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发表于 2003-12-27 00:17:15 |只看该作者
30 暂缺
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 00:20:12 |只看该作者
[B]31 Some people spend their entire lives in one place. Others move a number of times throughout their lives, looking for a better job, house, community, or even climate. Which do you prefer: staying in one place or moving in search of another place? Use reaso[/B]

It seems like the world is becoming smaller and smaller, almost by the minute. When I was a child, I had never met anybody from outside my hometown, much less somebody from another country. However, nowadays I routinely interact with people from all over the world. I might discuss a topic with my classmates from Iran, Korea, Brazil, or Palestine; buy computer parts from the shop run by Chinese; have lunch at a Mexican restaurant; or buy Russian pastries at the café near my house. In these experiences I can see the product of a world in which borders are falling and people are free to move about as they wish. There is nothing more invigorating for me than being a part of this emerging “global village.”

I have now lived in three different countries, Argentina, France, and the United States and am convinced that I am a better person for it. In each country I found something different. I remember the warmth of the human interaction of my hometown in Argentina; I enjoyed the great sense of culture and wit in France; in the United States, I am impressed by the feeling of liberty and acceptance. In each country I have learned a different language, experienced a different climate, conversed with people in different ways. I have learned that each place has something special about it and that no place on Earth is a perfect place. We may lose one thing when we leave a country, but we always gain something else in its place.

So, the greatest benefit of having met so many people from all over the world has been learning that each person and each culture has a different yet valid way of seeing the world. I cannot say that Argentines have a monopoly on how to view the world; nor can I say that the American system of doing things is best. I can only say that from my experience each system works for each culture and that each one is a valid way of seeing the world.

Perhaps this point is the most important one for the coming age of information and technology and falling political and trade barriers. As people from all over the world migrate more freely in search of better lives, they will necessarily have to learn to be tolerant of different worldviews. People who do x will learn to accept people who do y and perhaps even experiment with the new way. By accepting cultures different from our own, we learn more of the broad range of the human experience and we are richer people for seeing beauty and truth in its many forms.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 00:21:38 |只看该作者
[B]32 Is it better to stay in one place or move around?[/B]

It seems like the world is becoming smaller and smaller, almost by the minute. When I was a child, I had never met anybody from outside my hometown, much less somebody from another country. However, nowadays I routinely interact with people from all over the world. I might discuss a topic with my classmates from Iran, Korea, Brazil, or Palestine; buy computer parts from the shop run by Chinese; have lunch at a Mexican restaurant; or buy Russian pastries at the café near my house. In these experiences I can see the product of a world in which borders are falling and people are free to move about as they wish. There is nothing more invigorating for me than being a part of this emerging “global village.”

I have now lived in three different countries, Argentina, France, and the United States and am convinced that I am a better person for it. In each country I found something different. I remember the warmth of the human interaction of my hometown in Argentina; I enjoyed the great sense of culture and wit in France; in the United States, I am impressed by the feeling of liberty and acceptance. In each country I have learned a different language, experienced a different climate, conversed with people in different ways. I have learned that each place has something special about it and that no place on Earth is a perfect place. We may lose one thing when we leave a country, but we always gain something else in its place.

So, the greatest benefit of having met so many people from all over the world has been learning that each person and each culture has a different yet valid way of seeing the world. I cannot say that Argentines have a monopoly on how to view the world; nor can I say that the American system of doing things is best. I can only say that from my experience each system works for each culture and that each one is a valid way of seeing the world.

Perhaps this point is the most important one for the coming age of information and technology and falling political and trade barriers. As people from all over the world migrate more freely in search of better lives, they will necessarily have to learn to be tolerant of different worldviews. People who do x will learn to accept people who do y and perhaps even experiment with the new way. By accepting cultures different from our own, we learn more of the broad range of the human experience and we are richer people for seeing beauty and truth in its many forms.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 00:22:33 |只看该作者
33 暂缺
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 00:24:48 |只看该作者
[B]34 Businesses should hire employees for their entire lives. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.[/B]

There are many advantages and disadvantages to offering employees job security for life. In Japan, for example, prospective employees know that their employers will provide them with job security for their entire working days and they are better able to plan for their future and family. However, many businesses are now realizing that their employees have less motivation to work and this leads to less profits for the company. I will describe the advantages and disadvantages of this system in this essay and I will show that ultimately “jobs for life” is not good for a society.

Job security is very important for both the employee and the employer. For the employee, job security is important because she can depend on her source of income and better plan her future accordingly. For the employer, the employee represents an investment because of the number of hours of training required and the company will continue to have a return on this investment. As we all know, feeling secure about where our future income will come from is very important for our well-being—anybody who has lost a job and has had trouble finding a new one knows that this transition period can cause a lot of anxiety.

However, job security tends to lead to decreased productivity. In general, employees who are certain that they can never lose their jobs tend to work less efficiently, thereby contributing to an overall reduction of productivity in the company. A common example all over the world is that of civil servants. In Thailand, for example, many government workers are so indolent that it can take days or months for something to be finished that should only take a few days. It is not uncommon to walk into a government office and see employees filing their nails, making personal calls on the telephone, taking three-hour lunches, or surfing the Internet for fun.

Finally, the model of capitalism is proving to be the most efficient model that we have right now. This model of job security completely contradicts the foundations of capitalism. We can see in the United States now that people are starting to change jobs, even careers more and more often. Some career consultants even recommend that employees find new jobs every three to five years. Even in countries that still offer job security for life, this model is showing signs of dying out. For example, in Japan, once famous for its lifelong jobs, both employees and employers are starting to expect that these jobs will not last a lifetime. Many of my Japanese friends travel back and forth between the United States and Japan are have been able to find temporary professional jobs while they are in Japan.

In short, I disagree that companies should offer their employees jobs for life. We can see this example in some parts of the world and in other areas in the United States, but these examples are generally regarded as outmoded ways of conducting business. Finally, the models of capitalism, even though it may seem cruel, the so-called “law of the jungle,” are proving to be the most effective way to raise the standard of living of a country.


              I think that businesses should not hire people for entire lives.The business may decline if it hires people for entire lives.An average life of a person nowadays is about sixty to seventy years.There is a general tendency that people's mental as well as physical capabilities decline with increase in age. This results in decrease in efficiency of employees.Thus if a business hires employees for entire lives, there is a danger of decrease in productivity and functioning of the business. To avoid this, a business must hire new employees after  the current employees term is over.

               Besides, one must give opportunities to fresh talents and youngsters. Business is an activity which is dynamic. It changes with time. Business can thrive and be successful only if it understands the present trend and supply what the customer wants.So the people who know the present trend and can use it to the business firm's advantage must be hired. The young generation are normally accustomed to the present trend and they emanate new ideas that can be useful to the business firm. If a business hires employees for entire lives then it cannot hire fresh talents as there will be no vacancies. Even if the employer who hires people for entire lives also hire new talents there will be excess employees.This results in excess cost to hire and maintain them.

              I agree that the person who is currently in a firm and served it for many years has experience and experience counts a lot.But
I dont insist in removing all the experienced employees at once and hire fresh people who will be novice to the business. The new employees learn from the existing experienced employees and gradually develop skill and experience in that field.They will also serve as guides for the future generations who will be employed.

