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[经验思考] AW考试说明翻译版 [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2011-1-13 08:03:42 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览



1.  分析性写作概述
      分析性写作是于 2002 年 10 月引入到 GRE 综合测试中的一个新的部分,它用于测试你独立思考和分析性写作的能力。它评测你清晰阐述和支持复杂观点、分析一个争论,以及支持一个观点并能条理清楚地进行讨论的能力。它并不考查某一特定的知识内容。
        l  一项 45 分钟的“对某一问题陈述你的看法”的任务
        l  一项 30 分钟的“分析一个争论”的任务
    你可以在两个 Issue 题目中进行选择。这里每一个题目都陈述了对某一问题的一种看法,问题涉及范围很广。题目要求你从你的角度来讨论这个问题,只要你能提供相关的理由和例子来解释并支持你的观点即可。
    你不能选择 Argument 的题目。对你来说, Argument 题目体现了和 Issue 不同的挑战:它要求你通过讨论你所发现的推理问题来批判一个既有的论证过程。你需要考虑这一论证的逻辑完整性,而不是同意或不同意它所阐述的立场。


2.  分析性写作的准备
      l  无论 GRE 考生的研究领域或特殊的研究兴趣是什么,他们都能理解题目并很容易进行讨论。
      l 题目能检查出考生各种综合思考和立论写作的能力,并且大学教师认为,这些能力对于在研究生院获得成功是非常重要的。
      l 考生的文章包含各种各样的内容,并且作者展开他们观点的方式也是各异的。
      为了帮助你准备 GRE 综合测试中的分析性写作部分, GRE 项目组已经公开了整个题目库,你考试的题目将从库中挑选。你可能会发现,读一读 Issue 和 Argument 库对你是有帮助的。你可以在网页 www.gre.org/pracmats.html 上找到公开的题库,或者你可以写信给 GRE 项目组来获得该题库,地址是 PO Box 6000, Princeton, NJ 08541-6000.

3.  分析性写作的考试策略
      规划你的时间是重要的。在 Issue 考试规定的 45 分钟时间内,你需要留出足够的时间从两个话题中选择一个,思考你所选择的话题,构思并写作。在 Argument 考试规定的 30 分钟时间内,你需要有足够的时间来分析此题目,规划批判的思路,并完成你的作文。尽管 GRE 的考官非常清楚你写作的时间限制,并且也会把你的文章当成一份“初稿”来看待,但是,你仍然希望你的文章是在考试环境中你所能完成的最好的作品。
      在分析性写作部分,你将获得 10 分钟的休息时间,而在其他考试部分之间,休息时间只有 1 分钟。你可以利用这个时间来要更多的草稿纸。

4.  分析性写作部分的计分方式
      每一篇文章都按照 GRE 分析性写作指南中公开的标准用 6 分制进行整体评分。整体评分意味着每一篇文章都被全面地评判:考官不会把文章分成若干组成部分,并对某些特殊的部分,如观点、文章的组织、句子结构、语言等,奖励一些分数。更进一步地说,考官是根据文章的整体情况来给分的,他会用综合的眼光来考虑文章的方方面面。 比如说,好的文章结构或差的文章结构都只是考官对文章整体印象的一部分,它肯定会对评分有影响,但是作为其中的一个方面,文章结构并没有特别的权重。


      通常, GRE 阅卷人是学院和大学中有经验的教师,他们所教授的课程对写作和独立思考要求很高。所有的 GRE 阅卷人都经过了仔细的培训,他们通过了极其严格的 GRE 资格考试,表明他们有能力确保分数的准确性。
            l  考生的文章被随机分配给阅卷人
            l  所有关于考生的个人信息对阅卷人来说都是密封的
            l  每篇文章由两个阅卷人评分
            l  阅卷人不知道别人会给他打过分的文章多少分
            l  评分过程要求每篇文章得到的 2 个分数相同或相邻;其他的分数组合将由第三个阅卷人进行裁定。
       两项考试得到的分数将被平均,从而得到最终成绩。 27 页所展示的对分数等级的描述阐述了分析性写作部分总成绩的含义。在对分析性写作部分进行评分的过程中,主要强调的是独立思考和分析性写作的技能。


      在评分过程中,你在分析性写作部分所写的文章将被 ETS 的雷同检测软件以及有经验的阅卷人检查。 考虑到美国大学和研究生院对独立知识分子活动的高标准, ETS 保留取消任何考生考试成绩的权利,如果有足够证据表明文章包括但不限于如下情形
      l  文字与另外一篇或多篇 GRE 考试文章大体类似;
      l  没有来源地引用或改写出现在发表或未发表资料上的语言或思想;
      l  未经许可地使用与他人合作的成果而未注明他人的贡献;
      l  考生提交的文章中的观点或文字事实上是从别处借用或抄袭他人。
      在 ETS 专业的评判过程中,当上述一个或多个情形出现时,你的文章不能反映出考试所要求的独立的分析性写作技能。因此, ETS 必须取消作文成绩,并且不能提供 GRE 综合考试成绩,其中,作文成绩是必不可少的。
      被取消成绩的考生的考试费用也会被用掉,考生必须重新支付 GRE 综合测试的所有费用才能再参加考试。成绩取消的记录,或取消的原因将不会出现在以后递送到学院或大学的成绩单上。



“对一个问题表明你的观点”的任务可以评价你对某个常见问题的独立思考能力,以及在写作中清晰表达你的观点的能力。引号中所陈述的话题是对某个事件阐述的一个观点,考生可以从各个不同的角度进行讨论,并可以使用不用的立场和条件。你的任务是对你自己在这个问题上的看法提出有力的证明。 你要确保仔细阅读此题目并从各个角度进行思考,在考虑自己看法的同时考虑观点的复杂性。然后,对你想展开的观点做笔记,列出你可以用来支持观点的理由和例子。
l    | 完全同意此观点,完全反对此观点,或部分同意此观点
l    | 质疑提出观点的假设
l    | 检验任何一个术语,尤其在你定义或应用术语的方式对你展开观点非常重要的时候
l    | 指出为什么这个观点有时候合理,有时候不合理
l    | 评价和你自己的观点相反的观点
l    | 用理由展开你的观点,这些理由可以由若干个相关实例来支持,也可以由一个独立的扩展实例来支持。








