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Rank: 4

发表于 2015-8-5 12:22:25 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 MIUseliza 于 2015-8-5 14:50 编辑

Few areas of neurobehavioral research seemed more promising in the early sixties than that investigating the relationship between protein synthesis and learning.which had shown that genetic information is stored in nucleic acids and expressed in proteins. Why not acquired information as well?

没什么research比NB research investigating the relationship between protein synthesis and learning更有前景。这种research的框架概念全部来自 MB (showed that genetic info is stored in nucleic acids and expressed in proteins). 为什么后天获得的信息不可以这样?

The first step toward establishing a connection between protein synthesis and learning seemed to be to block memory (cause amnesia) by interrupting the production of proteins. We were fortunate in finding a nonlethal dosage of puromycin that could, it first appeared, thoroughly inhibit brain protein synthesis as well as reliably produce amnesia.


Before the actual connection between protein synthesis and learning could be established, however, we began to have doubts about whether inhibition of protein synthesis was in fact the method by which puromycin produced amnesia. First other drugs, glutarimides—themselves potent protein-synthesis inhibitors—either failed to cause amnesia in some situations where it could easily be induced by puromycin or produced an amnesia with a different time course from that of puromycin. Second puromycin was found to inhibit protein synthesis by breaking certain amino-acid chains, and the resulting fragments were suspected of being the actual cause of amnesia in some cases. Third, puromycin was reported to cause abnormalities in the brain including seizures. Thus, not only were decreased protein synthesis and amnesia dissociated, but alternative mechanisms for the amnestic action of puromycin were readily suggested

在PS与学习之间的联系能够实现以前,我们就开始怀疑抑制PS的合成是否这的是P通过让人失忆的方法产生。首先,其他药物,G,本身是蛋白质合成的抑制剂,既不能引起P在某些情况下P能引起的失忆,也不能产生和P不一样的时间进程。第二,发现P是打断某种氨基酸脸的办法来抑制PS, 残余物可能是真正引起失眠的原因。第三P回造成大脑不正常,包括并发症状。因此,不光减少的PS和失忆没有了联系,而且关于P的另外供选择的方法很快就提出来。

So, puromycin turned out of be a disappointment. It came to be regarded as a poor agent for amnesia studies, although, of course, it was poor only in the context of our original paradigm of protein-synthesis inhibition. In our frustration, our initial response was simply to change drugs rather than cur conceptual orientation. After many such disappointments, however, it now appears unlikely that we will make a firm connection between protein synthesis and learning merely by pursuing the approaches of the past. Our experience with drugs has shown that all the amnestic agents often interfere with memory in ways that seem unrelated to their inhibition of protein synthesis, More importantly, the notion that the interruption or intensification of protein production in the brain can be related in cause-and-effect fashion to learning now seems simplistic and unproductive. Remove the battery from a car and the car will not go. Drive the car a long distance at high speed and the battery will become more highly charged. Neither of these facts proves that the battery powers the car, only a knowledge of the overall automotive system will reveal its mechanism of locomotion and the role of the battery within that system.

所以,P的作用很令人失望,最红被认为是一个对于失忆学习很不好的材料。虽然,他不好只是对于我们的关于抑制PS来说。虽然有失望,但是我们可能并不能只用过去使用的方法来研究PS和学习的联系了。我们用drug的经历表明所有的失忆要拼都会打扰记忆,而且那些记忆和他们抑制的PS并没有关系。更关键的是,干扰或者加强大脑中蛋白质的生产可能与学习行为有因果关系的想法,现在看来又简单又没用。 拿掉电池,汽车就走不动,长距离高速行驶,电池就会高速充电。这两个试试并没有证明电池是汽车的动力,只有了解汽车的全部系统才能了解汽车运转的机制和电池在这个系统里的作用。

1. This passage was most likely excerpted from
A a diary kept by a practicing neurobehavioral researcher
B a newspaper article on recent advances in the biochemistry of learning
C a technical article on experimental techniques in the field of molecular biology
D an article summarizing a series of scientific investigations in neurobehavioral research
E a book review in a leading journal devoted to genetic research

