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发表于 2010-9-15 01:51:23 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 qingqingcao09 于 2010-9-16 11:02 编辑

TPO 8 综合写作

Although the professor admits that no memoir is completely precise in every detail, she thinks Chevalier’s memoir is accurate overall. She refutes the author’s three arguments one by one.

First, the professor argues that borrowing money from friends does not mean Chevalier was poor. In Switzerland, Chevalier spent a lot of time on parties and gambling, thus he might use out his cash. While his assets needed a short time to be converted into money. So after running out of cash, Chevalier borrowed money from friends to whether through the short time. This indicates that Chevalier did posses great wealth, which is opposite to the argument in the passage.

Second, the professor points out that Chevalier wrote down everything he could remember immediately after his conversation with Voltaire and when he wrote memoir he refer to his prior notes. So it is no doubt that the memoir written by referring to notes is more accurate than by one’s memory after the conversation happened several years later. In addition to that, there was evidence that Chevalier often looked up journals when he wrote memoir. In short, Chevalier’s memoir about the conversation with Voltaire is trustable, not as the passage alleged it was not accurate.

Third, the professor denies the assumption that Chevalier’s escape from the prison in Venice because of his bribery to jailers, who might free him at last. The professor mentions that even if some prisoners had more powerful friends than Chevalier, no person ever able to bribe to free, not mention to Chevalier. The best evidence is that the ceiling of the old prison room was repaired after Chevalier’s escape. This evidence further confirms Chevalier’s statement that he escaped through the ceiling.

In sum, with further evidence and logically reasoning, the passage is logically attacked by the professor.

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发表于 2010-9-15 05:07:03 |只看该作者
2009 117日北美  
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
The advertising is the main cause of unhealthy eating habits.

各位大侠,请指点指点吧,谢谢,这个题我觉得好难写啊,我觉得我写跑题了,主要写了eating habits 好像没涉及unhealthy.

The author asserts that advertising is the main reason for unhealthy eating habits. I cannot agree with this assertion. Although advertising might influence our eating habits to some extent, it absolutely should not take the main responsibility for unhealthy eating habits.

When it comes to eating habit, each province has its own eating characters. So, in China, we have formed different characteristic eating habits. For example, a person who comes from Sichuan province prefers eating hot stir-frying dishes to stewing dishes with light flavor, which is usually the preference of person who comes from Shandong province. Why do they have different eating preference in spite of sharing the common media information? In my point of view, it is the tradition that mainly influences one’s eating habit. I would like give additional evidence to support my opinion. Even if living in the same city, the eating habit is different from one family to another. In America, there are a lot of foreigners from different countries. It is easy to see that Chinese eat different from Japanese. Every day, they still eat their separate traditional food instead of American food even if they live in the same block.

In addition to the factor of tradition, the supply of food market is another influence to eating habits.
I still remember that when I was a child, I always saw some drunkards walking in the street. At that time, the liquor with high percentage of alcohol was prevalent. Several years later, the high percentage of alcohol liquor was gradually replaced by low alcohol. Consequently, the drunkards became more and more rare. So food market supply is also an important factor to influence the eating habits.

Admittedly, advertisement has influenced our eating habits. When we see the celebrity eat a certain kind of food in the advertisement, we might eat it discriminately. Because our potential conscience tell us the celebrity will not eat unhealthy food or the eating habit of celebrity is good one. Also, when we see many consumers choose a certain food in the advertisement, we feel that it must be delicious and want to buy it too. Therefore, advertisement indeed influences our choice to what to eat.

In conclusion, although advertisement influences out eating habit, our unhealthy eating habits should trace back to another important factors, such as tradition, food market and so on. We should not blame advertisement blindly.

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发表于 2010-9-15 06:33:09 |只看该作者


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发表于 2010-9-15 11:03:33 |只看该作者
虽然很伤心,目前还未人改 , 擦干眼泪接着贴作文

TPO 9 综合写作
The professor admits that the problems related with oil powered cars, such as the finite oil resource and the environment pollution, are true as the passage indicated. However, the professor refutes the argument in the passage that fuel-cell engines could resolve those problems.

First, the professor points out that the hydrogen is not easily available as the passage alleged. Because the form of hydrogen presented in the water cannot be easily directly. In order to use fuel cell engine, hydrogen must be obtained from pure liquid state. It is hard to store, should be kept in very cold condition – at minus 253 degree Celsius. Simply considering the technology needed for its storage, hydrogen is not an easily available fuel. Therefore, hydrogen is not an attractive resource for fuel cell engine.

