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[习作点评] 锤先森G330__issue习作集合贴 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2015-5-20 01:14:17 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 锤先森G330 于 2015-8-29 09:19 编辑

                                                                               楼 主 公 告

考试记录:2015年4月25日  GRE 1战 AW 3.0; 2战考试时间:2015年9月6日



2楼    Issue 17/68     2稿
4楼    Issue 15/135   1稿
8楼    Argument 32   2稿
9楼    Issue 13          2稿
12楼  Argument 71   2稿     pass
18楼  Argument 1     1稿
19楼  Issue 62          1稿
28楼  Issue 113         提纲
29楼  Argument 73    1稿
30楼  Issue 33/109    1稿
31楼  Argument 31    1稿


33楼  Issue 15         2稿
34楼  Argument 32  2稿
36楼  Issue 13         2稿
38楼  Argument 85=87 2稿
39楼  Issue 91         1稿
40楼  Argument 54   1稿
43楼  Issue 78          1稿
42楼  Argument 62=121=122=124 1稿
44楼  Issue 100        1稿
46楼  Argument 100  1稿
52楼  Issue 105         1稿
53楼  Argument 34    1稿
54楼  Issue 57           2稿
56楼  Argument 135  2稿
58楼  Issue 1             2稿   改写
59楼  Argument 14     2稿  内容问题还需调整
60楼  Issue 2              1稿,未点评
61楼  Issue 119          1稿,未点评
62楼  Issue 3              1稿,未点评
64楼  Argument 6       1稿,未点评
66楼  Issue 108          1稿
68楼  Argument 132    1稿,未点评
71楼  Issue 20             1稿,未点评


55楼  以Issue57为例--文章的连贯和呼应

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2015-5-20 01:15:49 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 tesolchina 于 2015-6-22 10:22 编辑

Issue 17=Issue 68
Formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

2015/5/23 16:20
2nd  edition

Nowadays, some people increasingly emphasize the significance of the diversity of formal education. They hold the view that formal education nowadays tends to restrain people’s minds and spirits rather than set them free. As far as I am concerned, whether this statement is convincing depends on the type of the students. For primary school students, the education they get has already been stressing one’s creativity and thus set their minds free. For middle school students who have to deal with the stress of entrance examination, the education they received tends to restrain their minds and spirits. Finally, college school education tends to both set student’s mind free.  


entrance examination- college ...

To begin with, the education that primary school students  nowadays received usually set students’ minds and spirits free. On the one hand, in many Chinese primary school, students have access to choose varieties of courses such as piano, football or traditional Chinese painting by their own, and they are also available to choose teacher that they like most. Furthermore, they can arrange their own class schedule according to their own situation. And students have to earn a certain amount of credits in this type of classes in order to graduate. On the other hand, primary school teachers nowadays stress more on cultivating student’s different types of capacity, because of less competence pressure that primary school students have to deal with, and of the development of the science and technology. Consequently, students’ minds in this type of education are less likely to be confined in their academic works. Therefore, it’s safe to say that formal education tends to set the primary school students’ minds free.  

have access to choose表达
they are also available 表达
they can arrange their own class schedule according to their own situation. 小学生可以么?  
你On the one hand后面的内容并没有和主题句的观点关联起来  

1 1st 中既然已经提到了学生和老师两个方面,那么这一次我就干脆把二者拆开来写,用on the one hand.... on the other hand 连接,我觉得这样是不是层次和思路更清晰一些?
2 第一个理由后面又加了:学生可以根据喜好选择老师,根据个人情况安排时间,这样我觉得更能说明set their minds free? 但是总觉得还应该加一句话透彻说明例子和set free 的关系,但又担心说不好。。。听下老师的意见呢?
3 老师画下划线的应该都是要修改的地方吧?我不太清楚老师的批改符号但是大概猜到了...第一次那个emancipate one's mind 我本来想写解放思想的,现在想想这个也不完全等价 set mind free...

emancipate这个词通常是指解放 和 释放 意义不同

Further, unfortunately, we have to concede that the formal education does restrain middle school students’ spirits. In order to get a good grade and successfully pass the college entrance examination, middle school students have to focus their mind on academic work. For instance, there are too many students in China while the number of university with high quality is limited. As a result, the middle school students in China have to study very late at night and students just study the subjects that relate to the examination, and many of them hold the view that knowledge that taught by teachers or exhibited in textbooks is constantly right.  Consequently, not to mention having a free mind, many Chinese students even lost the the ability of questioning, researching and probing that lay the foundation for owning a free mind. Hence, it’s inevitable to say that the middle school education confines the student’s mind.