2.The primary porpoise of the passage is to show that extensive experimentation has
A demonstrated the importance of amino- acid fragmentation in the induction of amnesia
B cast doubt on the value of puromycin in the neurobehavioral investigation of learning
C revealed the importance of amnesia in the neurobehavioral study of learning
D not yet demonstrated the applicability of molecular biology to neurobehavioral research
E not supported the hypothesis that learning is directly dependent on protein synthesis

定位: Our experience with drugs has shown that all the amnestic agents often interfere with memory in ways that seem unrelated to their inhibition of protein synthesis, More importantly, the notion that the interruption or intensification of protein production in the brain can be related in cause-and-effect fashion to learning now seems simplistic and unproductive. Remove the battery from a car and the car will not go. Drive the car a long distance at high speed and the battery will become more highly charged. Neither of these facts proves that the battery powers the car, only a knowledge of the overall automotive system will reveal its mechanism of locomotion and the role of the battery within that system.

3.According to the passage, neurobehaviorists initially based their that protein synthesis was related to learning on which of the following?
A Traditional theories about learning
B New techniques in protein synthesis
C Previous discoveries in molecular biology
D Specific research into learning and amnesia
E Historic experiments on the effects of puromycin

定位: The conceptual framework for this research was derived directly from molecular biology,

4.The passage mentions all of the following as effects of puromycin EXCEPT
A brain seizures
B memory loss
C inhibition of protein synthesis
D destruction of genetic information
E fragmentation of amino-acid chains

5. It can be inferred from the passage that, after puromycin was perceived to be a disappointment, researchers did which of the following?
A They ceased to experiment with puromycin, and shifted to other promising protein-synthesis inhibitions.
B They ceased to experiment with puromycin, and reexamined through experiments the relationship between genetic information and acquired information.
C They continued to experiment with puromycin, but applied their results to other facets of memory research.
D They continued to experiment with puromycin, but also tried other protein-synthesis inhibitors.
E They continued to experiment with purpomycin until a new neuroanatomical framework was developed.

In our frustration, our initial response was simply to change drugs rather than cur conceptual orientation.
A 停止用P实验,改用其他的PS抑制方法

6. In the example of the car (lines 73-82), the battery is meant to represent which of the following elements in the neurobehavioral research program?
A Puromycin
B Amnesia
C Glutarimides
D Protein synthesis
E Acquired information

定位:the notion that the interruption or intensification of protein production in the brain can be related in cause-and-effect fashion to learning now seems simplistic and unproductive. Remove the battery from a car and the car will not go. Drive the car a long distance at high speed and the battery will become more highly charged. Neither of these facts proves that the battery powers the car, only a knowledge of the overall automotive system will reveal its mechanism of locomotion and the role of the battery within that system.

7. Which of the following statements would be most likely to come alter the last sentence of the passage?
A The failures of the past, however, must not impede further research into the amnestic action of protein-synthesis inhibitors
B It is a legacy of this research, therefore, that molecular biology's genetic models have led to disagreements among neuro-behaviorists.
C The ambivalent status of current research, however, should not deter neurobe-haviorists from exploring the deeper connections between protein production and learning.
D It is important in the future,therefore,for behavioral biochemists to emphasize more strongly the place of their specific finding within the overall protein synthe-sis model of learning.
E It is important in the future, therefore, for behavioral biochemists to focus on the several components of the total learning system.

A 以前的失败不能阻止以后的研究,指的是失忆和P抑制
B MB以为这个研究不同意NB
C 这个研究太模糊,但是不能阻止NB对于PP和L的根深研究

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2015-8-5 17:09:58 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 MIUseliza 于 2015-8-6 13:22 编辑

1. Yellow fever, the disease that killed 4,000 philadelphians in 1793, and so(i)_____Memphis, Tennessee, that the city lost its charter, has reappeared after nearly two decades in(ii)_____in the Western Hemisphere.
A terrorized.. contention
B ravaged(破坏).. secret
C disabled(残废).. quarantine
D corrupted.. quiescence
E decimated(大批杀害).. abeyance(停顿)

2. Laws do not ensure social order since laws can always be(i)_____, which makes them(ii)_____unless the authorities have the will and the power to detect and punish wrongdoing.
A contested(争辩).. provisional
B circumvented.. antiquated
C repealed(废止).. vulnerable
D violated.. ineffective
E modified.. unstable