Second, the professor argues that using hydrogen could not solve the pollution problem caused by car. Although the fuel cell car itself does not pollute the environment, the process of getting pure hydrogen could cause pollution. Because it needs a lot of energy, which is provided by burning coal and oil. And the burning coal and oil unavoidably cause pollution to the air. So, using hydrogen as fuel could not settle the pollution problem generated by car.

Third, the professor contends that the cost of fuel cell engine is very expensive. Because it needs a very rare expensive metal reacts with hydrogen to produce electricity, which powers the car. Until now, there is no substance could replace the rare metal. This fact proves the professor’s claim that fuel cell car couldn’t save money, which contradicts the opinion in the passage.

In sum, with further evidence, the professor logically and convincingly attacked the claims of the passage.

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发表于 2010-9-16 11:03:31 |只看该作者
9.15 独立作文

The best way to improve the quality of the education in a country is to increase teacher’s salary?

The author asserts that increasing teacher’s salary is the best way to improve the quality of the education. I cannot agree with this assertion. It is true that increasing teacher’s salary could make the occupation more attractive and competitive, which in turn is beneficial for choosing more excellent people as teacher. However, the author overstates the importance of the teacher’s salary to the whole education.

Admittedly, teachers play an important role in improving the quality of education because teacher the director factor for culturing students’ ability. To my observation and experience, a good teacher could transform knowledge by an easy understanding and interesting way and could attract students focus on the teacher’s topic naturally. In addition, a good teacher is good at culturing students’ ability of creation and imagination. I still remember that when I was in middle school, one math teacher always encouraged us to express our idea for solving the problem even if students’ results were wrong. To the contrary, there was a physics teacher always cut down one’s expression once students’ results were wrong or inconsistent with him. In the former teacher, he always finds the one’s good point; while the latter teacher only cares about if the result is right or not. Obviously, students will get apparently different education from those two teachers. So, teachers’ quality directly influences the quality of education.

However, it does not mean salary could improve the teachers’ quality. I concede that, aside the job itself, salary is one important factor affecting people choosing their jobs, and that a high salary job appears more compelling than a low one. I also admit that increasing teacher’s salary could make more people compete for a position, and that it is good for choosing outstanding teacher. Nevertheless, increasing salary is not the most effective way to enhance the quality of teacher, not mention to education. In my view, using scientific method to train the teacher is more effective than increasing salary. Let’s back to the example my physics and math teacher mentioned above. They had the same salary but different attitude to the students. It is obvious to see that their teaching methods had nothing to do with their salary. Even if increase the physics teacher’s salary, there is no guarantee that he will change his method. To the contrary, a training process could make him aware of his shortage in teaching and improve it. So, to improve education, an effective training plan to the teacher is better than increasing salary.

In addition, except enhancing the quality of teacher, I would like to mention that facilities of the school are equally important. For example, the university should at least provide adequate computer lab for computer major students, language lab for literature major students and so on. If a university cannot provide the basic condition for students study, a good education is no guarantee.

In sum, increasing salary only plays a small part role in improving the quality of education. The most effective way of improving quality of education is determined by comprehensive factors such as facilities, the quality of teachers and so on.

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发表于 2010-9-16 16:53:21 |只看该作者
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发表于 2010-9-17 07:03:54 |只看该作者
6# chenyyalex

谢谢你的批改,很有启发,我觉得可能还是要结合reading passage写,要不然也不叫综合作文了,我以后尽量把reading联系起来


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发表于 2010-9-18 12:12:01 |只看该作者
TPO 10 综合写作

The professor argues that the decrease of sea otter caused by predator instead of environment pollution, which contradicts the opinion in the passage. The professor use the following three points to support her argument.

First, the professor points out that no dead sea otter can be found on the beach. This fact undermines the claim that it is the environment pollution that caused the decrease of sea otter. To the contrary, it strength the assertion that the predator cause the sea otter’s decrease population, because the dead sea otter might be eaten immediately by the predator. Therefore, this fact disproves the assertion made in the passage.

Second, the professor argues that the declining of other small sea otter is caused by the predator—orca. The professor thinks that large sea mammals, such as sea otter, are hunted to a small amount of number. Orca has to change its food to small animals. So, the decrease of small sea mammals substantiates the opinion that the declining of sea otter is caused by predator instead of environment pollution.

Third, the professor says that uneven pattern of the otter decline could strongly substantiate the predator is the actual factor. Orca is too big to predate the sea otters in shallow area. So the population of sea otter at shallow area is stable, while at the deep area where orca is easy accessible is obviously decreased. So, it is totally inconsistent with the opinion alleged in the passage that it is caused by the uneven distributions of pollution.

In sum, with further evidence and reasoning, the professor convincingly and logically attacked the statements made in the passage.

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发表于 2010-9-18 12:12:52 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 qingqingcao09 于 2010-9-18 12:15 编辑


young people should try several different job before they take a career in a long term?

