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[作文] 【综合作文】thankgod2016备战5月7日综合作业帖 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2016-5-1 22:27:51 |只看该作者
写作 总是拖着不练 写起来特别费劲,又犯了和GRE一样的错误 考前发现写作完全没练习

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Rank: 4

发表于 2016-5-17 15:26:52 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 thankgod2016 于 2016-5-17 15:42 编辑

TPO 33
The lecturer challenges the validity in each of the author's three different theories about the purpose of the carved stone balls. He then presents several details explicitly.
To start with, the author contends that the carved stone might be used as weapons. However, it seems specious to the lecturer that all the carved stones are preserved in a good shape. Suppose the ancient people do use those stones as weapons, there must be some stones that had been damaged or cracked. Yet no breaking pieces or cracks can be found in recent observation on discoverd stones. Given that, the author's first theory seems untenable.
Futhermore, the author may be right about the fact that those stones are similar in size, but the author totally neglects the truth that the weights of those stones vary as a result of different composition. Since the weights are not unified, it's unlikely that the usage function  of those carved stones are to weight things.
Last but not least,the author assumes that those stones may have social purposes such as marking its owner's social status. But the lecturer refutes this theory by offering the fact that no stones can be found in the tombs and or graves of ancient people. Since it's a tradition that wealthy people take their belongings with them when they die are burried, the conclusion that those stones can mark their social status is skeptical. Also, the lecturer points out that the patterns on some of them are too simple to be symbols.
The author in the reading passage explores three major functions of the carved stone balls. However, in the lecture, the professor respectively contradicts all his assertions by using three specific points as supports.
  First, even though the reading passage suggests that the stone balls were weapons because of the holes and grooves on their surface, the professor argues that the stone balls didn’t show signs of use, which means they are neither cracked nor broken and thus cannot be used as weapons.
  Second, despite the statement in the reading passage that the stone balls were used as primitive 原始的 原始人的 weighing system due to their uniform size, the professor contends that their masses vary too considerably from each other. Therefore, the balls could not function as weighing system.
  Third, the author asserts that the stone balls served a social purpose owing to their elaborate designs while the professor proves that this claim is indefensible by pointing out that the balls were carved with not only intricate patterns but also simple ones, besides, none of the balls were found in the ancient tombs or graves. Consequently, it’s impossible that the balls were social markers.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2016-5-20 16:58:26 |只看该作者
TPO 33  24min 超时 233w
The lecture points out the flaws in each of the three explanations the author given to explain why Russian sailors heard strange sounds. He then provide serval details to illustrate his statement.
To begin with, by assuming that okra whales might utter those sounds due to their existence in the same area Russian sailors heard odd sounds, the author totally neglect the truth that orca whales live near the surface whereas submarines moves in the deep ocean. Given that, the sounds of orca can hardly be detected by submarines since they locate in different depth. Moreover, the lecture points out another fact to refute the author's first theory, that orca whales can be detected if appear near the submarines.
Secondly, the author contends that giant squids might be responsible for those awkward sounds, however, the lecturer casts doubt on this theory. Suppose the sounds does came from giant squids,  they would not disappear around 1980s, since giant squids still live until now. Therefore, what the author states is problematic.
Last but not least, the lecturer challenges the validity of the third theory by saying that even nowadays, no submarines can move as quick as the sources of the sound in accordance with  the description of Russian sailors.What's more, it's almost impossible for any submarine engines to be so quite while working. That is to say, what the author supposes is preposterous.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2016-5-22 16:16:32 |只看该作者
TPO 31
The lecturer cast doubts on the author's assumptions about whether the fine lines discovered in the fossil are feathers or not.
To begin with, the author contends that the fine lines could be the skin fibers of Sinosauropteryx, however, the lecturer refutes this theory by pointing out the fact that no skin fibers are preserved in the fossils of other animals found in the same site, whereas the functional structures of other animals are well preserved. That is to say, the funcitonal structure such as features of Sinosauropterys might be preserved in good shape as well. Given that, the possibilities of those fine lines to be features are greater.
Futhermore, while assuming that the fine lines can be frills, the author completely neglects the truth that frills and features have different compositions. One of the components of feature , which is not contained in frills ,can be found in those fossils. Therefore ,the author's second assumption turns out to be quite untenable.
这里没有听到 这个protein 到底是什么单词
Last but not least, it seems unconvincing that the author uses the distribution of the lines to doubt the possibility of those fine lines to be features. According to the lecturer, features can have display functions besides practical functions like help animals fly or keep their temperature being stable. What's more, researchers also discovered that the fine lines have orange and white colors, which supports the conclusion that those fine lines could be features used to display.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2016-5-22 16:30:36 |只看该作者
TPO 31 字数240多 花费时间24min 超时 超字数
The lecturer cast  doubts on the author's assumptions about whether the fine lines discovered in the fossil are feathers or not.
To begin with, the author contends that the fine lines could be the skin fibers of Sinosauropteryx, however, the lecturer refutes this theory by pointing out the fact that no skin fibers are preserved in the fossils of other animals found in the same site, whereas the functional structures of other animals are well preserved. That is to say, the funcitonal structure such as features of Sinosauropterys might be preserved in good shape as well. Given that, the possibilities of those fine lines to be features are greater.
其实是找不到decomposition 虽然说找不到fiber也对 fiber caused by decomposition找不到
Futhermore, while assuming that the fine lines can be frills, the author completely neglects the truth that frills and features have different compositions. One of the components of feature , which is not contained in frills ,can be found in those fossils. Therefore ,the author's second assumption turns out to be quite untenable.
这里没有听到 这个protein 到底是什么单词
a great deal of a protein called Beta-keratin.

Last but not least, it seems unconvincing that the author uses the distribution of the lines to doubt the possibility of those fine lines to be features. According to the lecturer, features can have display functions besides practical functions like help animals fly or keep their temperature being stable. What's more, researchers also discovered that the fine lines have orange and white colors, which supports the conclusion that those fine lines could be features used to display.

The reading passage refutes the idea that the lines in the Sinosauropteryx fossil indicated a feathered dinosaur by demonstrating several counterarguments. The lecturer, however, is strongly convinced that lines could represent feathers through addressing the questions advanced by the reading.
  To start with, according to the reading, those lines may derive from decomposition of a died dinosaur’ skin instead of being part of a living one. The lecturer does not believe this point for the reason that other animals’ fossils that are buried at the same site have not shown such kind of decomposition; instead, their functional skin structures have been perfectly preserved in the volcanic ash. Therefore, these lines are likely to be well-preserved feathers instead of fibers.
  Moving on, the reading proposes that the lines may be the frills rather than remains of feathers. The listening argues this is not true. She further explains that there is an apparent chemical difference between feathers and frills. Feathers contain protein called beta-keratin while frills do not. And the chemical analysis suggested that Sinosauropteryx’s structures contain protein beta-keratin.
  Last but not least importantly, the reading puts emphasis on such a fact that lines around the backbone and the tail of the Sinosauropteryx cannot play the role of helping it fly or regulating its body temperature but common feathers have these functions. The lecturer, by contrasts mentions other functions of the feathers by using peacock as an example. The peacock has colorful feathers in its tail to attract the mate. Recent analysis has found that Sinosauropteryx’s structures are also colorful, which can also be used for display.

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