3. Ironically, the party leaders encountered no greater(i)_____their efforts to build a progressive party than the(ii)_____of the progressives already elected to the legislature.
A support for.. advocacy
B threat to.. promise
C benefit from.. success
D obstacle to.. resistance
E praise for.. reputation



4. It is strange how words shape our thoughts and trap us at the bottom of deeply(i)_____canyons of thinking, their imprisoning sides carved out by the(ii)_____of past usage.
A cleaved(裂开).. eruptions喷发
B rooted.. flood
C incised切入的.. river
D ridged.. ocean
E notched.有缺口的. mountains

incised 对应 carved

5. That his intransigence in making decisions(i)_____ no open disagreement from any quarter was well known; thus, clever subordinates learned the art of(ii)_____ their opinions in casual remarks.
A elicited.. quashing(废除)
B engendered.. recasting(改正)
C brooked容忍.. intimating(暗示)
D embodied包含.. instigating(鼓动)
E forbore.. emending修改

6. The sheer完全的,大量的 bulk of data from the mass media seems to overpower us and drive us to _____ accounts for an easily and readily digestible portion of news.
A insular
B investigative
C synoptic(概要的)
D subjective
E sensational

7. It is ironic that a critic of such overwhelming vanity now suffers from a measure of the oblivion遗忘 to which he was forever(i)_____ others, in the end, all his(ii)_____ has only worked against him
A dedicating.. self-procession
B leading.. self-righteousness
C consigning丢弃.. self-adulation自我发展,对自身利益的促进
D relegating归入.. self-sacrifice
E condemning.. self-analysis

8. Famous among job seekers for its(i)_____, the company, quite apart from generous salaries, bestowed on its executives annual bonuses and such(ii)_____ as low-interest home mortgages and company cars.
A magnanimity.. reparations(赔款)
B inventiveness.. benefits
C largesse慷慨的.. perquisites
D discernment.. prerogatives
E altruism.. credits

9. The sale of Alaska was not so much an American coup(计策) as a matter of(i)_____ for an imperial Russia that was short of cash and unable to(ii)_____ its own continental coastline.
A negligence.. fortify
B custom.. maintain
C convenience.. stabalize
D expediency(权宜之计).. defend
E exigency.. reinforce

10.A common argument claims that in folk art, the artist's subordination of technical mastery to intense feeling_____ the direct communication of emotion to the viewer.
A facilitates
B averts
C neutralizes
D implies
E represses

artist让技术subordinate to intense feeling才能促进emotion

11. While not completely nonplussed by the usually caustic responses from members of the audience, the speaker was nonetheless visibly _____ by their lively criticism.
A humiliated
B discomfited
C deluded
D disgraced
E tantalized

12. In eighth-century Japan, people who(i)_____ wasteland were rewarded with official ranks as part of an effort to overcome the shortage of(ii)_____ fields.
A conserved.. forested
B reclaimed再生.. arable可耕作的
C cultivated.. domestic
D irrigated.. accessible
E located.. desirable

13. By divesting himself of all regalities, the former king _____ the consideration that customarily protects monarchs.
A merited
B forfeited取同divesting
C debased
D concealed
E extended

14. Industrialists seized economic power only after industry had(i)_____agriculture as the preeminent form of production; previously such power had(ii)_____land ownership.
A sabotaged.. threatened
B overtaken.. produced
C toppled.. culminated in
D joined.. relied on
E supplanted排挤.. resided in

15. No longer(i)_____by the belief that the world around us was expressly designed for humanity, many people try to find intellectual(ii)_____for that lost certainty in astrology and in mysticism.
A satisfied.. reasons
B sustained.. substitutes
C reassured.. justifications
D hampered.. equivalents
E restricted.. parallels

16. People should not be praised for their virtue if they lack the energy to be(i)_____; in such cases, goodness is merely the effect of(ii)_____.
A depraved.. hesitation
B cruel.. effortlessness
C wicked.. indolence
D unjust.. boredom
E iniquitous.. impiety

17. In scientific inquiry it becomes a matter of duty to expose a (i)_____hypothesis to every possible kind of(ii)_____.
A tentative.. examination
B debatable.. approximation
C well-established.. rationalization
D logical.. elaboration
E suspect.. correlation

expose to是在。。的影响下,duty是让实验性的hypo被每个可能性实验的影响下

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2015-8-6 17:45:13 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 MIUseliza 于 2015-8-7 14:52 编辑

