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发表于 2003-12-27 23:34:48 |只看该作者
105 Students at universities often have a choice of places to live. They may choose to live in university dormitories, or they may choose to live in apartments in the community. Compare the advantages of living in university housing with the advantages of living in an apartment in the community. Where would you prefer to live? Give reasons for your preference.

    In this era of Information and Technology where the bounadaries of Time and Space are diminishing day by day the power of knowledge is being given the foremost importance.Hence the best minds are in constant pursuit of excellence in the field of education.With this I come to the given topic of Where to dwell & thrive in this pursuit.
    First i will just throw some light upon living in a dormitory.The first thing which comes to mind is that you are 'Glove in hand' with the place of study.The student can always stay late in labs and coordination with the lecturers are much easier.Also the educational atmosphere gives you an impetus to excel rather than getting distracted.More so some precious time is saved by avoiding commutation & obviously your friends(a good number) are with you.
    Coming to the prospects of living in an apartment,this is something which gives you the best of both worlds.The best part is you enjoy a better amount of Freedom & an independent existence.You can take part in local activities and of course you can 'Work while you Work' and 'Play while you play'.The prospect of making new friends and a different atmosphere after school makes it all the more exciting.But i do not recommend this for easily distracted guys.If you are serious about studies then clearly living in an apartment is my favourite option.
     Hence weigh all these options and make sure the decision you make is clearly the best for you.
The language in this essay is stilted.

    The student choice about where they want to live during the time they spend at University has many implicationsand personal preferences. There are so many differences, among them the students economical situation, their own reasons and the abailability of the different accomodations.

     The principal problem that one student can find is the price of the accomodation. Normaly, it is cheaper to live in the Campus but it is not always true. If you have a accomodation grant it is possible but, if you not, maybe you could find something cheaper outside, in the community.

      In the other hand, there are people that don´t have the economic problem. They can choose any accomodation and some of them prefer to live outside the University because they feel less presure than if they are allday in the College.

       Although there are university dormitories, sometimes it is a limited number of them if you compare it with the number of students. This makes imposible to choose and some student have to let apartments in the city or towns close to the College.

       My preference is to live in apartments in the community. I feel like my life is something more than studing allday and , in my opinion, you can use your spare time in many activities in which you can have relationship with people who are not students or teachers.


Some students prefer to live in university dormitories, but others choose to live in apartments in the community.  While there are advantages for both options, living in university dormitories is generally the best choice for young foreign students.  The advantages of living in the university dormitories over the community apartment are the presence of mentor for any help and information, easy access to internet, extra classes, canteen and library, and cost effective in sense that easy or no transportation needed.  

Foreign student can easily adapt in the University housing, as everyone living there would be student or belonging to the university itself. Also, the university dormitories are specially meant for the students, so every requirement and the facilities will create a studious environment.  In contrast, the community apartment can be very noisy, and even, it would be difficult to manage everything by oneself along with ones studies. The rent cost will be high in the community apartment in comparison to the university housing, as the room in the university can be shared to minimize the cost, which is very difficult in the community apartment.  In the university dormitories, the students will get access to the library, Internet, and other various requirements. In addition, university housing will be close to or in the university itself, thus, it does not cost for travel or, minimum cost can work. It will be difficult for the new student to locate suitable community apartment, thus, the university housing if provided then, the students do not need to search for suitable the community apartment to live on. Even after completion of the education or during vacation, it could be easier to manage the things at a time, and leave the university housing, which otherwise would be difficult in case of the community apartment. While in the university housing, there would be security of the belongings, there would be friends belonging to the same university even same class, which could help in discussing the lectures and learning together, it would be rather difficult to leave the community apartment at a time.  There would be more responsibility while living in the community apartment than in the University dormitories.

While many students prefer to live in community apartment, I find living in university dormitories more suited. Since, I have no experience living or travelling to foreign countries, there would not be the better choice for me than living in the university dormitories. The new place and the new university, mean the new experience, almost full of unknown terms and mysteries, and the university can be the only place where I can adapt soon. Living in the university dormitories, I will be accessible to the facilities provide to the students, like easy accessible to Internet, libraries, canteen, security, any help at any time. Since the dormitories is specially meant for the students, overall necessity will be provided there which I need not to worry about.  Also, the mentor’s help and the friendly environment will make me feel like in home.


Students are often able to choose whether they want to live in a dormitory, on a university campus, or in a separate apartment in the community. Each of these environments has it's advantages. In this essay I will present some of the facts that support both solutions, and I will argue in favor of living in an appartment.

Living in dorm offers a chance to improve communication skills, to learn to live with other people. For example, roomates must adjust their eating and sleeping habits according to each other's needs. Each one must arrange his free time in such way that he doesn't bother others while they are studying. Moreover, the social structure of the dorm community is in many aspects similar to that of a typical office, or workplace in general. Both environments require finding solutions to various problems and cooperation of the people in order to achieve that. Thus, by adapting to conditions of living in the dormitory, students actually prepare themselves for their future jobs. The environment in the dorm is more friendly and understanding, because it is consisted of other students, who often have similar problems and interests. The social life is more interesting, too. For example, if a students failed to understand a lecture as it was presented in class, he can ask his friends from the dorm for an explanation. Also, it's  much easier to find a common topic to chat about, or a interesting activivty to practice in free time.

On the other hand, living in separate apartment usually means having less neighbors and roomates. In fact, it is not a rare case that a student has whole apartment for himself. In this situation, there is less distraction, so students can concentrate better on their schoolwork. As a consequence, their grades are better. Another advantage is that living alone means having more privacy. This aspect is very important, bacause everyone has personal secrets which he wants to hide from all other people, even the closest friends. Finally, students who live in the apartments can maintain contacts with their neighbors, ordinary people, and are not confined to academic community. This way, students are offered a wider variety of experiences from everyday life, which they may find useful in their future lives.

If I were in a situation to choose whether I would live in the dormitory or have a separate apartment, I would choose to live in separate apartment. It could be argued that living separately narrows one's circle of close friends, precluding him from having regular contacts with other people. This argument goes on to assert that such students are deprived of social experiences, and therefore remain aloof and introvert. However, it is a fact that students can make enough friends even if they live outside of the university campus, especially if the apartment is shared between several students. Furthermore, friends can visit each other as often as they need to. They can maintain friendly contact in a way which doesn't effect their school performance. This can be achieved by careful planning and wise distribution of time. If a student assigns enough time for studying, his grades won't suffer, and he will still be able to spend the remaining time with his friends. Alternatively, students who live in a school dormitory are constantly surrounded with familiar people. They can't avoid excessive socializing, even if they want to. Therefore, they spend too little time studying and they get low grades.

In conclusion, living in the dormitory may be more interesting and socially challenging, but it's rather unsuitable for serious studying. Living in an apartment, however, allows a student to socialize, but only to the extent that doesn't affect his schoolwork negatively. This way, positive effects of living both in dormitory and in an apartment are obtained.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 23:37:23 |只看该作者
106 You need to travel from your home to a place 40 miles (64 kilometers) away. Compare the different kinds of transportation you could use. Tell which method of travel you would choose. Give specific reasons for your choice.

With the advent of modern technology and communication,modernisation can be found in every walk of life.The invention of modern methods of transportation ,which is fast and easy,even the remotest corners of the world is reachable within hours.In order to travel to a place 40 miles from my home there are various means of transportation which include the buses,cars,trains,cabs,two wheeelers and if available ,aeroplanes.Among all these my preference would be a train which is modrately cheap,quite fast when compared to others and more comfortable.

      As compared to other public conveyences,going by train not so cheap.But for the kind of comfort a person expects ,i think the price is worth it.In comparison to our personal vehicles it is more feasible to travel by a train because the petrol prices are so high that the price that we pay for the petrol may be used towards our journey by train.

      A train is pretty fast when compared to most other means of transportation.It can cover great distances in very little duration .This saves us a great deal of time.Unlike buses ,which stop at every little town or village ,trains have more specified stops .But sometimes it so happens that the trains dont get clearance at every signal and this contributes to the delay in their arrival or departure.

      Comfort level is high when travelling by a train.Each person is allocated one seat and this seat can be used as a bed too.The passenger need not sit for hours together in one particular position .It is possible for him to sit,walk around or lie down.

       To conclude,a journey by train ,even to the most farthest of places ,is possible with a great deal of comfort and in a limited time.As technology gets more advanced we may come up with even faster modes of transportation ,but the importance of trains will remian the same.

       With the advent of modern technology and communication,modernisation can be found in every walk of life.The invention of modern methods of transportation ,which is fast and easy,even the remotest corners of the world is reachable within hours.In order to travel to a place 40 miles from my home there are various means of transportation which include the buses,cars,trains,cabs,two wheeelers and if available ,aeroplanes.Among all these my preference would be a train which is modrately cheap,quite fast when compared to others and more comfortable.

      As compared to other public conveyences,going by train not so cheap.But for the kind of comfort a person expects ,i think the price is worth it.In comparison to our personal vehicles it is more feasible to travel by a train because the petrol prices are so high that the price that we pay for the petrol may be used towards our journey by train.

      A train is pretty fast when compared to most other means of transportation.It can cover great distances in very little duration .This saves us a great deal of time.Unlike buses ,which stop at every little town or village ,trains have more specified stops .But sometimes it so happens that the trains dont get clearance at every signal and this contributes to the delay in their arrival or departure.

      Comfort level is high when travelling by a train.Each person is allocated one seat and this seat can be used as a bed too.The passenger need not sit for hours together in one particular position .It is possible for him to sit,walk around or lie down.

       To conclude,a journey by train ,even to the most farthest of places ,is possible with a great deal of comfort and in a limited time.As technology gets more advanced we may come up with even faster modes of transportation ,but the importance of trains will remian the same.



When I travel from my home to a place 40 miles away, I can get my own car, train, or bus.  Each of them has some good and bad aspects at the same time.  

First, my own car is the best way to travel the distance, 40 miles.  It has a lot of merits.  Above all, it is the fastest.  Furthermore, when I travel by my car, I can enjoy the journey with my favourite music; I don't need to worry what kind of person would sit by me, except the case that I should travel more than about 100 miles.

Second, I can get a train.  I love to travel by train, but in case of long distance.  By train I can enjoy watching beautiful sightseeing, and I believe that it is the safest way for travel.  But in this case, it is quite complicated; ticketing, getting to the station by any other transportation, and so on.

Third, there is a way of using bus.  I don't like to get a bus.  Because I cannot enjoy the jouney when I get a bus.  Usually I sleep in a bus because I cannot do anything in a bus; I cannot read a newspaper or a book and nomally the scenery from the bus is not very good.  

Therefore, I prefer my own car to travel for the distance between my home and the place.  I love to drive a car, listening my favorite songs.

There are many types of transportation that I can choose among to travel form my home to a place 64 kilometers.  Some of these transportation are motor bike, private vehicle, public vehicle, bicycle, truck etc.  Some may like to travel in vehicle for security reason, but others would like travelling in bike according to their needs and hobbies. Myself being a Nepali, and Nepal being the mountainous country, I would prefer to travel in open vehicle as the open car or pick up as truck so that I can enjoy its natural beauty.

Travelling by public vehicle is advantageous in terms of money and safety. If the person cannot drive safely or has no experience of driving around the laps of hills and narrow ways, then there will no better option than travelling by public vehicle.  It is also romantic as we can view the beautiful scenarios that come across and do not have to concentrate on  driving. While the public vehicle can carry numbers of passengers, it would be a new experience to make new friends. In addition to this, the travel would be romantic. The only drawback is that we cannot stop at the beautiful spot where we want to spare and take some photos.

Travelling by private car is also safe and comfortable, and even more advantageous as we can stop at any place for fooding, viewing scenes which is not possible in case of public buses.  Also, motor biking is famous among youngsters. One can feel the fresh air and can take advantage by stopping at any place. But, still biking in those remote areas are very risky, since many of highways are one way on the laps of hills, so its prone to accident.  

