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[i习作temp] Issue87 限时成功 写得比较顺 高频 谢 [复制链接]

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


Aries白羊座 荣誉版主

发表于 2005-3-10 11:36:35 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
作者:寄托家园作文版普通用户     共用时间:41分41秒     736 words
In any field of inquiry, the beginner is more likely than the expert to make important discoveries.
If one looks carefully in the history of science, he/she may find out that it is usually the beginners rather than the experts in the fields of inquiry that make important discoveries and break the old disciplines. I fundamentally agree with the speaker that the beginners tend to contribute important discoveries more likely; however, the contribution of the beginner should not overrated and the function of experts in the process of inquiry should not be overlooked.

Why, people may wonder, do the beginners tend to make the discoveries more likely compared with the experts? As far as I am concerned, the reasons lie in the two ways: the personal condition and the restriction from the outside. Firstly, as we know, the beginners are often more enthusiastic and ambitious to "leave something in the page of history", since they are nobody until they make important discoveries and even awake a revolution in the field. Thus they might stay night to do experiments, work without relaxing for a week to analyze the authenticity of a result, and consume their private time and space to solve a problem. Meanwhile the experts, often aged, are necessary to sacrifice their health to do so; even if they are willing to dedicate themselves as the beginners do, they may have no such capability since the healthy condition and decease trouble.  The more time spent in inquiry, usually the more discoveries could be found. Therefore it is quite reasonable for the beginners to make important discoveries more often.

In addition, and the more important in my opinion, the beginners are disturbed less by the environment outside-- restraint, to be more exactly, from the public expectations and social view. For supporting examples one needs to look no further than the academic field in which the names of the beginners are always not referred while the names of the top scientists are titled in black often. Take Einstein, as one of the most famous physicist in the 20th Century. At the early time when he tried to solve the problem of time and space, no one else concerned what he was doing and to what extent his research went on. He could think himself without reports and interviews; also he was not afraid to make mistakes in the process; moreover, he could bravely raise a question towards the doctrine without the fear of loss in respect and reputation. However, later when he became the founders of Relativity Theory, he once said that he could never either find a quiet and peaceful place to have a profound thinking or make decision based on his own will rather than that of public, since "so many people are expecting me to do something to change their life". In all, the restriction outside fettered the experts the same time bringing tremendous reputation to the experts; therefore, compared with the experts, the beginner have more space to do things actually important and more courage to do things they think right and then to make discoveries.

However, it cannot be implied from the analysis above that the contribution of the beginners is more important and the experts are of no use. As Newton has mentioned (and I paraphrase):" I can see farer than my ancestors in science, since I am standing on the shoulder of the giants in scientific history." Obviously this enunciates the guidance and foundation contributed from the experts. Experts usually function as the leader of the team that they could sharply point out the potential opportunity of development and hidden problems under a seemingly perfect mask. Without them the beginner who have not formed a whole vision of the field and have been puzzled when facing with numerous possibility. The instances supporting this point of view are simple for any greenhand researcher in lab to list, especially the ones who are facing troubles and turning for professors' suggestion. When utilized properly, the beginners could avoid many troubles and misleading due to the help from experts. Thus the function of experts in the process of making discoveries should not be neglected.

To sum up, it is true that beginner tend to make discoveries more often based on my analysis above; however, the function of experts should not be blamed to nothing but wasteful. Only when the functions of these two are combined altogether and properly, can the important discoveries be found more likely, and much faster and more easily.
True love never runs smooth.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2005-3-10 11:39:33 |只看该作者
呵呵,占个头把交椅, 欣赏一下:)