你这段一开始说有考试压力 但是到了后面却变成了说knowledge that taught by teachers or exhibited in textbooks is constantly right.

Finally, although sometimes the formal education will still restrain the college school students’ mind, most time  also set them free, and this is not contradictory. For one thing, students in the most of the colleges in the world have to face final examination in order to graduate. And their minds are easily to be restrained when they want to get well prepared for the test, like middle school students. However, at most time, there are increasing number of students are required to take participate in researches and seminar courses dueing school years, especially the students that major in science and technology. The students’ creativity will be greatly illuminated and their spirits also will be set free during these processes. Plus, college students have more chance to participate in social activities, which is also help to emancipate their minds.

老师的意思是改成单方向说大学会set students' mind free, 在原来的基础上我想了一下,调整为只在考试的时候会restrain mind, 但是大多数时候为了面对一系列的研究等活动,学生的思想还是free 的,这样我觉得是不是更有利于复杂性观点?想和老师讨论下这个观点?

there are increasing number of students are required  语法
分层次讨论已经让观点足够复杂  你目前的问题不是观点复杂 而是如何在中间段的层面有效的支持论点  尤其是要注意句子之间的连贯和衔接 也就是说前一个句子讲的内容 在后一个句子里还得接着讲

To sum up, formal education have different influence on different types of students’ minds. It is more likely that the primary school students’ and college students' minds will be set free however the middle school students’ minds will be restrained.

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寄托兑换店纪念章 US-applicant 19周年勋章

发表于 2015-5-24 15:08:09 |只看该作者
锤先森G330 发表于 2015-5-20 01:15
Issue 17=Issue 68
Formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them fr ...

我之前改的版本你删掉了么 以后请保留

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Rank: 4

发表于 2015-5-24 20:22:48 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 tesolchina 于 2015-6-22 10:24 编辑

Issue 15=Issue 135
Educational institutions should actively encourage their students to choose fields of study that will prepare them for lucrative careers.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.

My response:

2015/5/24  1st edition

Nowadays, some people think that educational institutions should try their best to let students to choose fields of study that will get them prepared them for lucrative careers. However, I suggest that whether this statement is true depends on the type of the students. For students who haven’t know their interest clearly, encouraging them to choose a certain kind of field may impede their future development. For students who know what they like while have some living problems, encouraging them to study in these fields will actually help them to do what they like finally. Plus, educational institutions should also decide whether a student is suitable for studying a certain kind of career before they encourage students to study.

is true depends on  语法
depends on the type of the students 这个type的说法太笼统了  
have some living problems 不懂你的意思 在主旨句中出现这种让人看不懂的说法是非常严重的  这说明你还不具备能够自己想出好的观点的能力  
针对challenge的题目 主旨句里应该概括可能的挑战  

To begin with, for students who haven’t know their interest clearly, encouraging this kind of students to study fields that will get people prepared for a lucrative careers may impede their own development. Some students might have outstanding talent in some fields that may not get them prepared for a lucrative life. However, their talent may be helpful for the development of society. For instance, Van Gogh, who was one of the most famous artists in the world, experienced a difficult life during his life time. When he was a student and didn’t really know his interest, he was encouraged by his parents to study anatomy, which would enable him to be a good doctor and earned lots of money. Fortunately, Van Gogh abandoned to study it and then became a good artist. Consequently, our world may lost many talents if educational institutions encourage students to choose subjects to study in order to enable them be ready for lucrative careers.

study fields 搭配
梵高的例子在这里很不合适 梵高有选过科目么  你就知道梵高
题目说的是educational institution 不是parents

Further, some students have their own hobby while have to deal with life problems. Therefore it is necessary for educational institutions to encourage them to choose fields to study in order to get them prepared for lucrative careers, and thence enable them to catch what they like. To illustrate, according to the Maslow’s theory of the hierarchy of needs, physical needs lay the foundation for the pursuit of the higher needs. At many times, people can pursue their ideal life only when they have a certain amount of money, which is a type of physical need. For instance, although Edison liked science very much, he had to work for at least five factories when he was young in order to solve his basic living problems. He couldn’t finish enormous of scientific researches without having some money. Therefore, letting this kind of students to study fields that will make money will also help them to catch what they like.