Since, Nepal is the mountainous country with the unique geography, 64 kilometers from Kathmandu, is almost the scenic beauty, with hills, national parks, forests and villages. The distance of around 64 kilometers from the Kathmandu, encompasses the remote and silent geographic features, so I would prefer to travel by any open vehicle where I can view the natural beauty, breath fresh air, feel free from driving consciousness.

Many people would prefer to travel in private car, but other find travelling in public vehicle more suited to their needs. While, both private and public vehicle travelling are risky in Nepal, I prefer travelling in the pick ups for the short distance as 64 kilometers.
Nice essay, but I'm not clear on what type of vehicle you'd use. Also, be sure to *compare* the different kinds of transportation.

     Although there are different modes of transportation available, my choice will depend on various factors like the distance, time, weather, cost, etc. However, for a distance of 40 miles I would either prefer to drive or take a cab/taxi.

    There are pros and cons for every mode of tranportation. Since the distance in our example is 40 miles, let us discuss the different modes available. If I take a train, I would need to   reach the train station first, which might take some time and also the train might have many stops. Whereas, if the weather is bad then instead of the road, taking a train would be safer. It will be economical as well.

     On the other hand, if I decide to take a bus, again I need to go to the bus stop which might take sometime. Like the train the bus might halt at various stops resulting in a longer travel time.
If time is not a constraint and if I wish to travel in leisure then a train or bus is good. I can get some sleep or read while travelling.

     Taking a Taxi/cab would be faster and comfortable but the cost of travel would be more than a train or a bus. Similarly, if I drive in my own car, the cost of gas would be applicable.
Also, I might not have the same comfort level associated with traveling in a train or a bus.

     Considering all the above pros and cons, travelling by bus or a train sounds reasonable for a longer distance. Hence, for a distance of 40 miles I would prefer to drive on my own or take a taxi/cab.
Good organization!

If I am required to travel to a destination located 40 miles away from my home, I prefer car as the vehicle of transportation, instead of choosing bicycle or motorcycle for it is the quickest, safest and most important of all it is the  most relaxing and convenient method among these methods for such a long distance journal.

To begin with, other vehicles would take more time to arrive at the place than the car. Certainly, bike and motorcyle have their own merits in some travels, especially when the distance of the trip is not long and you are not in the urgent case. Suppose you live in the rural area where the telephone is not availabe, while there is the top urgent need of travelling to the clinic located 40 miles away to invite a doctor to save your young son who is in an extremely dangerous situation. Using car, you could arrive at the clinic in an hour, whereas the speed of the bicycle and the motocycle cannot compete with that of the car. What would you choose? The answer is out of question.

Second, the road which leads to my termination is rugged. To travel by car is the safest. The rugged road condition is not unusal in Chinese rural area. Under this situation, the accidents are liable to take place if the bike or the motocyle are applied as the daily vehicles because they are not made of so much metal as cars do. The metal body of car is an effective way of protecting drivers from being hurt.

Last but not least, car doesn't need to motivated by manpower thus travelling in the car is the most relaxing way to travel. As we all know, cars are powered by gas rather than the manpower. In this way, even if you travel for a long way in the car will not make the driver feel exhausted. While, this is not the case for the riders of bikes and motorcycles.

Taking the above mentioned reasons into account, I may easily make my decision when choosing the vehicle for travelling--by car. It not only takes you to the targeted placed in the shortest time, but also makes your trip safe and enjoyable.


If I had to travel to a place 40 miles away, I would consider several ways of transportation, such as car, bicycle, or train. Each of these options has it's advantages and disadvanatages. In this essay I will present advantages of each way of travelling, and I will argue in favor of traveling by train.

It would be possible to travel by car. Cars are reasonably fast and comfortable. They can accomodate more than one passanger, which is important when several people travel together. Most cars are spacious, so every passanger has enough space to fully enjoy the trip. Moreover, passangers can travel as fast as it suits them. If they are in a hurry or some kind of emergency situation, thay can travel very quickly. On the other hand, if the purpose of their trip is casual, such as visit to a friend or having a picnic in the nature, they can make occasional stops, in order to rest or enjoy the pleasant surroundings. Some mental effort is required by the driver, because he has to pay attention to the traffic in front of him.

Another option is travelling by bicycle, since 40 miles is not a very large distance. One important advantage of a bicycle is that it doesn't burn fuel in order to move, so it doesn't produce toxic output which would pollute the environment. Moreover, bicycles are healthier than cars. Riding a bicycle requires physical effort and sterngthens muscles. In fact, some scientist assert that riding a bicycle is one of the most effective forms of excercise. Bicycles find their way through heavy traffic more quickly and easily than cars. Also, they use less space and are easier to park, which makes them useful for travels through heavily urbanized and crowded areas. Finally, bicycles are the cheapest conveyances, since they don't require expenses for fuel, and only minute amounts of money are needed for maintenance.

For my part, I must argue in favor of travelling by train, because it comprises some of the main positive properties of both previously discussed approaches. Trains are very comfortable, and they don't require any effort from the passanger, neither physical, nor mental. They are also very fast, sometimes even faster than cars. Finally, trains are environmentally clean means of transportation, since they use electric power, not fossil fuels, like cars do. The superiority of travelling by train is further confirmed by the corresponding price, which is significantly higher than those of car or a bicycle travels.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 23:38:24 |只看该作者
107 Some people believe that a college or university education should be available to all students. Others believe that higher education should be available only to good students. Discuss these views. Which view do you agree with? Explain why.

Some people believe that a college or university education should be available to all students. Others believe that higher education should be available only to good students. Discuss these views. Which view do you agree with? Explain why

Some people believe that a college or a university should be available to all students. Others think that higher education should be available only to good students. In my opinion, higher education should be available to all students. Why do I think so?
Firstly, to get higher education is a right of any person. If higher education is available only to good student, it will be infringement of human rights. We cannot say to man that she or he is not entitled to get higher education because it will be anti-constitutional. On the other hand, a  college or university can have own rules for students who don't have a good GPA. For example, students can graduate from college if they have only "A" or "B". Another example, students can take several times the same exam while they won’t receive a good grade. It is very important to give a right to get  higher education to all students, because it will be their chance to change something in their life, get better job in the future or built their career.
Secondly, who gives us right to share people in good and bad students. Maybe they have good abilities for studying,yet,these students chose the wrong way ignoring learning when they were high school students. We have a lot of examples when people didn't have a good grade when they were a high school students, however, they could graduate from college and became to work successfully. We know many examples about great people, Pushkin, Mendeleev, who weren't good students in all subjects, but they were very talented persons and whole world knows their names. To be a good or bad students are not the same to have abilities for learning. We should understand and remember it.
Some people can say that government and parents just waste money for education bad students. Nonetheless,the government also can change rules for those students. For example, not support financially if the student has a grade "C" or worse.However,our government sustains any students. I think that it is the right way, because we live in a free country and any man has the same right to get higher education.
In summary, in spite of colleges and universities are mostly interested in good students, I strongly believe that any students, good or bad, should have the same right to earn high education.
Very nice essay, but punctuation needs improvement.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 23:42:46 |只看该作者
108 Some people believe that the best way of learning about life is by listening to the advice of family and friends. Other people believe that the best way of learning about life is through personal experience. Compare the advantages of these two different ways of learning about life. Which do you think is preferable? Use specific examples to support your preference.

           Some people believe that the best way of learning about life is by the advice of family and friends while other people believe that the best way of learning about life is through personal experience. Both viewpoints have advantages and disadvantages to approach the best way of learning life but I will take a stand on learning through personal experience is the best way of learning
            Family and friends are always be around me.They love and care about me. So when they discover something from their personal experience they also want to let me know, sometimes just to warn me, sometimes to recommend me and sometimes to encourage me. Family and friends are very good influence for anybody but the situation that occur to them in their personal experience might not be the same situation that happen to me such as my uncle suggested me not to take a economics class in college because it was too difficult and made him fail the class. However, in reality I like economics and I will pay a good attention in class. The situation that happended to my uncle might not be the same to me.
             I prefer learning about life through my own experience because I am going to be the one who response for all my actions. It reminds myself better for the example if I did something wrong and the result came back to me. I might be suffer from what I did but I would learn and tried not to do it again next time. It also challanged myself to be a better person and learned from my mistake. However, if I don't take an advice from family and friends it might be very easy for me to make a mistake such as my friends suggested me not to leave my purse in a car because someone might break the car and take the purse but I left my purse in the car anyway. As the result, someone broke into the car and took my purse. Now I learned from own experience but before that I had to pay a high price I wish I listened to my friends. For another example, if nobody told me that north side of downtown area was a high crime area I might walked around by myself and bad thing could happened to me. From that case, I do not want to learn from my own experience I would rather learn from my family and friends.
             However, I learned a lot of thing from my personal experience because nobody could have all the same situations as I face it everyday. Their advice might not fit me as well as my personal lesson from the past.I am growing but yet still learning.
              Some might believe that the best way of learning about life is by the advice of family and friends but the best way of learning about life for me is through my personal experience.I have no doubt about it.


My personal belief is that the best way to learn about life is through personal experience. But this does not mean that I totally disregard the alternative way of learning by listening to family or friends’ advice. The truth is that now, at my age, I clearly see that the best way of learning about life would be a combination of the two (ways noted above).

The main reason I embrace the first way is because I find it more natural, it is our instinctive way to act and react. When we are young we are prone to experience than to listen to other persons advice and less to the advice coming from our family. This may not be a general case but I believe the exceptions are rare. I remember when I got engaged with my future husband both my parents and friends were very much against my decision. And in a way they were right. But I wanted to follow my heart and to have my own judgment even if people with more experience and even good intention were advising me to do the contrary. My reaction/action it was also influence by the wrong approach my family adopted. And my case is not an isolated one.
From my above story can be inferred that I DO agree that learning by listening to the advice of well-intended people is a wise way. It would probably save us some grief and disappointment in life. But I strongly believe that even painful the experience we choose to have is helping us grow and builds our personality. I never regretted my decision to get marry at a pretty early age even if eventually we (me and my husband) ended up divorcing. It was one of the best experience I ever had, though the most painful in my life.

I conclude by encouraging youngsters to try to listen both to their heart and to other persons advice and judge which way would be the best for them. Although I sound like my mother some years ago, when she tried to convince me that at my age the marriage is not the best choice in life, I strongly recommend to everybody to accept listening to any advice before making a decisive step in life and afterwards to filter all these information. I think it is wise trying to combine these two ways of learning about life.


Since our birth all time we are leaning about life. There are people who prefer to ask the advice of their family or friends and there are people who prefer to make up theirs mind by themselves. Both of that ways have advantages. Asking the advice of family you can get a wise one, which proved by people and time. Using the advice of other people is less dangerous sometimes. Personal experience makes people more independent and responsible. Also it remembers longer.

In the childhood we often listen to the advice of our family. Being adults, we asking for advice of family or friends too. As a rule, our parents give us a wise advice because they are older us and live a long life. Listening to the advice is less dangerous for life then experience. For instance, your experienced friends can advise you to take a vaccination before your travel and it save your health. Using the advice of family and friends can give a short way to the goal.

On the other hand, personal experience is useful too. You will remember your personal experience all life long whereas others’ advice you can forget. When people learn life by experience they become more independent, they get used to rely on themselves. Independence is a good personality because your parents and friend won’t be with you all life. Learning about life by own mistakes, people learn to be responsible for their actions.

In my learning about life I used both the advances of family and my personal experience. In most cases I asked family or friends before make a decision, so I can say that I prefer listening to the advice.


In truth it isn't a matter of choosing between learning from others and learning from personal experience. During their lives everyone must learn by both ways. A person can't learn only through advice but neither can he learn everything by himself. However, there are certain advantages attributed to each method.