              Change is a must and business field is no exception. The employees must also be changed after a certain period.Ofcourse one must keep into account that the employees who will leave the job after a period must be provided with some amount of money that will support them afterwards.So I insist that the businesses should not hire employees for entire lives.


I do not agree with the statement that businesses
should hire employees for their entire lives as
this is not in the best interest of both the
parties. At first my statement might come as a
shock to the readers as in today's competitive
world noone in a stable frame of mind would not
say no to a lifetime of guaranteed employment.
However being employed with the same business
throughout ones carreer or for a very long time in
ones career can prove to be monotonous.

If an employee signes a contract for his entire
life with a company he is bound to provide them
with his services till he reaches the retirement
age. At first this might seem a bright prospect
however with the passage of time as monotony sets
in the employee would want a change of job. Even if
he is transferred to another section of the
business, the policies and working conditions will
remain more or less the same.

I know of a person who signed a lifetime contract
when he joined at a very junior level and has now
risen to the position of a General Manager though
his hard work and determination. He now is fed up
of working with the business and finds himself
caught between the will to move on and the
exhorbitant penalty he would have to
pay for breach of contract.

Another acquaitance of mine who has always had a
musical bent of mind graduated from an engineering
school and joined a multinational firm under a
lifetime contract. He then got various
opportunities for shows and an offer to join a
leading band which pays very well. But because
of a lifetime contract this person could not join
the band and is stuck with job he does not like.
What I am trying to say is that people are not
always very focussed when they begin working but
find their niche later, they however cannot take
up the career of their dreams because they
have entered into lifetime contracts. Also people
have to refuse more lucrative job offers because of
lifetime contracts.

Hiring employees for their entire lives is also not
very beneficial for companies as employees get into
the "comfort zone" and become very complecent about
their work. This means that even if an organisation
has the required number of employees the efficiency
ration will be very low.

Also if employees are hired for life there will be
very few new positions in the company which means
that there will not be a continous flow of new
ideas which can be obtained by continously hiring
new employees. This is a major factor why the
growth of an organisation can become stagnent. I
know of  hotel which when new was very well known
for its variety and standard of service however time
has seen a sharp decline in it popularity because all
the employees that were hired fot their entire lives
have now run out of ideas. Which shows that the
organisation might gain the trust and loyality of its
employees; it actually loses its freshness over a period of
Therefore it can be said that hiring employees for their
entire lives has more negative than positive for both
the business and the employees.


In the current business there is nothing which can be guaranteed for a long time. This is true with the employees also. So I strongly believe that it should not be a compulsion for the employer to employ a person for his or her entire life span.

Today things are changing at a faster rate. Opportunities as well as availability of jobs are also changing dramatically. For a person who is highly required today, tomorrow may be a tough fight for bread. Markets and most of the business have lost its stability. This is good in some respect. It has created a competitive environment. This competition is yielding good and better results day by day.

Today employees are able to look out for new opportunities. This way they can develop themselves. This is good for the employers also. This stimulates the business atmosphere. This boosts the atmosphere and work hygiene. Chances of business politics getting grown are reduced. As there are new people after a particular time period, the business objectives can be achieved at a constant pace.

One thing is true about every employee. Employee morale always goes on diminishing. This is because as the experience of employee goes on increasing, his feeling of ownership also goes on increasing. In the beginning of employment everybody is highly satisfied with the salaries, benefits and new work atmosphere. After sometime they start feeling that they are the sole of the business and without them this business can not run properly. They start expecting unfair returns and rewards from the employer. If employer refuses to these increasing needs and demands, then these unsatisfied employees form some groups. This is the time when business politics starts. This politics takes away most of the work time of these employees. To come out of this, employer also has to put hell lot of energy and money. But in my opinion this is impossible to vanish company or business politics if any. For company politics, prevention can be the only cure. We can observe this in most of the governmental organizations, where employees are recruited for life time.

Looking at all these point it is always advisable to have retention rates to some optimum level. No doubt this has led to growth of concept of survival of the fittest. But I think that should be adopted by every body by now. I feel that great many people who are good at work and having required skills always prefer to keep on changing the work climate. But people with lesser qualification need job security as they are more worried about themselves.

Concluding I would say that instead of hiring the employees for life time, one should keep attention towards constantly developing their employees with new skill sets and hiring the new ones with better skills. Because reliability comes next to quality in any of the dictionary.

Bussiness are the backbone of our increasingly developed and
powerful economy. As competition within bussiness is extremely keen,
their lives depends on good functionality and power to adapt.
And for a company to survive in this challenging environment, skilled
employees are needed. And those skilled employees should be used at
their full potential. As long these employees work for the company,
as much are the company's benefits. So, it is in the company's
interest to keep the good employees as much as possible. But in the
same time, the company should be able to rely on those employees.
In other words, the company should be as certain as possible that
its employees would not leave to another company.

So, it is much better for the company to have employees working for
their entire lives. But in the same time, the company should
constantly monitor the quality and skills of its employees. In case
of unprofitable employees, the company should take immediate
measures as organizing training programs, or even firing them.
Considering all these, we might be attracted to think that the
company should hire life-time employees from the beginning. But
using, for example, judiciar constraints in order to oblige the
employees from the beginning to spend there their entire career,
would not be a good practice in our today society. Althrough this
might be possible, especially in some countries, this would generally
lead to a bad renown for the company.

And I believe that a company's goal should be to make a good prestige,
because in this way, it has more chances to flourish without having
unnecessary trouble.

In conclusion, I believe that a company should not hire employees
for their entire lives. Instead, a company should try to keep
the employees for their entire lives as it is more profitable. But
this should not be done with constrains and threats. The company
should attract such employees with its good services and with
its convenable reward-systems in order to keep them.


There are many advantages and disadvantages to offering employees job security for life. In Japan, for example, prospective employees know that their employers will provide them with job security for their entire working days and they are better able to plan for their future and family. However, many businesses are now realizing that their employees have less motivation to work and this leads to less profits for the company. I will describe the advantages and disadvantages of this system in this essay and I will show that ultimately “jobs for life” is not good for a society.

Job security is very important for both the employee and the employer. For the employee, job security is important because she can depend on her source of income and better plan her future accordingly. For the employer, the employee represents an investment because of the number of hours of training required and the company will continue to have a return on this investment. As we all know, feeling secure about where our future income will come from is very important for our well-being—anybody who has lost a job and has had trouble finding a new one knows that this transition period can cause a lot of anxiety.

However, job security tends to lead to decreased productivity. In general, employees who are certain that they can never lose their jobs tend to work less efficiently, thereby contributing to an overall reduction of productivity in the company. A common example all over the world is that of civil servants. In Thailand, for example, many government workers are so indolent that it can take days or months for something to be finished that should only take a few days. It is not uncommon to walk into a government office and see employees filing their nails, making personal calls on the telephone, taking three-hour lunches, or surfing the Internet for fun.

Finally, the model of capitalism is proving to be the most efficient model that we have right now. This model of job security completely contradicts the foundations of capitalism. We can see in the United States now that people are starting to change jobs, even careers more and more often. Some career consultants even recommend that employees find new jobs every three to five years. Even in countries that still offer job security for life, this model is showing signs of dying out. For example, in Japan, once famous for its lifelong jobs, both employees and employers are starting to expect that these jobs will not last a lifetime. Many of my Japanese friends travel back and forth between the United States and Japan are have been able to find temporary professional jobs while they are in Japan.