最好的准备Issue考试的方法是练习写一些公开的题目。 没有“最好”的方法:一些人喜欢在一开始练习的时候不考虑45分钟的时间限制;另一些人喜欢一开始就进行“限时测试”并在规定时间内写作。无论你采用哪种方式来练习,你需要按照写作指导来做:
l    | 仔细阅读题目中提出的观点,确保自己理解了其中包含的话题;如果还不清楚,和你的朋友或者老师进行讨论;
l    | 结合你的观点和经验、你所读到或看到的事儿、你认识的人等来考虑这个话题,这是你在论证过程中展开有说服力的理由和实例的知识基础,而这些理由和实例可能在某些方面加强、否定、或验证观点。
l    | 确定针对这个话题你想提出的立场——记住,你可以自由地选择完全同意和不同意,或者部分同意某个观点。
l    | 确定你在支持观点的过程中可以使用的有说服力的证据(理由和例子)

l    | 问题的核心是什么?
l    | 我是否同意这个观点的全部或者一部分?为什么?
l    | 这个观点是否做出了某些假设?如果是,这些假设是否合理?
l    | 这个观点是否只在某些环境下成立?如果是,这些条件是什么?
l    | 我是否需要解释我如何阐述观点中所使用的某些术语或概念?
l    | 如果我对这个问题选择某个立场,有哪些理由可以支持我的立场?
l    | 哪些例子——真实的或虚构的——可以用来阐述那些理由并加强我的观点?哪些例子是最有说服力的?

l    | 别人会用什么理由来反驳或削弱我的观点?
l    | 我该如何在我的文章中反击这些观点?






l    | 我觉得哪个题目更有趣?
l    | 哪个题目更加贴近我自己的学术研究或其他经历?
l    | 对哪个题目我能更加清楚地解释和证明我的观点?
l    | 对哪个题目我能找到强有力的理由和实例来支持我的观点?


    你可以自由选择任何一种方式来组织和展开你的论述,只要你认为这种方式你让你有效地对这个话题表达你的思想。你的文章中可能会用到某些在英语作文或专注于写作的学校课程中学到的写作技巧,但那不是必要的。GRE阅卷人不会去刻意关注某些展开技巧或写作模式; 实际上,在GRE阅卷人的培训过程中,他们会评判数百篇Issue文章,尽管这些文章的内容和形式千奇百怪,但是,它们所表现出的独立思考能力和立论写作能力是基本相似的。例如,阅卷人会读到一些6分的文章,这些文章的开头简要地概括了作者对所述话题的观点,然后清晰地阐述了论证的要点。他们也会读到另外的文章,那些文章通过预言、提出一系列问题、描述一个情节、或者定义题目引言中的某些关键术语来引出自己的观点。阅卷人的观点是,考生需要通过给出若干例子或阐述一个扩展的例子来论述,才可能得到高分。你可以看看范文,尤其是5分和6分的文章,你会看到其他考生是如何成功展开和组织自己的论证过程的。


    “In our time, specialists of all kinds are highly overrated. We need more generalists ---- people who can provide broad perspectives.”

    这个题目引出了一系列相关问题:做“杂家”或做专家意味着什么,他们对于社会的价值如何?社会真的需要更多的“杂家”吗?实际上,专家真的被“严重高估” 吗?

    对这个话题,你可以选择以下的几个基本观点:是的,社会需要更多“杂家”并且确实对专家评价过高。不,相关的观点是正确的。或者,这需要具体情况具体分析。或者,两个群体对于当今文化都很重要,没有任何一个是被高估的。你的分析需要从某个社会或国家找出例子,或从一个或若干社会领域找出例子,或从各种各样的情况中找出例子。 我们可以关注“杂家”和专家对通讯、交通运输、政治、信息、或者技术的作用。任何方法都是可以使用的,只要你能使用相关的理由和实例来支持你的观点。


l    | 专家和“杂家”之间的主要区别是什么?他们最强的分别是什么?
l    | 这些区别在任何情况下都存在么?比如,是否有一些专家,他们同样需要非常广泛的知识和综合能力才能处理好他们的工作?
l    | 在你的领域,“杂家”和专家都起到了什么作用?
l    | 你认为社会给专家和“杂家”给予了怎样的评价?专家是否在某些情况下被高估,而在另外的情况下则没有?
l    | 社会真的需要比现在更多的“杂家”么?如果是,他们的作用是什么?


l    | 支持这个说法的理由和例子
l    | 支持相反说法的理由和例子




In this era of rapid social and technological change leading to increasing life complexity and psychological displacement, both positive and negative effects among persons in Western society call for a balance in which there are both specialists and generalists.

Specialists are necessary in order to allow society as a whole to properly and usefully assimilate the masses of new information and knowledge that have come out of research and have been widely disseminated through mass global media. As the head of Pharmacology at my university once said (and I paraphrase):"I can only research what I do because there are so many who have come before me to whom I can turn for basic knowledge. It is only because of each of the narrowly focussed individuals at each step that a full and true understanding of the complexities of life can be had. Each person can only hold enough knowledge to add one small rung to the ladder, but together we can climb to the moon." This illustrates the point that our societies level of knowledge and technology is at a stage in which there simply must be specialists in order for our society to take advantage of the information available to us.

Simply put, without specialists, our society would find itself bogged down in the Sargasso sea of information overload. While it was fine for early physicists to learn and understand the few laws and ideas that existed during their times, now, no one individual can possibly digest and assimilate all of the knowledge in any given area.

On the other hand, Over specialization means narrow focii in which people can lose the larger picture.No one can hope to understand the human body by only inspecting one's own toe-nails. What we learn from a narrow focus may be internally logically coherent but may be irrelevant or fallacious within the framework of a broader perspective. Further, if we inspect only our toe-nails, we may conclude that the whole body is hard and white. Useful conclusions and thus perhaps useful inventions must come by sharing among specialists. Simply throwing out various discovieries means we have a pile of useless discoveries, it is only when one can make with them a mosaic that we can see that they may form a picture.