deal with life problems指的是什么  
你想说 financial problem?  
爱迪生有选科么 爱迪生有学校劝他么  你写文章前读下题目好么  

Finally, educational institutions should know whether a student is suitable for studying a certain kind of job in order to get them better prepared for lucrative careers. Recent years, medical care and chemical analyst are the two of the most lucrative careers. However, people in these careers need to have some qualities like carefulness and hard-working. Consequently, if educational institutions tell a carless and lazy student to study this fields, he or she still can’t be successful in his or her future career. To sum up, before deciding whether a student is suitable for studying a certain kind of field, educational institution should well know he or she in order to get them better prepared for a lucrative career.

你这里哪里有对方的challenge  你到底看过我写的这类题目的文章没  
你最起码要会用 Some people may argue that … 这种句型吧

To sum, for students who don’t know what they like, encouraging them to study fields mentioned above may actually impede students’ development. However, for those people who have personal interest but don’t have much money, encouraging them to study these fields can be a good way. And educational institutions should decide carefully whether a student can be suitable for studying a certain field.

我觉得你今天写的这个全文就是浪费时间  建议你接下来先写提纲 不要急着写全文  

已有 1 人评分寄托币 声望 收起 理由
tesolchina + 20 + 5 暑假练习第一篇!!!

总评分: 寄托币 + 20  声望 + 5   查看全部投币

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Rank: 4

发表于 2015-5-24 20:24:31 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 锤先森G330 于 2015-5-24 20:36 编辑
tesolchina 发表于 2015-5-24 15:08
我之前改的版本你删掉了么 以后请保留


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Rank: 8Rank: 8


寄托兑换店纪念章 US-applicant 19周年勋章

发表于 2015-5-25 21:10:08 |只看该作者
锤先森G330 发表于 2015-5-24 20:22
Issue 15=Issue 135
Educational institutions should actively encourage their students to choose fiel ...


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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7


IBT Zeal 备考先锋 US-applicant

发表于 2015-5-25 23:32:59 |只看该作者
抱歉这么晚给你点评 希望能帮到你

Nowadays, some people think that educational institutions should try their best to let students to (使能动词可以不用接to) choose fields of study that will get them prepared them(可以删掉) for lucrative careers. However, I suggest that whether this statement is true depends on the type of the students. For students who haven’t know(时态) their interest clearly, encouraging them to choose a certain kind of field may impede their future development. For students who know what they like while have some living problems, encouraging them to study in these fields(哪种field呢?) will actually help them to do what they like finally. Plus, educational institutions should also decide whether a student is suitable for studying a certain kind of career before they encourage students to study.

To begin with, for students who haven’t know their interest clearly, encouraging this kind of students to study fields that will get people prepared for a lucrative careers may impede their own development. Some students might(may) have outstanding talent in some fields that may not get them prepared for a lucrative life(career). However(前后并无转折关系,貌似是递进), their talent may be helpful for the development of society. For instance, Van Gogh, who was one of the most famous artists in the world, experienced a difficult life during his life time. When he was a student and didn’t really know his interest, he was encouraged by his parents to study anatomy, which would enable him to be a good doctor and earned lots of money. Fortunately, Van Gogh abandoned to study it and then became a good artist. Consequently, our world may lost many talents if educational institutions encourage students to choose subjects to study in order to enable them be ready for lucrative careers.

Further, some students have their own hobby while have to deal with life problems. Therefore it is necessary for educational institutions to encourage them to choose fields to study in order to get them prepared for lucrative careers, and thence enable them to catch what they like. To illustrate, according to the Maslow’s theory of the hierarchy of needs, physical needs lay the foundation for the pursuit of the higher needs. At many times, people can pursue their ideal life only when they have a certain amount of money, which is a type of physical need. For instance, although Edison liked science very much, he had to work for at least five factories when he was young in order to solve his basic living problems. He couldn’t finish enormous of scientific researches without having some money. Therefore, letting this kind of students to study fields that will make money(related to lucrative careers) will also help them to catch what they like.

