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[i习作temp] issue147....欢迎来拍... [复制链接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2005-8-12 13:50:08 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
147. "Tradition and modernization are incompatible. One must choose between them."

2. 但是tradition和modernization也不是incompatible的,
(1)。 Modernization 很大程度上是丰富人们的物质生活,而tradition流传到现在的更多的与文化相关。
(2)。 Modernization在精神方面的变革还需要tradition 里面的那些经典来约束以防止入歧途。

   Are tradition and modernization exclusive, just as fire to water? Facing this complex issue, any extreme response would be improper. Basically, I have to acknowledge that there are indeed some conflicts between tradition and modernization, but, relying on further analysis, I should point out that they are compatible in most cases, and they can enrich the maturity of each other.
   Admittedly, in some certain occasions, tradition and modernization are incompatible, especially, tradition may lay obstacles on the process of modernization. For example, the deficiency of traditional medicine could possibly disturb the spread of modern medical treatments. As for thousands of years’ application of formal methods of treatments, people are stick to original treatment. In addition, knowing that they can partly recover by formal treatments, any individuals would avoid risks of experiencing medical failure of the news methods. To this extent, the process of modernization is disturbed and delayed by traditional persistence.
   However, in most cases, tradition and modernization are compatible, for they have the same target- promoting the quality of people’s lives. And the reason for this point lies in two aspects as follows.
   In the first place, modernization, to large extent, has the function of enrich the quality and quantity of people’s material lives, while, as complement, tradition, passing down between generations, has close relationship with the culture and some other spiritual things. The process of modernization always begins with the advancement of technology and natural science, which can contribute to great promotion in material life. And correlative spiritual developments, which are restrained by tradition, are not ensued with material promotion. So, the vital role that tradition plays in the period of cultural blank is obvious. For instance, in the period of reform and opening to the outside world in China, both the economy and technology are advancing in rapid rate, on contrary, cultural and spiritual developments are not accompanied with those achievements in economy and technology, so, in this occasion, the encouragements of protecting and inheriting traditional culture are great in need.
   To further extend this aspect, most traditional preservations are valuable possession in human spiritual realm, and the desertion of these would possibly lead to long-term cultural blanks, which, ultimately, scare the public. As analyzed above, before new types of public spirit coming into being, there are inevitable blanks, but hasty desertion of tradition would cause a lack of mental bailment chronically, and accordingly, all the citizens would feel lost and confused for a long time.
   Additionally, the evolutions in the fields of culture and public spirit, which are made in the process of modernization, should also be guided and restrained by classical part of tradition. Through extraordinarily long term of test, tradition is proved to be in most accordance with the benefit of the public. While, I can not extinguish the fatalness that modernization would cultivate certain deleterious spiritual trend. And, in the process of learning from others, accompanying with useful experience, the dross would encroach the achievements that modernization has ever made. In these circumstances, classical part of tradition can protect modernization from being ruined by inhibiting those harmful points.
   To sum up, even of some tiny conflicts between tradition and modernization, they are fundamentally compatible. In addition, we should refer to tradition for guide, assistance, complement and restriction in the whole process of modernization.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-13 01:20:42 |只看该作者
   Are tradition and modernization exclusive, just as fire to water这个表达地道么?别忘了告诉我? Facing this complex issue, any extreme response would be improper. Basically, I have to acknowledge that there are indeed some conflicts between tradition and modernization, but, relying on further analysis, I should point out that they are compatible in most cases, and they can enrich the maturity of each other.本来以为长句子要晕~没想到还挺清晰的~表扬一下
   Admittedly, in some certain occasions, tradition and modernization are incompatible, especially, tradition may lay obstacles on the process of modernization. For example, the deficiency of traditional medicine could possibly disturb the spread of modern medical treatments. As for thousands of years’ application of formal methods of treatments, people are stick to original treatment. In addition, knowing that they can partly recover by formal treatments, any individuals would avoid risks of experiencing medical failure of the news methods. To this extent, the process of modernization is disturbed and delayed by traditional persistence.还不错~觉得例子不够vivid呵呵不过听好的了
   However, in most cases, tradition and modernization are compatible, for they have the same target- promoting the quality of people’s lives. 这个在论证前说的好牵强~觉得像革命口号And the reason for this point lies in two aspects as follows.
   In the first place, modernization, to large extent, has the function of enrich the quality and quantity of people’s material lives, while, as complement, tradition, passing down between generations, has close relationship with the culture and some other spiritual things. 大家是跟谁学的~广泛应用大长句……我正要改呢……The process of modernization always begins with the advancement of technology and natural science, which can contribute to great promotion in material life. And correlative spiritual developments, which are restrained by tradition, are not ensued with material promotion. So, the vital role that tradition plays in the period of cultural blank is obvious. For instance, in the period of reform and opening to the outside world in China, both the economy and technology are advancing in rapid rate, on contrary, cultural and spiritual developments are not accompanied with those achievements in economy and technology, so, in this occasion, the encouragements of protecting and inheriting traditional culture are great in need. 又是一个超长的句子
   To further extend this aspect, most traditional preservations are valuable possession in human spiritual realm, and the desertion of these would possibly lead to long-term cultural blanks, which, ultimately, scare the public. As analyzed above, before new types of public spirit coming into being, there are inevitable blanks, but hasty desertion of tradition would cause a lack of mental bailment chronically, and accordingly, all the citizens would feel lost and confused for a long time. 注意到你这段话只有两句话^_^!!
   Additionally, the evolutions in the fields of culture and public spirit, which are made in the process of modernization, should also be guided and restrained by classical part of tradition. Through extraordinarily好词! long term of test, tradition is proved to be in most accordance with the benefit of the public. While, I can not extinguish the fatalness that modernization would cultivate certain deleterious spiritual trend. And, in the process of learning from others, accompanying with useful experience, the dross would encroachthe achievements that modernization has ever made.闪光中  In these circumstances, classical part of tradition can protect modernization from being ruined by inhibiting those harmful points.
   To sum up, even of some tiny conflicts between tradition and modernization, 有点歧义 they are fundamentally compatible. In addition, we should refer to tradition for guide, assistance, complement and restriction in the whole process of modernization.


