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issue83 互拍呀,努力拍呀 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-8-2 10:56:02 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even though these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people.
2。 公共荒地对科学研究作用很大

  Nowadays, in nearly all the countries, especially in the developing one, due to the pressure of the economic benefits and the expansion of population, more and more wilderness areas are used for the purpose of the human beings. However, as far as I concerned, government should preserve the wilderness areas in their natural state, no matter how fascinating the excuses of humans are.

  In the first place, the natural state of the publicly owned wilderness areas plays an important role in maintaining the balance of the ecologic environment, which is as fragile as the glasses and is easily damaged by human behavior. If it were broken, not only the local residents would be punished, but also even the whole world would be significantly influenced. For example, in northwest of China, where human exorbitant exploration of the grassland, such as cultivating, grazing, and hunting, has lasted for almost two hundred years, the water loss and soil erosion are considerably serious and makes these areas, which were covered by grass two hundred years ago, desert. Every spring, the sandstorm, which deeply influenced north China, and even Korea and Japan, starts from here, and cost nearly 3 billion for one year to the Chinese government. Although Chinese government has made several policies to protect the grassland from being destroyed by anthropogenic events, due to the overall damage in the past, the negative effect will last for at least 14 years.

  Secondly, the scientific research is obtained by the broken of the natural wilderness areas. As one of my geological professors once said (and I paraphrase):"Academically, the species living the wild are more valuable than the one fed by humans, because studying the wild animals and plants, the researchers can get a great mount of detailed information about biosphere. The abundant species and the complex relationships among them in the natural wilderness areas are indisputable fascinating to every scientist. If the natural state were destroyed by us human beings, we would have lost the invaluable wealth in the academy." This is also illustrates that the government should preserve the publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state.

  Unfortunately, until now, we have practiced little protection to the natural wild areas, especially in the developing country, the destroy of the natural wilderness areas is very serious. For example, in Beijing, there are 16 ski resorts sitting in the natural wild hills, which are the ecological protective screens of Beijing and play the essential role in defending the sand, fixing the sand and improving ecological environment and local conditions. The measureless land used as the ski resorts is lefted without any grass and tree, and the soil erosion is very serious. Last year, many medias such as China daily have reported this circumstance, but this year, besides the old one, there are two more ski resorts being constructed there.

  In conclusion, the natural wilderness areas are necessary for our environment and the scientific research, to protective the publicly owned areas in the natural state is the duty of every government,

[ Last edited by staralways on 2005-8-3 at 22:44 ]


9.6 武汉

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-8-2 16:23:16 |只看该作者
hi,i'm in Wuhan too, 9-14, i'm so glad to give you some advice

Nowadays, in nearly all the countries, especially in the developing one, due to the pressure of the economic benefits and the expansion of population, more and more wilderness areas are used for the purpose of the human beings(if you can move the "due to " to the end of sentence ,that will be better,besides, i prefer to use "destroyed" or "ruined " to "used" ). However(i don't think you should use this word here), as far as I concerned, government should preserve the wilderness areas in their natural state, no matter how fascinating the excuses of humans are.(This sentence is perfect ,however ,i think you should show you standpoint about whether the remote areas should be presverved in the first paragraph.)

  In the first place, the natural state of the publicly owned wilderness areas plays an important role in maintaining the balance of the ecologic environment, which is as fragile as the glasses and is easily damaged by human behavior. If it were broken, not only the local residents would be punished, but also even the whole world would be significantly influenced. For example, in northwest of China, where human exorbitant exploration of the grassland, such as cultivating, grazing, and hunting, has lasted for almost two hundred years, the water loss and soil erosion are considerably serious and makes these areas, which were covered by grass two hundred years ago, desert. Every spring, the sandstorm, which deeply influenced north China, and even Korea and Japan, starts from here(??not so good), and cost nearly 3 billion for one year to the Chinese government. Although Chinese government has made several policies to protect the grassland from being destroyed by anthropogenic events, due to the overall damage in the past, the negative effect will last for at least 14 years.( you give an excellent example ,while you don't give a nice comment. you'd better to present your attitude at the end of paragraph that ",,,government should ,,,,,")