In short, I disagree that companies should offer their employees jobs for life. We can see this example in some parts of the world and in other areas in the United States, but these examples are generally regarded as outmoded ways of conducting business. Finally, the models of capitalism, even though it may seem cruel, the so-called “law of the jungle,” are proving to be the most effective way to raise the standard of living of a country.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 00:26:44 |只看该作者
[B]35 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Attending a live performance (for example, a play, concert, or sporting event) is more enjoyable than watching the same event on television. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.[/B]

Many people believes that attending a live performance is more enjoyable than watching the same event on television. I used to have doubts about such opinion, but a visit to a play in the past year has totally changed my view. I am convinced that attending a live performance is an experience that can never be enjoyed in front of a television.

A live performance, being a play, concert, or sporting event, will give the audience the feeling that they are not only viewing the performance, but a part of it, because everything is alive. I have watched many plays on television. Many of them are well written and performed by famous stars, but none of them touches me as much as the live play "The West Side Story" I saw last year.
Everything in the play became more realistic when it is live. My emotion followed the play very well, because there were real people performing on stage instead of images on television.

In addition, the atmosphere at the performance also added extra ingredients to the play. I could see other's reactions to the play, and that triggered my emotions too. The air in the theatre seemed to be full of tears, which considerably enhanced the performance.

Attending a live performance also educates people. I was aware of the dress code in the theatre and learned to dress up in a formal performance. Viewing plays on television could never have such impact on me.

Being at a play has lead me to believe that attending a live performance is more enjoyable than watching the same event on television.


  The issue whether attending a live performance is more enjoyable than watching the same event on television is a controversial one. One the one hand, there are people who prefer attending a live performance, because they can have a much more close relationship with the performers. On the other hand, there are people who prefer watching the event on television, sitting or relaxing on a very comfortable armchair, eating a cake and having a drink. These two options are very different ones. However, in my opinion an intermediate position can be taken. I base my suggestion on the following points.

  Firstly, and perhaps the most important things is to clarify what kind of performace are we talking about.It can be a play, a concert, or an sporting event. Talking about music, people prefer attending to live performaces because the want to enjoy songs or the melodies just as they are. Considering sport competitions, fans are particularly interested in feeling the moment in which their team conquer a goal or get a championship.

  Secondly, the weather sometimes plays an essential role in the success of shows, especially in sport events which sometimes have to be canceled  because of the bad weather such as rain, snow or wind. Moreover, the number of people who attend to the event is reduced significantly, with the economical consequences that it generates.

  In a final analysis, I believe that there are points to be made in favor of both sides. However, I prefer attending a live performace in the case of a concert, play, or in a very important sport event, and on the contrary I prefer enjoying the comfort of my house in the case of ordinary sport events.


Some people enjoy a live concert, but I am disagree with attending the live performance and there are lot of reasons from both, which we are going to discuss in detail today.

I enjoyed on TV because when we are watching on TV it’s very easy to understand which player or performer is doing what and you can also have a chance to see in replay if you miss for some reason. When you seeing on TV it’s easy to understand the game and performance because of close circuit camera. You can also see closely the face of the performer or the player, score of the game and other events. You do not have to face the hassle of going anywhere, driving, money and time.

In home or with your friends when you are watching on TV your whole group can watch with out spending any money, you can enjoy a lot on TV when you are watching with group in your own place instead of sitting uncomfortably in stadium. In stadium around you, you have a lot of peoples, noises, can not even see if some body is standing ahead you and you can understand the voice of the person who is just sitting next beside to you.  And if you are sitting on rear seats then you can not even see the game or live performance properly you just see the small human beings who are just moving.
You can not understand the game/ performance properly because of all above hazards.
And there is no replay opportunity if you miss first time, especially in games the goals and the response of players are very fast.

When you are going to watching the live games / performance then you have to spend the money for buying the tickets and other eating stuff costly as compare to open market, because in stadiums every thing is costly as compare to market. If you are watching with your family then you have to careful about he safety of your kids & family due to large crowd  

  As per all above discussion I think it is better that you can see the game and other functions in home on TV instead of going out for live telecast.


Attending a live performance is really more enjoyable than watching the same event on television. As I am very interested in football matches, I have experienced that watching a football match at a stadium is not comparable with watching the same thing on TV. I never forget the first time that I went the stadium and the match is inscribed in my mind. It was an unforgettable event.
     At a live performance, you can see everything that is not possible on TV. Cameras zoom on special scenes and you cannot see what is going on the rest of the stage. For example, at a football match, the cameraman always tries to see the ball and its related events. When you are watching a football match on TV you cannot see that a player kicks another one because it is out of stage. But when you are present at the stadium you can easily see it.
     On the other hand, you can cheer and boo and even cry in a live performance. A crowd like you has attended the match. All cheer and shout together and it encourages you to take part in their happiness. This is really enjoyable. Imagine you were attending Michael Jackson show then you could dance, whistle and cheer. This was not the case when you were at home. You might be alone because others did not like that specific show or they wanted to study. So you could neither dance nor cheer. You had to sit before T.V and turn down its voice. It is not enjoyable at all.
     Another advantage that you achieve by virtue of attending a live performance is that you can have the feeling of participating in the performance. Every thing is live. If it is a football match for instance, then it is as if you were playing yourself. You were part of the match and could sense the kicks of the players on the ball.
     Above all advantages there is only one disadvantage. It is that you must pay money to buy the ticket and spend time to reach the location of the performance. But it does not matter for me. By considering that I can achieve many things like seeing any event, cheering and shouting and feeling that I am participating in the performance are with no doubt unforgettable and highly enjoyable. I myself attend a football match even if it were in another country and it would cost me money and time.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 00:32:48 |只看该作者
[B]36 Choose one of the following transportation vehicles and explain why you think it has changed people’s lives. Automobiles, bicycles, airplanes. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.[/B]

The world always moves and develops all the time. Transportation vehicles also have  been changed by time. So far, there have been many transpotation vehicles such as: automobile, bicycles, airplanes… When these transprortaion vehicles were invented,  they all make people’s lives change. In these essay, I would like to talk about the way airplanes change people’s lives because among three transportaion vehicles: automobiles, bicycles, airplanes, I think airplanes have changed people’s lives the most powerfully.

Firstly, airplanes change the way people move. Before airplanes were invented, people could go on land, on water and dreamed to fly like birds on the sky. The dream came true when the first airplane was produced. Since then, people have been able to fly on the sky, see everything from height. That’s wonderful feelings. Therefore, airplanes are great invention. They have given people new feelings. On the basic of airplanes, people can continue their dream more and more such as: coming to another plane….  Producing airplanes is the first step to approach to long step after that.

Secondly, advantages of airplane make people more comportable in the life. The speed of airplane is very fast, so people can save time which is one of the most precious thing of each person. It takes a little time to go from one place to another than other transportation vehicles like automobiles, bicycles, train… In Vietnam, it takes forty eight hours to come from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh city by automobile, meanwhile it takes two hours by airplane. Moreover, services of airplane firm are very good. Thus, it is convenient for passenger to choose airplane to go anywhere. Perhaps, airplanes aren’t the safest transportation means, but with long distance, it is better to choose airplane.