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-3-10 12:10:15 |只看该作者
In any field of inquiry, the beginner is more likely than the expert to make important discoveries.
If one looks carefully in the history of science, he/she may find out that it is usually the beginners rather than the experts in the fields of inquiry that make important discoveries and break the old disciplines. I fundamentally agree with the speaker that the beginners tend to contribute important discoveries more likely; however, the contribution of the beginner should not overrated and the function of experts in the process of inquiry should not be overlooked.
(开头是想把范围限定在science 里面了吗?但是似乎第一句和第二句缺乏连贯性)
Why, people may wonder, do the beginners tend to make the discoveries more likely compared with the experts? As far as I am concerned, the reasons lie in the two ways: the personal condition and the restriction from the outside.(这句不错,赞一个:)) Firstly, as we know,(曾经在准备t作文得时候,记得听说as we know 的用法不太正式,从此就不太敢用了) the beginners are often more enthusiastic and ambitious to "leave something in the page of history", since they are nobody until they make important discoveries and even awake a revolution in the field. Thus they might stay night to do experiments, work without relaxing for a week to analyze the authenticity of a result, and consume their private time and space to solve a problem. Meanwhile the experts, often aged, are necessary to sacrifice their health to do so; even if they are willing to dedicate themselves as the beginners do, they may have no such capability since the healthy condition and decease trouble. (对于这一句, 认为不妥,试问experts一定是aged?这个问题我曾经也也样象过,不过后来我认为如果说;这些专家由于有些成果就有可能会作享其成,丧失了斗志。如果这样说的化是不是更好些呢??)The more time spent in inquiry, usually the more discoveries could be found. Therefore it is quite reasonable for the beginners to make important discoveries more often.

In addition, and the more important in my opinion, the beginners are disturbed less by the environment outside-- restraint, to be more exactly, from the public expectations and social view. For supporting examples one needs to look no further than the academic field in which the names of the beginners are always not referred while the names of the top scientists are titled in black often. Take Einstein, as one of the most famous physicist in the 20th Century. At the early time when he tried to solve the problem of time and space, no one else concerned what he was doing and to what extent his research went on. He could think himself without reports and interviews; also he was not afraid to make mistakes in the process; moreover, he could bravely raise a question towards the doctrine without the fear of loss in respect and reputation. However, later when he became the founders of Relativity Theory, he once said that he could never either find a quiet and peaceful place to have a profound thinking or make decision based on his own will rather than that of public, since "so many people are expecting me to do something to change their life". (这句话,据我理解这应该 更多的算外界的压力)In all, the restriction outside fettered the experts the same time bringing tremendous reputation to the experts; therefore, compared with the experts, the beginner have more space to do things actually important and more courage to do things they think right and then to make discoveries.

However, it cannot be implied from the analysis above that the contribution of the beginners is more important and the experts are of no use. As Newton has mentioned (and I paraphrase):" I can see farer than my ancestors in science, since I am standing on the shoulder of the giants in scientific history." Obviously this enunciates the guidance and foundation contributed from the experts. Experts usually function as the leader of the team that they could sharply point out the potential opportunity of development and hidden problems under a seemingly perfect mask. Without them the beginner who have not formed a whole vision of the field and have been puzzled when facing with numerous possibility. The instances supporting this point of view are simple for any greenhand researcher in lab to list, especially the ones who are facing troubles and turning for professors' suggestion. When utilized properly, the beginners could avoid many troubles and misleading due to the help from experts. Thus the function of experts in the process of making discoveries should not be neglected.
声明:一下为讨论,我认为你的让步似乎应该更多的联系expert和discover  的联系,指出尽管如上说论,但是专家在make discover上也是有一定优势的,而不是说专家到底的作用在那里。这样似乎不是本题所关注的。
To sum up, it is true that beginner tend to make discoveries more often based on my analysis above; however, the function of experts should not be blamed to nothing but wasteful. Only when the functions of these two are combined altogether and properly, can the important discoveries be found more likely, and much faster and more easily.

我就挑点刺,建议楼主考虑一下题目的discoveries, 在你的文章的后半部分(包括结尾)似乎这一点被忽略掉了。

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Rank: 16Rank: 16Rank: 16Rank: 16


Scorpio天蝎座 荣誉版主

发表于 2005-3-10 13:28:30 |只看该作者


In any field of inquiry, the beginner is more likely than the expert to make important discoveries.
If one looks carefully in the history of science, he/she may find out that it is usually the beginners rather than the experts in the fields of inquiry that make important discoveries and  breakthus crushing the old disciplinesrules or theories. I fundamentally agree with the speaker that the beginners tend to contribute important discoveries more likely; however, the contribution of the beginner should not be overrated and the function of experts in the process of inquiry should not be also overlooked.这次终于抢了先机,好好研究一下猫咪的文章;开头挺好的
我们在写issue的时候,往往带着让步的观点,我觉得既然是这样的话,那么应该是用although或者it is true that+要让步的句子;真正的中心意思在后面,而且我们在论述的时候同样和这个对应,大篇幅的去论证however的东西,而让步的只在开始或者最后(个人倾向后面让步)用admittedly这样的小段分析一下。我的启发点来源于GRE的阅读,我们知道GRE阅读中只要有however出现,那么意味着中心点的转移,在issue的论述中,如果用however这样的大词来转折是否会weaken论证的中心?探讨一下

