."
WORDS: 566          TIME: 00:55:00          DATE: 2007-8-1 16:58:15

Shall we take any means to achieve our goal since it is worthy? The speaker asserts so, which, however, I cannot agree with. It is the encouraging way that try our all best to attain the goal but sometimes certain improper methods would probably just make an opposite effect. It should be determined on a case-by-case basis.

When one aims at one definite worthwhile goal, he/she should try his/her best to achieve it, no matter how many difficulties lie in way ahead. On each way of pursuing a certain goal, setbacks would be come across more or less. Few people can fulfill their dream just by a single way but trying every method they can. Without such steady determination and passion, a large amount of great achievements would have aborted halfway. Beethoven, the greatest composer of his day, whose music formed a transition from classical to romantic composition, is a case in point. Beethoven began to lose his hearing during his career but he never gave up his creation work. Even after been totally deaf, he still insisted on working by feeling the shake of a wood stick in mouth, touching the piano keys. Without so firm determination, the glorious and outstanding 5th symphony would be never born. Therefore, when have a definite and worthy goal in heart, one should try all means to achieve that.

The accomplishment of a goal is important, however, some improper and immoral methods may let us lose even more, which probably means the goal is not "worthy". Any activity towards a certain objective should be conducted under the condition that it does not hurt other people's rights and interests and societal stability or that activity may deserve no support and destroy itself finally. In the second world war, with the goal of dominating the whole Europe, the cruel ruler Hitler press a  autarchy on the common populace and brought a distressful disaster to the whole Europe. Finally, his evil ambition came into no result besides the revilement from the all human being. The example is sufficient to illustrate that not every means can be used when on the pursuit of a goal. We would better weigh the results may occur.

Therefore, we should settle down a proper goal which meets the exact factor of ourselves and any means adopted for that should not run beyond the basic morality and laws. Otherwise we will probably achieve nothing and even lose more. Just consider a youngling just beginning his career. If he is eager for a great deal of money, it is the best way for him that work hard and put himself into the job. If he chooses to steal from or rob others, it is sure that he will be sentenced to prison, losing freedom and career, let alone money. In a sense, the youngling's goal may be unworthy with such kind of effect. What achieves a goal is not some shortcut that may offense laws or morality but the persistent effect and firm determination. Any illegal or immoral adoption may cost something even more worthy.

All in all, everyone should keep insistent effect and try all best for the goal which is worthy but some means which would possibly results in committing a crime or offense others' rights or profits should be prevented. We should find the goal suitable for us and lead a proper way to achieve it.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-8-3 22:00:10 |只看该作者
Shall we take any means to achieve ourgoal since it is worthy? The speaker asserts so, which, however, I cannot agreewith. It is the encouraging way that try(tries) our all best to attain the goal but sometimes certainimproper methods would probably just make an opposite effect. It should be determined on a case-by-case basis.

When one aims at
onea definite worthwhile goal, he/she should try his/her best toachieve it, no matter how many difficulties lie in way ahead. On each way ofpursuing a certain goal, setbacks would be come across(尽量不要用被动,换个词,比如occur more or less. Few people can fulfill theirdream just by a single way but trying every method they can.(这句话再改改啊,看着费解 Without such steady determination andpassionfrom the goal加上它这样会不会显得好点呢?否则你老说决心和热情,都没怎么提目标了), a large amount of greatachievements would have aborted halfway. Beethoven, the greatest composer ofhis day, whose music formed a transition from classical to romanticcomposition, is a case in point. Beethoven began to lose his hearing during hiscareer but he never gave up his creation work. Even after been totally deaf, hestill insisted on working by feeling the shake of a wood stick in mouth,touching the piano keys. Without so firm determination, the glorious andoutstanding 5th symphony would be never born. Therefore, when have a definiteand worthy goal in heart, one should try all means to achieve that.