Finally, with airplanes, the relationship between people is more and more closer. It is easier to meet cousins in family, friends because going by airplane is very convenient. The special days like New Year, Noel… are gladder because every member in family can attend. The world seem to be smaller. Airplanes connect every part in the world. The distance wasn’t a big problem when airplanes were born.

In conclusion,  airplanes really change people’s lives. It is evident fact that all the affect of airplanes on people’s lives are good.  Airplanes make life better.


Because of the advanced technology, people can now travel from one place to another quickly and less costly with the efficient transports.However, among the transports, i think airplanes have caused great changes to people lives.

Firstly, in the past, if someone wanted to have a cross border travel, he or she needed to spend months on a ship "floating" on the sea. But now, it only takes him about several hours or days to travel from one place to another. Time-saving is very important especially for those businessman, the invention of airplanes is definitely useful and meaningful to the human world.

Secondly, it has long been our dream that we can fly like a bird does. Only when the airplanes appeared, people can fulfil their dream and try to "fly", although sitting on a "flying" machine.

Thirdly,airplanes contribute a lot in the development of globalization as people can now commute from one place to another more efficiently in a short period of time. This can bring people from different countries close together and hence increase the communication among different nations.

Airplanes can aslo help to develop an efficient trading market because they can transport goods quickly and safely. For an instance, people all over the world can now consume the milk products from Australia although they usually have short storage time. Another example is the substantial export of flowers from Holand to the other countries. That's why almost every big city has their own airport which is vital in the develpment of logistics.

Airplanes can also enable us to have a comfortable journey. So,tourists often take airflight when travelling rather than other kind of transports.

For the above reasons, we can conclude that airplanes are surely the most influential transports that bring people a lot of convience.


     There is no doubt that Automobile is one of the greatest inventions of the Twentieth Century. Of course there were different means of transportation before the automobile was first designed, but we can say that after automobile, transportation became a public matter. The impact of the automobile on people´s live could be analyze in three different ways: as a technical transformation, as an economical revolution and as a social change.

     In a technical perspective, the automobile introduced a new skill to human beings . Although driving a car is not a big deal, it was one of the first attempt to make people work with machines in a very close way. People who want to drive a car, have to learn a procedure, have some practice and memorize a mechanical technique so they could done it without think about it.

     In a social perspective, the automobile created a new way of communication among people. Cities were not the same since the number of cars began to grow up. All regulatory systems that were devoloped in order to "live" with cars, have created new social interactions that never exist before.

     Additionally, the revolution of the automobile is also considered a new stage in economy. As railroad created different supporting industries during the nineteenth century, automobile did the same in the twentieth century. Many markets became obsolote, and new markets and opportunities appeared. Therefore, all these movements created new economic structures and actors.

     As it was said before, other transportation vehicles, like airplane, have generated big changes in the world in the last century. However, automobile could be considered one of the few that went far beyond a technical progress. It has changed social life; in other words, people don´t live in the same way as they did before automobile invention.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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发表于 2003-12-27 00:33:57 |只看该作者
[B]37 Do you agree or disagree that progress is always good? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.[/B]

In our world of developing technology, high-tech industry, fast food, fast transportation etc., one would come up with the inevitable question whether the progress we are all experiencing is always good for us. In my opinion, progress is good - but not always.

There is no doubt as to the efficiency of progress. It has brought us the internet, so we can buy movie tickets, order food, do our shopping, plan our yearly vacation - all from the comfort of our home. Despite the comfortable way of doing things via the internet, it seems that people have become less sociable, making less contact with the outside world. It seems that western society is going more and more towards the comfort of their home, than for the actual interaction with people, with the surrounding and with the daily challenges that the outside world has to offer. In this aspect, progress has definitely damaged our ability to communicate, as well as experience and enjoy the simple things in life.

Another aspect in which progress has proven not to be good is in the need for human labour. The use of advanced computers has created a technological world, where manual labour is not needed as much. The computer as a precise machine without a need for social benefits or salary demands, has replaced the need for working hands, leaving many without a job. There is no doubt as to the efficiency of using computers, as I mentioned in the paragraph above. But, looking at it from a social perspective, a lot of people around the world have lost not only their job but also their pride in what they do.

In a nutshell - progress is good. It allows us more leisure time, it makes everything handy for us, as far as a push of a button. But, as I stated above, it is not always good. It has created a lasier and less communicative society, and many people without a job. The catch in  this case, would be to know how to use technology to our benefit in order to overcome these two setbacks.


Progress has improved man’s life. Staying at one place we can enjoy all the luxuries. In ancient time, the information was sent through Pigeons and some times a person used to run for several miles and give the necessary information. But the progress in the field of transport and communication, the information can be sent very easily. Sitting at one place we can get the information about the whole world. In some countries where 50 percent of the people live under the poverty line, how many of them can utilize these advanced systems.

Progress in the field of science has revolutionized the textile industry and through textile industry we produce cloth to cover ourselves. We export the cloth to earn foreign exchange and progress in the field of textile industry has reached this stage. But unemployment has become a major problem. Previously, the cloth was weaved by hand but after industrialization the cloth is weaved with the help of machines. Due to this employment reduced and unemployment increased.

Progress in the field of medicine and engineering has decreased child mortality, increased longevity and terminal diseases disappeared. This has increased the life span.

Industrialization has widened the gap between the rich and the poor. The rich is becoming richer and the poor is becoming poorer. The rich can avail all the facilities and enjoy them but the poor cannot afford to buy all facilities and cannot enjoy them.

By using atom we can release enormous amount of energy and atomic energy can be used for running mills and factories. Progress has conquered time and distance and made the world small as a result the nations of the world has become neighbors. Neighboring nations have disputes. Therefore nations are creating atom bombs, hydrogen bombs. Creating thermonuclear bombs means self-destruction. Nations may use thermonuclear bombs for war purposes and life will end up.

Progress is both constructive and destructive. Depending upon the usage, the progress in any field can be constructive or destructive. In any field progress is made thinking that it should be used for constructive work only but it becomes destructive sometimes. Therefore I disagree that progress is always good.


The important difference of mankind from other animals or living things is the ongoing progress it enjoys. The progress in science and art enables humankind to harness natural forces to the benefit of its life and build civilizations. In the past, when the progress led to an invention that will posed any threat on the humanity, the humans was aware of the harm and evaded it and tried to use the invention to the benefit of the humanity. I believe that the progress is inevitable for the humankind and that even the slowing of this progress may lead to the vanishing of the human being voracious to consume more.

In the absence of progress in fields of science, and art, and philosophy we would live like animals without growing crops, feeding animals and establishing cities. In the past, a lot of species once began to exist then vanished as they could not accommodate themselves to the changing living conditions or could not control the environment that they lived in. I believe that the human being is able to change his or herself to changing conditions and control the environment. The progress enjoyed in almost all fields contributed to this ability.

I admit that the progress in certain field may harm the humanity. The progress in atom physics brought about the atom bomb. Having acknowledged the harm of atom bomb in the second-world war, the humankind has never resorted to it since then. But the progress in atom physics also brought about the nuclear energy and a lot inventions in medicine which a lot cancer patients used them to defeat the cancer. These treatments are still used and the progress in this field is still serving to the humankind.

