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[i习作temp] Issue120 互改留链 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-8-15 19:57:11 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE120 - "So much is new and complex today that looking back for an understanding of the past provides little guidance for living in the present."
WORDS: 548          TIME: 0:45:00          DATE: 2007-8-15

Some people once asked: "Why does the classical music of Mozart still attract so many people?" The answer is "Because the human nature almost does not change after such a long time." Therefore, although I agree that with the great development, the society is new and complex today, looking back for an understanding of the past still provides guidance for living in the present, for the reason that human nature almost remains the same and some circumstances of today are similar to what have happened.

I concede that the society is new and complex, with the development of technology and the changes on human mind. For one thing, after the Industrial Revolution, the everyday life changes a lot.  For instance, nowadays people can make friends on the Internet, which is impossible in the past. But the new way of making friends also gives rise to some new problems. Since one may have no idea of the people on the other side, some bad guys can use the method to cheat their so-called friends. Thus, many people do not know whether they should believe others on the net or not, which may never happen before the invention of Internet. Apart from threatening to the individuals, the new technology sometimes also threatens the whole society. With the invention of Atomic Bomb, the international situations become more complicated. Although the countries with Atomic Bomb usually claim that they will not use the A. Bomb unless the most dangerous situations come, those who do not have the technologies still feel unsafe, and some of them are still trying to make the Atomic.Bomb, which also threatens the worldwide peace. Thus, with the development of society, especially technology, the society is much new and complex nowadays.

Even if so much is new and complex today, the experience and knowledge of the past still provide us guidance for living in the present, since the human nature does not change very much, and people often come across the same situation as before. For the individual, although the change of society leads to some new ways of making friends, the essence, such as sincerity, does not change. Those who cheat others may succeed within a short time, but as time passed, they will find that they have no friends at last. Thus, although the society has become more complex than before, some essential things do not change. As for the peace of all human beings, the understanding of the past provides the guidance of no war. In the two world wars, almost all people in the world led very poor and miserable lives. The experience of that kind of life often reminds people that war brings about nothing but permanent pains. Although the situation in the Mid-East is still not stable, some terrorists and totalitarians still have the power over some regions or countries, most people in the world are asking for the peace. Therefore, the experience of the past still guides human how to live in the present.

Although the society has become newer and more complex with the development of technology and human mind, looking back for an understanding of the past still provides guidance, for the reason that human nature does not change a lot and they often come across the same situation as before.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-8-17 19:15:59 |只看该作者

TOPIC: ISSUE120 - "So much is new and complex today that looking back for an understanding of the past provides little guidance for living in the present."

WORDS: 548          TIME: 0:45:00          DATE: 2007-8-15

Some people once asked: "Why does the classical music of Mozart still attract so many people?" The answer is "Because the human nature almost does not change after such a long time." Therefore, although I agree that with the great development, the society is new and complex today, looking back for an understanding of the past still provides guidance for living in the present, for the reason that human nature almost remains the same and some circumstances of today are similar to what have happened[这个不好,什么已经发生过?是事件。环境不用happen的吧。存在过的].

I concede that the society is new and complex, with the development of technology and the changes on[用这个介词是想说科技改变人的思想?] human mind. For one thing, after the Industrial Revolution, the everyday life changes a lot.  For instance, nowadays people can make friends on the Internet, which is impossible in the past. But the new way of making friends also gives rise to some new problems. Since one may have no idea of the people on the other side, some bad guys can use the method to cheat their so-called friends. Thus, many people do not know whether they should believe others on the net or not, which may never happen before the invention of Internet. Apart from threatening to the individuals, the new technology sometimes also threatens the whole society. With the invention of Atomic Bomb, the international situations become more complicated. Although the countries with Atomic Bomb usually claim that they will not use the A. Bomb unless the most dangerous situations come, those who do not have the technologies still feel unsafe, and some of them are still trying to make the Atomic Bomb, which also threatens the worldwide peace. Thus, with the development of society, especially technology, the society is much new and complex nowadays.[我觉得复杂性没有得到很好的表现。原子弹只是表明了世界安全受到威胁了。复杂性应该可以从全球化经济,一个国家可以影响整个世界经济,比如911时候,美国被炸,世界经济,股市什么的就有波动。很多环境问题都需要各国合作。很多问题不是一个国家能做主的。比如口蹄疫,非典都是世界合作。但是同时国家之间的竞争也日益激烈。在古代就不一样,国与国之间影响是很小的]

Even if so much is new and complex today, the experience and knowledge of the past still provide us guidance for living in the present, since the human nature does not change very much, and people often come across the same situation as before. For the individual, although the change of society leads to some new ways of making friends, the essence, such as sincerity, does not change. Those who cheat others may succeed within a short time, but as time passed[时态没有对], they will find that they have no friends at last. Thus, although the society has become more complex than before, some essential things do not change. As for the peace of all human beings, the understanding of the past provides the guidance of no war. In the two world wars, almost all people in the world led very poor and miserable lives. The experience of that kind of life often reminds people that war brings about nothing but permanent pains. Although the situation in the Mid-East is still not stable,[这里差一些连接的东西,不然,三个独立的句子揉在一起了] some terrorists and totalitarians still have the power over some regions or countries, most people in the world are asking for the peace.[这里的the就不要了吧] Therefore, the experience of the past still guides human how to live in the present.

[虽然写in sum之类的话,写到恶心。但是为了段之间的连贯性,还是建议写上一些这样的词]Although the society has become newer and more complex with the development of technology and human mind, looking back for an understanding of the past still provides guidance, for the reason that human nature does not change a lot and they often come across the same situation as before.

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