Learning from our family and friends by listening to their advice can help us draw knowledge their experiences. A girl born out of wedlock would likely be heavily counseled by her mother to be careful about having relationships with men and to avoid engaging in pre-marital sex. Eventually that girl would likely be more careful about avoiding pregnancy while she is still unmarried as compared to other unmarried girls among her peers not counseled by their mothers. The advice of this girl's mother could help her avoid committing the same mistake thus saving her from the hardships of single parenthood.

People believe that their family and friends will help keep them from harm. Giving advice is one way their ways of offering protection. Older relatives can share the wisdom they have gained from living their lives. A single person cannot learn as much by learning everything from his own experiences compared to learning by listening to the knowledge and experiences of many relatives and friends. A person will not only avoid making the same mistakes but he will be able to know more than he could do so alone because there are more people to teach him.  

On the other hand learning by our own experiences makes the lessons more profound to us. We might not trust or believe the advice of others but we would believe in something if we have seen or felt it ourselves.  We are also more likely to remember a particular lesson if we learned it through experience. A man who is cautioned not to drive drunk by his father may still do so. However if he gets injured from an accident caused by drunk driving, he will probably treat lesson of keeping sober behind the wheel more seriously.

Learning through our own experiences and suffering the consequences make us understand the lessons better because we have truly experienced their importance.

Personally I prefer learning through my own experiences because I think that the way our family and friends see things may not apply to us. An uncle of mine might advice me against rock climbing because of the dangers but for me the entire experience of reaching the top might be worth the risk. If I take that uncle's experience I might miss out on a personal adventure. I believe that life is the best school and that we have to learn our lessons from our own experiences living it.

In conclusion, where we learn our lessons is not as important as living by what we have learned and sharing it with others. If we can say what we have learned by cannot act by them then these lessons are of no use to us.
Nice! But third paragraph is repetitive.

We can learn about life by listening to advices of our friends and family or by drawing conclusions from our personal experience. Friends and family members can teach us a lot about life, because their experience is often larger than ours. Personal experience is important because it is direct and genuine. I think that personal experience is the preferable way of learning about life.

Our family members and fiends are sometimes more experienced than us and can teach us a lot of important things about life. For example, our parents are older than us and have been in many situations that they can teach us about. It is important that there is a strong emotional connection between us and our friends and family. They love us and wish us success in life, so they are very commited and devoted to teching us. They would never mislead us or teach us bad things.

Because of their great emotonal attachment, our friends and family can be biased towards us. For instance, parents often impose their opinions on their children by giving them advices. They are confident that they are doing the best thing for their childer, but that might not be true.

That's why we must sometimes make our own decisions. Advices from people who are close to us should always be considered, but they are not necessarily true, so they shouldn't be blindly accepted.

Learning from personal experience is effective, because personal experience in direct. When we experience something directly, it has greater effect on our personality than when we are told about it by others. For example, the horror of war is much clearer to someone who has faught in war himself than to someone who has just heard about it. Personal experience allows us to draw our own conclusions about life. In this cases, we are not confined by someone else's interpretation of events.

However, in these situations we are often very emotional and unable to reason correctly. This is the case when experiences are exciting or disturbing, such as wars or other life-threatning situations. Also, Our impressions of our experience may be prejudiced. We may tend to interpret them incorrectly to avoid painful conclusions. Therefore, we should always view our personal exprerience from certain time distance, in order to gain real, and not false knowledge.

In my opinion, the best way of learning about life is learning from personal experience. Other people's experiences given to us in form of advices, are always more or less shaped according to their personality. Therefore, the knowledge gained by experience is more confident.


Some people believe that the best way of learning about life is by listening to the advice of family and friends. Other people think that the best way of learning about life is through personal experience. Let’s compare the advantages of these two different ways of learning about life.
Learning by listening to the advice of family and friends is the best way for everyone. Family and friends are the closest to you people. They always wish you the best. For example, mother and father every day try to explain you everything around you through their life experience helping you avoid many blunders in your life. They can advise you to read some helpful books, watch TV’s education program, even recommend your peers who may be your friends.   If person has a good family and friends, she/he mostly takes positive life experience.
During early childhood and adolescence, family plays the very important role. Family controls the child's behavior and helps to form all spiritual values. Also, it regulates the child's relationships with its peers. The friends teach you how to communicate with each other and how to interact.
However, scientists say that the more value is knowledge about life through personal experience. Those people have less stresses, have more abilities to resolve problem in many difficult situations. They are not afraid to be responsible for many mistakes that they might make in their life. They are able to the right decision in any unexpected situation. For example, those children do not fear of peer pressure. They are more ready to real life than children who learning about life only by listening to family and friends.
I stand up for personal experience. Why do I think so?
Firstly, it is unbelievable to learn about life only listening to advice of family and friends.
  In the eighteenth century Jack Russo developed theory about child's learning life. He said that we could tell kids about our life many times, but they did not believe while it was not with them. Children are usually very curious. Sometimes when adults tell do not do this, they want to do that because they want to know why they cannot do that.
Secondly, our parents grew up in other time. They cannot understand many things in our life because they did not have that in their life. For example, why do you want to find some material for your project through Internet and do not want to go to the library? Another example: they do not understand why that that appropriate for them is not appropriate for you. It is a conflict for all generations all over the world: the conflict between parents and children. Many books written by famous author describe this problem. For example, Ivan Turgeniev, Russian writer, wrote novel “Fathers and Children”.
Next, it is very hazardous to listening to the advice of friends. We know that friends can impact not only positively, but also and negatively. For example, some peers teach the young adult how to abuse drugs or alcohol. You might listen to your friends but you always have to have your head to accept or not accept some suggestions.
In conclusion, although family and friends play an important role for learning about life, I strongly believe that learning through personal experience is preferable. If all people only listening to your family and friends advice, then we live in hormonal society. Nonetheless, we never seem to learn from the mistakes of the past so history always repeats itself.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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发表于 2003-12-27 23:45:33 |只看该作者
109 When people move to another country, some of them decide to follow the customs of the new country. Others prefer to keep their own customs. Compare these two choices. Which one do you prefer? Support your answer with specific details.

“Live in Rome, live as Roman”, this is a good saying. So while move to another country, I will prefer to follow the customs of the new country. I have two reasons to tell you why?

In the first place, following the native customs will make more acceptable by the native people. For example, when you move to Thailand, Thai has a Festival of Pouring Water. In that festival, the native people think it can bring luck to you by pouring water on you body. But in your own country, it is thought oppositely. What will happen if you be angry at the guys who pouring you water? Neither of you can be happy. I don’t think you want to be rejected by the native group.

In the third place, following the native customs is a polite way to respecting people you are living with. As the social development become globalizing, people have to learn to respect other different cultures. As we know “If you want to be respected, you must respect others first”. Let’s thinking about that, if some new comers moved to your place, and they do not want to follow your customs, in some cases, they are even going to break your customs. Can you be happy with that?

Of course, no rose without thorns. While following the customs of another country, it does not mean you need to give up your own habit absolutely. Since something you can not change it, why not try to avoid it? For instance, if you do not like drinking beer, but natives use beer for celebration, try to find some substitute.

All in all, following another country’s customs is a better way to get accepted. And further, it can bring you more joy, funs, and respect.
Good, clear organization!

Some people moved to another country decide to follow the customs of the new country. Others  prefer to keep their own customs. These two choices have  advantages and disadvantages.
When people want to keep their own customs, they care more about their children. They understand that children have to know where they are from, what their customs are. For example, in the United States many people from China or Russia bring their children to private school in order they know their native language and culture. Many people from Pakistan or others Moslem countries keep their own traditions everything: in food, in clothes, in lifestyle. They usually live in big native community that allow them keep and follow their own customs. However, children from those families spend more time for studying language that country where they now live. As usual, their parents do not speak and understand a new language. Of course, they cannot help their kids when they go to school. Sometimes, when people only respect their own customs and do not respect customs where they live now, it may bring to dangerous national conflicts.
People who want to follow the customs of the new country care more about their future in this new country. Definitely, they more successful, they have less trouble in communication. Their children do well at school because their parents can help them and they keep control of studying their children. They live peacefully with people of many different races and nationalities. Nonetheless, it is unbelievable when people do not know the history and the customs of their native country. It is horrible to forget the native rooms.
It is abnormal to do not know the language where you from.
I stand up for bicultural. Bicultural means having two cultures. Cultural pluralism is more accepted in the United States today. It is the right way because you know the culture your native country and begin to study the customs of the new country. You know your native language and your can speak, read, write and understand other language. You respect the customs of your native country and your respect the customs of he new country. Our government tendency is bicultural and bilingual. This trend allows the ethnic diversity live in peaceful society. The peace is precious and I prefer only bicultural.   


     Actually, I am an immigrant in Canada. When I came here, I could choose to stick to my own way of living or to follow the customs of the new country, Canada. Because of these following reasons, I chose to abandon my own custom, and to follow the new customs. I think I can do no harm to my new community people and make many new friends here with this decision.
     The most important reason I would like to emphasize is that I don't want to be seen as a foreigner in my new living place. We, Koreans have many traditional staples such as soybean paste in our food. We think that they are essential for our daily lives and they make our food more delicious and spicy. However, most of people here dislike the smell of these staples. When I had our typical food with soybean paste for the first time, my neighbors complained that the smell was disgusting and they didn't want to talk with me. However, after I stopped eating the soybean taste, they didn't blame me.
     Moreover, I hope I can make many new friends here. I really would like to feel as the people of here feels. While Canadians love to watch the hockey game, I didn't like to watch it before I came here. However, I have tried to get an interest in hockey game since I came here and now I feel that it is very exciting game. When the Toronto Mapleleafs team finally won at the NHL eastern league championship this year, I felt the delight of victory with my new Canadian friends during all night in the street. Because of that experience, I can get along well with many friends here.
     Because of those reasons described above, I will follow the new customs of Canada. Of course, I will not abandon some of my own customs, which don't bear a negative image to my neighbors. Nevertheless, I will keep in mind this famous proverb, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." to understand more profoundly my new country and make many friends here.


Some people like to follow the customs of the new place where they moved, but others prefer to keep their own customs based in their own societal and ethical values. People like to follow new customs as to enjoy, have new experience, for being in harmony with the society they live and to respect the society they live. However, others like to keep their own customs despite being in the new environment as to respect the culture and custom they grew, to make their children accustomed to their original customs and to enjoy the core values and wisdom of the custom they know better. While both preferences are logical and right in their own ways, I would prefer to keep my own customs with additional customs of the new Country.

Following the new custom is the way to show respect to the values and cultures of the another country we moved. While in society, we need to accept and follow the customs to keep in harmony and peace with the people living there, and to feel the happiness that comes across. Following the customs of new country means to make the living environment lively, and to accept the culture and customs of that country.  But, some prefers to keep their own culture and customs so that the next generation will keep on with the originality. Those people who know the value of the society they grew will never give up the custom associated.

While many would just follow the new customs, others would follow their own customs. But even I move to another country I would prefer to keep on with the customs I grew up with. It gives me the pleasure, and that very custom is my identity which shows the emotions and sentiments in itself. Also, to keep up with the new environment I would accept the new customs. By doing so, I will be respecting both customs. Though we may follow new customs for various reasons, we must not forget our own customs with which our emotions are attached.

In a nutshell, while following a new customs and giving a respect to the country where we have moved, we should never forget our own customs.  


I think that, if people move to another country, they had better follow custom of the new country and feel themselves as part of society where they study, work and live.

First of all, people following custom of the new country show respects to people in that country and the way they live. From other side, people of new country also will respect newcomers and help them, what is very important to whom, who are beginning a new life in the new country. If newcomers will feel themselves foreigners and keep distance between them and people from new country, they never will have either success in career or comfort in life. Our nation has one wise folklore, what means "If you going to drink water in new country you should follow their custom and tradition". I found it very useful from my own experience of being the Russian, the Chinese and the American, while remaining just Mongolian, where I had lived. Everywhere I meet very nice people who are ready to help and make my life in their country as happy as in my motherland.