Not only may over-specialization be dangerous in terms of the truth, purity and cohesion of knowledge, but it can also serve to drown moral or universall issues. Generalists and only generalists can see a broad enough picture to realize and introduce to the world the problems of the environment. With specialization, each person focusses on their research and their goals. Thus, industrialization, expansion, and new technologies are driven ahead. Meanwhile no individual can see the wholisitc view of our global existence in which true advancement may mean stifling individual specialists for the greater good of all. Finally, over-specialization in a people's daily lives and jobs has meant personal and psychological compartmentalization. People are forced into pigeon holes early in life (at least by university) and must conciously attempt to consume external forms of stimuli and information in order not to be lost in their small and isolated universe. Not only does this make for narrowly focussed and generally pooprly-educated individuals, but it guarantees a sense of loss of community, often followed by a feeling of psychological displacement and personal dissatisfaction.

Without generalists, society becomes inward-looking and eventually inefficient. Without a society that recongnizes the impotance of braod-mindedness and fora for sharing generalities, individuals become isolated. Thus, while our form of society necessitates specialists, generalists are equally important. Specialists drive us forward in a series of thrusts while generalists make sure we are still on the jousting field and know what the stakes are.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2011-1-13 08:04:56 |只看该作者
阅卷人评语——6 分
    这是对本话题非常优秀的分析——有思想,推理严谨,使用语言高效 。引言段提出了作者对这个问题的看法,并提出了作者将要展开的观点的背景:“在这个社会和技术快速变化的时代,生活变得越来越复杂,人们的心理状态也在转换……”

l    | 逻辑的角度(只精通某些知识的专家通常难以从宏观上理解)
l    | 道德的角度(通常“杂家”知道如何做到“上上善道”)
l    | 个人的角度(过早的专业化/分类会造成心理缺陷)


    本文的特点还不仅仅是它的推理,它的语言准确并且经常使用比喻 (“深陷信息过载的马尾藻海中”,“一堆没用的发现,”以及“专家用一系列‘火箭推动力’迫使我们进步,而杂家让我们确信我们仍在‘格斗场’上”)。论证中的连接短语和观点使得观点有效组织并且向前推进论证,它们也不断引导读者继续阅读。这是一篇极其优秀的考试作文。

Specialists are not overrated today. More generalists may be needed, but not to overshadow the specialists. Generalists can provide a great deal of information on many topics of interest with a broad range of ideas. People who look at the overall view of things can help with some of the large problems our society faces today. But specialists are necessary to gain a better understanding of more in depth methods to solve problems or fixing things.

One good example of why specialists are not overrated is in the medical field. Doctors are necessary for people to live healthy lives. When a person is sick, he may go to a general practitioner to find out the cause of his problems. Usually, this kind of "generalized" doctor can help most ailments with simple and effective treatments. Sometimes, though, a sickness may go beyond a family doctor's knowledge or the prescribed treatments don't work the way they should. When a sickness progresses or becomes diagnosed as a disease that requires more care than a family doctor can provide, he may be referred to a specialist. For instance, a person with constant breathing problems that require hospitalization may be suggested to visit an asthma specialist. Since a family doctor has a great deal of knowledge of medicine, he can decide when his methods are not effective and the patient needs to see someone who knows more about the specific problem; someone who knows how it begins, progresses, and specified treatments. This is an excellent example of how a generalied person may not be equipped enough to handle something as well as a specialized one can.

Another example of a specialist who is needed instead of a generalist involves teaching. In grammar school, children learn all the basic principles of reading, writing, and arithematic. But as children get older and progress in school, they gain a better understanding of the language and mathematical processes. As the years in school increase, they need to learn more and more specifics and details about various subjects. They start out by learning basic math concepts such as addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication. A few years later, they are ready to begin algebraic concepts, geometry, and calculus. They are also ready to learn more advanced vocabulary, the principles of how all life is composed and how it functions. One teacher or professor can not provide as much in depth discussion on all of these topics as well as one who has learned the specifics and studied mainly to know everything that is currently known about one of these subjects. Generalized teachers are required to begin molding students at a very early age so they can get ready for the future ahead of them in gaining more facts about the basic subjects and finding out new facts on the old ones.

These are only two examples of why specialists are not highly overrated and more generalists are not necessary to the point of overshadowing them. Generalists are needed to give the public a broad understanding of some things. But , specialists are important to help maintain the status, health, and safety of our society. Specialists are very necessary.

      本文的论证过程基于两个展开的例子,这个两个例子选得非常好。第一个例子(第二段)一开始讨论了医学多面手(全科医生)和专科医生的必要性,然后在这个例 子中开始进入另一个例子的阐述(呼吸问题和哮喘病专家的作用)。此外,这种从一般到特殊的扩展也在下一段的例子阐述中体现出来,其中,文章对教育的阐述从 小学到高中,从算术基础到微积分。
这种自然的展开也得益于使用了合适的连词:“但是,”“通常,”和“比如说,”等等。文章以呼应作者的理论结 束。
      尽管作者使用语言和句法还不错,但是在表述清晰度上的一些错误使得这篇论证很好的文章不能得到6分。它的问题包含了指代不明(“When a sickness progresses or becomes diagnosed, …he may be referred to a specialist”),平行结构错误(“how it begins, progresses and specified treatments”),以及不精确的语法和不准确的语言(“Generalized teachers are required to begin molding students at a very early age so they can get ready for the future ahead of them in gaining more facts about the basic subjects.”)

(ETS 对用实例来证明观点非常重视,更多的时候,我们甚至可以认为例子决定了得分,这一点在后面的范文评语中也能得到体现。例子的准确性、一致性都是非常重要 的,无论写一个例子还是多个例子,关键在于要能够为你的观点服务。)

Specialists are just what their name says: people who specialize in one part of a very general scheme of things. A person can't know everything there is to know about everything. This is why specialists are helpful. You can take one general concept and divide it up three ways and have three fully developed different concepts instead of one general concept that no one really knows about. Isn't it better to really know something well, than to know everything half-way.