In my view, it is a good suggestion that young people try several different jobs before taking a long term career. The obvious benefits of it can be listed in the following:

First, people could profoundly know which kind of job is suitable for them by employing different jobs. Many students do not know what a job is specifically responsible for before they are employed. Although college students already have their own majors, the same major students could occupy tens of or even more jobs. The introduction of a job is different from the actual situation to some extent. It is really hard for students to determine their long term career immediately after they graduated from college. For example, once I worked in a big company, the company has a rule: all new employers should try a new job every four month in the first year. After doing three different but related jobs in the first year, I have a clear idea I should choose the second one I have tried. At first, I thought the first job is my favorite. After four months’ internship, I know it is different as I thought. So, occupying different job is beneficial for making final choice.

Second, different job experience could broad one’s view, which is better for one’s future career. I would like to back to my example mentioned above. Although I choose the second job at last, I benefit from the other two jobs a lot. The three jobs are all suitable for mechanical major – it was my major. In the first job, I was responsible for designing the techinics about how to process the products. In the second job, I was responsible for designing the products to satisfy the customer’s needs in function and style. Those two jobs make me realize that a good designer should not only satisfy the needs of customer, also need to consider the cost of manufacturing the production. Therefore, in the following years’ work, I get a lot of benefits from the experience of the first job.  

Although experiencing different job is very important before choosing long term career, there is still a lot of factors to consider, such as when and spend how long time to try, what kind of job one should try. If a people spend tens of years try tens of different jobs, he/she unavoidable waste a lot of energy and time. Before deciding one’s long term career, people should make a detailed plan to try limited number of jobs in a limited time.

In sum, it is good to try deferent job before choosing one’s long term job. It could bring us experience and a new understanding to the job. However, we should to make a plan about it. Blindly changing one’s job is no use for one’s final career.

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发表于 2010-9-18 12:13:40 |只看该作者
TPO 11 综合作文

The passage says that it is troubling that young people read less literature than they used to. The professor refutes this point by the following three arguments:

First, the professor argues that there are other kinds of good books except literature could stimulate people's imagination, such as scientific books. The fact that young people do not read literature doesn't mean they don't read good books. So it contradicts the point made in the passage that young people lack of imagination stimulation.

Second, the professor points out that listening to music and watching good movie is also a way to learn culture. Culture has changed and it has been expressed by many other forms, such as music and movie. Watch music video and TV doesn't mean the young people lower their culture standards. Therefore, the claim that general people has lowered the level of culture is refuted by the professor.

Third, the professor asserts that the trend of less reading cannot blame the readers, because some authors deliberately make their books difficult to understand. It is possible that the form generations don’t want to read the modern literature. So it means that it is the author who caused lea and less reader. This contradicts the point made in the passage that less reader will cause the less literature.

In sum, with further evidence and reasoning, the professor logically and convincingly attacked the point stated in the passage.

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发表于 2010-9-18 12:14:23 |只看该作者

Newspapers and magazines are the best way of learning about a foreign country?

The author asserts the best method of learning about the foreign country is through reading newspapers and magazines. I cannot agree with this assertion. It is true that through reading magazines and newspapers we could learn what happened in a foreign country lately. However, they are not he best materials to thoroughly learn about a foreign country.  

Admittedly, newspapers and magazines report what happened lately in a foreign country, such as recent political election activity, economy market trend and so on.  For example, my parents know the information that the state in America, where I am living, will have a hurricane, so they give me a call to express their concerns and remind me taking care of myself. It is the newspaper that tells my parents there will be a hurricane. So people could know even trivial events in a foreign country from the newspapers.  

However, it does not mean people could learn about a foreign country very well. I still want to take my parents for example. Because I live in America, my parents especially pay attention to all news about American including from newspaper, magazines and internet. Sometimes they will say some events happened here I do not even know. My parents even could name each famous resort in each state of America. I am totally surprised by them. If you are a stranger, you must think my parents are especially familiar with America. In fact, they do not know about America in many aspects. If you could see their surprise when they first visit America, you will trust what my point.

Newspaper and magazines could only help people know a foreign country superficially. Newspapers and magazines are a kind of media. They selectively report the news which could attract readers. Through newspapers and magazine, one couldn’t understand every aspect of a foreign country. In addition, no matter how talent a writer is, he/she could depict the whole picture of a country. In order to learn foreign country better, visiting it and staying there for a while and referring to the systematic books about the country will be more effective than newspapers and magazines.  

In sum, newspaper and magazines could help people learn a foreign country partly. People could not depend on them to firmly learn about a foreign country.

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发表于 2010-9-18 16:58:14 |只看该作者
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