Secondly, following their custom, they can learn new things, gain more knowledge and make their lives more interesting. I know 19 years old American volunteer teacher who came in my country to teach English. After living two years in new country he fully adapted and became a member of new family. Everybody respected him and loved. He learned a new language, a new style of life and achieved useful experiences of which the most important is the belief in himself that other people need him and he can make good things. I believe that he will make good career, find god friend live happy life, wherever he is.

Finally people moving to another country must follow new custom because it is not only respect to peoples in new country but also respect to themselves in living happy life in new country, while keeping their own custom within family, countrymates and friends
Wow! Great story! Grammar is a bit awkward, but your ideas are wonderful!

When people move to another country, they may choose whether they will accept it's customs, or keep the customs of the old country. Accepting the new customs may help us overcome the cultural shock caused by the change of environment, while keeping old customs gives us emotional support in the new conditions, by maintaining cultural link with the old country. In my opinion, everyone should accept the new customs sooner or later, in order to completely fit in the new society.

Moving to a new country may present a cultural and social shock for some individuals. Accepting the customs of the new country is one of the ways to fit in the new environment and overcome the difference between two countries. After we start practicing the new customs, we feel closer to the new community. People from the new country may not look at us as on a stranger, but as on one of their own. We would be better appreciated by the new society. Peolpe would be more forthcoming, since they would not be alienated by the differences in customs. Therefore, it would be easier for us to make friends. Also, our employers and co-workers would see us differently. They would praise us for our high adaptability to the new conditions.

By keeping the old customs, we maintain a cultural and emotional link to our old country. It may help us relieve the pain that may be produced by the sudden change of environment. Practicing old customs reminds us of the old country and often recalls nice memories related to the part of our life that we spent there. This can help us in situations when we need emotional support. Moreover, some countries have rather interesting and unusual customs. Sometimes they can even be amusing and entertaining. By showing them to our new friends, we may establish closer relations with them.

Still, it is my opinion that old customs should be practiced only during the transitional period, while we meet new people and adapt to the new culture. After that, I think that new customs should be accepted, in order to completely fit in the society. Of course, we shouldn't forget the old customs. On the contrary, they should remain in our memory as a reminder of the particular period in our lives.

Based on all the facts previously stated, we may conclude that practicing old customs helps us overcome the difficulties of cultrual change, by maintaining the connection to the old county. However, as we become more adapted to the new environment, old customs should be gradually replaced by the new ones.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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发表于 2003-12-27 23:47:41 |只看该作者
110 Some people prefer to spend most of their time alone. Others like to be with friends most of the time. Do you prefer to spend your time alone or with friends? Use specific reasons to support your answer.

People spend their free time in different ways. Some people prefer being alone in their spare time, while others like to be with their friends. Of course, it's all a matter of personal preference. As for myself, I like to spend my free time with my friends, for many different reasons, some of which I will explain in more detail.

People who spend their free time alone choose to do so for many reasons Some of them have jobs which involve lots of frequent contacts with other people, like salesmen and teachers. That's why they like to rest from others when they're not working. Some people have hobbies that give them greater pleasure when they are alone, like reading, watching birds or medatating. In this case, being alone gives them necessary peace of mind, which is the main purpose of these hobbies. Presence of others would only make a distraction.

On the other hand, people like to spend time with their friends because they like to have fun or pleasant conversation with them, which can also present a great relief from stress and difficulties of everyday life. This can also depend on person's activities during working hours.

For example, being a student, I usually spend my time working hours studying or listening to lectures. Neither ot the two involves much human communication. Teherefore, my working activities are mostly confined to reception of information, either from a book or from a teacher. That's why my personal preference is spending free time in the company of friends.

Of course, there are other reasons for this choice. For instance, being with my friends always gives me a chance to learn something new. During our conversations, we exchange our recent experiences, thus enlarging each other's knowledge. Moreover, we sometimes discuss current events, like something we've seen on TV or an interesting lecture that we've heard. Advice from a friend is sometimes very valuable. This kind of wisdom often can't be found in any book.

Whether a person would feel more comfortable spending spending free time alone or surrounded by friends, depends on many factors, like type of job or inclination towards socializing. My personal favorite is being among friends, because it gives me a break from studying, as well as a unique opportunity to expand my horizons and have fun.
Be sure to talk about *your* preference!!

I like to spend some time alone. Hanging out with friends is fun, I would not say the opposite, but I also enjoy being by myself for many hours because I can do a lot of things that I like and that cannot be done if there is people around. Most of my hobbies are individual activities that require concentration and silence.

One of the things I like the most is reading. Therefore I want to be isolated in order to concentrate in my books. I prefer reading rather than watching tv, at home my family get together to watch a television show, I go to my bedroom to read a book instead, that is what I prefer and my family respects it.
I hate when someone talks to me when I am at the computer surfing on the internet looking for information about the subjects I am interested in.
It is not that I do not like people. I get along well with my friends and family, but I am a loner.

I like to be alone because it is when I can think about everything that happens to me. At the end of the day I analyze the facts, search reasons and make conclusions. I not only imagine the future but also make detailed plans to achieve what I want. I play with different possibilities of what I am going to do. I reach such level of introversion that I can even hear my own voice telling me my deepest thoughts.

I do not consider myself being crazy for my preference to loneliness. I am a thoughtful person, and many people are like me. I enjoy my own companion, I have found out that being alone is a good way to know who I am.
Good, simple but effective writing!!

   Due to our society's rapid progress, a human being has been able to survive without communicating with other people. In the last few decades, various machines have been invented and spreaded throughout the world. This sudden technological advance is the main perpetrator that made human beings extremely egoistic. Personally, I prefer to spend most of my time with my amicable, warm-hearted companions. In this essay, I will explain my opinion by offering several reasons.

    My mom has always told me that intimate relationships with people are really important in one's life. A human being, in order to live a life without any regrets, needs another person to depend upon. It is a well-known maxim that every man has shortcomings. Through close friendships, a mortal experiences a variety of activities, and realizes one's shortcomings. At the same time, the person can make one's friend be aware of his/her faults. This mutual relationship will eventually result in mental development of two human beings.

   An amiable relationship is not only beneficial for the realization of each other's shorcomings but also for their happiness. My friends and I often play soccer or basketball when we meet. These activities that we do together will be cherished as good lifetime's memory. Thus, a pleasant comradeship can be the main producer of pure joy.

   Therefore, a companionship is wholesome in a lot of ways. First, we can become more advanced human beings through our mutual relationship. Second, we can recieve mirth through the things that we collaborate on. I encourage all people to continue good relationships with their friends, because you will benefit from it in the long run.
A bit stilted, but very nice on the whole.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-27 23:51:57 |只看该作者
111 Some people prefer to spend time with one or two close friends. Others choose to spend time with a large number of friends. Compare the advantages of each choice. Which of these two ways of spending time do you prefer? Use specific reasons to support your answer.

My preference in spending time with friends depends very much on my mood. If I just want to be with people that I know, to have fun, to laugh and simply forget a hard working period that I have been through lately, than I choose to spend my time with a large number of friends. If, on the contrary, I feel the need to talk and be in a private atmosphere, then, I choose to call one or two close good friends and spend my time with them. But irrespective of my preferences, I believe each choice has its advantages, as I will describe it in what follows.

Nowadays our work takes the major part of our lifetime and we have to be very careful with how we spend what is left out. This shortage of spare time does not allow us to maintain good relationships with both our friends and acquaintances. Therefore we should tactfully organize our time so that we end up with good friends no matter how close they are to us. And by doing this we will be able to spend quality time with people we appreciate and care about.
There are moments when we simply need to socialize, when after an intense and stressful period of work we want to go out to a dance club, to a party or in an exciting trip. This is the right time to spend time with a big group of friends. This of course would apply for outgoing persons and not for private ones. The latter would prefer the company of a close good friend, with whom one can talk in confidence. But even the most sociable persons have their blue moments when they would rather be in a close circle of friend than in a crowd of acquaintances.

I consider that both these ways of spending our time should be part of a well-balanced life. It is simply up to us to choose between the two, depending on our disposition or state of mind or on our personality. And no matter which of these ways we choose our final goal should be to make the most of our spare time and why not of our life.


Each of us has friends. Spending time with friends may
bring us a lot of benefit. Some people prefer to spend
time with one or two close freinds. Others choose to
spend time with a large number of friends. Each has
different advantages. I prefer to spend time with a
large number of friends.

When you spend time with friends you may learn a lot
of experiences from them. People have different ways
to think and solve problems. When you only spend your
time with one or two close friend you will may understand
each other better and better everyday. When you need
help they will likely help you with all capability
they have and you also help them. For example you always
spend time with one close friend who is your classmate
and a very good student you will likely become a good
student also. You encouge each other in study.

It is more advantage when you spend time with a large
number of friends. You will learn from the ways they do
things. You will likely discover so many good things
and also bad things from acting of friends. The more
time you spend with them the more experience you get.
You may likely to update imformation and extend
knowledge about the life. You may likely avoid
trouble about the life and solve your problems easier.
Because when you spend time with many friends maybe
one of them has faced that problems and you get
experiences from that situations. It is more excited
when you go on holyday with so manay  friends than
just have one or two friends.

I like to be with a large of number friends. I always
feel happy and active when I get a new friend. I have got
many advantage from spend time with friends.


  The type of company i keep really reflects my mood at a certain period. It is essential that one has a couple of good friends with which he can spend hours but also being sociable is essential in todays world. Like two faces of a coin both have their positive and negative aspects.

  Attending a party with a whole bunch of friends can be a great evening out. A party or a dinner is always more louder and energatic with more people. Plus the skills picked up with interacting with a large group of people are especially helpful. At time though a large, group can get out of hand amd interaction amoungst so many people gets difficult.

  A quite evening with a couple of close friends can be both enjoyable and well as helpful. A couple of close frinds enable you to talk about your problems more freely, where as one might feel reluctant with a large group. On the other hand only maintaing a realtionship with a couple of friends could prevent you from becoming an outgoing and sociable person causing you to be socially dependent on them.

  It is essential that one should combine both skills, that of being able to interact with a group as well as being able to maintin a healthy realtionship with a couple of friends. A succesful combing of these skills leads one to be socailly acceptable as well as independent while providing support if and when required.
Be sure to talk about *your* preference!! ^_^

     Spending the leisure time with one friend is nice but with several friends is fantastic. More friends bring more fun, more ideas. The number will be reflected in the multiple ways of approaching a problem due to the different backgrounds a group might have.
     First of all, having more friends in a party means more fun. What can be more enjoyable than more free spirits having the same goal, to have fun? The enthusiasm will grow with each participant to the event, everybody contributing to the general fun. A two men party is more quiet but a large party is explosive. You feel free to give out the best from you.
     Secondly, more people means more ideas and are capable to do lot of things. Everybody will have a new idea regarding our program. Together, friends can accomplish things that only one cannot. For example going in a trip that requires a long driving is easier for a group. Several friends will be able to rent a bigger car that accommodate al of them and will split the driving period. No one will be too tired; the trip will be safer and even cheaper.
     Furthermore, every member of a team is bringing his own background. This is usually the case in the North America where there are living people from different countries. The multiculturalism brought by immigrants act beneficially, improving the conceptions, showing different styles of living and also new foods. A party with many friends is always something new and genuine. One will never be bored to participate to a big party.
    The more friends are participating to a party the more fun it is. Nothing compare to the force and enthusiasm of a bunch of friends. New good ideas will appear each time there is a need of some. The multiculturalism of the group makes the party interesting and even the friends are not changing two parties will never be the same. I definitively like to hike with as many friends as possible.
Be sure to follow directions: "compare" them!! This is very, very important to do!! ^_^

Some people prefer to spend time with one or two close friends while others choose to spend time with a large number of friends. There are different advantages in both cases.
   Spending time with only one or two close friends enables stronger communication between specific friends. The bond form between such friends is much stronger and more stable than compared to the later choice. The reason for this is because there are more chances and opportunities to get to know each other better, its easier to discuss personal problems in more close-nit groups compared to larger groups. This way we get to understand each other better and hence there are no walls of formalities and misunderstandings are not easily developed. A more comfortable and cozy atmosphere is formed between close friends rather than a whole bunch of friends.
     On the other hand spending time with a large number of friends does improve ones communication skills and interaction with people in general becomes easier. With lots of friends one learns to share and get used to other people's temperaments and therefore develop a more tolerant nature, which of course will help us in the future. We may also develop leadership qualities and management skills in between lots of people. Its easier to play games like charades, tabu, black foot, etc. , games which everyone enjoys, when there are lots of friends. There are lesser chances of boredom between lots of friends as everyone may have something different to offer to the group as a whole; there are more ideas, there are more helping hands if one wants to accomplish a task like clearing up or baking,etc.
    Therefore there are advantages to both ways of spending time. I personally prefer spending time with a few close friends usually. I feel its important to be close to your friends, be able to share your problems with them and not feel hesitant in confiding in them. One should have a strong communication channel and good understanding with their friends. All this is more likely if I spend time with a few close friends rather than a large number of friends.
You need a conclusion.