1. Ecology, like economics, concerns itself with the movement of valuable _____ through a complex network of producers and consumers.
A commodities
B dividends
C communications
D nutrients
E artifacts


2. Since the author frequently(i)_____other scholars, his objection to disputes is not only irrelevant but also(ii)_____.
A supports.. overbearing
B provokes.. frightening
C quotes.. curious
D ignores.. peevish
E attacks.. surprising


3. Within the next decade, sophisticated telescopes now orbiting the Earth will determine whether the continents(大陆) really are moving, (i)_____ the incipient(初期的)(ii)_____ among geologists about the validity of the theory of continental drift.
A obviating.. consensus
B forestalling.. rift
C escalating.. debates
D engendering.. speculation
E resolving.. rumors

4. In most Native American cultures, an article used in prayer or ritual is made with extraordinary attention to and richness of detail: it is decorated more(i)_____than a similar article intended for(ii)_____use.
A delicately.. vocational
B colorfully.. festive
C creatively.. religious
D subtly.. commercial
E lavishly.. everyday

extraordinary attention to richness of detail -->lavishly

5. Having no sense of moral obligation, Shipler was as little subject to the(i)_____of conscience after he acted as he was motivated by its(ii)_____before he acted.
A rewards.. chastisement(惩罚)
B balm.. eloquence(口才)
C reproaches(责备).. prompting(驱动)
D ridicule(嘲弄).. allure
E qualms(良心不安).. atonement(补偿)

no sense of moral obligation--》 as little subject to the reproaches of conscience--> was not motivated by conscience's prompting

6. Freud derived psychoanalytic knowledge of childhood indirectly: he(i)_____childhood processes from adult(ii)_____.
A reconstructed.. memory
B condoned.. experience
C incorporated.. behavior
D released.. monotony
E inferred.. anticipation


7. While she initially suffered the fate of many pioneers—the incomprehension of her colleagues—octogenarian Nobel laureate Barbara McClintock has lived to(i)_____the triumph of her once(ii)_____scientific theories.
A descry(看得出).. innovative
B regret.. insignificant
C perpetuate.. tentative
D enjoy.. authoritative
E savor.. heterodox


8. Broadway audiences have become inured(习惯) to(i)_____ and so(ii)_____to be pleased as to make their ready ovations(喝彩) meaningless as an indicator of the quality of the production before them.
A sentimentality.. reluctant
B condescension.. disinclined
C histrionics.. unlikely
D cleverness.. eager
E mediocrity.. desperate

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2015-8-7 16:12:43 |只看该作者
1. Britain is attractive to worldwide advertisers because it is _____ market, so there is no need to tailor advertisements for different parts of the country.
A a global
B an uncomplicated
C a vast
D a homogeneous
E a uniform
F an immense

no need to tailor ads for DIFFERENT parts of the country means their market is uniformed

2. Parkin’s characterization of the movement as neoscholastic is too _____ to be accepted without further investigation.
A cursory
B detailed
C perfunctory
D biased
E self-evident
F complete

The characterization needs further investigation because it was too simple

3. A recent study suggests that vitamin E supplements, despite widespread belief in their _____ , are no better than sugar pills for delaying the onset of the degenerative disease.
A potential
B misuse
C popularity
D efficacy
E prevalence
F usefulness

4. Despite her relaxed and flexible style, Ms. de la Fressange is _____ businesswoman who knows how to market her brand: herself.
A a ruthless
B a creative
C a canny
D an industrious
E a shrewd
F an effective

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2015-8-8 17:27:05 |只看该作者
African American newspapers in the 1930s faced many hardships. For instance, knowing that buyers of African American papers also bought general-circulation papers, advertisers of consumer products often ignored African American publications.

Line Advertisers’ discrimination did free the African American press from advertiser domination. Editors could print politically charged material more readily than could the large national dailies, which depended on advertisers’ ideological approval to secure revenues. Unfortunately, it also made the selling price of Black papers much higher than that of general-circulation dailies. Often as much as two-thirds of publication costs had to come from subscribers or subsidies from community politicians and other interest groups. And despite their editorial freedom, African American publishers often felt compelled to print a disproportionate amount of sensationalism, sports, and society news to boost circulation.