Take a special ed teacher compared to a general ed teacher. The general ed teacher knows how to deal with most students. She knows how to teach a subject to a student that is on a normal level. But what would happen to the child in the back of the room with dyslexia? She would be so lost in that general ed classroom that she would not only not learn, but be frustrated and quite possibly, have low self-esteem and hate school. If there is a special ed teacher there who specializes in children with learning disabilities, she can teach the general ed teacher how to cope with this student as well as modify the curriculum so that the student can learn along with the others. The special ed teacher can also take that child for a few hours each day and work with her on her reading difficulty one-on-one, which a general ed teacher never would have time to do.

A general ed teacher can't know what a special ed teacher knows and a special ed teacher can't know what a general ed teacher knows. But the two of them working together and specializing in their own things can really get a lot more accomplished. The special ed teacher is also trained to work on the child's self-esteem, which has a big part in how successful this child will be. Every child in the United States of America has the right to an equal education. How can a child with a learning disability receive the same equal education as a general ed student if there was no specialist there to help both teacher and child?

Another thing to consider is how a committee is supposed to work together. Each person has a special task to accomplish and when these people all come together, with their tasks finished, every aspect of the community's work is completely covered. Nothing is left undone. In this case there are many different specialists to meet the general goal of the committee.

When you take into account that a specialist contributes only a small part of the generalist aspect, it seems ridiculous to say that specialists are overrated. The generalists looks to the specialists any time they need help or clarification on their broad aspect. Specialists and generalists are part of the same system, so if a specialist is overrated, then so is a generalist.

      本文给出了对题目足够的分析。作者在引言段中试图定义“专家”,但这个定义或多或少有点令人费解,此后,作者提出了一个相关的例子(特殊教育的老师)来阐 述专家的重要性。这 个例子对文章起到了决定性的影响,它使得文章的总分得到了4分。
      第二个例子,即一个委员会是如何工作的,则缺乏说服力。尽管如此,它确实可以帮助我们搞清楚作者对“综合”的定义,这个词作为一个总称,表示了专家对于某 个话题所了解的东西的总和。
      尽管作者对于“杂家”和“专家”之间关系的观点不同寻常,但是,它们在文章的结论部分变得清晰。然而,这些观点没有足够深入地展开,也没有足够的逻辑控制来让文 章得到更高的分数。
      这篇文章几乎是没有语言上错误的。尽管有的时候措辞不是很准确,有点啰嗦,但是它在句子结构、语法和用法上没有什么问题。总的来说,文章反映了作者对写作 中的元素有足够的驾驭能力。

(你看到 例子的重要性了么?除此之外,对观点的深入展开,逻辑的严谨性和连贯性也是得高分的重要因素。至于语言,如果你想得6分,你可以自己斟酌什么才是最好的表 达方式,但是如果仅仅是4-5分,只要在语言使用和基本语法上没有错误,就已经足够了。)

To quote the saying, "Jack of all trades, master of none," would be my position on the statement. I feel specialist in all areas of knowledge lead to a higher standard of living for everyone. Specializing in different areas allows us to use each others talents to the highest level and maximize potential. As an example, if a person required brain surgery, would they rather have a brain surgeon or a general practitioner doing the work? Clearly a specialist would do the better job and give the patient a chance at a better life.

A university education starts by laying the groundwork for general knowledge but then narrows down to a specific field. General knowledge and a broad prospective are important, but if there was no focus on specific areas, our overall knowledge as a population would be seriously lessened.

Another example of specialists not being overated would be international trade. Not every nation can provide for themselves. They need to get products and ideas from other parts of the world because they are better at providing them. This allows for a growing economy if two different nations can provide each other with two different products. If one country can produce oranges better than another, it should trade the oranges for the fish that it can not produce. If generalizing was the normal thing to do and both countries tried to produce all kinds of products, the countries would probably survive, but not have the standard of living they presently have.

      第一段阐述了一个适当的关于脑外科手术和全科医生的例子。但是,第二段中关于大学教育越来越狭窄的例子却只有两句话,也完全没有展开,它几乎对作者的观点 没有任何支持。
      第三段又提出了另外的一个例子,也是所有例子中展开最好的一个。可惜,这个例子的逻辑不清晰。作者试图论证“专家”的国家(即一个更好的柑橘生产国)比 “杂家”国家(可能是同时出产柑橘和其他产品的国家)更好。作者告诉我们,“杂家”国家比“专家”国家更差。这个结论并不能从作者的论证过程中有逻辑地得 到,而且和日常事实相违背。

In the situation of health I feel that specialists are very important. For example if a person has heart problems, choose a heart specialist over a genral medicine Dr. However if a person is having a wide range of syptoms, perhaps choose a Dr. with a wide range of experience might be more helpful.

It also depends on the type of problem you are having. For example I would not suggest taking a troubled child to a theorpist who specializes in marriage problems. In some cases have a specialists helps to insure that you are getting the best possibly treatment. On the other hand dealing with a person who has a wide range of experience may be able to find different ways of dealing with a particular problem.

Since the quotation did not state exactely what type of specialist we are dealing with it is also hard to determine the importance of having a specialist is. For example the could be health or problems with a car, or basically anything else. I feel that this information should not have been left out. I guess the bottom line is that I feel sometimes a specialist is very important.

阅 卷人评语——2分
      本文对话题的分析有严重的缺陷。文章试图论证支持专家,但是无论理由还是例子都没有说服力。“不要带有麻烦的孩子去找专门处理婚姻问题的医生看病”的例子 不仅简单,而且跑题了,因为它在两个专家之间进行了区分,而不是在“杂家”和专家之间进行区分。

(看出来 这个例子举错了么?这可是很多中国同学容易犯的毛病。)
      文章中的句子写得很糟糕,以至于论证有的时候很难理解。尽管如此,这也不是一篇1分的文章:作者针对话题提出了自己的观点,用一些很弱的分析展开了观 点,也能清楚地表达一些看法。

(想得1 分还真难,只要说清楚一些观点,稍微有点阐述就不是1分了!)