There are so many reasons why people choose their friends.  Some people prefer to spend time with a large number of friends for security, social belongingness, and fun.  Others prefer to spend time with one or two close friends for intimacy, stability, and identity.  Spending time with one or two or large number have advantages.  However, after all have been presented, I would still prefer to spend time with my closest friends.

Most of us fear for one thing:  loneliness.  It is said that no man lives alone.  We try very hard to seek and win friends to give us a sense of security that no matter what happens, in time of happiness and sadness, even if others go, some will still remain, we will never be alone.  Moreover, living in a society with individual of different personalities carries a certain burden on an individual.  Nowadays, a person is recognized and given opportunities not by his own skills and capabilities but, oftentimes, by the people he knows.  Spending time with a lot of friends is the epitome of his importance in the society.  But most of all, he prefers to his time with a lot of friends for fun:  the more the merrier, being in a large group is always a party, there are more stories to tell and hear, ideas to share and imbibe, activities to create and experience.  The idea of dullness and boredom is inconceivable.  These reasons encourage man to spend time with a large number of friends.

“Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are”.  People choose their friends carefully for intimacy:  someone whom they can trust to share their secrets with, hang around with doing things they both really enjoy, without the pressure of including everybody.  For identity:  friends who have the same likes and dislikes, friends one can relate to, and most of all, someone whom a person can just be himself, without trying to pretend to be someone he is not, just so he can belong.  And lastly, for stability, knowing that quality is better than quantity, knowing that this person likes to be with you, for yourself, not for anything else.

In summary, friends are part of our life, we may choose them and spend time with them because we want to belong in the crowd, we want to have someone to keep us company, we want to have fun.  But I prefer to spend time with one or two close friends to share my secrets with, friends whom I can relate, be myself, knowing that they are my real, true friends.


There are some people who have a large group of friends while others prefer spending time only with a couple of their close friends. Both these attitudes have their advantages and disadvantages. I will analyze both cases and present my views in favor of having a few close friends.

When a person spends time with several people it helps him share his ideas with and collect information from various different sources. It broadens his horizons and makes him aware of different points of view on any subject. It also makes him socially more active and as is commonly said "Man is supposed to be a social animal".

On the other hand being with a couple of close friends helps a people achieve a level of intimacy not possible in a large group. They develop a bond between them that is hard to break. Such people share an understanding which leads to high levels of loyalty. It leads to a kind of friendship that can be depended on in any kind of situation. Such friends are truly loyal and would never shrink back from supporting each other.

I personally prefer spending time with my close friends, who happen to be just one or two. They are the friends I am absolutely comfortable with. In school I had just two good friends who I am very close to. I can share any thought of mine with them. Very often they understand my feelings without me having to state them explicitly. In college I have a large number of friends, and though I can discuss a variety of subjects with them, I do not share the level of intimacy with them that i share with my school friends.

Due to these reasons, I prefer having a couple of close friends. They are the friends I can always trust, those I can turn to whenever a situation becomes unmanageable. I am absolutely sure, that even if my college friends refuse to help me, my school friends will never turn me down.  


Some people like to spend time with one or two close friends, while others prefer being surrounded by large number of friends. Having a small circle of friends provides more familiar atmosphere, while big group of friends is probably more suitable for entertaining. I like to spend my time with only a few friends. The reasons for this, some of which I will explain further, stem primarily from my personality.

It seems to me that when only a few friends get together, quiet and familiar atmosphere is established. This kind of environment is suitable for serious or rather intelectual discussions. Also, when there are fewer friends, they usually spend more time with each other, and get a chance to know each other better. Therefore, relationships among them are closer. Because of smaller number of  different opinions, it is much easier to reach an agreement. Thus, quarrels occur less frequently.

Having many friends also has it's advantages. It is often claimed that a party is better if there are more people attending it. Also, ordinary conversations about school, politics or sports tend to be more interesting if there are more different opinions.

My personal preference is to be surrounded by only a few friends. The main reason is that I like to be close to my friends and to be able to tell them almost everything. Also, I don't like to get into conflicts with people, although I don't expect my friends to agree with me constantly. Besides, it is my impression that large groups of friends are often based on false, insicere friendship, and are marely a product of the desire to keep appearances. For example, people who are often seen surrounded with many friends are more popular in the society, and are in a way considered better than others. In my opinon, this stereotype is wrong, but it makes many people crate artificial friends.

In summary, I enjoy socializing with only a few closest friends because it creates a peaceful and intelectually stimulating atmosphere that suits my needs. This behaviour may appear antisocial, but it is the way that best corresponds to my social attributes.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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发表于 2003-12-27 23:55:44 |只看该作者
112 Some people think that children should begin their formal education at a very early age and should spend most of their time on school studies. Others believe that young children should spend most of their time playing. Compare these two views. Which view do you agree with? Why?

While many people feel that their children should begin the formal education at a very early age and spend most of their time on school studies, I feel that the opposite is true. The following essay will demonstrate exactly why the idea to let the young children spending most of their time playing is more persuasive than another.

Playing in the younger age is not the waste activity. It is one of the effective ways to develop the skills. For example, with the games such as hide and seek, children will improve their skeptical and observable skill automatically. Also, almost all games need to play with others.This will help improve the social skill.

Moreover, if parents force their young children to go to school while they are not ready to go, it will bring many problems instead of advantages. Their children may feel that they are abandoned or their parents don't love them. And if parents cannot get rid of this feeling, this will bring the defective characteristic to their children when they grow up.

Last but not the least, forcing children to go to school in the early age is not necessary thing that spends much money than letting them playing and developing themselves.

It's obvious that there are many reasons why I prefer to let younger children take most of their time playing.This is the natural way to develop children body and skills. Futhermore, it's not bring problems comparing with another idea and playing is the activity that does not need money.
Be sure to follow directions: "compare" them!! This is very, very important to do!! ^_^

Nowadays children have to go to school at very early age and they have to spend most of the time to study. They do not have tim to play. I think that children should go to school at not very early age and should spend most of their time playing. Let me lay down my reasons.

Firstly, at a very early age if we force children go to school to begin their formal education then they may become less development about mantal. In school they have to learn so many things such as reading, writing, calculate and so on. They may become tired when they have to study every time. If they start in formal education early they may mature early and have a dependent life. When children go to school at a early age that neams their childhood cling with studies. They do not have time to play because of homework and assignment. They have to work hard to get good score. So that my influence to growing up of children.

I think that we should let the young children to play. They will develop balance between mantal and sprital. When they play they will extend the knowledge by acting with situation. From toys children can learn about the life. They would want to know all about things in the life. And they are very curious so let them know it themself from playing. It is not late to put them in school to learn about siences and arts after some year playing. We should should organise a group for them to play. So that they can learn from each other.

Going to school is necessary for all children. But we should not force them to begin their formal school at a early age and spend most of the time with school studies. They need time to play to relax and know about environment around them.

Some people think that children should begin their formal education at a very early age and should spend most of their time on school studies. Others believe that young children should spend most of their time playing. Compare these two views. Which view do you agree with? Why?

To rise a child is one of the most difficult experience in everybody’s life. It’s hard to decide what is the best for a child and how to stimulate its development.
Some parents envolve their children is many activities at a very early age, so they have a little time for playing. These children take a music lessons, study a foreign language, practice some sport or do all this activities at the same time. Even it’s sounds hard to follow, this schedule is carefully settled so the little girl or boy not to fell very tired at the end of the day or stressed. But what makes the parents think this is the right thing to do?
According to some psychologists children are better in assimilating and mastering than adults. They are like sponge, trying to get as much information they can and are willing easier to assimilate and memorize it.  At the same time little girls and boys stubbornly repeat everything and mom and dad to feel proud of him.  
On the other hand a child with a lot of responsibilities is better prepared for life in the future. He or she knows how to organize the day, how to handle with some problems, and as all becomes more indipendent. As a result there comes the self respect and knowledge for communication with classmates, teachers or partners in sport as creates his own world and friends he or she has common subjects to talk about and the conversation is on the same level.
As we know people are not the same so there are some that don’t see the things in the way I described above. They see the life of the little human being only as a big play in the park or house. In my opinion this could spoil a child very much. You can’t create a pink world with no difficulties and limits surrounded only by toys and no responsibilities. In the future this kid will miss the organization and as an adult he or she is going to learn things that are suppose to know a long time ago.
Everything up to this point doesn’t mean I am against play but it is supposed to be put in some limits and joined with other every day requirements and obligations. Lets look at the schedule of a busy child and we will see the fact that  usually every activity is twice or three times a week for an hour or two and needs two hours after practice at home. This means that the small humans still have enough time to play.


The Philippines’ national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal, once said that the youth is the hope of the future.  That is why, some people think that children should begin their formal education at a very early age and should spend most of their time on school studies to prepare themselves for their future.  However, others believe that young children should spend most of their time playing, since one can only be young once, and once a child goes to school, he can never go back for missed times as a child.  When both sides have been presented, I will definitely agree with those people who believe young children should spend most of their time playing.

A child’s social, mental, and emotional skills are developed to prepare him in his role as a member the society once he goes to school.  His social starts to develop as interacts with children of his age.  He learns to relate and communicate his feelings and share ideas with others as he performs activities with them.  Moreover, his mental skills are polished as he begins to learn how to read and write.  He becomes independent as he learn new things, distinguish right from wrong, importance of doing things which he thinks he can do from what he learned in school.  And lastly, knowing what he and can not do at an early age, prepares the child emotionally in handling things and problems (such as in school activities and homework) by himself, adapting to people of varied personalities (through his interactions with his classmates), and facing new and different things as he goes to class everyday.  However, meeting new people and doing things he is not prepared can be traumatic with children.  It can also be a source of inferiority to children who cannot cope with the demands in school.  Children should begin their formal education when they are ready and should be allowed to study and learn at their own pace.  The fears and phobias in adults do not come when they are old and grown-up; they come from our childhood, and most started when children begin their formal education.

We are only young once, if we allow our children to go begin their formal education at a very early age, we deprive them of their youth.  Once they are sent to school the harsh reality of life is presented to them, sometimes, they are still unprepared to face them.  Their innocence is lost as they begin to do things on their own, struggle to cope up with the demands of their schoolwork and adapt with children of different personalities, which, can be traumatic.  That is why, children should be allowed to spend their time playing, enjoy life while they can, just because their playing does not mean, they are not learning.  Children can still learn a lot of things through educational toys such as building blocks, puzzles, and coloring books.  In this way, they can learn at their own pace without the pressure of getting good marks or striving to cope up with the achievements of their classmates.