Why, people may wonder, do the beginners tend to make the discoveries more likely compared with the experts? As far as I am concerned, the reasons lie in the two waysTwo reasons are salient: the personal conditionthe individual intrinsic quality and the restriction from the outside. Firstly first of all吧,另外,我记得当初看修辞的时候似乎firstly, secondly, thirdl(finally)y这样的词要对应搭配,你考证一下 as we know, the beginners are often more enthusiastic and ambitious to "leave something in the page of history", because they are not commonly reconcile to the current situation in which most of them are acknowledged little and because the only short way they can adopt is to make fabulous findings and discoveries that are about to lead to the amazing revolution in the field since they are nobody until they make important discoveries and even awake a revolution in the field. Thus they might stay night to do experiments, work without relaxing for a week to analyze the authenticity of a result, and consume their private time and space to solve a problem. Meanwhile the experts, often aged, are necessary to sacrifice their health to do so; even if they are willing to dedicate themselves as the beginners do, they may have no such capability since the healthy condition and decease trouble. The more time spent in inquiry, usually the more discoveries could be found. Therefore it is quite reasonable for the beginners to make important discoveries more often.这里你讲experts和beginners的心态的不同而引起结果的不同,而笔墨过重于描述于客观因素的,事实上,你再说完beginners之后,接着说experts他们年青的时候也是这样,但是后来思想逐渐的保守,不能也不愿突破自我,这样来分析主观原因更能吻合开头的quality,当然我这个地方用词可能有些不当,instrinct的东西很难变的,你可以考虑换个词来说

In addition, and the more important in my opinion,and..纯粹是凑字数,画蛇添足 the beginners are disturbed less by the environment outsideoutside这个词我早就想说,这么写也对,只是觉得environment around them更贴切一些,和后面一起可以写成the beginners are not easy to be disturbed by the environment around them in that a beginner, actually, will never be referred or focused on in the academic area when comparing to the experts-- restraint, to be more exactly, from the public expectations and social view. For supporting examples one needs to look no further than the academic field in which the names of the beginners are always not referred while the names of the top scientists are titled in black often. Take Einstein, as不要 one of the most famous physicists in the 20th Century,as an example. At the early time when he tried to solve the problem of time and space, no one else concerned what he was doing and to what extent his research went on. He could think himself without reports and interviews; also he was not afraid to make mistakes in the process; moreover, he could bravely raise a question towards the doctrine without the fear of loss in respect and reputation. However, later when he became the founders of Relativity Theory, he once said that he could never either find a quiet and peaceful place to have a profound thinking or make decision based on his own will rather than that of public, since "so many people are expecting me to do something to change their life". In all, the restriction outside fettered the experts the same time bringing tremendous reputation to the experts; therefore, compared with the experts, the beginner have more space to do things actually important and more courage to do things they think right and then to make discoveries.小爱的例子有点复杂,压缩一些,成名后很多的事情打扰了他的工作和休息以至于他没有时间和精力去思考科学领域的问题,所以beginners要充分利用这一点。

However, it cannot be implied from the analysis above that the contribution of the beginners is more important and the experts are of no use. As Newton has mentioned (and I paraphrase):" I can see farer than my ancestors in science, since I am standing on the shoulder of the giants in scientific history." Obviously this enunciates the guidance and foundation contributed from the experts. Experts usually function as the leader of the team that they could sharply point out the potential opportunity of development and hidden problems under a seemingly perfect mask. Without them the beginner who have not formed a whole vision of the field and have been puzzled when facing with numerous possibility. The instances supporting this point of view are simple for any greenhand researcher in lab to list, especially the ones who are facing troubles and turning for professors' suggestion. When utilized properly, the beginners could avoid many troubles and misleading due to the help from experts. Thus the function of experts in the process of making discoveries should not be neglected.

