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[感想日志] 1006G[redemption]备考贴 by lcv8006/小痴 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-1-24 22:21:22 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
房奴、车奴、孩奴...这不应该是我们的生活。 起来,不愿做奴隶的人们!!!

issue 5.0,argument 5.5


3、Issue 高频40篇,写作,批改。
4、argument 30篇,灵活运用模板,减少模板痕迹。

平时: 每天晚上4h,写作,修改
周末: 总结,集中突破。

最低要求:Issue 3.5,argument 4.0

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-1-25 20:40:13 |只看该作者

Essay Response  6 Score   红色为主题句,绿色为好句子

  In this era of rapid social and technological  change  leading to increasing life complexity and psychological displacement, both positive and negative effects among persons in Western society call for a balance in which there are both specialists and generalists. (开篇明意,点出主题)

Specialists are necessary in order to allow society as a whole to properly and usefully assimilate the masses of new information and knowledge that have come out of research and have been widely disseminated through mass global media[/color].(分论点1,专才是必须的) As the head of Pharmacology at my university once said (and I paraphrase):"I can only research what I do because there are so many who have come before me to whom I can turn for basic knowledge. It is only because of each of the narrowly focussed individuals at each step that a full and true  understanding of the complexities of life can be had. Each person can only hold enough knowledge to add one small rung to the ladder, but together we can climb to the moon."(举例,老师的话,我觉得当没有例子时,这是一个好办法。) This illustrates the point that our societies level of knowledge and technology is at a stage in which there simply must be specialists in order for our society to take advantage of the information available to us. (总结:唯有靠专才掌握知识和技术)
Simply put, without specialists, our society would find itself bogged down in the Sargasso sea of information overload. While it was fine for early physicists to learn and understand the few laws and ideas that existed during their times, now, no one individual can possibly digest and assimilate all of the knowledge in any given area. (如果没有专才,会怎么样。进一步阐述论点1)
On the other hand, Over specialization means narrow focii in which people can lose the larger picture[/color].(主题句,分论点2,专才的缺陷从而引出通才的重要)No one can hope to understand the human body by only inspecting one's own toe-nails. What we learn from a narrow focus may be internally logically coherent but may be irrelevant or fallacious within the framework of a broader perspective. Further, if we inspect only our toe-nails, we may conclude that the whole body is hard and white. Useful conclusions and thus perhaps useful inventions must come by sharing among specialists. Simply throwing out various discovieries means we have a pile of useless discoveries, it is only when one can make with them a mosaic that we can see that they may form a picture. (这一段体现了issue对逻辑关系的要求。)
Not only may over-specialization be dangerous in terms of the truth, purity and cohesion of  knowledge, but it can also serve to drown moral or universall issues[/color].(进一步论述分论点2,过于专才对社会的影响) Generalists and only generalists can see a broad enough picture to realize and introduce to the world the problems of the environment. With specialization, each person focusses on their research and their goals. Thus, industrialization, expansion, and new technologies are driven ahead. Meanwhile no individual can see the wholisitc view of our global existence in which true advancement may mean stifling individual specialists for the greater good of all.
  Finally, over-specialization in a people's daily lives and jobs has meant personal and psychological compartmentalization. (补充论述,对个人的影响)People are forced into pigeon holes early in life (at least by university) and must conciously attempt to consume external forms of stimuli and information in order not to be lost in their small and isolated universe. Not only does this make for narrowly focussed and generally pooprly-educated individuals, but it guarantees a sense of loss of community, often followed by a feeling of psychological displacement and personal dissatisfaction.