The accomplishment of a goal isimportant, however, some improper and immoral methods may let us lose evenmore, which probably means the goal is not "worthy".(由方式推断最初的目标不值得?好像没有这种逻辑啊) Any activity towards acertain objective should be conducted under the condition that it does not hurtother people's rights and interests and societal stability or that activity maydeserve no support and destroy itself finally. In the second world war(要大写), with the goal of dominating the whole Europe, the cruelruler Hitler presses a autarchy on the common populace and brought adistressful disaster to the whole Europe. Finally, his evil ambition came intono result besides the revilement from the all human being. The example issufficient to illustrate that not every means can be used when on the pursuitof a goal. We would better weigh the results may occur.

Therefore, we should settle down aproper goal which meets the exact factor of ourselves and any means adopted forthat should not run beyond the basic morality and laws. Otherwise we will probably achievenothing and even lose more.(还是对于不择手段的人的危害啊,那这样的话第二段的论证就要改,改成对自己的危害) Just consider a younglingjust beginning his career. If he is eager for a great deal of money, it is thebest way for him that work hard and put himself into the job. If he chooses tosteal from or rob others, it is sure that he will be sentenced to prison,losing freedom and career, let alone money. In a sense, the youngling's goalmay be unworthy with such kind of effect. What achieves a goal is not someshortcut that may offense laws or morality but the persistent effect and firmdetermination. Any illegal or immoral adoption may cost something even moreworthy.(提出解决方案)

All in all,everyone should keep insistent effect and try all best for the goal which isworthy but some means which would possibly results in committing a crime oroffense others' rights or profits should be prevented. We should find the goalsuitable for us and lead a proper way to achieve it.(结尾可以升华一下,不要简单地总结)


[ 本帖最后由 woodman 于 2007-8-3 22:02 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-3 20:18:47 |只看该作者
1 当目标值得时,应该不懈的尝试各种方式去追求
2 但不择手段有时候会伤害的别人的利益和社会的稳定(正如puding所说,首段要改一下)
3 我们应该采取正确的方法来实现目标


使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-8-3 02:55:13 |只看该作者
Shall we take any means to achieve our goal since it is worthy? The speaker asserts so, which, however, I cannot agree with. It is the encouraging way that try(tries) our all best to attain the goal but sometimes certain improper methods would probably just make an opposite effect. It should be determined on(是这个介词吗?我怎么记得是by) a case-by-case basis.

When one aims at one definite worthwhile goal, he/she should try his/her best to achieve it, no matter how many difficulties lie in way ahead. On each way of pursuing a certain goal, setbacks would be come across more or less. Few people can fulfill their dream just by a single way but trying every method they can. Without such steady determination and passion, a large amount of great achievements would have aborted halfway. Beethoven, the greatest composer of his day, whose music formed a transition from classical to romantic composition, is a case in point. Beethoven began to lose his hearing during his career but he never gave up his creation work. Even after been totally deaf, he still insisted on working by feeling the shake of a wood stick in mouth, touching the piano keys. Without so firm determination, the glorious and outstanding 5th symphony would be never born. Therefore, when have a definite and worthy goal in heart, one should try all means to achieve that.为了强调其正面效果

The accomplishment of a goal is important, however, some improper and immoral methods may let us lose even more, which probably means the goal is not "worthy". Any activity towards a certain objective should be conducted under the condition that it does not hurt other people's rights and interests and societal stability or that activity may deserve no support and destroy itself finally. In the second world war(要大写), with the goal of dominating the whole Europe, the cruel ruler Hitler presses a autarchy on the common populace and brought a distressful disaster to the whole Europe. Finally, his evil ambition came into no result besides the revilement from the all human being. 这里我觉得你强调一下Hitler的goal是什么,怎么达到好点,偶没搞明白啊。。因为它的goal-如果是征服世界的话-本身就是immoral的, 那么我觉得涉及到的means也是imoral的, 这里就没有个程度问题了, 你总不能说要把means限制在合法的范围内让他去统一世界吧。不知你怎么想的,可能我理解偏了;但是把goal 和 means 在例子中指出来我觉得是必要的。The example is sufficient to illustrate that not every means can be used when on the pursuit of a goal. We would better weigh the results may occur.不择手段所带来的危害,开头的make an opposite effect看似是对于不择手段的人来说的,可这里的危害却是对于其他人的,开头最好能改一下。