To sum up, it is true that beginner tend to make discoveries more often based on my analysis above; however, the function of experts should not be blamed to nothing but wasteful. Only when the functions of these two are combined altogether and properly, can the important discoveries be found more likely, and much faster and more easily.


三十而立 战战兢兢
如临深渊 如履薄冰

使用道具 举报

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-3-10 15:11:31 |只看该作者

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Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


Aries白羊座 荣誉版主

发表于 2005-3-10 15:11:48 |只看该作者
行了的, 我惯了~

承受不了的东西 最后还是会惯了的

谢谢楼上的各位 谢谢大家的意见

我的时间不多 还能不能进步 还能进步多少我都不知道
只能驽马十驾 功在不舍

True love never runs smooth.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2005-3-10 16:29:05 |只看该作者

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-3-10 17:46:19 |只看该作者
最初由 so猫 发布
行了的, 我惯了~

承受不了的东西 最后还是会惯了的

谢谢楼上的各位 谢谢大家的意见

我的时间不多 还能不?.

以下省略...... [/B]



使用道具 举报

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


Aries白羊座 荣誉版主

发表于 2005-3-10 18:22:18 |只看该作者
盲打而且平时练QQ 呵呵~~~
基本我都不判断单词怎么写 大概哪个单词那些字母的节奏都记得的

错几个不记得了 应该5-10个吧 有点多
True love never runs smooth.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-3-10 23:09:49 |只看该作者
If one looks carefully in the history of science, he/she may find out that it is usually the beginners rather than the experts in the fields of inquiry that make important discoveries and break the old disciplines. I fundamentally agree with the speaker that the beginners tend to contribute important discoveries more likely; however, the contribution of the beginner should not overrated and the function of experts in the process of inquiry should not be overlooked. (每次看你的开头,我都觉得特别新鲜,我的就都是千篇一律的)

Why, people may wonder, do the beginners tend to make the discoveries more likely compared with the experts? As far as I am concerned, the reasons lie in the two ways: the personal condition and the restriction from the outside.(个人觉得前面的应该放在第一段,这样结构可能会比较清晰一些吧) Firstly, as we know, the beginners are often more enthusiastic and ambitious to "leave something in the page of history", since they are nobody until they make important discoveries and even awake a revolution in the field. Thus they might stay night to do experiments, work without relaxing for a week to analyze the authenticity of a result, and consume their private time and space to solve a problem. Meanwhile the experts, often aged, are necessary to sacrifice their health to do so; even if they are willing to dedicate themselves as the beginners do, they may have no such capability since the healthy condition and decease trouble. The more time spent in inquiry, usually the more discoveries could be found. Therefore it is quite reasonable for the beginners to make important discoveries more often.(你的论证真的很好,而且usually和often的使用,让我很难找到你的问题。呵呵,但是如果有例子就更完美了)

In addition, and the more important in my opinion, the beginners are disturbed less by the environment outside-- restraint, to be more exactly, from the public expectations and social view.(中心句很清晰,很明了) For supporting examples one needs to look no further than the academic field in which the names of the beginners are always not referred while the names of the top scientists are titled in black often. Take Einstein, as one of the most famous physicist(s) in the 20th Century. At the early time when he tried to solve the problem of time and space, no one else concerned what he was doing and to what extent his research went on. He could think himself without reports and interviews; also he was not afraid to make mistakes in the process; moreover, he could bravely raise a question towards the doctrine without the fear of loss in respect and reputation. However, later when he became the founders of Relativity Theory, he once said that he could never either find a quiet and peaceful place to have a profound thinking or make decision based on his own will rather than that of public, since "so many people are expecting me to do something to change their life". (这个例子我有异议,他应该算是一个expert吧?又提出了一个问题,什么是beginner,什么是expert好像没有定义啊)In all, the restriction outside fettered the experts the same time bringing tremendous reputation to the experts; therefore, compared with the experts, the beginner have more space to do things actually important and more courage to do things they think right and then to make discoveries.