Without generalists, society becomes inward-looking and eventually inefficient. Without a society that recongnizes the impotance of braod-mindedness and fora for sharing generalities, individuals become isolated. Thus, while our form of society necessitates specialists, generalists are equally important. Specialists drive us forward in a series of thrusts while generalists make sure we are still on the jousting field and know what the stakes are. (最终结论)

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-1-25 20:41:31 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-1-25 21:44:39 |只看该作者
Issue 5
Specialists are not overrated today.  More generalists may be needed, but not to overshadow the specialists. (开篇点题,专才没有被高估)Generalists can provide a great deal of information on many topics of interest with a broad range of ideas.  People who look at the overall view of things can help with some of the large problems our society faces today.  But specialists are necessary to gain a better understanding of more in depth methods to solve problems or fixing things. (进一步阐述论点)
One good example of why specialists are not overrated is in the medical field.  Doctors are necessary for people to live healthy lives. When a person is sick, he may go to a general practitioner to find out the cause of his problems.  Usually, this kind of "generalized" doctor can help most ailments with simple and effective treatments. Sometimes, though, a sickness may go beyond a family doctor's knowledge or the prescribed treatments don't work the way they should.  When a sickness progresses or becomes diagnosed as a disease that requires more care than a family doctor can provide, he may be referred to a specialist. For instance, a person with constant breathing problems that require hospitalization may be suggested to visit an asthma specialist. Since a family doctor has a great deal of knowledge of medicine, he can decide when his methods are not effective and the patient needs to see someone who knows more about the specific problem; someone who knows how it begins, progresses, and specified treatments.  This is an excellent example of how a generalied person may not be equipped enough to handle something as well as a specialized one can. (举出医疗领域的例子来说明专才重要性)
Another example of a specialist who is needed instead of a generalist involves teaching.  In grammar school, children learn all the basic principles of reading, writing, and arithematic.  But as children get older and progress in school, they gain a better understanding of the language and mathematical processes.  As the years in school increase, they need to learn more and more specifics and details about various subjects. They start out by learning basic math concepts such as addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication. A few years later, they are ready to begin algebraic concepts, geometry, and calculus. They are also ready to learn more advanced vocabulary, the principles of how all life is composed and how it functions.  One teacher or professor can not provide as much in depth discussion on all of these topics as well as one who has learned the specifics and studied mainly to know everything that is currently known about one of these subjects.  Generalized teachers are required to begin molding students at a very early age so they can get ready for the future ahead of them in gaining more facts about the basic subjects and finding out new facts on the old ones. [/color](举出学校的例子进一步论证专才的重要

These are only two examples of why specialists are not highly overrated and more generalists are not necessary to the point of overshadowing them.  Generalists are needed to give the public a broad understanding of some things.  But , specialists are important to help maintain the status, health, and safety of our society.  Specialists are very necessary.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-1-25 22:15:17 |只看该作者
Hospital statistics regarding people who go to the emergency room after roller skating accidents indicate the need for more protective equipment[/color].(医院统计结果的代表性和客观性问题)  Within this group of people, 75 percent of those who had accidents in streets or parking lots were not wearing any protective clothing (helmets, knee pads, etc.) or any light-reflecting material (clip-on lights, glow-in-the-dark wrist pads, etc.). (错误假设,没有充分证据证明这些人是因为不戴防护而受的伤,有可能因为别的原因) Clearly, these statistics indicate that by investing in high-quality protective gear and reflective equipment, roller skaters will greatly reduce their risk of being severely injured in an accident. [/color](错误因果,投资防护用品和减少伤害之间没有因果关系,另外防护用品和伤害之间也没有因果关系。)

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-1-25 22:56:17 |只看该作者
6 Score

The notion that protective gear reduces the injuries suffered in accidents seems at first glance to be an obvious conclusion.
After all, it is the intent of these products to either provent accidents from occuring
in the first place or to reduce the injuries suffered by the wearer should an accident occur. However, the conclusion that investing in high quality protective gear greatly reduces the risk of being severely injured in an accident may mask other (and potentially more significant) causes of injuries and may inspire people to over invest financially and psychologically in protective gear.

First of all, as mentioned in the argument, there are two distinct kinds of gear - preventative gear (such as light reflecting material) and protective gear (such as helmets).
Preventative gear is intended to warn others, presumably for the most part motorists, of the presence of the roller skater.
It works only if the "other" is a responsible and caring individual who will afford the skater the necessary space and attention.
Protective gear is intended to reduce the effect of any accident, whether it is caused by an other, the skater or some force of nature. Protective gear does little, if anything, to prevent accidents but is presumed to reduce the injuries that occur in an accident.
The statistics on injuries suffered by skaters would be more interesting if the skaters were grouped into those wearing no gear at all, those wearing protective gear only, those wearing preventative gear only and those wearing both.
These statistics could provide skaters with a clearer understanding of which kinds of gear are more beneficial. (
通过详细分析protective 和preventative的区别,指出医院统计的客观性问题)