Therefore, we should settle down a proper goal (有点明白你的思路了,你好像把goal 分成worthy 与否 然后 means  moral 和immoral了, 上段就是讲improper goal; 但是我感觉对goal这样划分的话不太好吧...)which meets the exact factor of ourselves and any means adopted for that should not run beyond the basic morality and laws. Otherwise we will probably achieve nothing and even lose more.(还是对于不择手段的人的危害啊,那这样的话第二段的论证就要改,改成对自己的危害) Just consider a youngling just beginning his career. If he is eager for a great deal of money, it is the best way for him that work hard and put himself into the job. If he chooses to steal from or rob others, it is sure that he will be sentenced to prison, losing freedom and career, let alone money. In a sense, the youngling's goal may be unworthy with such kind of effect. What achieves a goal is not some shortcut that may offense laws or morality but the persistent effect and firm determination. Any illegal or immoral adoption may cost something even more worthy.(提出解决方案)

All in all, everyone should keep insistent effect and try all best for the goal which is worthy but some means which would possibly results in committing a crime or offense others' rights or profits should be prevented. We should find the goal suitable for us and lead a proper way to achieve it.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-8-3 02:06:29 |只看该作者
Shall we take any means to achieve our goal since it is worthy? The speaker asserts so, which, however, I cannot agree with. It is the encouraging way that try(tries) our all best to attain the goal but sometimes certain improper methods would probably just make an opposite effect. It should be determined on(是这个介词吗?我怎么记得是by) a case-by-case basis.

When one aims at one definite worthwhile goal, he/she should try his/her best to achieve it, no matter how many difficulties lie in way ahead. On each way of pursuing a certain goal, setbacks would be come across more or less. Few people can fulfill their dream just by a single way but trying every method they can. Without such steady determination and passion, a large amount of great achievements would have aborted halfway. Beethoven, the greatest composer of his day, whose music formed a transition from classical to romantic composition, is a case in point. Beethoven began to lose his hearing during his career but he never gave up his creation work. Even after been totally deaf, he still insisted on working by feeling the shake of a wood stick in mouth, touching the piano keys. Without so firm determination, the glorious and outstanding 5th symphony would be never born. Therefore, when have a definite and worthy goal in heart, one should try all means to achieve that.为了目标我们应该不畏挫折,不懈努力

The accomplishment of a goal is important, however, some improper and immoral methods may let us lose even more, which probably means the goal is not "worthy". Any activity towards a certain objective should be conducted under the condition that it does not hurt other people's rights and interests and societal stability or that activity may deserve no support and destroy itself finally. In the second world war(要大写), with the goal of dominating the whole Europe, the cruel ruler Hitler presses a autarchy on the common populace and brought a distressful disaster to the whole Europe. Finally, his evil ambition came into no result besides the revilement from the all human being. The example is sufficient to illustrate that not every means can be used when on the pursuit of a goal. We would better weigh the results may occur.不择手段所带来的危害,开头的make an opposite effect看似是对于不择手段的人来说的,可这里的危害却是对于其他人的,开头最好能改一下。

Therefore, we should settle down a proper goal which meets the exact factor of ourselves and any means adopted for that should not run beyond the basic morality and laws. Otherwise we will probably achieve nothing and even lose more.(还是对于不择手段的人的危害啊,那这样的话第二段的论证就要改,改成对自己的危害) Just consider a youngling just beginning his career. If he is eager for a great deal of money, it is the best way for him that work hard and put himself into the job. If he chooses to steal from or rob others, it is sure that he will be sentenced to prison, losing freedom and career, let alone money. In a sense, the youngling's goal may be unworthy with such kind of effect. What achieves a goal is not some shortcut that may offense laws or morality but the persistent effect and firm determination. Any illegal or immoral adoption may cost something even more worthy.(提出解决方案)

All in all, everyone should keep insistent effect and try all best for the goal which is worthy but some means which would possibly results in committing a crime or offense others' rights or profits should be prevented. We should find the goal suitable for us and lead a proper way to achieve it.


使用道具 举报

RE: Issue212 勇往直前13th作业bynbta03 [修改]
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Issue212 勇往直前13th作业bynbta03
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