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使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-8-13 01:27:54 |只看该作者
  Are tradition and modernization exclusive, just as fire to water(好比喻!喜欢~)? Facing this complex issue, any extreme response would be improper. Basically, I have to acknowledge that there are indeed some conflicts between tradition and modernization, but, relying on further analysis, I should point out that they are compatible in most cases, and they can enrich(enhance) the maturity of each other.
   Admittedly, in some certain occasions, tradition and modernization are incompatible, especially, tradition may lay obstacles on the process of modernization. For example, the deficiency of(最好用reliance on吧) traditional medicine could possibly disturb the spread of modern medical treatments. As for thousands of years’ application of formal(former) methods of treatments, people are sticking to original treatment. In addition, knowing that they can partly recover by formalformer treatments, any(绝对了呵呵) individuals would avoid risks of experiencing medical failure of the news methods. To this extent, the process of modernization is disturbed and delayed by traditional persistence.(这个例子不错啊,收藏)
   However, in most cases, tradition and modernization are compatible, for they have the same target- promoting the quality of people’s lives. And the reason for this point lies in two aspects as follows(总起得好).
   In the first place, modernization, to large extent, has the function of enrich the quality and quantity(enrich 和这两者的搭配?) of people’s material lives, while, as complement, tradition, passing down between generations, has close relationship with the culture and some other spiritual things. The process of modernization always begins with the advancement of technology and natural science, which can contribute to great promotion in material life. And correlative spiritual developments, which are restrained by tradition, are(may) not ensued with material promotion. So, the vital role that tradition plays in the period of cultural blank is obvious(这句啥意思?). For instance, in the period of reform and opening to the outside world in China, both the economy and technology are advancing in rapid rate, on the contrary, cultural and spiritual developments are not accompanied with those achievements in economy and technology, so, in this occasion, the encouragements of protecting and inheriting traditional culture are great in need.
(这段的思路很好也,偶怎么就想不到这一层上呢!不过论证的有点问题啊,总觉得结尾还缺点什么!是不是该说when emphasizing on the development of mordern technology and economic, 对传统的****is also important)
   To further extend this aspect, most traditional preservations are valuable possessions in human spiritual realm, and the desertion of these would possibly lead to long-term cultural blanks, which, ultimately, scare the public. As analyzed above, before new types of public spirit coming into being, there are inevitable blanks, but hasty desertion of tradition would cause a lack of mental bailment chronically, and accordingly, all the citizens would feel lost and confused for a long time(闪闪发光啊!).
   Additionally, the evolutions in the fields of culture and public spirit, which are made in the process of modernization, should also be guided and restrained by classical part of tradition. Through extraordinarily long term of test, tradition is proved to be in most accordance with the benefit of the public. While, I can not extinguish the fatalness that modernization would cultivate certain deleterious spiritual trend. And, in the process of learning from others, accompanying with useful experience, the dross would encroach the achievements that modernization has ever made(句中的转折有些生硬). In these circumstances, classical part of tradition can protect modernization from being ruined by inhibiting those harmful points.
   To sum up, even of some tiny conflicts between tradition and modernization, they are fundamentally compatible. In addition, we should refer to tradition for guide, assistance, complement and restriction in the whole process of modernization.




使用道具 举报

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-8-14 14:22:20 |只看该作者

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