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[a习作temp] 第一次写 诚恳希望求拍 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2012-1-27 17:07:41 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
题目 argument 9
Nature's Way, a chain of stores selling health food and other health-related products, is opening its next franchise in the town of Plainsville. The store should prove to be very successful: Nature's Way franchises tend to be most profitable in areas where residents lead healthy lives, and clearly Plainsville is such an area. Plainsville merchants report that sales of running shoes and exercise clothing are at all-time highs. The local health club has more members than ever, and the weight training and aerobics classes are always full. Finally, Plainsville's schoolchildren represent a new generation of potential customers: these schoolchildren are required to participate in a fitness-for-life program, which emphasizes the benefits of regular exercise at an early age. [Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.


Basing on the fact that residents in Plainsville(Pl) lead heathy lives,relying on the conditions of weight training and
aerobics classes,grounding on the fitness-for-life program that creates potential customers of schoolchildren,the author accordingly suggests that the store of Nature's Way should be most profitable in the town of Pl.However,clearly this argument is established on several assumptions that can hardly be confirmed warranted.

In the first place,the author assumes that the residents of Pl,preferring healthy lives,would tend to buy much health food and other health-related products.Obviously,other possibilities have been ignored.For instance,the residents may not be inclined to purchase such products in that the prices may be too high to purchase for them.Or perhaps,even though people would choose some healthy food and products,they might not trust those in Nature's Way stores because they do not know and appreciate this new brand.Without ruling these possibilities,this assumption might not be convincing.

In addition,what the argument should have to dealt more carefully with is the assumption that the frequently full weight training and aerobic classes lead are necessarily imply that citizens in Pl live healthily.Yet this might not be the case.It is entirely possible that those classes remain much less that the demand of the citizens.To illustrate,there are only four or five classes that can only contain 40 persons each,however,more than 1000 persons(consider the town of Pl lives in 20,000 residents) want to participate in.Undoubtedly,in this circumstance, those classes leave no empty space,but not because of the great numbers of residents who lead healthy lives.On the other hand,it is also equally possible that those people who take part in sports may not choose and need health food and products because frequent sports have indeed leaded to them health lives.Thus,I cannot accept the author's unproven assumption.

Finally,the author's conclusion depends on another questionable assumption that a program that emphasizes the benefits of regular exercise at early age for schoolchildren would bring the stores a number of customers.Indeed,the author overlooks the strong possibility that those teenagers may pay much more attentions to take exercise but not to eat more health food and products in fact.Additionally,the author also fail to take into consideration that despite of representing the program,teenagers may not be willing to participate in it.Consequently,they may not focus on their healthy condition.Clearly author must consider and eliminate these possibilities.Otherwise,I cannot accept the author's implicit claim.

To sum up,there might be the need for more compelling evidence and reliable results of surveys,the collection of which is complex and difficult to conduct,to confirm the validity of the author's assertion that opening the store of Nature'Way in the town of Pl will succeed to earn much profits.

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