Finally, educational institutions should know(前文说的是decide??) whether a student is suitable for studying a certain kind of job in order to get them better prepared for lucrative careers. Recent years, medical care and chemical analyst are the two of the most lucrative careers. However, people in these careers need to have some qualities like carefulness and hard-working. Consequently, if educational institutions tell a carless(careless) and lazy student to study this fields, he or she still can’t be successful in his or her future career. To sum up, before deciding whether a student is suitable for studying a certain kind of field, educational institution should well know he or she in order to get them better prepared for a lucrative career.

To sum, for students who don’t know what they like, encouraging them to study fields mentioned above may actually impede students’ development. However, for those people who have personal interest but don’t have much money, encouraging them to study these fields can be a good way. And educational institutions should decide(貌似还是用know更好) carefully whether a student can be suitable for studying a certain field.


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Rank: 4

发表于 2015-5-27 02:43:46 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 tesolchina 于 2015-5-29 22:05 编辑

32 The following appeared in a memo from a vice president of Quiot Manufacturing.
During the past year, Quiot Manufacturing had 30 percent more on-the-job accidents than at the nearby Panoply Industries plant, where the work shifts are one hour shorter than ours. Experts say that significant contributing factors in many on-the-job accidents are fatigue and sleep deprivation among workers. Therefore, to reduce the number of on-the-job accidents at Quiot and thereby increase productivity, we should shorten each of our three work shifts by one hour so that employees will get adequate amounts of sleep.

Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.

第一次在王老师这写argument, 心里没底,第一次先抄了一篇, argument不要结尾也可以对吧?



My response:

The arguer recommended shortening the work shifts so the number of accident will be reduced and the productivity will be increased with the belief that the measure could enable the workers get more sleep. Lots of assumptions about the factor that causes fewer accidents in Panoply, the relationship among work hours, fatigue, lack of sleep and accidents have to be reexamined in order to correctly evaluate the argument.

嗯 写得不错  

Firstly, the author assumed that the reason why Panoply had 30% fewer accidents is due to the shorter work shifts for workers. This assumption has to be examined carefully because other reasons might cause the same situation. For example, it is the working condition in Quiot are more dangerous that lead the higher risks of accidents. Or there were just fewer workers working in Panoply than in Quiot. If these are the main reasons leading to the gap in the number of accidents, the recommendation wouldn’t help close the gap.

reasons might cause搭配
it is the working condition in Quiot are more dangerous句子结构
lead the higher risks缺to

注意情态动词的使用 因为这里讨论的是可能的情况 见博客321楼
the gap of ...

Further, it is also assumed that the Quiot workers would have chance to get more sleep and not feel tired at the work time by shortening the shifts. So many factors could also affect the amount of sleep and the energy level of the workers. To illustrate, some people like staying up playing computer games or hanging out with friends in the bars until mid-nights. These people prefer lifestyles that lead to sleep deprivation. Plus, some workers sometimes have to take other part-time jobs in order to extra money due to the low salary paid by Quiot. And obviously it will also reduce the sleeping time and energy level of the workers. Consequently, adopting the recommendation would not achieve the initial goal if the sleep deprivation and fatigue are caused by factors mentioned above.

due to the low salary paid by Quiot - probably because the salary paid by Quiot was too low
注意这里是猜测 不能写得太肯定

Finally, the author also assumed that the number of accidents will be reduced if workers get enough sleep. The proposal may not reduce the number of accidents even if reducing the work can help workers sleep more. Some factors could also cause the accidents at Quiot. For instance, workers may lack necessary training about the self-protection or the supervisors are derelict in their work. Or the facilities in Quiot needs to be updated and thus reduce the risk of accidents. Accordingly, the recommendation shouldn’t be accepted unless there are no reason other than lack of sleep can cause the accidents.

there are no reason other than lack of sleep can cause the accidents.
经典there be 句型错误

2015/5/29 21:02 第二稿

The arguer recommended shortening the workshifts so the number of accident will be reduced and the productivity will beincreased with the belief that the measure could enable the workers get moresleep. Lots of assumptions have to be reexamined in order to correctly evaluatethe argument. These assumption include the factor that causes fewer accidentsin Panoply, the relationship among work hours, fatigue, lack of sleep andaccidents.


assumtpions include 后面跟factor 等不太合适


Firstly, the author assumed that the reasonwhy Panoply had 30% fewer accidents is due to the shorter work shifts forworkers. This assumption has to be examined carefully because other factorsmight cause the same situation. For example, it might be the much moredangerous working condition in Quiot that lead to the higher risks ofaccidents. Or there were just fewer workers working in Panoply than in Quiot.If these are the main reasons leading to the gap of the number of accidents, the recommendation wouldn’t helpclose the gap.

the reason ... is due to 这个表达不对

the reason why is that the company has shorter work shifts ...