Some people may put the blame on the progress for the pollution and the denigration of forests. But I think it is more about insatiable demand of the human being. I rather believe that the progress in technology and science will prevent the world from being polluted and will bring about a more green world.

To sum up, the progress is inevitable process that makes the humankind different from other beings. Without progress, that makes up for ever increasing human needs, the competition for limited resources will turn to a clash involving all humankind which will lead to a collapse for the humanity and world will become a hell for all of us.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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发表于 2003-12-27 00:36:47 |只看该作者
38 Learning about the past has no value for those of us living in the present. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

        What has passed is the past. Where one is going towards, is the future. It is the present which is always going to be with everyone; for his or her whole life. Then the question arises as, “if one is always going to live or can live with his present should he bother about his past and why?” In the following few lines I will emphasis why one should think of past and get ready for the future to live in a better present tomorrow.
        As I have mentioned earlier, past is the passed present. Somedays before, in the same world, this past used to be as present for somebody else or it may be we also. Either we or somebody from us has lived in this present. This past has created some situation for them and they have tried their best to live the best possible in that situation. This effort to overcome the circumstances has put some guidelines, some set standards for us if we have some time to look at them. It is not the question whether they have succeeded in their efforts or not. But it is sure that they have put a bibliography of experiences with us, for whom their present is the past.
        There is famous word from the king of India, Bahaddurshah Jafar. He says in his message to the nation that, “The nations who have got a brilliant history, are definitely going to have a very bright future. At some point of time Indian swords will not hesitate to strike against the walls of London also.” Where did this confidence come from? This was his experience that made him to speak like that.
        One thing is very sure. Everyone has a got an opportunity to read his past and not the future. It is the one who can make one’s career as he wants. What remains to study, analyze is the past which may help to find solutions to so many things. It is not a good idea to invent the wheel again and again. One should use the inventions from the past and try to build something else, something more sophisticated for making life more and more easy. One can always find some mistakes in the past which one can avoid. Likewise there is some wisdom, conclusion, lesson which one is allowed to use as they are. What is harm in using that? I will give one example to support this opinion. In my college days, one of my friends got failed in the Theory of machines paper. After failing in the examination, when we had a discussion, we found out the mistake. That time he had used the book from some different author which is not specified by our university. This book had made him fail the examination. He got realized and started using the other book that I had used. He got passed with a score even more than me. This is the magic of reading and understanding the past and implementing on it. Every walking person has learned walking from his past. Past has taught them how not to get fell.
        Concluding, I would suggest that read the past as thoroughly as you can. Analyze the bare facts in it. And try your best not to repeat those mistakes. It is not necessary to be pity on the mistakes in the past. One need not rather should not live in the past but must bring the past to one’s life. This is the key for bright future.


     Students in evey part of the world pass some courses in history when they are in high school. Some of the students like such courses and some don't. The people who don't like to srudy history always argue that it is the story of the past and doesn't add any value for their present and future life. On the contrary, I think they are wrong. I believe that studying and learning about past will help us in future decisions in our life.

     First of all, consider the example of different wars in the history which has happened between different countries. What were the main reasons for first and second world war ? how did it end ? Now if we compare the advantage and disadvantage of such wars we will see that some thing was very common. Some one who had been in power becomes so proud of his power that suddenly acts like a blind and doesn't see other facts around him. This has resulted several disasters in our history. People can learn to be open and negotiable when they know that 90% of the wars ended in loss for either side of the countries fighting.

  The next benefit which we can gain thorugh studyig the past, is about the life of successful people. It doesn't matter how you define success, whether you define it with money or knowledge, they both converge on some unique characteristics which we can learn only by studying the past wealthy or scientists lives. We can find out about the factors which most influenced their success and find some  common factors between them. This a good resource for us in deciding for future actions in our life.

   In conclusion, I beleive there is lots of value in studying the past. It helps us better align our strategies toward success. It also helps us to learn about the mistakes of other people and teaches us not to repeat them. People who think there is no value in learning about history and the past are blind to the above mentioned facts.

Can knowledge of the past be beneficial for those of us living in the present? Some people think this information is useless, others believe it's significant. The former consider it obsolete. Although significant portion of the past knowledge can't be directly applied to the present day, learning about the past creates opportunities for scientific discoveries, prevents from repeating mistakes of the past, and contributes to the understanding of the purpose of our existence.
Technological progress is induced by new scientific discoveries that would never occur without knowledge of prior achievements in the certain scientific field. Major innovations occurring in the industry are based on new scientific theories put into practice. Discovery of micro particles  - electrons, protons and neutrons- in Physics revealed the possibility of creating the flow of electrons under the influence of the magnetic field. Every production process today is based on this latter discovery of  electric current, which wouldn't be made without past knowledge of electrons existence.

Besides providing knowledge of fundamental discoveries, past experience helps prevent reoccurrence of negative events in the history of our civilization. School children learn about world wars cited in the history textbooks so that when they grow up they don't repeat mistakes of their predecessors. One of the brightest example is atomic bombs dropped on Japan during World War the Second. Knowledge of such negative experiences is necessary for humanity to continue its existence.

Moreover, learning about the past helps satisfy people's desire to understand who they are and why they exist. History and Religion are necessary for a discussion of these main philosophical questions. If people haven't been learning about the past, Bible texts, which give answers to these questions, would never be preserved till the present day. In the same time Bible is the main guide for majority of the world population today.

Consequently, it's imperative to learn about the past, because this knowledge is valuable for the development of our civilization.  Technological progress, avoidance of past mistakes, and contribution to understanding of the purpose of existence can only be achieved through understanding of our predecessors' lives and deeds.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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发表于 2003-12-27 00:48:05 |只看该作者
39  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the help of technology, students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

I strongly believe that with the help of technology, students can learn more information on any kind of topic and that too in no time. Students of today's world are really fortunate to get exposed to cutting edge technology as it does benefit them to shape their careers in a better way. To prove my point of view, I would list down few real-life examples.

To start of with, I would like to draw your attention to the so called "idiot box" -- Television as an instance of technology. It is one of the best media, provided rightly used, for students to grasp latest information, solely because of the true fact that the visual impact on human mind is far more deep than simply reading or listening. Video Channels such as Discovery, BBC, Star News supply tons of information daily and help to keep oneself updated and in touch with the current happenings.

I remember during my childhood, if one wanted to hunt for some information regarding a specific topic, then the options would be to search for the relevant material in the libraries, carry out discussions with more learned people such as school professors et all. It was really time consuming. However, now the students have a more feasible & solid option of grabing any kind of data through the internet, the World Wide Web. It is so easy and interesting! One needs to just open a search engine, for instance Google, type in the query and in few seconds you are given a whole gammet of information in your interested field.

In short, it is needless to say that technology has given the students far more better options to learn varied topics and that too in very short span of time. It surely has made life easier for them.


The other day my teacher asked us to write on the topic "the progress of the automobile industry" and wanted it submitted to her the next day.  In the beginning I thought it was impossible to get information about such a vast topic in such a short time  but after visiting a few "internet sites" I found out how easy it is nowadays to get information and learn it on a faster and easier basis that earlier attempts.