The argument above is weakened by the fact that it does not take into account the inherent differences between skaters who wear gear and those who do not.
If is at least likely that those who wear gear may be generally more responsible and/or safety conscious individuals.
The skaters who wear gear may be less likely to cause accidents through careless or dangerous behavior. It may, in fact, be their natural caution
and repsonsibility that keeps them out of the emergency room rather than the gear itself.
Also, the statistic above is based entirely on those who are skating in streets and parking lots which are relatively dangerous places to skate in the first place.
People who are generally more safety conscious (and therefore more likely to wear gear) may choose to skate in safer areas such as parks or back yards. (忽略了戴护具和不戴护具的人之间的差异。)

The statistic also goes not differentiate between severity of injuries.
The conclusion that safety gear prevents severe injuries suggests that it is presumed that people come to the emergency room only with severe injuries.
This is certainly not the case.
Also, given that skating is a recreational activity that may be primarily engaged in during evenings and weekends (when doctors' offices are closed), skater with less severe injuries may be especially likely to come to the emergency room for treatment.

Finally, there is absolutely no evidence provided that high quality (and presumably more expensive) gear is any more beneficial than other kinds of gear.
For example, a simple white t-shirt may provide the same preventative benefit as a higher quality, more expensive, shirt designed only for skating.
Before skaters are encouraged to invest heavily in gear, a more complete understanding of the benefit provided by individual pieces of gear would be helpful.

The argument for safety gear based on emergency room statistics could provide important information and potentially saves lives.
Before conclusions about the amount and kinds of investments that should be made in gear are reached, however, a more complete understanding of the benefits are needed.
After all, a false confidence in ineffective gear could be just as dangerous as no gear at all.

文章讲评中给出的错误是 1 that preventive and protective gear are not the same  
                                            2 that skaters who wear gear may be less prone to accidents because they are, by nature, more responsible and cautious        
                                            3 that the statistics do not differentiate by the severity of the injuries
                                            4  that gear may not need to be high-quality to be beneficial

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-1-25 23:14:59 |只看该作者
Argument  5 score

The argument presented is limited but useful.  It indicates a possible relationship between a high percentage
of accidents and a lack of protective equipment.  The statistics cited compel a further investigation of the
usefulness of protective gear in preventing or mitigating roller-skating related injuries.  However, the
conclusion that protective gear and reflective equipment would "greatly reduce.risk of being severely
injured" is premature.  Data is lacking with reference to the total population of skaters and the relative
levels of experience, skill and physical coordination of that population.  It is entirely possible that further
research would indicate that most serious injury is averted by the skater's ability to react quickly and
skillfully in emergency situations. (通过统计样品之间的差异指出样品的代表性)

Another area of investigation necessary before conclusions can be reached is identification of the types of
injuries that occur and the various causes of those injuries.  The article fails to identify the most prevalent
types of roller-skating related injuries.  It also fails to correlate the absence of protective gear and reflective
equipment to those injuries.

For example, if the majority of injuries are skin abrasions and closed-head
injuries, then a case can be made for the usefulness of protective clothing mentioned. Likewise, if injuries
are caused by collision with vehicles (e.g. bicycles, cars) or pedestrians, then light-reflective equipment
might mitigate the occurences. However, if the primary types of injuries are soft-tissue injuries such as
torn ligaments and muscles, back injuries and the like, then a greater case could be made for training and
experience as preventative measures.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-1-25 23:30:13 |只看该作者

212"If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable."
Should any means can be used to obtain a goal if it is worthy? Whatever the method is right or wrong on the legality and moral. It might be tempting to agree with the speaker, based on the people’s ambition in the cruel competition of the modern business society. However, a far more compelling argument can be made that, if a goal is worthy, we should spare no effort to attain it with the regular methods in legality and morality. As for me, I’m in favor of this argument for the following reasons.
First of all, it is totally reasonable to try our best to fulfill one of our ambitions if it is worthy. Because, the purposes, I maintain, promotes the progress of human society. There is a common question that almost be asked everyone of us when we are in childhood, which is “ what do you want to be when you grow up?’ Various answers should be taken by us, but no matter what they are, which are our primay purposes. When we really grow up, there are more purposes that we want to achieve. It can be say that the human’s life is the process to access his dream in childhood or other life period. Thus, the society was moved forward with the progress of people pursuing his or her object. For example, the North American colonists want to get their liberty, and the United States was born. Mandel suffered the prison for his “dream”, and the North Africa encountered the equality and harmony between black and white people.