With both sides presented, I agree that students should be allowed to spend their time playing while they are young, once we get into the real world, there is no turning back.  Children can still learn while playing because learning does not only come from formal education, let the children enjoy their youth and innocence.


Some people think that children should begin their education as early in their lives as possible, while others think that children should spend most of their time playing. Each opinion could be supported by a number of arguments. However, it is my opinion that palying is more important activity than learning for children during their early years.

It could be argued that it's important that some basic logical and verbal skills be learnt as early as possible. The argument goes on to assert that skills like basic calculus and foreign languages are much more easily accepted by the children when they are very young. Moreover, if children start their education early, they can have more time to perfect their knowledge later during their lives. This way they can become better professionals. Finally, when children are at school, they parents don't have to look after them. Instead, they can work and earn more money for themselves, as well as their children.

In contrast to these opinions, there are others who claim that children should at least have their chilhood, since their whole life will be most probably filled with work and study. Furthermore, physical skills, which are developed by playing, are just as important as intellectual ones. When children are not forced to go to school at an early age, they can spend more time with their parents. In fact, it is often claimed that don't need teachers other than parents, since parents know them best and are most commited to teaching them.

My opinion is that young children should spend most of their time playing. It seems to me that it's not natural for children to start formal education earlier than age 6, for instance. All the teaching they need can be provided informally, by parents. On the other hand, early physical development can't be compensated later, and it would suffer greatly if children were not allowed to spend enough time playing.

As we can see, certain types of information are more easily processed by young than by older children, which is why some people claim that this advantage should be exploited by making children study while they are still very young. However, I disagree with this approach, since I think that children should be above all allowed to spend thair early childhood the way they like best, and that is playing and having fun with their friends.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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发表于 2003-12-27 23:58:35 |只看该作者
113 The government has announced that it plans to build a new university. Some people think that your community would be a good place to locate the university. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of establishing a new university in your community. Use specific details in your discussion.

A new university to be built in our community! This will be a great opportunity for us and our children and more and more generations ahead. But there are also individuals which do not welcome this plan. As usual for any new situation occurring in a community, there will be people on each side, happy or not with the change and why not the challenge their community has to face.

I personally look at this plan to have a new university in our community as a positive thing. One advantage would be that the community would receive funds to develop a better infrastructure in order to support the changes and consequences of building the new university. The basic services such as transportation and accommodation should be taken into account. Then the educational infrastructure required for the new students arriving and settling in our community for the duration of their studies: campus facilities, libraries and recreational centers.
Besides this economical advantage there would be the “new look” that our community will gain as a result of hosting this university. A young spirit will be surrounding our neighborhood and not only. More cultural and educational activities will be organized and will positively influence the lives of people living there.
But as I mentioned in the introduction, there will be for sure the opposite reaction from people not any longer concerned with their or their children’s education. They will be the ones looking at this change as a bad impact on their lives. First they will object the noise and pollution that are inevitable when a new construction is happening, then the afterwards noise pollution coming from young students. This second category of people will not be happy to exchange their quiet live with a hectic one.

I consider this change that will challenge our community an opening to a new life enriched with culture and energy from the youngsters joining us. And despite all the disadvantages I believe it is worth the new experience.
Good ideas; conclusion is a bit off-topic.

     If the government announces that it plans to build a new university in our community, it will make some advantages of a learning environment and producing more business opportunities, while also some disadvantages of traffic congestion and noise pollution are caused.

     On the one hand, locating a new university in my community would create a learning environment and produce more business opportunities. There is only one small collage in my community. Instead, there are big plants. Therefore, most young students are growing up with seeing industry workers not university students who can give a good influence to young students. In addition bookstores would be set up and my communities could use university library. Besides, business opportunities would be activated by university students and school staffs. They need to some place to eat, drink and shop. As the above reasons, building a new university would give advantages of creating a learning environment and active business opportunities.

     On the other hand, a new university would create disadvantages like traffic jam and noise pollution because university are large and have lots of students.
To illustrate, if a new university is constructed in my community, many students who live in other regions would move into my community. So the population in my community would be increased rapidly. With increasing population, our environment would be nosier due to the students who show careless behavior such as drinking and singing at late night. In addition to noise problem, my community would suffer from more complicated traffic pattern before because of the students who drive to school. Similarly, it is obvious that locating a new university in my community would be followed by a noise and traffic problem.

     To sum up, to build a university in my community brings both advantages and disadvantages; creating learning environment and more business opportunities could improve my community while a noise and traffic problem would give another social problem to our region.


The people in our community welcomed the announcement of the government's plan to build a university.  In fact, majority proposed that our community is a good place to locate the university.  I whole-heartedly support their proposal.

Building a new university can offer a lot of opportunities to everybody.  First, it will provide an excellent alternative to the existing university, which, unfortunately, cannot accommodate the growing numbers of students each year.  Secondly, this will stop monopoly of education resulting to stagnation of the quality of education by creating a healthy competition to other institution to maintain and improve their standards of education.

Moreover, students can now have the options to choose which university they prefer and take courses, which they really like.  

A new university also means more job opportunities especially for teachers, administrative staff and others who are in need of employment.  

However, a new university can also create problems to the community, more universities in the community do not immediately mean better education.  Sometimes, the quality of education suffers from quantity because school administrators tend to commercialize education to attract more students.  The policies may become lax; the rules may bend to accommodate the whims of students in order to keep them.

A new university would also lead to an increase of migration of people who would like to avail higher education.  This can lead to increased pollution and even crimes.  The once peaceful community may become noisy and chaotic because of the increased number of people with different personalities.

In the end, all things in this world have advantages and disadvantages.  In this case, even if building a new university can increase pollution, or even crimes, bring noise and possible chaos to the community, the benefits that it will give the people, especially the youth in providing them the means to finish their education and prepare them for their future life can outweigh all disadvantages.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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发表于 2003-12-28 00:00:46 |只看该作者
114 Some people think that the family is the most important influence on young adults. Other people think that friends are the most important influence on young adults. Which view do you agree with? Use examples to support your position.

In everyone's life, there is some infulence of other person, either they are parents or friends. In my opinion , freinds are the most important influence on yound adults. I will explain this by giving some examples as below.
      In the early age of person, there is more influence by family. But as soon as becoming the younger, they come more contact to friends rather then family.  Younger people like the company of their age with whom they can share their ideas, thouhts, life etc. With some good friends, one can develop itself taking examples from the good friends. Freinds can exchange their good thoughts, developing careers, and some good and bad things with friends also. Some talks are like that one can not share it with family but can shere with friends.
      Secondly, friends plays an important role in our lives. They are the most important people who can change one's path by giving them right decision or right advice or may spoil the life by giving the wrong advice. Its all depends on type and nature of friends. If we have good friends, who can understan and knowledgeable person, they are always helpful to us. In the contrary, if friends are not good, then in thier friendship,  one can spoil his/her life also. I would like to give example here, how freinds can more influence on young adults. When i was studying in the collage, there is one group, in which some boys are good and some are not good. Some boys are on the wrong track. I means to say that they have habit of smoking , drinking etc.  In that group, some boys are really  nice, but after some time they also statrted smoking and drinking. Which is not good for the health. This makes impact on young adults.
   In sum up, I would like to say that freinds are the most important influence on young adults, rather then family because of above reasons.


     Adolescence is important in life because most people decided their majors and establish their values during this period. There are many factors that influence their decision and values. In my opinion, among them, family is the most important influence on young adults because they establish right values through the good advice and are helped when they choose the right path for their future.

     First, the family could help young adults establish correct values. Because correct values influence on the way we look at the world and these are crucial, family’s values have much influence on young adults. To illustrate, my mother is a volunteer for helping the disabled and always says we must help each other. I think, my mother’s behavior and saying influence on me until now, so I’m making efforts to do like my mother. In this reason, the family is the best model of behavior.

     Second, the family could lead young adults in choosing a right major. Because determining the major is the first step in selecting careers in my future, it is very important. However, not all young adults could make a right decision for their own course. If the family with wider experience and broader knowledge than young adults advises them, they could make a better decision. For example, when I chose my major, which is an electronics, I didn’t know how it was difficult for me and what I would do after graduation. At that time, my brother was an engineer and he gave me much helpful information. I chose my major without hesitate, and I am satisfied with it. In this manner, the family is the best counselor to lead young adults in a right direction.

     In conclusion, I think that family has the most significant effect on young adults because of establishing correct values and determining their major. If the family guides young adults to the right path, they could grow up as an essential member of society.
Important: adolescent < teenager < young adult < adult
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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发表于 2003-12-28 00:02:56 |只看该作者
115 Some people prefer to plan activities for their free time very carefully. Others choose not to make any plans at all for their free time. Compare the benefits of planning free-time activities with the benefits of not making plans. Which do you prefer — planning or not planning for your leisure time? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

     Rather than not making plans for free time, I prefer to plan activities in advance because planning gives more benefits to enjoy activities.
     First, planning helps you not missing your interesting activities on free time. Some activities are necessary to have an advance plan unless despite having more free time you cannot enjoy with them. For example, in my community, If you would like to play badminton on weekend but don’t reserving a court before, that you enjoy with playing a badminton is impossible because there are many people being full of badminton courts. On the other hand, you could play badminton on your free time if booking a free court in advance.
     Second, when planning free-time activities, you can use all free time as wisely. Planning gives you know how to manage every activity on limited free time.
     Finally, you could invite your companions to join  any activities together. Planning helps you know whether your friends are convenient to do activities with you. If appointed time is not appropriate, you could find suitable time for both you and your friends.
     To summarize, whoever want to enjoy with free-time activities should have an advance plan because wisely planning give more benefits; not missing every activity, using limited free time as maximum and being enjoy with companions in activities.


some people choose to make plans for there free times and some dont depending on there moods people who are tired with rough day office work dont make plans, so that they can take enough rest, some people plan out to make maximum utilization because feel thats the most interesting way to relax themselves.
I make plans for my free time depending upon my mood but to the maximum i prefer making plans so that i make maxmimum utilization of the free time as i a am busy with my office work all the time and rarely get time to spend with my family and friends.
moreover that is the most interesting way to make myself forget the all week long stress ive been threw and i can relax my mind forgetting my regular routine and job work.
i feel happy sparing sometime with my dearest ones and making plans is a way to drive away the feeling from your dearest ones that you dont care for them or u dont have time for them.
moreover making plans really  keeps you busy and doesnt bring about a break in your shedule so that u will not relax more than what u regularly do  bcoz once we feel the happiness in resting our bosy it really takes time for us to get back to our regular shedule
so i definitely say that we need to make plans and enjoy the free time so that we need not miss the things that others do and so that even we can show our love to our dearer ones and  moreover relax ourselves in a different way.making ourselves and our mind relax a  bit  so that we get back to our regular duties with a fresh and cool mind the next day.
Too much "Internet" English (u, i, bcoz, abt, &, etc.)

There are many different opinions about whether if it’s better to plan one’s activities for the free time or not. Some people can’t do any activities at all without having them previously planned out, while others enjoy the fact of not having anything planned and wait to see what happens. Both ways of thinking have their pros and cons, however I think that the choice depends on one’s personal character, in my case I prefer planning most of my free leisure time.
The persons that prefer not planning their free time have some good reasons for not doing so. One of these reasons is that if your plans involve other persons, like going to the movies with your girlfriend, what you will ultimately do may not depend on you, but rather on another person, so why bother planning? Another reason is the idea of living life in a more adventurous way, just letting everything flow and be happy with the way things happens. If you are living by the clock, having to plan every single activity, why stress out planning even your leisure time as well.
People that feel that planning you free time is better also have their good reasons. The first is that no planning can lead to bad utilization of your free time. For example, you may plan your free time to make some exercise, and having a well planned schedule will lead to good results that otherwise would be impossible. One is never going to loose those extra inches just waiting for someone to come and invite us to go jogging.
Secondly, not planning your free time may have as a consequence no ending doing what you would have liked. If U2 is giving a concert on the weekend, and you don’t carefully plan going, you may end up not finding tickets at all, or at least not on a good seat. Other times not planning your activities could even cause you injuries. If, for example, you don’t carefully plan your rafting trip you may enter a very dangerous zone, or forget vital equipment like a helmet.
There is no real answer to which is better, planning or not planning your leisure time. Although planning can have many benefits, not planning is sometimes better; it all depends on the situation. I wouldn’t carefully plan the movies I’ll watch on Sunday evening, but I would definitely plan my next hiking trip.