I disagree with the statement about specialists, we need specialists who take individual areas and specialize. A generalists can pinpoint a problem. He or she cannot determine the magnitude of the problem. A specialist can find the root of the problem. When he or she has years working in that specific field. For example, when i got sick i went to a doctor. He did blood work, x-ray, talk to me, ect. He prescribed me a medicine. I got worst. So i decided to go another doctor. Now, i am doing great. A specialist knows the facts right away. Otherwise, it will take longer or not at all.

      第一句话阐述了作者支持专家的观点,但是后面并没有对这个观点的相关证明。有一些观点似乎是矛盾的(比如,“杂家能准确地处理某一个问题”),例子也令人 费解。如果文章解释第一个(失败的)医生是一个杂家而第二个(成功的)医生是一个专家,这个例子是可以的。但是,在文章中,这个例子并不清楚,甚至会造成 误导。结论部分的阐述让文章越发难懂。
      因为大多数的句子很短并且支离破碎,他们试图表达的观点也是支离破碎的。作者应该使用过渡短语和观点来让文章逻辑上连贯。此外,基本用法和语法上的错误随 处可见,但是缺 乏连贯的论证是本文得1分的主要原因。

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发表于 2011-1-13 08:05:28 |只看该作者
分析Argumenta) 理解Argument题目    “分析一个论证”的任务会考查你理解、分析和评价论证,并在写作中清晰地表达你的分析的能力。题目包含一个简要的段落,在这个段落中,作者通过提出由推理和论据支撑的观点来证明某种行为合理或解释某件事情。你的任务是通过批判性地检验推理线索和论据的使用情况,阐述作者所述内容的逻辑正确性。这项任务要求你仔细阅读论证过程,你可能需要多读几遍,并且简要记录下你想在作文中更加全面地展开的要点。在阅读论证过程的时候,你需要特别注意:       | 哪些是论据,支撑点,或者证据       | 被明确陈述的东西有哪些?观点是什么?结论是什么?       | 被假设的东西有那些?也许它们都没有被证明。       | 什么东西没有被阐述,但是这些东西必然能从已经陈述的内容中推出。(这里实际上阐述了Argument的切入点。很多同学在写 Argument的时候只想找错误,但是忽略了错误产生的根源和原理,这样会造成错误找不到或者找错的状况。实际上,任何逻辑错误都是在论证过程中发生的,涉及的因素无非就是论点、理由和论据,所以,先读明白题目中所讲的基本概念是写好Argument的重要一步。)
        此外,你需要考虑论证的结构——即这些元素整合到一起形成一条推理线索的方法;也就是说,在思考过程中,你需要考虑独立的,有的时候是暗含的步骤,并且考虑从一个步骤进入下一个步骤的逻辑是否完美。沿着这条线索,你需要寻找一些过渡词或短语,它们表明作者试图实现逻辑关联(比如:however,thus,therefore,evidently,hence,in conclusion)。
      要想在Argument考试中有好的表现,非常重要是你需要记住题目没有要求你做什么。题目并不要求你讨论论证过程中的阐述是否真实或准确,而是要求你判断结论和推断是否从陈述中能合理得到。 题目并不要求你赞同或反对题目中陈述的观点,而是要求你评价观点背后的思想。题目并不要求你就题目所阐述的问题发表你自己的看法(就像在Issue中一样),而是要求你评价另一个作者在论证过程中的逻辑正确性。并且,在完成写作的过程中,你要表现出独立思考、有判断力的阅读、以及分析性写作的技能,所有这些技能都是大学老师们认为你要想在研究生院获得成功非常重要的因素。
    “分析一个论证”主要是一项对写作有要求的独立思考任务。因此,在你的评论中所体现出来的分析能力将在很大程度上决定你的得分。b) 理解写作环境:目的和读者      Argument考试的目的是考查你能否有见地地分析别人的论证过程,并通过文章有效地和学术性的读者就你的批判进行交流。你的读者包含有大学的老师,他们是经过训练的GRE阅卷人,他们会根据Argument的评分指南中所阐述的评分标准来对你的文章进行评分。
      想要更清楚地了解GRE阅卷人在实际阅卷过程中如何应用Argument评分标准,你可以阅读经过评分的范文和阅卷人的评语。这些范文,尤其是5分和6分的范文,会告诉你各种各样成功组织和展开有深刻见解的驳论的技巧。此外,你还能看到很多非常有效地使用语言的例子。阅卷人的评语涉及了分析性写作的各个具体的方面,比如观点的说服力,展开和支持,文章组织,语言多样化,以及语言的熟练程度。这些评语会指出特别有见地或有效的方面,也会指出影响文章整体效果的方面。c) 准备Argument考试      因为Argument考试要评估的是你在你的整个受教育过程中所培养起来的分析性写作和非形式推理的技能,所以它既不要求你有任何特殊课程的学习经历,也不要求你经历过任何特殊的培训。很多关于修辞和写作的大学教材都有关于非形式逻辑和独立思考的部分,它们可能会对你有帮助,但是,即使这些内容也可能比 Argument考试的要求要细致和专业得多。你并不需要知道分析方法学或专业术语。比如,一个题目提到一个小学校长可能得出结论说新的运动设备提高了学生的出勤率,因为自从这个设备安装以后,缺席率下降了。你不需要看到这个校长犯了“后此谬误”;你只需要简单地指出,对于出勤率的提高还有其他的原因,并给出一些常识性的例子,也许还能指出哪些东西对于证明结论来说是必要的就可以了。比如,缺席率下降有可能因为天气变得暖和了,这一点在证明校长结论的合理性时被忽略了。
(说明一下“后此谬误”:这是 Argument中经常出现的一种逻辑错误,意思是“当A发生后,B发生了,于是可以得出A是造成B的原因。”它把事件发生顺序和因果关系直接对应起来,显然是不正确的。)      虽然你不需要知道特殊的分析方法和术语,但是,你也需要熟悉Argument考试的说明以及某些关键的概念,包括:      | 其他解释——可能存在的另外一种导致题目中所述事件发生的解释;其他解释会削弱或限制原有的解释,因为它也能解释我们所看到的事实。      | 分析——把某样东西(比如一个论证过程)分解为若干组成部分的过程,目的是为了理解它们是如何共同起作用而构成一个整体的;通常在写作中展示出这个过程的结果。      | 论证——一个观点或者一系列的观点,它们有理由和证据作为支持;推理线索可以表明某个东西的真伪。      | 假设——一个通常是没有被阐述过或验证过的想法,一些人用它来坚持一个特定的立场;它是一个想当然的东西,但是为了保证结论成立,它必须成立。      | 结论——推理线索的终点,如果推理是完美的,那么它也是成立的;一个对结果的断言。      | 反例——一个真实或虚构的例子,它在论证过程中反驳了某个说法,或者直接证明该说法是虚假的。
      准备Argument考试最好的方法是练习写一些公开的Argument题目。不可能有一种方法对所有人都是最好的。有的人喜欢一开始不在30分钟时间限制内进行练习。如果你按照这种方法来做,你可以用你需要的时间来分析这个论证过程。无论你采用那种方法,你应该       | 仔细阅读论证过程——你可能会不止读一遍       | 尽可能多地找出它的观点、结论、以及暗含的假设       | 尽可能多地考虑其他解释和反例       | 考虑哪些额外的证据可能会削弱或加强这个观点       | 问问自己,论证中做出什么样的变化会使得推理更加完美