1. The passage suggests that if advertisers had more frequently purchased advertising in African American newspapers, then which of the following might have resulted?
A African American newspapers would have given more attention to sports and society news than they did.
B African American newspapers would have been available at lower prices than large national dailies were.
C African American newspapers would have experienced constraints on their content similar to those experienced by large national dailies.
只能选C,因为B说他的价格会低于national dailies,但实际上有可能只是不高于,也有可能是equal的。

Years ago, consumers in Frieland began paying an energy tax in the form of two Frieland pennies for each unit of energy consumed that came from nonrenewable sources. Following the introduction of this energy tax, there was a steady reduction in the total yearly consumption of energy from nonrenewable sources.

1. If the statements in the passage are true, then which of the following must on the basis of them be true?
A There was a steady decline in the yearly revenues generated by the energy tax in Frieland.
B There was a steady decline in the total amount of energy consumed each year in Frieland.
C There was a steady increase in the use of renewable energy sources in Frieland.
D The revenues generated by the energy tax were used to promote the use of energy from renewable sources.
E The use of renewable energy sources in Frieland greatly increased relative to the use of nonrenewable energy sources.

原文there was a steady reduction in the total yearly consumption of energy from nonrenewable sources.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2015-8-8 17:43:20 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 MIUseliza 于 2015-8-8 17:47 编辑

In a plausible but speculative scenario, oceanographer Douglas Martinson suggests that temperature increases caused by global warming would not significantly affect the stability of the Antarctic environment, where sea ice forms on the periphery of the continent in the autumn and winter and mostly disappears in the summer. True, less sea ice would form in the winter because global warming would cause temperatures to rise. However, Martinson argues, the effect of a warmer atmosphere may be offset as follows. The formation of sea ice causes the concentration of salt in surface waters to increase; less sea ice would mean a smaller increase in the concentration of salt. Less salty surface waters would be less dense and therefore less likely to sink and stir up deep water. The deep water, with all its stored heat, would rise to the surface at a slower rate. Thus, although the winter sea-ice cover might decrease, the surface waters would remain cold enough so that the decrease would not be excessive.

M: 温度⬆不影响A的环境
Sea ice在秋冬,大陆周围形成,夏天消失。
true, 冬天sea ice⬇▶temperature⬆
但是,M:sea ice▶salt⬆,⬇sea ice=⬇salt,⬇salt=⬇sink and stir up deep water.
Deep water: stored heat, rise to the surface 慢
所以:sea ice cover⬇,surface water 保持够冷,那么⬇不会太多

1. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is true of the surface waters in the current Antarctic environment?
A They are more affected by annual fluctuations in atmospheric temperatures than they would be if they were less salty.
B They are less salty than they would be if global warming were to occur.
C They are more likely to sink and stir up deep waters than they would be if atmospheric temperatures were to increase.
D They are able to offset some of the effects of global warming beyond the Antarctic region.
E They are less affected by the temperature of deep water than they would be if atmospheric temperatures were to increase.

现在A环境下的surface water

A 如果他们不是很salty,就更容易被影响。反了
B 如果有GW,他们会不是很salty。反了
C 更小可能S深水,如果温度上升 对,文中说如果温度上升那么盐度下降,S深水的可能性减小,那么就说明如果稳步不变他们更有可能S深水
D 没提
E 没提

2. The passage suggests that Martinson believes which of the following about deep waters in the Antarctic region?
A They rise to the surface more quickly than they would if global warming were to occur.
B They store heat that will exacerbate the effects of increases in atmospheric temperatures.
C They would be likely to be significantly warmed by an increase in atmospheric temperatures.
D They would be more salty than they currently are if global warming were to occur.
E They are less likely to be stirred up when surface waters are intensely salty than when surface waters are relatively unsalty.

M的观点,关于deep waters
A 如果没有GW,他们上升更快
they rise to the surface more quickly than they would if global warming were to occur
B 他们存储热量,会加重温度 没说
C 他们会被气温加热 没说
D 他们会变得更salty如果全球变暖,反了

E 他们不容易被S如果表面水很salty的话 反了

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