Everyday, as soon as we wake up, we are already busy planning all our activities for the day.  As we go to bed, we continue to think and plan our activities for the following day.  This routine continues day in and day out.  That is why, some people prefer to plan their activities for their free time carefully out of habit or as an extension of what they used to do.  However, for some people, free time means a time to relax and not make any pans at all, which I also prefer.

Nowadays, time seems to fly and no matter how fast we do things, we can’t seem to have enough.  Having free time becomes a luxury, and people intend to enjoy every second of it.  Planning their activities carefully assures them they would not miss anything and no time will be wasted on unnecessary or trivial matters.

One good example is going for a long drive to another place.  Planning which place to go through either on the internet or through brochure gives them a foresight of what to expect and do.  Placing reservation on their intended hotel or resort assures them of immediate accommodation regardless of what time they arrive.  Checking the condition of the car results to uninterrupted traveling and breakdown-free.  Preparing a checklist and packing things the night before prevents situation of leaving out important things.  In short, being prepared, leaves for very little possibility of problems and assures them of a worry-free leisure time.

However, as we wake up and go to bed, we always worry on things that we are supposed to do and accomplish.  We hardly have time for ourselves.  That is why, during free time, some people prefer not to make any plans.  They would like to spend it to relax, forget about everything and enjoy the beauty of letting life and time pass them.  Letting their mind relax and getting rid of all their worries, it allows them to appreciate things they do not normally see or value:  spending time with their loved ones, doing nothing, seeing their children play with themselves, watching TV, appreciating the beauty of flowers blooming, watching the birds soar high, exchanging pleasantries with their neighbors, playing with their dogs, and being thankful for all their blessings.  These things do not need planning at all, but these simple activities are the ones that give most people their greatest pleasure.  

In summary, some people prefer to plan their activities carefully for their free time because they want to make the most out of it.   Others prefer not to plan anything at all because free time is the time to reflect and enjoy life as it is, I could not agree more.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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发表于 2003-12-28 00:07:41 |只看该作者
116 People learn in different ways. Some people learn by doing things; other people learn by reading about things; others learn by listening to people talk about things. Which of these methods of learning is best for you? Use specific examples to support your choice.

There are different kinds of people and each have their own method of learning which is best for them. Some learn more when they are reading; other people like learning by listening to other people talk about things; others learn more doing those things. My best method of learning is by reading about things.

I really enjoy reading and that is why I think that it’s my best method of learning about things. If you don’t enjoy reading then you it won’t really be your best method of learning. Usually if I want to learn something I go to a library or a bookshop or search through the Internet to read about the thing I want to learn more about. I have a whole choice of books and I have to do lots of searching before I find the right book Usually I read different kinds of books to learn more about the subject I am interested in.

Reading is one of those methods that involve lots of patience and concentration. If you are the kind of person who likes moving around a lot then you might feel very irritated reading a book or you might just jump to end of the book. Since, I am generally a very patient person I really enjoy reading. In a whole book you can find more information and detail then you can find when you are listening to someone or just watching it on TV. So you can learn a lot of things by reading about a subject than by listening to it.

In conclusion, reading books can teach you a lot about the subject you want to learn about. You can read at your own pace and it’s a very interesting experience, which I enjoy a lot.
Be sure to follow directions: "use examples"!! This is very, very important to do!! ^_^

Man has always been knowledge hungry being.His evolution as a modern being has a lot to do about his curiosity to learn new things.Man learns things in different ways like doing things, reading about things and listening to people talk about things, depending upon his resources and his convinience.Though each method has its own advantages I feel comfortable with learning by reading.
  Learning by doing things, gives a practical insight to the learner. This sort of learning is application specific but is effective as it can be readily applied. The other problem with this method is that not all things can be learned by doing things.For example learning about nuclear reactions or sub-atomic properties.So this sort of learning gives a practical, yet confined scope of learning.
   Learning by listening to others, gives the learner a direct exposure to the experiences of the speaker.Also direct interaction with an expert speaker may solve most of the doubts which would be left unanswered in case of the other modes of learning.That is why, most of the school level learning is done by the guidance of teachers. But this sort of a learning is speaker dependent one. The prejudiced opinion of the speaker on a topic may have an affect on the learner's grasp of the topic.
   Learning by reading about things, gives the learner the required theoritical knowledge. A vast variety of subjects and concepts can be learned by reading books. Also the books inculcate creative thinking and innovativeness that may be absent generally in the other two cases.A good example for this is the graduate and research level, where the successful ones are those who work on their own terms by reading good books.
   I personally feel comfortable by learning through reading books, as a good book can help you understand any topic and also creates new ideas from within.
Be sure to follow directions: talk about *your* preference!! This is very, very important to do!! ^_^

Some people learn by doing things; other people learn by reading about things; others learn by listening to people talk about things. For me, I prefer to learn by doing things for some reasons.

One of the most important reasons is that it will be concrete to doing things. I don’t have to imagine, or create a picture in my mind for what I am going to learn. For example, I am going to learn how to use the computer. Then, I will prepare a computer when I start learning so that I can learn by touching it. I can have more ideas to learn precisely and quickly. If I only go through all the guidelines and read things from the book or listening to people, I will not pick up clearly and easily. Besides, it will waste me much more time.

Another reason is it will give me more interest to learn. If I only learn by reading or listening, sooner or later I will get bore and lose the interest to learn. However, if I learn by doing things, I will feel it is more practicality and self-assured. Therefore, I will learn better and faster.

The last reason is: Genuine knowledge comes from practice. No matter how much I learn by reading or listening to people, I just learn half of the things. The other half is practicing. That is why the best student in the school, it doesn’t mean he will be the best worker for the job. We have to practice and use the knowledge what we learn from the books, to test and prove, then re-developing it. This is a recycle pattern.

People said, never too old to learn. The more we learn, the more reward and benefit we gain.


   There are loads of ways to learn something. Everybody chooses the variation that is best for him, according to the personal point of view. The process of learning something is quite a complicated one. It requires patience, constancy and interest in learning new things.
   I believe, that the best way to learn something is by doing it. You can never be absolutely sure in the correctness, if you haven`t tried it yourself. I can not be sure if that goes for all the people, but for me it it definitely so. I learn something when I`ve already done it myself. Otherwise no one could convince me that it is the right or wrong thing to do. An advice is always welcome, but still in order to make the last decision, I have to be absolutely sure in what I do and how I do it.
   To read about something is also a good way of learning something. Of course, that is true only if the written statement or whatever, is produced by someone I trust, or someone who is already proven to be a good specialist in a certain area.  
   The most unreliable source of learning information, is by hearing it from someone else. Often there are loads of rumours, totally untrue and obscure, which could influence one`s decision in  a wrong way. Sometimes the statements of the people are prejudiced and don`t consider the real facts. The personal opinion has nothing to do with the facts. That is what a great part of the people don`t understand. If one could value things, without considering the personal opinion, that would be great. But unfortunately it is not possible or the least not very often.
   I could give an example of why the best way of learning something is to experience it yourself. A year ago I had a decision to make. It was a very important one. All my friends and acquaintances were convincing me that what I was about to do was the wrong thing. But I wasn`t sure. So I didn`t follow their advice,  and did what I thought was right. In a while it turned out that it was a good thing that I did what I wanted to. But if I hadn`t done it? I just wouldn`t have known that it was the right thing to do. So I`m very glad I succeeded in listening to my inner voice. That is way I firmly believe that one should experience something in order to learn it…
Please give us more details about your example.

It may sound strange but my personal approach to learning things is a combination of learning by doing, by reading about things and listening to people talking about them. I consider that using all three ways (when given the opportunity) is the best way to gather as much information as possible about the respective thing.

Sometimes I do not have at hand all three ways of learning so I use whatever is best applicable for that specific case. If, for example, I have to learn about a theoretical subject that I need to use at my work, first I read all available bibliography on that theme, then I try to listen to other people’s opinion on that matter. Combining the two methods, I compare my understanding and possible questions regarding that theme with others comments and approach.
Another case would be when I have to learn a practical thing like playing squash. In this situation the most preferred way to learn is by doing. I would probably ask a trainer to show me how to play. After getting acquainted with the movements I may listen to others talking about their way of playing, in this way trying to use their tips and tricks of becoming a better player.
A case, in which I would combine all three ways mentioned above, is if I have to learn how to use a software. Firstly I read instructions and documentation that comes with the software, and then I try to apply what I read.  If I have difficulties getting the program to work properly, I ask people with more experience in the matter to show me how to do it, which means I learn by doing. This would also be the case when I learn by listening how others have used the software, what problems they encountered and what solutions they found.

As described above, I consider the best way to learn things is to combine all the methods available for a certain situation and use all information at hand to make the most out the learning process.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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发表于 2003-12-28 00:09:33 |只看该作者
117 Some people choose friends who are different from themselves. Others choose friends who are similar to themselves. Compare the advantages of having friends who are different from you with the advantages of having friends who are similar to you. Which kind of friend do you prefer for yourself? Why?

     Some people choose friends who are different from themselves.  Others choose friends who are similar to themselves.  If I were to choose, I want to have friends who are similar to me, because they are more likely to understand how I act, how I react and how I view life.

     If we are to look on to the advantages of having friends who are different from us, we can say that we can learn more than what we know, especially when it comes to real life situations.  We'll know how other people live and how they act and react in different scenarios.  We'll also get to know other meanings of life.  Aside from these learnings, we could have a more open-minded views.  We can also learn new hobbies from them.  But, if we are to look on the advantages of having friends similar to us, we can feel more confident that these friends would understand us better, because we might always experience the same things.  We can enjoy life as what we want them to be, because our friends would likely want to do the same things that we might want to do.  Another advantage of making friends similar to us is if we are good people, it is more likely that we befriended good people, too.  At least, we could have a better life and future that we could both try to achieve.

     Weighing these two options, I may likely to choose the latter option, but what is more important is how we value friendship and how we are to each other.


  The old saying that birds of feather flock together is only true for some people. There are those who seek out people who are differenct themselves for friends. Yet still for some the saying holds true. People choose to eithr be with people like themselves, or they choose a more diverse group of friends. Both have their advantages.
  People who seek out people different from themselves are often very open-minded and enjoy other people who are equally opended. They are also people who enjoy new experiences and are not threatened by what they do not know. Having friends who come from adifferent ethnic and/or sociological background is a great way to learn about other cultures and understand other points-of-view. It is impotant to understand that there is often more than one way to see things. It removes people from their ethnocentric ideas and teachs them that there is lot that they do not know and that they do not have the right to judge what they do not know. It teachs people not know. It teaches people not to jump to conclusions about other cultures. It also teaches them to look more carefully at their own culture, and through their friends, to see their own culture as other cultures see it.
  Those who choose friends who are like themselves are often looking for people with the same priorities and beliefs as they have. this can be very important, especially when it comes to ethical matters matters, many people who are chritian choose to associate with other cristians because they have the same common bond and the same ethical and moral standards. It is makes you and your friends able to support and understand each other.
  Personally, I have always tended to pick friends with similar moral standards as myself, and since I did not live near too many minorities, I also tended to spend time with those of similar cultural background as myself. since coming to Korea. however, I have gotten to know some people with different cultral standards than myself and I dicovered that I have been very narrow minded in my judgments of other cultures, because I saw ther actions through my cultural telescope. now that I have sarted making friends different from myself, I hope to continue to do so.