Or there were just fewer workers working in Panoply than in Quiot. 这个后面应该加一句

Further, it is also assumed that the Quiotworkers would have chance to get more sleep and not feel tired at the work timeby shortening the shifts. So many factors could also affect the amount of sleepand the energy level of the workers. To illustrate, some people might likestaying up playing computer games or hanging out with friends in the bars untilmid-nights. Thus these people prefer lifestyles that lead to sleep deprivation.Plus, some workers sometimes may have to take other part-time jobs in order toextra money probably because the salary paid by Quiot was too low. And it can alsoreduce the sleeping time and energy level of the workers. Consequently,adopting the recommendation would not achieve the initial goal if the sleepdeprivation and fatigue are caused by factors mentioned above.

根据王老师的建议增补了几个might, could之类的情态动词进去,增强推测性

likestaying up- likes to stay

Thus these people prefer -> In other words, these people may prefer ...

because the salary paid by Quiot was too low

probably because the salary paid by Quiot was too low

Finally, the author also assumed that thenumber of accidents will be reduced if workers get enough sleep. The proposalmay not reduce the number of accidents even if reducing the work can helpworkers sleep more. Some factors could also cause the accidents at Quiot. Forinstance, workers may lack necessary training about the self-protection or thesupervisors are derelict in their work. Or the facilities in Quiot needs to beupdated and thus reduce the risk of accidents. Accordingly, the recommendationshouldn’t be accepted unless there is no reason other than lack of sleep can causethe accidents.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2015-5-27 19:59:51 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 tesolchina 于 2015-5-29 21:52 编辑

13) Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.

My Outline:

I agree with the statement that every university student should take a variety of courses outside their field of study. Taking a variety of courses helps students study their major more effectively, enables them to make more friends. However, universities should encourage rather than require their students to take this kind of jobs, so students can arrange their work time and study time by their own situation.

Taking a variety of courses要换表达
take this kind of jobs- courses
by their own situation表达

To begin with, it is essential for students nowadays to take a variety of courses outside their field of study, because they could study with higher efficiency if they have different kinds of knowledge. To illustrate, if a history major student has learned the knowledge of computer programming, he or she can use the mathematical model that constructed by computer programming to quickly analysis many things about history, such as the change of population density after the Second World War. On the contrary, if a history major student without computer programming knowledge also wants to analyze the population density mentioned before, he or she must go to the library and look up all statistics of population in numerous documentaries, which will cost a lot of time and energy. Consequently, it is better for students to take extra courses outside their field of study.

ok 这段写的不错

Further, learning knowledge outside someone’s field of study enables he or she has chance to contact with different kind of people and even make friends with them. And this is also helpful for them in their future career. As we all know, friends are the people who have a similar series of worldview, values and philosophy. Your friends’ behavior may impact you largely and their help is significant especially when you are in trouble. To illustrate, Gates had access to computer knowledge when he was even a middle school student, which was also a kind of knowledge outside his field at that time, and this made him meet his best friend Allen. They influenced and helped each other and ultimately developed Microsoft. Therefore, taking courses outside the student’s field can be useful and may have a profound influence on his or her future career.

这段的例子偏了 题目是require courses 你可以写交朋友 比如文科生修读计算机课的时候可以认识程序员 说不定以后创业时用得上
或者工科生修读文科 遇上文艺青年 可以从另一个角度看世界等等

However, some people may hold the view that requiring students to take a variety of courses outside their field of study will occupy much of their time, which would have a negative effect on their major course study. Hence, I agree more with the statement that universities should encourage rather than require their students to take this kind of courses aforementioned. Consequently, students can arrange their time flexibly and thus fully use their time to study all course they have. Plus, universities can also give some instruction when their students have trouble in choosing their courses.

