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[i习作temp] Issue36 又一次限时失败,衰! [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-8-9 08:26:29 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE36 - "The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries."
WORDS: 537          TIME:限时失败        DATE: 2007-8-8
Words:602  修改:2007-8-8
Although the greatest individuals are recognized by those who live after them, for the reason that they are not be understood, I claim that some of them are recognized by their contemporaries.

Admittedly, the greatness of some individuals can not be decided by their contemporaries, since their mind and thought transcend their contemporaries. It happens usually when they could see through things that ordinary people cannot, and the public did not understand them. Many philosophers can serve as persuasive examples, such as Schopenhauer, whose philosophical ideas is different from the mainstream philosophy led by Hegel. During a long time, he was not accepted by the contemporaries, not only the ordinary public, but some other philosophers. However, as time passed, people ultimately find that there are some very distinguished thought in his philosophical system, although it is completely different from the Hegel's. Still, many people cannot understand him or can not accept his philosophy completely, but they recognize his greatness, for the reason that he is not only an independent thinker, but also offers totally new ways of thinking, which is the most important to the world. In this sense, those philosophers can not be recognized by their contemporaries because they provide different ways of thinking, which cannot be understood by the public.

Still, there is another group of great individuals who are also unaccepted by their contemporaries, because they expressed their idea in a different way, including some excellent artists, such as Van Gogh. It has long been accepted that Van Gogh were suffered some special mental disease, and maybe that is why his paintings are different from any contemporary artists. Although his contemporaries did not understand him, his works are very popular in recent days, since more and more people began to understand and appreciate the special way of conveying ideas and values. Therefore, many great individuals are not decided by their contemporaries, since their ways of thinking or expressing are quite different, while those who live after them can be more tolerant and have a broader sight to accept them.

However, although many great individuals were not recognized at their time, a number of them are understood and accepted by their contemporaries, especially some great politicians. The politicians, who want to be successful, have to try their best to make their political ideas be understood by the public. Otherwise, the public will not believe that the politician can run the government well, so they will not choose the politician. In that case, the greatness of the politician will never be understood, for the reason that his political ideas and values can not be realized. Churchill, the former British Premiere, made a great effort and let his people know that by cooperating with some other countries, Britain could fight with the Nazi and won the Second World War. Then, the British understood him and believe that only by fighting could they lead peaceful lives again. Supposed that he failed to persuade his people to understand him and recognize him, he may not be able to become one of the most popular Premieres in Britain, and his greatness may not be accepted. Therefore, the greatness of many individuals can be decided by their contemporaries, especially for those who need the support of their contemporaries. Besides, they may not be known by those who live after them if they were not be accepted by their contemporaries.

In conclusion, it is hasty to say whether the greatness of individuals can only be decided by those who live after them or their contemporaries, since it depends on whether they should be understood by their contemporaries.


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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-8-10 12:20:04 |只看该作者

TOPIC: ISSUE36 - "The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries."WORDS: 537          TIME:限时失败        DATE: 2007-8-8Words:602  修改:2007-8-8Although the greatest individuals are recognized by those who live after them, for the reason that they are not be[删去be] understood, I claim that some of them are recognized by their contemporaries.如果是不完全同意,这里although那里加一some,或者在claim这一句中加一also?不然观点不是那么明确。Admittedly, the greatness of some individuals can not be decided by their contemporaries, since their mind and thought transcend[这个词的两边对象不平等,加个that of吧?] their contemporaries. It happens usually when they could see through things that ordinary people cannot, and the public did not understand them. Many philosophers can serve as persuasive examples, such as Schopenhauer, whose philosophical ideas is[were] different from the mainstream philosophy led by Hegel. During a long time, he was not accepted by the contemporaries, not only the ordinary public, but some other philosophers. However, as time passed, people ultimately find that there are some very distinguished thought in his philosophical system, although it is completely different from the Hegel's. Still, many people cannot understand him or can not accept his philosophy completely, but they recognize his greatness, for the reason that he is not only an independent thinker, but also offers totally new ways of thinking, which is the most important to the world. In this sense, those philosophers can not be recognized by their contemporaries because they provide different ways of thinking, which cannot be understood by the public.Still, there is another group of great individuals who are also unaccepted by their contemporaries, because they expressed their idea in a different way, including some excellent artists, such as Van Gogh. It has long been accepted that Van Gogh were suffered[直接主动语态吧?suffer from] some special mental disease, and maybe that is why his paintings are different from any contemporary artists. Although his contemporaries did not understand him, his works are very popular in recent days, since more and more people began to understand and appreciate the special way of conveying ideas and values. Therefore, many great individuals are not decided[decided不行哦,决定这个词,用在人身上了,还是the greatness吧。] by their contemporaries, since their ways of thinking or expressing are quite different, while those who live after them can be more tolerant and have a broader sight to accept them.However, although many great individuals were not recognized at their time, a number of them are understood and accepted by their contemporaries, especially some great politicians. The politicians, who want to be successful, have to try their best to make their political ideas be[删,make后面可以加被动式,当做前面的名词的形容词] understood by the public. Otherwise, the public will not believe that the politician can run the government well, so they will not choose[vote for更好一点吧] the politician. In that case, the greatness of the politician will never be understood, for the reason that his political ideas and values can not be realized. Churchill, the former British Premiere, made a great effort and let his people know that by cooperating with some other countries, Britain could fight with the Nazi and won the Second World War. Then,[不好,when?当英国人民决定相信他的时候,他得到机会实现他的政治理想,同时得以展现自身价值这样的意思放在这里要好一点?你觉得呢?] the British understood him and believe that only by fighting could they lead peaceful lives again. Supposed that he failed to persuade his people to understand him and recognize him, he may not be able to become one of the most popular Premieres in Britain, and his greatness may not be accepted.[accept不好,没机会当首相就没有公众能见识的魅力。]Therefore, the greatness of many individuals can be decided by their contemporaries, especially for those who need the support of their contemporaries. Besides, they may not be known by those who live after them if they were not be accepted by their contemporaries.In conclusion, it is hasty to say whether the greatness of individuals can only be decided by those who live after them or their contemporaries, since it depends on whether they should[should不是很好哦,好象是contemporaries能不能理解他们。对于哲学家和艺术家,不被同代人理解就不被承认;对政治家只有被理解才有机会实现自己个人的伟大。一个should,难道理解哲学家和艺术家是不应该的吗??提出思想总是希望被接受的吧?] be understood by their contemporaries.


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