With the advent of the computer age,  nowadays students can just go online to "search through keywords" information which would takes days if not months to get.  Not only can they get such information faster but also learn it quickly.  By going "online" they can get all the facts they need on a topic.  News sites help them to be well informed of the latest happenings. A number of teachers are now disseminating knowledge using internet as their medium. Not only do sites provide visitors with knowledge but also give them fundamentals for a better understanding of a topic which might have been misunderstood in the classroom.  

A number of useful Television shows go on nowadays for example quiz shows in which not only are prizes given to the winners but also are viewers given an opportunity to be well informed.  With the help of mobile phones and development in communication I can even call informed sources for information.   

Thus citing examples of technological advances I agree that nowadays it is possible for students to acquire knowledge and information faster and easier


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the help of technology, students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

I am in total agreement of the statement. I will put some of the facts in the support of this statement in the following statements.
It is the technology that has made life simpler and easier. This has been observed in almost all aspects of life. First of all I would like to define technology. What is it? I feel that technology is an achievable sophistication of human imagination. Man is the sole creator of technology. Man used to think on a particular question or problem, very critically and thoroughly, and comes out with a brilliant solution. This solution is called as Technology.
Now we will see how it helps the students to learn more information and learn more quickly. Internet, email, interactive computer based tutors are some of the forms of the new technology which help students learn quickly. In my school days I used to sit in the class rooms for hours. Teachers used to be age old and highly boring just like subjects. But I couldn’t complain about that in those days. I used to get nervous at some point of time. But now a student can sit or even lie down in his or her bedroom and attend the class on Television or even as video conference. I feel that most of the children used to perceive a very good morale at home. They are fresh and enthusiastic at home. In this state of mind they can learn more in less time.
With the advent of computer based tutors, the time constraint for learning has also been vanished. Student can take his or her class as and only when he or she wants. It is not likely with every body that one will be fresh and ready to grasp for 8 hours daily. Sometime somebody may feel little drowsy or sick. CBT have the best answer to this question.
With the advent of internet, it is not at all necessary that you should attend the classes of the same age old and boring teachers only. One can discuss with the best professors in the world on any subject of one’s liking. The new electronic storage devices like tapes, CDs and floppies have made the students able to store whole lot of information in their pockets. Big bulky books are being replaced by Adobe Acrobat Documents. Only having whole lot of information is also not enough. Because then you will have to search for the information back and forth. There are certain software packages which help students in managing his knowledge bank also. This has made learning faster and easier.
One thing is sure, if thing is simple, smoother and easier anybody will take interest in it. The new technology is very attractive. Students have started taking interest in the core subjects it self which are being taught with the help of new technology. I have one example to support this.
One my friend was highly unwilling to come to school. He used to feel very sad in the school time. Then his father made a very intelligent move. He bought a set of new shoes, new school uniform and a new water bag. He asked his car driver to drop him to school daily. And to my surprise, after that day, he became the most regular student in the class. The new uniform and new shoes gave him the new look. The new water bag gave him the eleventh hour help and coming by car gave him the pleasure of traveling.
In conclusion I would say that, same is the case with technology also. Technology gives the new look to your studies. It provides help at the eleventh hour and it provides the pleasure of learning also. What else one needs to learn more information with more pace?


  With the help of technology , students can learn more information and that too more quickly.This is absolutely correct.I would like to support my answer with some reasons.
  First,technological learning  is more interactive in its learning process than just sitting and reading a book or just listening to a lecture.For example the learning by the means of Computer technology is very interactive ,today,and hence the growth is simultaneous.
  Second, using such kind of techniques,mind actually grows more and the person becomes an intellectual person with the passage of time.
  Third,the traditional methods of learning like lectures given by teachers or notes given in books
do not let the student become independent rather the student becomes more dependent due to the spoon feeding being done to it.
  Fourth,the technological  advances in different fields definitely give a lot of exposure to those who were earlier naive in this field of Technology.
   Lastly,human mind is such that it has the capacity to absorb more data if things are taught to him practically.Like if there is a model of an Electric Iron shown in the Book , which is explained by the teacher and the students are made to understand the working.The other way could be this that the children are shown a real Electric Iron as a  model and then the working of its different parts is being explained.Definitely the grasping power will be more in the latter case.
   Therefore , in the end i would like to conclude my essay by saying that with the passage of time the demands and the necessities of the Time are changing too.So are the changes in the students mental level and the methods of teaching.Technological methods undoubtedly score higher than the traditional ones.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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发表于 2003-12-27 00:49:17 |只看该作者
41 Some people think that human needs for farmland, housing, and industry are more important than saving land for endangered animals. Do you agree or disagree with this point of view? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Some people think that human needs for farmland, housing, and industry are more important than saving land for endangered animals.I disagree with this point of view.
I find two reasons for supporting this view. The first reason is that all the creatures on the face of the earth have the same right for existence. Be it a four legged animal or a man, both have the same right .

The second reason is that for the existence of humans on earth ,the existence of other creatures is essential. I say this, because the presence of all the animals is essential for maintaining a proper food chain. We know the consequences if the food chain is broken. If the food chain is broken the ecosystem balance will be affected.

For example consier the food chain of rat,snake,and eagle. We know that certain types of eagles are endangered species.If it is hunted to a point where it becomes non existant then the food chain will be broken. As a result of this ,The number of snakes will increase .This will result in greater problems.

Therefore,if the endangered animals are not protected the existence of humans will become really difficult.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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发表于 2003-12-27 00:50:33 |只看该作者
40 The expression “Never, never give up” means to keep trying and never stop working for your goals. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Some people are ready to quit easily when they cannot endure the difficulties of some work or cannot find a way to finish the required task. Those kind of people usually become upset and disappointed of failure and lose their self-confidence that they can really do the work done. On the other hand, there are people who become more confident, organized and hard working when they experience some difficulties. In my view, the second type of people are more willing to succeed in life, have a better job, and enjoy many friends. The motto "never, never give up" is very important in people's lives because those people who follow it can survive almost everything and take the opportunities of the next step in their lives.

First of all, a positive attitude can help a person to survive and live with some disease or when he suffers an inconvenient situation or disaster. In fact, many people endure a disease or obstacles that put them in a desperate situation. However, only ones with a positive view and unbelievable hope make the difference and find a way to overcome their disabilities and continue to live and enjoy the life. On the other hand, people who lose hope and give up end in awful situations and are more inclined to addiction of alcohol and drugs or committing suicide.

Second, a strong positive attitude can help a person to make bigger career. From my observation, people who do not quit because of some obstacles but keep working make inevitable progress in their job and studies. For example, students with positive attitude who fail a quiz or do not do well on an important test are more willing to try again and do well on the next time. This is true for the working people too. Indeed, many executive managers save their almost bankrupt company and success primarily because they do not quit.

In conclusion, believing in second chance is very important for an individual because we live in constant changeable society that force us to endure many difficulties in our studies, complicated situations in our jobs, unexpected events like car accidents or a disease or nature disasters. There is not insurance that can save us of from happening of these things. However, the attitude of never give up can help us to endure and overcome the difficulties and make a progress and achieve our goals.