你可以说 允许学生以pass or fail来修这些课程 不必担心影响GPA 这样也轻松一些  

To sum up, I agree with the idea that universities should encourage their students to have a variety of courses outside the student’s field of study. On the one hand, choosing course outside someone’s field will help him or her study his or her major more effectively. On the other hand, taking this kind of course give students chances to make friends, and the friends they have may have a significant influence on them even on their future career.

2015/5/29 20:20 第二稿

I agree with the statement that every university student should take a variety of courses outside their field of study. Having a variety of courses helps students study their major more effectively, enables them to make more friends. However, universities shouldn't associate the grade of this kind of courses with a certain student's grade point average(GPA), therefore students could study with less pressure and their major courses' study will not be influenced severely.

However这句话 首先要注意断句  就是到therefore之前就要句号了 很好奇你为什么会继续往下写 断句的问题很多同学都有  参考
https://bbs.gter.net/thread-1826774-1-1.html 的3.3
另外universities shouldn't associate the grade of this kind of courses with a certain student's grade point average(GPA)这个说法很别扭

While some people may be concerned with the potential harm of this policy on students' GPA, I believe that the university should allow students to take such courses under the pass/fail mode without worrying about getting a lower letter grade.  

To begin with, it is essential for students nowadays to take a variety of courses outside their field of study, because they could study with higher efficiency if they have different kinds of knowledge. To illustrate, if a history major student has learned the knowledge of computer programming, he or she can use the mathematical model that constructed by computer programming to quickly analysis many things about history, such as the change of population density after the Second World War. On the contrary, if a history major student without computer programming knowledge also wants to analyze the population density mentioned before, he or she must go to the library and look up all statistics of population in numerous documentaries, which will cost a lot of time and energy. Consequently, it is better for students to take extra courses outside their field of study.

that constructed by 语法
to quickly analysis 词性
如果能引入 method这个概念会更清晰

Further, learning knowledge outside someone’s field of study enables he or she has chance to contact with different kind of people and even make friends with them. And this is also helpful for them in their future career. As we all know, friends are the people who have a similar series of worldview, values and philosophy. Your friends’ behavior may impact you largely and their help is significant especially when you are in trouble. To illustrate, when an economy major student is required to study computer programming course, he or she has the chance to make friends with good programmers, who might play an essential role in his or her future career. Because the computer programmer might bring the idea of programing to his or her work.  Therefore, taking courses outside the student’s field can be useful and may have a profound influence on his or her future career.

enables he or she has chance 表达
As we all know, friends are the people who have a similar series of worldview, values and philosophy. Your friends’ behavior may impact you largely and their help is significant especially when you are in trouble.

programming对career的影响 没有说清楚
an economy major- economics

However, some people may hold the view that requiring students to take a variety of courses outside their field of study will occupy much of their time, which would have a negative effect on their major courses study. Hence, I agree more with the idea that universities should require their students to have extra-field classes, but it’s not a good way for school to associate the grade of this kind of class with a certain student’s GPA. Modern students concern more about their GPA in school, so relating the grade with GPA can put much pressure on students when they are studying. Consequently, students have to spend a lot of time studying hard in order to get a good grade. And it will incredibly have a negative effect on their major field study.

extra-field classes ?
一般来说一个句子里只能有一个主句加从句 不能出现两组主句从句

To sum up, I agree with the idea that universities should require their students to have a variety of courses outside the student’s field of study without link their grades to GPA. On the one hand, choosing course outside someone’s field will help him or her study his or her major more effectively. On the other hand, taking this kind of course give students chances to make friends, and the friends they have may have a significant influence on them even on their future career.


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发表于 2015-5-27 21:50:56 |只看该作者
锤先森G330 发表于 2015-5-27 19:59
13) Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's fie ...


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发表于 2015-5-27 22:18:54 |只看该作者
Further, learning knowledge outside someone’s field of study enables he or she has chance to contact with different kind of people and even make friends with them. And this is also helpful for them in their future career. As we all know, friends are the people who have a similar series of worldview, values and philosophy. Your friends’ behavior may impact you largely and their help is significant especially when you are in trouble. To illustrate, Gates had access to computer knowledge when he was even a middle school student, which was also a kind of knowledge outside his field at that time, and this made him meet his best friend Allen. They influenced and helped each other and ultimately developed Microsoft. Therefore, taking courses outside the student’s field can be useful and may have a profound influence on his or her future career.