d) 如何解释Argument题目中的数字、百分比和统计数据     有一些论证过程是包含数字、百分比、或统计数据的。他们被用作证据来支持论证的结论。比如,一个论证可能指出某个社区活动今年没有去年流行,因为今年只有 100人参加而去年有150人参加,参加的比例下降了33%。你需要记住,题目并不要求你用这些数字、百分比或统计数据来做数学题,相反,你应该把它们视为支持结论的证据来进行评价。在上述的例子中,结论是社区活动没那么流行了。你可以问问自己:100人和150人的差异可以支持这个结论么?注意,在这个题目中,还存在着其他可能的解释;比如,今年的天气可能更糟糕了,今年的活动可能举办的时间不合适,今年的活动费用可能上涨了,或者今年有另外一项流行的活动同时举行。这里每一个解释都可以解释参与人数的差异,因此会削弱活动变得“不那么流行”的结论。类似的,按照百分比的具体数值不同,它也可以支持或削弱一个结论。比如说,学校的戏剧俱乐部应该得到更多资金支持,因为它的会员数量上涨了100%。如果俱乐部过去有100个会员而现在有200个,这个 100%的增长可能会非常重要,但是如果过去有5个会员而现在是10个,那么这个增长就不那么重要了。记住,任何在Argument题目中的数字、百分比或统计数据仅仅用作支持结论的证据,你需要考虑它们是否真正支持了结论。 (这一点非常重要,很多同学把数据当做了结论,这是绝对错误的!同理,当我们在写issue或者其他立论文章的时候,数字也只能作为证据存在。)e)文章的形式      你可以以任何方式 随意组织和展开你的评论,只要你认为这些方法能有效地表达你对论证过程的分析。你的作文可以使用那些你在英语文章或学校的写作课上学到的写作技巧,但这不是必要的。GRE阅卷人不会刻意寻找你的文章中的某种特别的展开技巧或写作模式。(这一点充分说明,很多所谓的“模板”能如何如何是绝对扯淡的事儿)事实上,当相关专业人员被培训成为GRE阅卷人的过程中,他们会评判成百上千份Argument作文,尽管这些文章在内容和形式上千奇百怪,但是它们都能体现出差不多的独立思考和分析性写作的水平。比如,阅卷人将读到某些6分的文章,它们以对论证过程的简要概括开头,然后清晰地阐述和展开批驳的要点。阅卷人都知道,无论考生在文章中是分析和展开若干个批驳点,还是指出论证过程中的一个主要错误并深入展开,都可以获得高分。(有的同学总在问我,是不是一定要找出所有的错误进行批驳,或者说是不是错误找得越多就越好,现在知道了么?)你可能想阅读一些 Argument的范文,尤其是5分和6分的,来看看其他考生是如何成功展开和组织他们的文章的。
      如果你想提升你的文章的整体效果,你需要对文章的结构和形式做出选择。这意味着你需要考虑在你的文章中段落是越多越好还是越少越好——比如,在你的论述转向一个新的要点时新起一段。你可能试图围绕论证过程本身来组织你的文章,一行一行地展开讨论。或者,你想先指出最值得质疑的一个假设,然后讨论论述中推理过程的相关缺陷。类似的,你可能还想使用例子来阐述你的文章中的重要观点或推动你的论述前进(然而,请记住,对于你在Argument考试中的能力体现来说,最重要的是测试你的独立思考和分析性写作能力,而不是提供例子的能力 )。起到关键性作用的不是你的文章的形式,而是你是否能有洞察力地分析论证过程,是否能在考试环境中向学术的阅卷人有效地表达你的分析内容。范文题目Hospital statistics regarding people who go to the emergency room after roller skating accidents indicate the need for more protective equipment. Within this group of people, 75 percent of those who had accidents in streets or parking lots were not wearing any protective clothing (helmets, knee pads, etc.) or any light-reflecting material (clip-on lights, glow-in-the-dark wrist pads, etc.). Clearly, these statistics indicate that by investing in high-quality protective gear and reflective equipment, roller skaters will greatly reduce their risk of being severely injured in an accident.医院对在溜冰事故中被送往急救室的患者的统计数据表明,我们需要保护性更强的装备。在这个人群内部,在街道或停车场发生事故的人中有75%没有穿戴任何保护性的服装(头盔、护膝等),也没有配备任何反光设备(夹式灯,夜光护腕等)。显然,这些统计数据表明,如果使用了高质量的防护服和反光设备,溜冰者在事故中受重伤的风险将显著降低。题目分析这份论述引用了一个典型的医院统计数据来支持一个普遍的结论,即“使用高质量的防护服和反光设备”将降低在溜冰事故中受重伤的风险。在展开你的分析时,你需要问问自己,医院的统计数据是否真正的支持了这个结论。你可以试图问自己以下问题:       | 在溜冰事故发生以后,所有溜冰者中有百分之多少去了急救室?       | 那些在溜冰事故发生后去急救室的人是否能代表大多数的溜冰者?       | 是否存在在溜冰事故中受伤而又不去急救室的人?       | 这些去了急救室的溜冰者是否受了重伤?       | 25%的穿着了防护服的溜冰者是否也像另外75%的没有穿着防护服的人一样受重伤?       | 街道和停车场是不是本来就比其他地方更加危险?       | 中等质量的防护服和装备是否能像高质量的防护服和装备一样有效地降低在溜冰过程中受重伤的风险?       | 除了防护服和装备,其他因素——比如,天气状况,能见度,溜冰者的技术——是否与溜冰者受伤的风险有更直接的关系?考虑类似这些问题的答案会帮助你明确假设、其他解释、以及你可以在驳论中展开的缺陷。范文和阅卷人评语范文——6分The notion that protective gear reduces the injuries suffered in accidents seems at first glance to be an obvious conclusion. After all, it is the intent of these products to either provent accidents from occuring in the first place or to reduce the injuries suffered by the wearer should an accident occur. However, the conclusion that investing in high quality protective gear greatly reduces the risk of being severely injured in an accident may mask other (and potentially more significant) causes of injuries and may inspire people to over invest financially and psychologically in protective gear.First of all, as mentioned in the argument, there are two distinct kinds of gear - preventative gear (such as light reflecting material) and protective gear (such as helmets). Preventative gear is intended to warn others, presumably for the most part motorists, of the presence of the roller skater. It works only if the "other" is a responsible and caring individual who will afford the skater the necessary space and attention. Protective gear is intended to reduce the effect of any accident, whether it is caused by an other, the skater or some force of nature. Protective gear does little, if anything, to prevent accidents but is presumed to reduce the injuries that occur in an accident. The statistics on injuries suffered by skaters would be more interesting if the skaters were grouped into those wearing no gear at all, those wearing protective gear only, those wearing preventative gear only and those wearing both. These statistics could provide skaters with a clearer understanding of which kinds of gear are more beneficial.The argument above is weakened by the fact that it does not take into account the inherent differences between skaters who wear gear and those who do not. If is at least likely that those who wear gear may be generally more responsible and/or safety conscious individuals. The skaters who wear gear may be less likely to cause accidents through careless or dangerous behavior. It may, in fact, be their natural caution and repsonsibility that keeps them out of the emergency room rather than the gear itself. Also, the statistic above is based entirely on those who are skating in streets and parking lots which are relatively dangerous places to skate in the first place. People who are generally more safety conscious (and therefore more likely to wear gear) may choose to skate in safer areas such as parks or back yards.The statistic also goes not differentiate between severity of injuries. The conclusion that safety gear prevents severe injuries suggests that it is presumed that people come to the emergency room only with severe injuries. This is certainly not the case. Also, given that skating is a recreational activity that may be primarily engaged in during evenings and weekends (when doctors' offices are closed), skater with less severe injuries may be especially likely to come to the emergency room for treatment. Finally, there is absolutely no evidence provided that high quality (and presumably more expensive) gear is any more beneficial than other kinds of gear. For example, a simple white t-shirt may provide the same preventative benefit as a higher quality, more expensive, shirt designed only for skating. Before skaters are encouraged to invest heavily in gear, a more complete understanding of the benefit provided by individual pieces of gear would be helpful.The argument for safety gear based on emergency room statistics could provide important information and potentially saves lives. Before conclusions about the amount and kinds of investments that should be made in gear are reached, however, a more complete understanding of the benefits are needed. After all, a false confidence in ineffective gear could be just as dangerous as no gear at all.阅卷人评语——6分      这份非常优秀的作文表明了作者独到的分析技能。引言部分指出,使用题目中的错误类比可能“……刺激人们在经济上和心理上过度依赖防护服”,随后,文章全面地检查了论证过程的每一个本质性错误。特别地,考生指出了削弱论证过程的若干要点:       | 预防性装备和保护性装备是不一样的。       | 穿着防护服的溜冰者更不容易出事故是因为他们本来就更加小心和负责任。       | 统计数据没有区分受伤的严重程度。       | 防护服不一定要高质量才能有用。