If I have to choose which friends to know, I prefer to choose friends who are similar to me than friends who are different from me. Even though I can get advantages from both types of friends, friends who are not different from me make me more comfortable to know them.

When I know friends who are similar to me, I do not adjust my lifestyle to them. Because we have the same lifestyle, I could be familiar with them so quickly. For example, my friends like to see action movies. When they invite me to see an action movie, I am willing to go with them rather than pretend to do it.

Moreover, it is difficult that you have never had conflicts with your close friends. However, choosing friends who are similar to you could reduce a chance to have conflicts each other. Having such differences as different opinions, personal habits between two people causes conflicts. Friends who are similar to you hardly create any arguments with you.

On the other hand, you have a chance to learn new things from friends who are different from you. Sometimes you never think it interesting but your friends make you better know it. For example, my one friend is erudite person about computer technology. Before knowing him, I think whatever relates to computer is far away from me because I do not have much knowledge about it. After closing him, I have better knowledge of computer because of him.

In conclusion, I prefer to choose friends who are similar to me better than friends who are opposite with me because the same lifestyle help me not necessary to adjust myself and not have conflicts with my friends.


Some people choose friends who are similar to them, others choose friends who are different from them. I personally tend to have friends who are similar to me, but I think that both have advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of having friends who are similar to you are that you could get along with them easily and that the relationship between you and your friends could last long, because you could share thoughts and interests in common with them. If you and your friends have the same hobbies, you can spend time doing them together. If you and your friends have the same goals, you can encourage and motivate each other to achieve the goals.

But hanging out with friends who are similar to you all the time might be boring, because you wouldn’t get stimulation. The relationship might make both of you and your friends narrow minded, because you and they wouldn’t get various knowledge and opinions.

Advantages of having friends who are different from you are that you could widen your knowledge and could be more flexible, because you would hear various information and opinions from them.

But it would be more difficult to build up friendships with those who are different from you, and even if they became your friends, it would be difficult to keep the relationships, and the relationships might not last long, because you don’t have anything in common with them.

As I mentioned above, both sides have advantages and disadvantages, but I prefer having friends who are similar to me. We just have to try to avoid boredom and motivate each other.


        Almost everyone in the world has friends. Friends were found anywhere at anytime. Some of our friends can be similar to us, and some of them can differ in many ways. Regardless of their similarities or differences, there are a few advantages of having such friends.

        Having friends who are similar to us would be beneficial in which we can enjoy things together and share the same opinion. With friends who are alike, we can always enjoy going to mutual enjoyable places together such as going to clubs or watching movies. For example, Gee and I have no problems on finding a place to eat everytime we go out because we both enjoy eating and spend time at the local hawkers downtown. In addition, having friends of mutual interest would provide us with companion to share our opinion. I have a few friends who are similar to myself and I found that I can share my opinion with them on almost everything. We have a good time tossing view with each other either in fashion, movies or even life. I believe that having friends who are similar to us would provide us with a smooth plan on almost anything.

        However, having friends who are different from us would have a few advantage of its own. People always say that, "Opposite, attracts". Friends who are different from us would be able to criticise and introduce us to something new and different. I realize that friends who are different from us would be able to criticise on our opinion. Of course, not all of our opinions are good. Hence, having a friend with an opposite thought would provide us with a different view on a certain matter. I have been friends with Nina for almost 5 years now. Despite of our differences in characteristic, Nina and I have never fight during our friendship. In fact, it was Nina who introduce me to things that I have never done before such as jungle tracking and eating sushi. Even though, neither jungle tracking nor sushi would be in my favourite list, it is fun and enjoyable to be able to experience such new things. Therefore, I believe that having friends who are different from us can provide us with unexpected experience in life.

        Nevertheless, I would have prefer to choose a friend who are similar to me rather than friends who are different from me. I feel that friendship would be smoother and enjoyable by having friends who are similar to us. However, I never refuse a friendship offered by a friend who are different from myself.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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发表于 2003-12-28 00:11:14 |只看该作者
118 Some people enjoy change, and they look forward to new experiences. Others like their lives to stay the same, and they do not change their usual habits. Compare these two approaches to life. Which approach do you prefer? Explain why.

   Lifestyle, especially tense lifestyle, is a widely discussed topic nowadays. Some people prefer to live “on the verge”. On the opposite, other would rather spend their lives in a far calmer way. These are two completely different approaches to life, which are rather incomparable.
   If you are from the people who enjoy to live on the verge, you never know what would happen tomorrow. Nonetheless, people normally don`t want to know what the future holds. Living on the verge means taking decisions on the spur of the moment, risking everything- even the most precious one, to be ready to sacrifice the security and peace in order to derive the maximum joy and excitement of life. Such people always look for something new, normally dangerous also.
   The other type of people, the one who prefer to have a “normal”, sometimes even drab life are interested only in “secure” matters. These people consider every problem`s aspect before making the final decision. They don` t get tired by doing one and the same thing for months, years, sometimes for their whole life. And the thing is that they really enjoy it! Which actually is the most important thing.
   To be honest, I`d rather say that I`m from the people who always take their chances. I like to live on the verge, because otherwise I get bored. I couldn`t imagine to do something for a lifetime. I firmly believe that everybody needs a change sometimes. That of course doesn`t mean that I go for every risky uncertain undertaking, but still sometimes it is good to try, because that`s the only possibility to try.
   Of course everyone should make the decision for himself- we are all free people, able to think and do what we consider is best for us, what makes us feel alive.


In ancient times people used to hunt and live their life as nomads and now we can get any dam good food so easily sitting in our own houses. We have changed a lot, we are living far better and luxirious live as per ancient times. I have seen people who like to do the same routinue and never like to change as per time and situation but I strongly beleive that to change ourself for betterment is the key of success in life.

If we will change and enjoy new experience we will learn lot more new things. we can gain knowledge of various things and can decide which is best for us. I feel we should keep trying rather then living in stereotype life.

Change and flexibility in our nature also promotes us to make more friends and we can live more happily in the changing society. If we will not change it is possible that people around us woudn't accept us, which is no way a good idea.

Let me give an example for this...I was pure vegetarian but I got a very nice job in the country where it was really hard to get food of my own choice. At that moment i had two choice..one not to change my usual food habbits and leave my job my carrer. But for the sake of my better future prospects and my career i thought to go for change and try new experience of the type of food which was available and so i did the same. Now I am very happy for that decision of mine, as I never have any problem of food anywhere I go. so I think to live happily you shuld accept chage in life as they come.

In conclusion, I think to gain more knowldge, make more frieds, have better future and live happily we should adapt ourself with the new changes and experiences life bring to us.
Be sure to follow directions: "compare" them!! This is very, very important to do!! ^_^

                I believe that life is a river, every destination with a unique purpose.Change is but a minor part of life and whatever the change, mine would be for the better.
                People vary and that is why you often find various approaches to life. For those who are content with the direction their life is heading, the idea of change would probably send shivers through them. This is due to the fact that they are at a point where they are satisfied with the way they have maximised their God given potential, that is a positive reason for dreading change.
                   Others dread change due to the fact that they are too scared to try or adapt to new expiriences. Taking into consideration that we are all human, fear to try is a normal feeling. The only disadvantage is the fact that unless you try, you never know what you could have accomplished or how well and capable you are to move on. No chance to discover the courage you have within to accept defeat but never stop trying.This is a negative reason for dreading change.
                     Habits can be addictive and so the main question here is whether they are positive beneficial habits or negative ones. By that I mean that the choice is all up to the individual. If the change is from the negative to the positive, then there is no reason whatsoever that should make one dread change Doing right is never wrong.
                      In conclusion, change can either mould you or break you.I would rather try and change for the better than life my life knowing that I never tried. Within every human being, there is a hidden potential that only change can help maximise. The question however is, whether we will give change a chance. It is all up to you, the individual!
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



发表于 2003-12-28 00:12:27 |只看该作者
119 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People behave differently when they wear different clothes. Do you agree that different clothes influence the way people behave? Use specific examples to support your answer.

Generally people wear different clothes in different situations. But whether the different clothes can really influence the way people behave? Personally, I don't think so.

For one thing, generally speaking, the character of an ordinary adult is stable and predictable. That's why and how we are able to describe our friends and acquaintances as "outgoing", "funny", "serious", or even "talktive". But how can we learn and know a person's character which is obviously a abstract concept? I think for the most part we know people through how they behave when we get along. Therefore, from my point of view, how people behave is basically based on their personal characters or minds, which is something inside, not outside irrelevant things such as clothes.

For another, it is people who choose the clothes, not the reverse way. When people choose what kind of clothes they want, they have already chosen what they are like. It is not the clothes which decide or influence how people behave, but people themselves decide who they are and how they behave.
For example, even you manage to let a serious professor wear a crown costume in a family show, I don't think he or she can have funny talkings or behaviors unless he or she has that gift in nature, which of course is not influenced by the clothes.

However in some special cases, the clothes may have some effects. For example, when a little girl wears a very beautiful skirt, she might feel confident when she play with other children, and thus more or less she might change her behaviors. But that is mainly because yong children are still developing their own characters and how they behave is quite unstable and unpredictable. Not only the clothes, but also a story, or even a candy can affect how they behave. That is why early education and proper guidance are so important for children.

So from what has been discussed, the point I am trying to make is that the ways most people behave are already decided by who they are or what they are like, which cannot be easily changed by what clothes they wear.


People behave differently when they wear different clothes. Clothes certainly do have an influence on the behaviour of the people. I stronlgy agree with this idea because I myself have seen practical examples from daily life.

Everyday we see people wearing all sorts of clothes. Many people wear different kind of clothes for different occasions. For example, formal clothes are generally worn for interviews, seminars, official meetings, and most of the places its a dress code for the employees. People are supposed to behave formally in formal dress. It implies that the man or woman in the formal dress has proper manners, behaves gently and carries high standards. Anybody wearing the formals acts to represent the glory of the dress. It is expected out of him/her to behave decently and carry high standards. No matter if that person is not capable of representing the code of dress, but when he/she is wearing the dress, the feeling comes alive to him/her and the result is what we see as the their behaviour being different in that particular dress.

Same is true for informals or casuals as it is popularly known as. People like to be casual and carefree when they are inside an informal dress. The casual dress brings a feeling of fun and enjoyment with it. It let people to enjoy, play around and to be free from all the mundane
activities.No one can notice the artificial act of a person when he/she is in casuals. People also know that they are not supposed to be what they are not inside a casual.

Let us take another example of occasions where the dress code commands people. Talk of marriages and festivals and the whole picture becomes clear in mind. One can see the bride carrying that beautiful smile mixed with shyness, not only because of occasion, but also because of the dress. She knows that she is wearing the dress which every girl aspires for and she knows how she has to act when she wears it. Same is applicable for the groom. He carries the dignity and charm with him because he knows that when he is wearing the wedding clothes, he has to act accordingly. He can not act in the same way as he does when he is wearing casuals or formals.

People get ready for festivals not only with great enthusiasm and anxiety, but also with their special dresses. In many countries there is a dress code for different festivals. People are supposed to wear it and when they are inside that special dress, thay have to be out of them and act as a person who best represents the dress. One can easily see the joy and charm on a person's face when he/she wears those special dresses. After all that is what is expected out of them when they wear it.

Different dress codes have been designed with the idea of making people act differenly. The dress controls the person inside it. Hence I certainly feel that dress dictates the behaviour of a person wearing it.
Maybe all in your mind
Perhaps that we all died, say, years ago
Now what do you have left
Future dreams of passion plays and dancing people
All, so, lonely

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