Some people think "never give up" is a good attitude to life; others consider it is impossible never to give up because of the matters that surround us. I personally consider that "never give up" is not only good but is also appropriate attitude to life in order to succeed in this cruel world. In my opinion everybody must never give up himself when follows his aims. Even he has not achieved them he has to try again. Maybe next time he will succeed. I have always believed that this is the best way to survive. I will give you arguments to support my opinion.

First of all I think you have to trust yourself, realize your targets one by one, and never to give up in every difficult moment. People always have to put aims to theirselves and follow them. When they achieve one aim they are satisfied of this success and put another aim to be reached. This is the man's nature. If you give up at the first problem you will lose belief in yourself and will reach nothing.

On the second place I would like to say that even if you fail you achieve much. Everybody knows that sometimes you cannot complete or even realize your goals because of the environment. I believe that you do not have to give up at first bad shot; you have to try again and again until you succeed. From the failures you learn how to proceed next time and revise your actions in order to thrive. I bet finally you will.

Last but not least "never give up" is the best way to survive in these days. If you do not have aims to achieve you are nothing. Your life will pass unnoticeably and you will be insignificant person that nobody sees. Many people around us always give us examples of never to give up. Ballet-dancers who were fractured their legs and with a lot of efforts manage to dance again because this is their main purpose. Deaf-and-dump people learn to communicate with gestures with the others. Thus give meaning of their lives. Undoubtedly reaching these targets is very hard but they never give up and they survive.

From the argument I have stated above it can be seen that no matter how difficult it is to realize your aims you have to never give up and this is the best attitude to life.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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发表于 2003-12-27 00:51:42 |只看该作者
42 What is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be successful in the world today? Choose one skill and use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

In my opinion an important skill that a person should learn in order to be successful in today's world is to keep himself updated in every field.

It is said that knowledge is power. Keeping oneself updated in this high speed, changing world is very important. Knowledge is like a small drop in this vast ocean and their is no end for it.The more knowledge you gain, the more you need.

One of the advantage of keeping oneself aware is that nobody can mislead you in anyway.For example if you know the price of a car, you want to buy, would help you negotiate more rather than just agree to the dealers price.Keeping ourselves updated also boosts our confidence and also keep us ahead in this competitive world.

We should develop this skill by listening to news, reading articles, learing new technologies.In short we should always keep on increasing our knowledge.
If we do this then rest of the thing like wealth, fame, comforts will automaticaly come to us.Hence keeping yourself updated is very important skill enerybody should acquire in today's world.


In this essay, I'll try to name an important skill, in my point of view, that a person should learn in order to be successful in the world taday.
In my opinion, a person must to nkow how comunicate with the other, then, the most important skill for me is the ways for comunication, I mean, ways to enter ininternet, send an e-mail, fill a form, and, basically, spoke with someone, write a letter, do a phone call.
In this absolutely globalized world one person must to know that he shold be comunicated the whole time in order to recerive information, not only by the web, but also by TV or radio or newspapers. The comunication not only implies success, but also live in this world, because isn't possible to be here without comunication.
I try to show how important is the comunacion in this world, and then, how important is to be comunicated and learn the ways to be comunicated as a very important skill.
The language itself is the most importans skill, because represents the way or comunication, and I don't write only aabout conventional idioms like English, Spanish, French, I write too about other mediums of comunication like braile, gesture languages, supralinguistics signs, signs, and any kind of possibilities of comunication between one and the other.
I believe that the comunication must be the most important skill that a person shloud learn in order to be successful in a world like this, our world and the way in that we can imagine our future, which I think there must be comunicated each other in a very speed way.


Most people want to be a successful person and try to find out what make them achieve their goal. In my point of view, people who want to be successful in today’s fast-paced world has to have “Interpersonal skill” because this skill will make us having a various kind of friends and societies that can help us to be successful by this following reasons:

        To know many people, we can get helpful information that we want easily and quickly. For example, students who want to study abroad but do not have any information about this topic, can easily receive many useful information from someone who used to study abroad more quickly than they try to find information themselves. If those students do not have interpersonal and be shy, scare to talk with experience person, they will have to find information from many places and waste too much time before getting the need information.

And also, when we want some help from others, people with interpersonal skill can beg and gain assistance from others. For instance, a manager who has interpersonal skill would have more close relationship with their staff. Therefore, when he want to beg for assist from their staff, their staff would do at one’s best heartily. On the other hand, a manager who does not have close relationship with their staff would be assisted, but their staff would work on duty only, not work because they want to help their boss; so, the result of both of work is totally different.

Another reason is people who have good interpersonal skill and have a lot of friends will gain a diversity of thought from many various kinds of people. This advantage will give them to broaden their perspective and knowledge.

In conclusion, In my view, to have interpersonal skill is the best short cut to become a successful person because that person would receive useful information easily, have some necessary assistance and improve their attitude when they contact with many people
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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发表于 2003-12-27 00:57:20 |只看该作者
43 Why do you think some people are attracted to dangerous sports or other dangerous activities? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

In the human society, there are many different sports or activities, some of which seem to be dangerous. However, some people are attracted to them, though they are dangerous.
In my opinion, people are attracted toward such activities for different reasons. One may just enjoy a specific sport or activity, another may prepare himself/herself for a special competition in order to get money while an other may practicing a specific sport or activity just to train himself/herself to withstand certain difficulties.
  The first kind of people, I mean those that just enjoy a specific sport or activity, though it is dangerous, are numerous in our societies. For example, in the United States many teenagers play basketball, though the fact that they can be seriously injured, just because they enjoy playing it. I know a man who likes driving, though the risk of accidents.
     However, the second kind of people, is usually found in the field of sport specifically.
They are attracted to certain sport, even those that are dangerous, just because it brings money. For example, sport like box is very dangerous, but many of the starts of this sport practice it because one Compton can bring them a lot of money.

     The last kind of people, are usually those that want to reach a special goal in their life. For example, I know a young man in my hometown who is attracted to Karate, a dangerous sport because he wanted to be able to defend himself the day he would be attacked by robbers.

       As a summary, I would say that people are attracted toward such activities for different reasons. Some people just enjoy certain activities, even very dangerous while others are attracted for money or self-defense.


There are various sports and activities that people can get involved in.  Some people are attracted to dangerous sports or other dangerous activities such as mountain climbing, car racing and high speed skiing to mention but a few, for a variety of resons

For some, it is a challenge to be overcome or won. An example is a lady driver joining the rally.  for example in Kenya, we have an annual Safari rally which involves cars racing with an aim of finishing with best points.  The terrain is usually very varied and rough and the sport is dominated by men.  Recently, there have been entries by women, and some may participate to prove that the challenge can also be undertaken by women and it should not be seen as a man's race.

Other sportsmen and women may find these dangerous activities to be actually fun.  For some mountain climbers for example, the goal is not only to reach the peak but also to enjoy the varying scenario, plants and animals as they ascend the mountain.

To others still, the attraction could be the prize to be won in participating in such a dangerous sport.  An example is in bull fights where the player dangles a red cloth infront of a bull, not only irritating it but inciting the animal to charge.  If the player wins defeats the bull, he is allowed to kill and probably earn some money.

In conclusion therefore, there are varying reasons that attract some people to dangerous sports, ranging from the personal to monetory satisfaction.