Secondly, we should gain the goal through proper methods, which should be limited in the legality and mortal. Because it is disastrous to image the scene of our society that every one acquies what he or she wants without any regulation. If it advented to the world, all rules would be broken out, and violence would be evolved to be the only rule. Liberty, freedom, friendship, kindness…each moral that we cherished would be not existed.
Look at what has happened in some areas in this planet, when people’s desire was not under the control of the rules of legality and mortality, it would be the end of the world.
In addition, it should be encourged to chase one’s target in some creative ways. To limit does’t mean conseverative. People should not be obligeded
to achive his or her purposed by some means which has be given. We can do what we want to do if only which is illegal or immoral. Otherwise, some unnormal thinking or methods that differ from such as nowadays, may creat new regions or tools of science or technology. For instance, Watt want to use machine to provide motion instead of labors, then the steam machine was produced. And Thomas Edison prefer to use electric to lighten than gaslamp, then the electric bulb was born, and so on. Of course, the new skills and inventions should be under the limited of legality and moralty.

In conclusion, the arguer is too extreme for the attitude of the means to be taken to attain the goal. From what has been discussed above, we can safely draw the conclusion that, in modern society, we should take proper means to gain our goals if it was weathy. The initiative and creative ideas are encouraged but must be legal and moral.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-1-26 22:38:03 |只看该作者
212"If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable."
Should any means [url=]can[/url]
[z1] be used to obtain a goal if it is worthy? Whatever the method is right or wrong on the legality and moral. It might be tempting to agree with the speaker, based on the people’s ambition in the cruel competition of the modern business society. However, a far more compelling argument can be made that, if a goal is worthy, we should spare no effort to attain it with the regular methods in legality and morality. As for me, I’m in favor of this argument for the following reasons.

First of all, it is totally reasonable to try our best to fulfill one of our ambitions if it is worthy. [url=]Because, the purposes, I maintain, [/url][z2] promotes the progress of human society. There is a common question that almost be asked every one of us when we are in childhood, which is “what do you want to be when you grow up?’ [url=]Various answers should be taken by us, but no matter what they are, which are our primary purposes. [/url][z3] When we really grow up, there are more purposes that we want to achieve. It can be said that the human’s life is the process to access his dream in childhood or other life period. Thus, the society was moved forward with the progress of people pursuing his or her object. [url=]For example, the North American colonists want to get their liberty, and the United States was born. Mandel suffered the prison for his “dream”, and the North Africa encountered the equality and harmony between black and white people.[/url][z4]

Secondly, we should gain the goal through proper methods, which should be limited in the legality and mortal. Because it is disastrous to image the scene of our society that every one acquires what he or she wants without any regulation. If it adverted to the world, all rules would be broken out, and violence would be evolved to be the only rule. Liberty, freedom, friendship, kindness…each moral that we cherished would be not existed.
[url=]Look at what has happened in some areas in this planet, when people’s desire was not under the control of the rules of legality and mortality; it would be the end of the world. [/url]
In addition, it should be encouraged to chase one’s target in some creative ways. To limit doesn’t mean conservatives. People should not be obligated to achieve his or her purposed by some means which has been given. We can do what we want to do if only which is illegal or immoral. Otherwise, some unmoral thinking or methods that differ from such as nowadays may create new regions or tools of science or technology. For instance, Watt want to use machine to provide motion instead of labors, then the steam machine was produced. And Thomas Edison prefers to use electric to lighten than gas lamp, then the electric bulb was born, and so on. Of course, the new skills and inventions should be under the limited of legality and morality.
In conclusion, the arguer is too extreme for the attitude of the means to be taken to attain the goal. From what has been discussed above, we can safely draw the conclusion that, in modern society, we should take proper means to gain our goals if it wasis wealthyworthy. The initiative and creative ideas are encouraged but must be legal and moral.