  Secondly, the scientific research is obtained by the broken of the natural wilderness areas. As one of my geological professors once said (and I paraphrase):"Academically, the species living the wild are more valuable than the one fed by humans, because studying the wild animals and plants, the researchers can get a great mount of detailed information about biosphere. The abundant species and the complex relationships among them in the natural wilderness areas are indisputable fascinating to every scientist. If the natural state were destroyed by us human beings, we would have lost the invaluable wealth in the academy." This is also illustrates that the government should preserve the publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state.(good)

  Unfortunately, until now, we have practiced little protection to the natural wild areas, especially in the developing country, the destroy of the natural wilderness areas is very serious. For example, in Beijing, there are 16 ski resorts sitting in the natural wild hills, which are the ecological protective screens of Beijing and play the essential role in defending the sand, fixing the sand and improving ecological environment and local conditions. The measureless land used as the ski resorts is lefted without any grass and tree, and the soil erosion is very serious. Last year, many medias such as China daily have reported this circumstance, but this year, besides the old one, there are two more ski resorts being constructed there.

  In conclusion, the natural wilderness areas are necessary for our environment and the scientific research, to protective the publicly owned areas in the natural state is the duty of every government,

in this article,you give a good illustration that government should preserve the wilderness areas and you are  indeed persuasive,however,you never mentioned the "remote areas" .nevertheless, this is a rather good article with fluent sentences as well as  vivid structure.

welcom to my article,Thanks

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-8-2 20:26:24 |只看该作者


9.6 武汉

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-8-3 22:24:42 |只看该作者
Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even though these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people.
2。 公共荒地对科学研究作用很大

  Nowadays, in nearly all the countries, especially in the developing ones, due to the pressure of the economic benefits and the expansion of population, more and more wilderness areas are used for the purpose of the human beings. However, as far as I concerned, government should preserve the wilderness areas in their natural state, no matter how fascinating the excuses of humans are.

  In the first place, the natural state of the publicly owned wilderness areas plays an important role in maintaining the balance of the ecologic单词拼写错误 environment, which is as fragile as the glasses and is easily damaged by human behavior. If it were broken, not only the local residents would be punished, but also even the whole world would be significantly influenced.学习这个比喻! For example, in northwest of China, where human exorbitant exploration of the grassland, such as cultivating, grazing, and hunting, has lasted for almost two hundred years, the water loss and soil erosion are considerably serious and makes these areas, which were covered by 加个形容词如 thick grass two hundred years ago, desert. Every spring, the sandstorm, which deeply influenced north China, and even Korea and Japan, starts from here, and cost nearly 3 billion for one year to the Chinese government. Although Chinese government has made several policies to protect the grassland from being destroyed by anthropogenic events, due to the overall damage in the past, the negative effect will last for at least 14 years.

  Secondly, the scientific research is obtained by the broken of the natural wilderness areas. As one of my geological professors once said (and I paraphrase):"Academically, the species living the wild are more valuable than the one fed by humans, because studying the wild animals and plants, the researchers can get a great mount of detailed information about biosphere. The abundant species and the complex relationships among them in the natural wilderness areas are indisputable fascinating to every scientist. If the natural state were destroyed by us human beings, we would have lost the invaluable wealth in the academy." 引言很好!不过可以不用引那么长,把一些内容作为自己的解释,可以 This is also illustrates that the government should preserve the publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state.

  Unfortunately, until now, we have practiced little protection to the natural wild areas, especially in the developing country, the destroy of the natural wilderness areas is very serious. For example, in Beijing, there are 16 ski resorts sitting in the natural wild hills, which are the ecological protective screens of Beijing and play the essential role in defending the sand, fixing the sand and improving ecological environment and local conditions. The measureless land used as the ski resorts is lefted without any grass and tree, and the soil erosion is very serious. Last year, many medias such as China daily have reported this circumstance, but this year, besides the old one, there are two more ski resorts being constructed there. 能尽量找到外国的例子吗?都是中国的例子似乎不大好

  In conclusion, the natural wilderness areas are necessary for our environment and the scientific research, to protective the publicly owned areas in the natural state is the duty of every government,


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