个人觉得:friends对你的影响这个应该是多余了,应该还是以required courses outside fields 为核心展开,除了老师说的那个文科生创业,我觉得也可以说文科生在大学期间学习电脑知识,在当今的信息化时代,以后工作中会有很多运用电脑的地方。

However, some people may hold the view that requiring students to take a variety of courses outside their field of study will occupy much of their time, which would have a negative effect on their major course study. Hence, I agree more with the statement that universities should encourage rather than require their students to take this kind of courses aforementioned. Consequently, students can arrange their time flexibly and thus fully use their time to study all course they have. Plus, universities can also give some instruction when their students have trouble in choosing their courses.

想和你讨论一下:你在之前是agree的,但是在这一段变成了enourage(在感情上是让步),老师说这样的逻辑不对是因为既然前面agree the opinion,后面就不可以让步是么,还是要坚持原来的观点?

Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence

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发表于 2015-5-28 20:57:22 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 tesolchina 于 2015-5-31 22:03 编辑

71). The following is a letter to the editor of the Waymarsh Times.

"Traffic here in Waymarsh is becoming a problem. Although just three years ago a state traffic survey showed that the typical driving commuter took 20 minutes to get to work, the commute now takes closer to 40 minutes, according to the survey just completed. Members of the town council already have suggested more road building to address the problem, but as well as being expensive, the new construction will surely disrupt some of our residential neighborhoods. It would be better to follow the example of the nearby city of Garville. Last year Garville implemented a policy that rewards people who share rides to work, giving them coupons for free gas. Pollution levels in Garville have dropped since the policy was implemented, and people from Garville tell me that commuting times have fallen considerably. There is no reason why a policy like Garville's shouldn't work equally well in Waymarsh."

Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.

My response:

According to the letter, Waymarsh should introduce a policy similar to that of Garville to encourage more drivers to share rides with others to solve a perceived traffic problem. This policy will be better than the road building project proposed by the city council. To evaluate this argument, we need more evidence about the surveys indicating the traffic problem, the policy implemented in Garville that is now proposed for Waymarsh, as well as its strengths and weaknesses relative to the road construction plan.

To begin with, we need to examine the surveys more critically to decide if there is indeed a traffic problem in Waymarsh. On the one hand, with the environmental problems becoming more severe, more and more people prefer to live in the suburb area. Obviously, their commuting time will increase if they still work in the city center. On the other hand, the subjects in the two surveys may be different. For instance, during these years, the development of Waymarsh have attracted many young people to come and work in there. However, due to the high house price, they couldn’t afford buying a house in the city immediately and they had to live far away from the city center where they worked. And most subjects in the latter survey were this kind of person. Three years before, most people interviewed by reporter were local people, whose family had lived in city center for a long time. Thus, more information about the survey has to be given in order to correctly evaluate it.

On the one hand, with the environmental problems becoming more severe, more and more people prefer to live in the suburb area. 你这句话好像是在陈述事实 这个是不对的  argument很多讨论都是可能性  
due to the high house price, 这完全是你自己YY的吧  
interviewed by reporter 是survey  不是interview

In addition, we need to collect more information about how the policy has changed the traffic in Garvile and how a similar policy will affect people’s behaviors in Waymarsh. For instance, the government might also implemented a strict policy in order to control the pollution emission at the same time. In other word, maybe the decrease of the pollution level was not caused by the rides-sharing policy. Further, more compelling evidence the arguer should give about whether the commute time in Garville was really decrease. Maybe people being interviewed didn’t want to say negative things about their hometown. Plus, even though the rides-sharing policy was effective in Garville, this policy may not be accepted by Waymarsh people, as most people live in Waymarsh are wealthy and thus concern more about privacy and safety.

implemented a strict policy on what?
pollution emission from where?  
Maybe people being interviewed didn’t want to say negative things about their hometown.  你以为这是天朝啊

Finally, we need to compare the cost and benefits of the ride sharing policy with the proposed road and project. The arguer failed to give evidence such as data to support his or her statement. To illustrate, the road can be used for at least 30 years and thus it is an one-off investment. Compared with giving people coupons for free gas for 30 years, constructing road may even be a more cost-effective way. Additionally, the government can also give some compensation fees to people when constructing the roads, and this also might save much more money of the government. Accordingly, the author should give more quantitative data to bolster his or her idea.

