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[i习作temp] Issue141 互改留链 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-8-17 22:56:40 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE141 - "Most people recognize the benefits of individuality, but the fact is that personal economic success requires conformity."
WORDS: 503          TIME: 0:45:00          DATE: 2007-8-17

In a society filled with information and rules, it is hard to maintain individuality. Therefore, individuality are recognized to bring benefits to the individual. And I claim that individuality, along with conformity, are both required to personal economic success.

The individuality, which means independence, creativity, difference and skeptics, brings about many benefits to one. Most people in the society prefer to make friends with someone has the individuality, because they can deal with their own things very well and do not depend on others. Therefore, making friends with them and staying together with them are very pleasure thing, since few people would like to be with someone always depend on them and ask for help, which is a very tough thing. Besides, because those who with individuality have independent mind, they do not like to conform to the existing rules. In many fields, those who with individuality can have many new findings or create very good works, since they keep a skeptical attitude to the existing things and believe that they will find the truth by themselves. For example, Galileo, who challenged the theories of Aristotle, is a man with individuality. Although his theory was not accepted during a short time, people finally found his greatness. Therefore, the individuality does give the one many benefits, for the reason that one can differ from others and keep the independence and skeptics.

As is mentioned above, the individuality brings about benefits, but how about the personal economic success? In the statement, conformity is emphasized, but I maintain that both individuality and conformity are vital to the personal economic success, and one should keep a balance. For one thing, the individuality is crucial to personal economic success, because the new ideas of those who with individuality can lead to the economic success. In the business field, the most successful businessmen are those who have insightful perceptions and can stick to their own ideas. To the contrary, many people do not success because they always follow the choices of others, and can not find what is the most profitable. Considering the importance of independent judgment and persistence, individuality is required to obtain personal economic success.

For another, conformity should never be overlooked, because the excess of individuality can also cause fiasco. Those who seek for the personal economic success should conform to the basic laws and rules in the society, because those who break the rules will receive severe punishment. Many examples in the business world can demonstrate that: the Enron Corp, one of the most profitable companies in the U.S. several years before, finally failed because it did not obey the laws. And the president of the company lost all his money and was arrested. Thus, conformity to the basic rules in many fields is required to success; otherwise, everything may lose overnight.

I agree the benefits of individuality in the modern society, because it usually means a mature and independent mind. Further, when seeking for the personal economic success, one need both individuality and conformity.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-8-19 18:35:34 |只看该作者

TOPIC: ISSUE141 - "Most people recognize the benefits of individuality, but the fact is that personal economic success requires conformity."

WORDS: 503          TIME: 0:45:00          DATE: 2007-8-17

In a society filled with information and rules, it is hard to maintain individuality. Therefore,[这里的因为所以不是象你自己想的那么明显。] individuality areàis recognized to bring benefits to the individual. And I claim that individuality, along with conformity, are both required to[这个介词没有用对。似乎for要好些] personal economic success.

The individuality, which means independence, creativity, difference and skeptics, brings about many benefits to one. Most people in the society prefer to make friends with someone has the individuality, because they can deal with their own things very well and do not depend on others. Therefore, making friends with them and staying together with them are very pleasure thing[直接pleasure就好了], since few people would like to be with someone always depend on them and ask for help,[用动名词做定语。呵呵,这个观点不是这样吧?不知道你是怎么想的这个有个性?其实那种有自己主见的人和个性是不一样的??] which is a very tough thing. Besides, because those who[这个就不要了] with individuality have independent mind, they do not like to conform to the existing rules. In many fields, those who with individuality can have many new findings or create very good[很特别与好是不一样的] works, since they keep a skeptical attitude to the existing things and believe that they will find the truth by themselves. For example, Galileo, who challenged the theories of Aristotle, is a man with individuality. Although his theory was not accepted during a short time, people finally found his greatness. Therefore, the[泛指不用the。我觉得你好象经常加不必要的the] individuality does give the[同前] one many benefits, for the reason that one can differ from others and keep the independence and skeptics.[用形容词吧??这样用显得满累赘的]

As is mentioned above, the individuality brings about benefits, but how about the personal economic success? In the statement, conformity is emphasized, but[两个but太近了] I maintain that both individuality and conformity are vital to the personal economic success, and one should keep a balance. For one thing, the individuality is crucial to personal economic success, because the new ideas of those who with individuality can lead to the economic success. In the business field, the most successful businessmen are those who have insightful perceptions and can stick to their own ideas. To the contrary, many people do not success because they always follow the choices of others, and can not find what is the most profitable[这里有个例子比较好]. Considering the importance of independent judgment and persistence, individuality is required to obtain personal economic success.

For another, conformity should never be overlooked, because the excess of individuality can also cause fiasco[还是觉得太夸张地一个词]. Those who seek for the personal economic success should conform to the basic laws and rules in the society, because those who break the rules will receive severe punishment. Many examples in the business world can demonstrate that: the Enron Corp, one of the most profitable companies in the U.S. several years before, finally failed because it did not obey the laws. And the president of the company lost all his money and was arrested. Thus, conformity to the basic rules in many fields is required to success; otherwise, everything may lose overnight.

I agree the benefits of individuality in the modern society, because it usually means a mature and independent mind. Further, when seeking for the personal economic success, one need both individuality and conformity.

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