However, it cannot be implied from the analysis above that the contribution of the beginners is more important and the experts are of no use. As Newton has mentioned (and I paraphrase):" I can see farer than my ancestors in science, since I am standing on the shoulder of the giants in scientific history." Obviously this enunciates the guidance and foundation contributed from the experts. Experts usually function as the leader of the team that they could sharply point out the potential opportunity of development and hidden problems under a seemingly perfect mask. Without them the beginner who have not formed a whole vision of the field and have been puzzled when facing with numerous possibility. The instances supporting this point of view are simple for any greenhand researcher in lab to list, especially the ones who are facing troubles and turning for professors' suggestion. When utilized properly, the beginners could avoid many troubles and misleading due to the help from experts. Thus the function of experts in the process of making discoveries should not be neglected.

To sum up, it is true that beginner tend to make discoveries more often based on my analysis above; however, the function of experts should not be blamed to nothing but wasteful. Only when the functions of these two are combined altogether and properly, can the important discoveries be found more likely, and much faster and more easily.(结尾简洁,漂亮)


敬请排砖 :)

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发表于 2005-3-11 13:11:56 |只看该作者
最初由 so猫 发布
[B]If one looks carefully in the history of science, he/she may find out that it is usually the beginners " 有个替换词"novices rather than the experts in the fields of inquiry that make important discoveries and break the old disciplines. I fundamentally agree with the speaker that the beginners tend to contribute important fundamental/vital/  discoveries more likely; however, the contribution of the beginner should not overrated and the function of experts in the process of inquiry should not be overlooked.

Why, people may wonder, do the beginners tend to make the discoveries more likely compared with the experts? As far as I am concerned, I find the reasons lie in the two ways in the way 很容易让人理解成 档到. --> aspects : the personal condition and the restriction from the outside. Firstly, as we know, the beginners are often more enthusiastic and ambitious to "leave something in the page of history", since they are nobody until they make important discoveries and even awake a revolution in the field. Thus they might stay night -->all night through to do experiments, work without relaxing for a week or more to analyze the authenticity of a result, and consume their private time and space to solve a problem. Meanwhile the experts, often aged, are necessary to sacrifice their health to do so; even if they are willing to dedicate themselves as the beginners do, they may have no such capability since the healthy condition and decease trouble. The more time spent in inquiry, usually the more discoveries could be found. Therefore it is quite reasonable for the beginners to make important discoveries more often.列举些例子比较好. 猫猫的文笔不错.^_^

In addition, and the more important 通常重要的应该在前面.个人认为删除这个为好. in my opinion, the beginners are disturbed less by the environment outside-- restraint, to be more exactly, from the public expectations and social view -->views. For supporting examples one needs to look no further than the academic field in which the names of the beginners are always not referred while the names of the top scientists are titled in black often. Take Einstein as an instance, as -->regarded asone of the most famous physicist in the 20th Century. At the early time when he tried to solve the problem of time and space, no one else concerned what he was doing and to what extent his research went on. He could think himself without reports and interviews; also he was not afraid to make mistakes in the process; moreover, he could bravely raise a question towards the doctrine without the fear of loss in respect and reputation. However, later when he became the founders of Relativity Theory, he once said that he could never either find a quiet and peaceful place to have a profound thinking or make decision based on his own will rather than that of public, since "so many people are expecting me to do something to change their life". In all, the restriction outside fettered the experts the same time bringing tremendous reputation to the experts; therefore, compared with the experts, the beginner have more space to do things actually important and more courage to do things they think right and then to make discoveries.

However, it cannot be implied from the analysis above that the contribution of the beginners is more important and the experts are of no use. As Newton has mentioned (and I paraphrase):" I can see farer than my ancestors in science, since I am standing on the shoulder of the giants in scientific history." Obviously this enunciates the guidance and foundation contributed from the experts. Experts usually function as the leader of the team that they could sharply point out the potential opportunity of development and hidden problems under a seemingly perfect mask. Without them the beginner who have not formed a whole vision of the field and have been puzzled when facing with numerous possibility. The instances supporting this point of view are simple for any greenhand researcher in lab to list, especially the ones who are facing troubles and turning for professors' suggestion. When utilized properly, the beginners could avoid many troubles and misleading due to the help from experts. Thus the function of experts in the process of making discoveries should not be neglected.

To sum up, it is true that beginner tend to make discoveries more often based on my analysis above; however, the function of experts should not be blamed to nothing but wasteful. Only when the functions of these two are combined altogether and properly, can the important discoveries be found more likely, and much faster and more easily.


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