范文—— 5分
The argument presented is limited but useful. It indicates a possible relationship between a high percentage of accidents and a lack of protective equipment. The statistics cited compel a further investigation of the usefulness of protective gear in preventing or mitigating roller-skating related injuries. However, the conclusion that protective gear and reflective equipment would "greatly reduce.risk of being severely injured" is premature. Data is lacking with reference to the total population of skaters and the relative levels of experience, skill and physical coordination of that population. It is entirely possible that further research would indicate that most serious injury is averted by the skater's ability to react quickly and skillfully in emergency situations.

Another area of investigation necessary before conclusions can be reached is identification of the types of injuries that occur and the various causes of those injuries. The article fails to identify the most prevalent types of roller-skating related injuries. It also fails to correlate the absence of protective gear and reflective equipment to those injuries. For example, if the majority of injuries are skin abrasions and closed-head injuries, then a case can be made for the usefulness of protective clothing mentioned. Likewise, if injuries are caused by collision with vehicles (e.g. bicycles, cars) or pedestrians, then light-reflective equipment might mitigate the occurences. However, if the primary types of injuries are soft-tissue injuries such as torn ligaments and muscles, back injuries and the like, then a greater case could be made for training and experience as preventative measures.

阅卷人评语 —— 5分
l 所有溜冰者具有什么特点?
l 保护性的或者反光的设备在防止或减轻溜冰造成的伤害方面有什么好处?
l 受伤的类型和原因是什么?
考生考虑了可能加强或削弱论证过程的答案,并对每个问题进行了展开阐述。本文并没有达到 6 分作文所要求的论证和展开批驳过程的思维能力以及完整性,但是它清晰的结构,很强的语言控制力,以及在相当程度上的展开阐述都比 4 分的水平要高。(这篇文章字数是250字,得到了5分,大家能想到什么?)