worthy则应当take means to try(用美国建国的例子)








使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-1-26 22:40:25 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-1-26 22:55:58 |只看该作者
212"If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable."
Should any means can be used to obtain a goal if it is worthy? (Should any means be used to obtain a goal…) Whatever the method is right or wrong on (from) the legality and moral (aspects). It might be tempting to agree with the speaker, based on the people’s ambition in the cruel competition of the modern business society. However, a far more compelling argument can be made that, if a goal is worthy, we should spare no effort to attain it with the regular methods in legality and morality. As for me, I’m in favor of this argument for the following reasons. (提出观点)
First of all, it is totally reasonable to try our best to fulfill one of our ambitions if it is worthy. (论点一)Because, the purposes, I maintain, promotes the progress of human society. There is a common question that almost be asked everyone of us when we are in childhood(almost all of us has been asked in our childhood), which is “ what do you want to be when you grow up?’ Various answers should be taken by us, but no matter what they are, which are our primay( primary) purposes. When we really grow up, there are more purposes that we want to achieve. It can be say (said) that the human’s life is the process to access his dream in childhood or other life period. Thus, the society was moved forward with the progress of people pursuing his or her object. For example, the North American colonists want to get their liberty, and the United States was born. Mandel suffered the prison for his “dream”, and the North Africa encountered the equality and harmony between black and white people.(第一个论据有些牵强,段末的论据很好但是最好能再展开)
Secondly, we should gain the goal through proper methods, which should be limited in the legality and mortal.(论点二) Because it is disastrous to image the scene of our society that every one acquies(acquires) what he or she wants without any regulation. If it advented (adverted) to the world, all rules would be broken out, and violence would be evolved to be the only rule. Liberty, freedom, friendship, kindness…each moral that we cherished would be not existed. (论据貌似不太充分)
Look at what has happened in some areas in this planet, when people’s desire was not under the control of the rules of legality and mortality, it would be the end of the world. (too vague)

In addition, it should be encouraged (encouraged) to chase one’s target in some creative ways. (论点三)To limit does’t (doesn’t) mean conseverative (conservative). People should not be obligeded (obligated)to achive (achieve) his or her purposed (purpose) by some means which has be given. We can do what we want to do if only which is illegal or immoral. Otherwise, some unnormal (abnormal) thinking or methods that differ from such as nowadays, may creat (create) new regions or tools of science or technology. For instance, Watt want (wanted) to use machine to provide motion instead of labors, then the steam machine was produced. And Thomas Edison prefer (preferred) to use electric to lighten than gaslamp (gas lamp), then the electric bulb was born, and so on. Of course, the new skills and inventions should be under the limited (limitation) of legality and moralty.
In conclusion, the arguer is too extreme for the attitude of the means to be taken to attain the goal. From what has been discussed above, we can safely draw the conclusion that, in modern society, we should take proper means to gain our goals if it was weathy (worthwhile). The initiative and creative ideas are encouraged but must be legal and moral.

另外, pay attention to 单词,句式的多样性和时态

ps 正好和你相反,我逻辑弱势,语言还行,还望多多指教哦

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-1-26 23:53:15 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 lcv8006 于 2010-1-28 21:07 编辑


Issue 11"All nations should help support the development of a global university designed to engage students in the process of solving the world's most persistent social problems."

How to deal with the world’s most persistent social problem? To build up a global university designed to engage studentes in the process of solving it. At first glance, the issue seems to be appealing, yet is it proper to put such a heavy burden on a group of young men? As for me, a global university, to some extent, would be a good idea to settle some social question by enhancing the communication of young people. But it must be a idealist’s thinking to solve the world’s social problem entirely depending on it.

First of all, it is a significant idea to build a global university. No one can deny the fact that there are a great deal of conflicts in the world nowdays coming from misconceived and lack of communication. And I don’t think there are some people want their children to inherit such mistakes. Thus, a global university, many students with various backgrounds, coming from multiplex cultures, and saying different languages live in which. It would be a momentous chance to build up the friendship among adolescents all over the world. And it would be an available passport to solve some social problems of the world.