Playing games has always been thought to be important to the development of well-balanced and creative children; however, what part, if any, they should play in the lives of adults has never been researched that deeply. I believe that playing games is every bit as important for adults as for children. Not only is taking time out to play games with our children and other adults valuable to building interpersonal relationships but is also a wonderful way to release built up tension.

There's nothing my husband enjoys more after a hard day of work than to come home and play a game of Chess with someone. This enables him to unwind from the day's activities and to discuss the highs and lows of the day in a non-threatening, kick back environment. One of my most memorable wedding gifts, a Backgammon set, was received by a close friend. I asked him why in the world he had given us such a gift. He replied that he felt that an important aspect of marriage was for a couple to never quit playing games together. Over the years, as I have come to purchase and play, with other couples & coworkers, many games like: Monopoly, Chutes & Ladders, Mastermind, Dweebs, Geeks, & Weirdos, etc. I can reflect on the integral part they have played in our weekends and our "shut-off the T.V. and do something more stimulating" weeks. They have enriched my life and made it more interesting. Sadly, many adults forget that games even exist and have put them away in the cupboards, forgotten until the grandchildren come over.

All too often, adults get so caught up in working to pay the bills and keeping up with the "Joneses'" that they neglect to harness the fun in life; the fun that can be the reward of enjoying a relaxing game with another person. It has been said that "man is that he might have joy" but all too often we skate through life without much of it. Playing games allows us to: relax, learn something new and stimulating, interact with people on a different more comfortable level, and to enjoy non-threatening competition. For these reasons, adults should place a higher priority on playing games in their lives.

Some people assert that playing games is important for adults. In my opinion the importance of playing games depends on the types of games considered. While some games may benefit to health, mental abilities, working capacity, or help to relax, others may harm the person playing in different ways.
I think the games that are important for adults to play include those requiring action, intensive thinking and team work. It has been medically proven that physical training is extremely important for adults. It helps not only to maintain fitness, but also enhances the capacity of thinking and working. Therefore participating in sports games, such as basketball, football, tennis and other action games is essential. Games that require intensive thinking develop logic, attention and unconventional approach.. Among this type of games are puzzles, crosswords, and strategy games. And last, but not least, games that involve team work are important to develop further communicability, ability to make correct decisions with consideration of opinions of different people and other skills, because these skills are often used in everyday situations.

Still there are other types of games that may be harmful. These are majorly computer games, which cause severe eye-strain and exposure to radiation. Moreover, computer games not only harm health, but also have a negative impact on the working capacity. Many companies have stringent rules against their employees playing games during work-hours.

There is also one category of games which I believe can be both harmful and beneficial. These are games played for money. On one hand, winning such a game the player feels positive emotions, which have an overall positive influence on the players health and financial situation. On the other hand, loosing the game can drive the person playing into disappointment and even into depression, thus harming his health, not to mention the loss of money.

Thus, in my opinion, the importance of adults playing games can be evaluated depending on the level of positive or negative influences that those game may have on the person involved.

I agree with the statement "Playing games is important for adults". In this challenging world, adults work very hard to earn a better living and thus don't get time to keep their body and mind fit. By playing games, adults can not only remain fit but can enjoy life too.
Games can be of two types: physical and mental. The former keeps the body fit whereas, the latter keeps the mind fit. The following are the reasons to support my answer.

Physical games include indoor games like table tennis and outdoor games like football and basketball. These games not only increases blood circulation but also burns the excess fat present in our body that keeps us fresh and thus improves our working habits. These games also teaches discipline, co-operation, respect for others, builds self-confidence and teaches us to face defeat bravely, which in turn helps us face failures in life too.

Mental games include chess, puzzle, quiz and IQ. These games increases our mental ability and thinking power. These games teaches to make decisions, increases our knowledge, improves our way of thinking and the ability to remember things, and thus keeps us mentally alert and allows to take the right decision in life.

By looking at the above reasons, I conclude that games whether they are physical or mental, indoor or outdoor not only improves our lifestyle but also helps us achieve our goals in life.

Therefore, playing games is important for adults.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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发表于 2003-12-27 00:58:14 |只看该作者
44 Some people like to travel with a companion. Other people prefer to travel alone. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

Some people like to travel with a companion. Other people prefer to travel alone. There are advantages and disadvantages in both the approaches. In this essay I will mention some of the advantages of both the approaches and I will explain why I prefer to travel with a companion.
       Some people prefer to travel alone, because they like to be alone, with their own thoughts and dreams. Some doesn't like to get disturbed by others habits like smoking, drinking alcohol and so.
       On the other hand many people like to travel with a companion. I always prefer to do so, because, I don't feel tired how much ever I drive, if someone speaks with me or discuss something interesting, while I am driving.  We can share each others knowledge about the route and the newplace we are going. Each of us can drive in turns and so driving becomes less tiring and safe. For example, one of my neighbours has sleep apnoea and he used to be tired and sleepy through out the day. Because of his sleepiness he met with an accident. From then he decided to travel with his friend, to his office, which is 20 miles from his house. This approach is not only safe, but also less expensive than travelling alone.
        In my opinion, it is always safe, comfortable, interesting and economical to travel with a companion. In addition to be advantageous to us, we indirectly help our nation by conserving fuel and they inturn encourage us by providing car pool lanes, that are comfortable for us, if we travel with a companion. This saves time during the peak hours.


Travelling around the world is one of the most exciting things to do, because I can explore the variety of culture from all around the world especially the food and the people. That is why I don't want to spend that wonderful time alone.In other words I prefer travelling with a companion.

By travelling with a companion, I feel safe and comfortable because when ever I get lost in the middle of nowhere with no guide,then there is a chance that me and my companion will find some way to get back. We can always talk together and have a discussion to find the way. Many persons ideas are always better than only a person's idea.

I won't be lonely and bored if I travel with a companion. If the journey turns out to be a boring one, then I can always do something else with my companion, for example playing cards or maybe just talking if she/he is new friend.It would be a great time to getting to know each other.

After travelling to many places, I have noticed that help is always needed in a journey. And that is what a companions are for.Some of them probably would like to help me with some little things, for example taking a picture of me. If I just ask someone stranger from the street,then I might lost my camera cause that person might took it and just runaway.

Above all points that I have mentioned, travelling with a companion will always be my perfect choice.


To travel… What a wonderful thing! Know the world, other culture, other people, others minds. Travel is one of more interesting things that you can do, it’s a manner to learn without go to the class, and anyone can learn traveling.

The travels are so exciting that have or haven’t a companion is not an important thing. Of course, many times a companion looking up the travel, especially when the companion is a loved friend or generous parents. One of the most important things in my life is have friends and to be in your companion. So, travel with my friends, parents and any other important person is excellent.

But sometimes, we need be alone. We like to be alone when we need thinking about problems or on the next step in a live project. Maybe was better divide these problems and projects with other persons, to have a partner, but is hard to say something’s and we prefer keep these things for ourselves. In this situation is  a pretty good idea to travel alone. The contact with a different place, different language, be in a place which you never was before do the ideas flow and, many times, we resolve our problems or decide what way will be follow.

I thing the really magic of the travels is in the possibility of changing all your life with a simple step. It’s magic thing the life can re-beginning in a different place, with a different history. Don’t matter if you go alone or with companion, the important is all that you learn and fun in your travels around the world.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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