范文—— 4分
Although the argument stated above discusses the importance of safety equipment as significant part of avoiding injury, the statistics quoted are vague and inconclusive. Simply because 75 percent of the people involved in roller-skating accidents are not wearing the stated equipment does not automatically implicate the lack of equipment as the cause of injury. The term "accidents" may imply a great variety of injuries. The types of injuries one could incur by not wearing the types of equipment stated above are minor head injuries; skin abrasions or possibly bone fracture of a select few areas such as knees, elbows, hands, etc. (which are in fact most vulnerable to this sport); and/or injuries due to practising the sport during low light times of the day. During any physically demanding activity or sport people are subjected to a wide variety of injuries which cannot be avoided with protective clothing or light-reflective materials. These injuries include inner trauma (e.g., heart-attack); exhaustion; strained muscles, ligaments, or tendons; etc. Perhaps the numbers and percentages of people injured during roller-skating, even without protective equipment, would decrease greatly if people participating in the sport had proper training, good physical health, warmup properly before beginning (stretching), as well as take other measures to prevent possible injury, such as common-sense, by refraining from performing the activity after proper lighting has ceased and knowing your personal limitations as an individual and athlete. The statistics used in the above reasoning are lacking in proper direction considering their assertions and therefore must be further examined and modified so that proper conclusions can be reached.

阅卷人评语—— 4分
l 不使用设备可能“自动地”被假设为导致受伤的原因
l “事故”可能指的是小伤
l 受伤可能是由其他原因导致的——在晚上溜冰,没有经过正确的训练或者热身,没有意识到自己的生理缺陷。
对语言的控制中等偏上,考生能正确地控制语言并清晰表述,和书面英语的使用习惯也基本一致。尽管如此,总的来说,这份 4 分的作文没有像 5 分作文一样有全面的展开阐述。

范文—— 3分
The arguement is well presented and supported, but not completely well reasoned. It is clear and concisely written. The content is logically and smoothly presented. Statistics cited are used to develop support for the recommendation, that roller skaters who invest in protective gear and reflective equipment can reduce their risk of severe, accidental injuries. Examples of the types of protective equipment are described for the reader. Unfortunately, the author of the argement fails to note that merely by purchasing gear and reflective equipment that the skater will be protected. This is, of course, falacious if the skater fails to use the equipment, or uses it incorrectly or inappropriately. It is also an unnecessary assumption that a skater need purchase high-quality gear for the same degree of effectiveness to be achieved. The argument could be improved by taking these issues into consideration, and making recommendations for education and safety awareness to skaters

阅卷人评语—— 3分
l 购买了防护服的人会使用它们
l 高质量的防护服比其他防护服更有效
这些点足以构成一些分析,所以本文能得到 3 分。但是,每一个分析点都没有展开到位而达到 4 分的标准。

范文—— 2分
To reduce the accidents from roller skating we should consider about it causes and effects concurrently to find the best solution. Basically the roller-skating players are children, they had less experiences to protect themselves from any kind of dangerous. Therefore, it should be a responsible of adult to take care them. Adult should recommend their child to wear any protective clothing, set the rules and look after them while they are playing.

In the past roller-skating is limited in the skate yard but when it became popular people normally play it on the street way) Therefore the number of accidents from roller-skating is increased. The skate manufacturer should have a responsibility in producing a protective clothing. They should promote and sell them together with skates. The government or state should set the regulation of playing skate on the street way like they did with the bicycle.

To prevent this kind of accident is the best solution but it needs a coorperation among us to have a concious
mind to beware and realize its dangerous.

阅卷人评语—— 2分
本文在句子结构和语言使用上也频繁出现严重的问题。错误——词汇选择,动词时态,主谓一致,标点符号——非常多,并且有的时候影响到了含义。比如,“ … it needs a cooperation among us to have a conscious mind to beware and realize its dangerous.”
本文得 2 分的原因是,它不仅有很多严重的语言缺陷,还没有基于逻辑分析写出驳论文章。
范文—— 1分
the protective equipment do help to reduce the risk of being severyly injuryed in an accident since there are 75% Of those who had accidents in streets or parking lots were not wearing any protectivel clothing. Such as hemlets, kenn pads, etc. or any light-reflecting materials such as clip-on lights, glow-in-the-dark wrist pads ets. if they do have protective eqipment that only a quarter accident may happen, also that can greatly reduce their risk ofbeing severyly injuryed in an accident, that can save some lives and a lot of energy and money for the treatment. the protective equipment do help to reduce the risk of being severyly injuryed in an accident since there are 75% Of those who had accidents in streets or parking lots were not wearing any protectivel clothing. such as hemlets, kenn pads, etc. or any light-reflecting materials such as clip-on lights, glow-in-the-dark wrist pads ets. if they do have protective eqipment that only a quarter accident may happen, also that can greatly reduce their risk ofbeing severyly injuryed in an accident, that can save some lives and a lot of energy and money for the treatment. the protective equipment do help to reduce the risk of being severyly injuryed in an accident since there are 75% Of those who had accidents in streets or parking lots were not wearing any protectivel clothing. such as hemlets, kenn pads, etc. or any lightreflecting materials such as clip-on lights, glow-in-the-dark wrist pads ets. if they do have protective eqipment that only a quarter accident may happen, also that can greatly reduce their risk ofbeing severyly injuryed in an accident, that can save some lives and a lot of energy and money for the treatment.

阅卷人评语 —— 1分
这篇本质上就不对的文章完全接受了题目的推理:“ the protective equipment do help to reduce the risk of being severyly injuryed in an accident. ”没有证据表明作者能够理解或者分析论证过程。除了一些额外的词,文章生于部分仅仅是在复制题目。这篇 2 个句子的文章一字不差地把句子复制了两遍。语言和语言使用同样错误百出。仅有的加进去的词,和题目中的词汇也没有构成连贯表述。因此,本文符合评分标准中对 1 分文章的所有表述。

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