The arguer failed to give evidence such as data to support his or her statement. what statement?

2015/5/31  Second edition

My response:

According to the letter, Waymarsh should introduce a policy similar to that of Garville to encourage more drivers to share rides with others to solve a perceived traffic problem. This policy will be better than the road building project proposed by the city council. To evaluate this argument, we need more evidence about the surveys indicating the traffic problem, the policy implemented in Garville that is now proposed for Waymarsh, as well as its strengths and weaknesses relative to the road construction plan.

先粘贴到notepad里再贴过来 可免去word里的格式

To begin with, we need to examine the surveys more critically to decide if there is indeed a traffic problem in Waymarsh. Maybe the environmental problem in the Waymarsh becomes increasingly severe and thus renders more people move outside. Consequently, they spend much time on commuting to the work. Plus, the subjects in the two surveys may be different. For instance, maybe most of the subjects in the first survey are local people and have been living in the city center for a long time. While most of the subjects in the latter interview are new comers of the city and have to live far away from the city center where they work. Therefore, the commuting time of the latter subjects is incredibly longer than the former subjects. Thus, more information about the survey has to be given in order to correctly evaluate it.

move outside - move further away from the city center

latter subjects- latter group of subjects 写得不错 在我的思路基础上自己想了其他可能性  

In addition, we need to collect more information about how the policy has changed the traffic in Garvile and how a similar policy will affect people's behaviors in Waymarsh. For instance, the government might also implemented a strict policy on industry in order to control the pollution emission from the factories and coal mines at the same time.  In other word, maybe the decrease of the pollution level was not caused by the rides-sharing policy. Further, more compelling evidence the arguer should give about whether the commute time in Garville was really decrease. The statement from residents is subjective and hence can't reflect the true fact precisely. Plus, even though the rides-sharing policy was effective in Garville, this policy may not be accepted by Waymarsh people, as most people live in Waymarsh are wealthy and thus concern more about privacy and safety.

might also implemented 这种问题要自己检查一下

In other words这句写得不错  

Further, more compelling evidence the arguer should give about whether the commute time in Garville was really decrease.  这个宾语前置看起来很高大上的样子 这个句型我不是很熟 你可以找几句范文给我看看  

was really decrease 这个低级语法错误把句子给毁了

Finally, we need to compare the cost and benefits of the ride sharing policy with the proposed road and project. The arguer failed to give evidence such as data to support his or her statement that constructing road is a less cost-effective way.  To illustrate, the road can be used for at least 30 years and thus it is an one-off investment. Compared with giving people coupons for free gas for 30 years, constructing road may even be a more cost-effective way. Additionally, the government can also give some compensation fees to people when constructing the roads, and this also might save much more money of the government. Accordingly, the author should give more quantative data to bolster his or her idea.

give evidence such as data 表达

the government can also give some compensation fees to people when constructing the roads, and this also might save much more money of the government.这句的意思有问题 提出赔偿的意义在于将隐形的成本转化为账面成本 然后和其他项目的成本做对比 你这个点写不出来的话 说compensation 就不通了

compensation fees 表达

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发表于 2015-5-28 23:04:06 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 cchen2014 于 2015-5-28 23:16 编辑
To begin with, we need to examine the surveys more critically to decide if there is indeed a traffic problem in Waymarsh.

第一个on one hand王老师已经提到了,不应该陈述事实,其实这整个段落都是提出各种假设。比如:可能survey怎样怎样,会导致结果的不准确;可能调查对象怎么怎样,会导致结果不准确。如果没有足够的信息证明survey的准确性,那交通问题就不一定存在。
Three years before, most people interviewed by reporter were local people, whose family had lived in city center for a long time.

这些陈述事实的句子如果改成“If啥啥”“Maybe 啥啥”的可能比较好。

Further, more compelling evidence the arguer should give about whether the commute time in Garville was really decrease.


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发表于 2015-5-29 19:42:06 |只看该作者
cchen2014 发表于 2015-5-28 23:04
第一个on one hand王老师已经提到了,不应该陈述事实,其实这整个段落都是提出各种假设。比如:可能surve ...


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寄托兑换店纪念章 US-applicant 19周年勋章

发表于 2015-5-29 21:48:42 |只看该作者
锤先森G330 发表于 2015-5-27 19:59
13) Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's fie ...


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