Nevertheless, in view of the presistent social problems, some of them are not formed only by misconstrued. It would be some history reasons and some beneficial contention,such as the conflict between Israel and Palestine, and somali pirates. And some of them may be caused by mistake, but it can not be resolved just by sufficient communication. So it is weakness to construct a globe university facing with such questions.

Moreover, Every nation has its own circumstance, and few problems allow for any permanent situation. Obviously, the social problems are totally different in different countries, even in different regions in one country. It is hard to define which is the major problem in a country. For some nations, it is indisputable that there are millions of people who still have a miserable life and have to face the dangers of starvation and explosure. Thus to survive is their most social problem. However, for some other countries, it is unbelievable to image the lack of food, water and cloth. The people in these countries has often put more energy on other problems, such as how to reduce crime, educate their children and others. Just as an old chinese idiom saying: “ each family has its own problem”. Likewise, the bigest problem of the world is to prevent wars in last century, but it is how to substantially develop nowadays. So it is impossible to solve all problems without according to the accurate situation of each country. And there are no such effective methods which have worked in one country must be useful in another country. Even if there is such a global university, how can we be sure that the advice from the student in the university is useful and reasonable at any situation.

From what have been discussed above, we can safely draw the conclusion: although there are some benefit to build up a globe university, it is uncertainty to pin all hopes on it.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-1-26 23:57:47 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 lcv8006 于 2010-1-28 20:28 编辑

https://bbs.gter.net/bbs/viewthre ... age=1#pid1773544245

https://bbs.gter.net/bbs/viewthre ... age=2#pid1773551207
https://bbs.gter.net/bbs/viewthre ... age=2#pid1773551357

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-1-28 00:17:56 |只看该作者
112 "Some educational systems emphasize the development of students' capacity for reasoning and logical thinking, but students would benefit more from an education that also taught them to explore their own emotions."

分论点2  系统的发展推理逻辑思维同样重要。这是以后工作的基本素质。门捷列夫

Should we pay more attention to the logical thinking progress, or the exploration of their own emotions? As far as I am concerned, I think the education to seek after emotions equates with the development of logical thinking ability.

First of all, it is very important to train the students to quest for their own emotions. Because if only when they know how to explore their own emotions that they would know how to control their emotions. And no one can deny the fact that it is a momentous component of a successful career or a
useful life to dominate his feelings freely.
For example, with the rapid progress of science and technology, it is impossible for everyone to live without medicine since they are born. yet do you know each useful components in the medicine is filtered from several millions compounds, with the cost of nearly one billion dollars and almost ten years. We can image that the scientists would meet how many difficulties. They would be angery, disappointed and discouraged. And they would be deceived by some activity compounds with unhopeful effects, even they have spent several millions dollars on it for several years. So, how to command their emotions and keep a positive feelings to continue their research are indisputable lessons for every scientist. And they would benefit a lot from it
if they got the education of exploration
their own emotions in their campus.

Moreover, without the education of how to search after their emotions, the students wouldn’t extricate themselves from impulsive trip. And it must be noted that a large number of crimes and errors are caused by impulse in our social, especially for young people.

However, although it is necessary to expanse the education of the exploration emotions, which doesn't encounter the development of reasoning and logical thinking. The ability of reasoning and logical thinking is a basic capacity in students’ future work. For instance, in the science research and company management, it is necessary to attain the nature from phenomena, and find the mechanism that exists. Just like Mendeleev, a famous chemist in Russia, who had invented Periodic Table of Elements. He forecasted several elements which hadn’t been found at that time by analysized the known elements which have been proved by the later scientists’s discovery. Thus a qualified student would got systematic education of the reasoning and logical thinking.

From what has been discussed above, we can safely draw the conclusion: the capability of reasoning and logical thinking are equal with the training of searching after students’ own feelings. Both of them would be taked into account in the education.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-1-28 00:24:33 |只看该作者

212"If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable."

https://bbs.gter.net/bbs/viewthre ... age=1#pid1773544445


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1006G[redemption]备考贴 by lcv8006/小痴
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