至于日期的确定也是有原因的,大家看Offer package 的 Attachment 3有一段话:"Full-time international students who choose to do the medical examination at UHC for their Student’s Pass application can collect the completed medical report form one week after the check-up. They should strive to complete the medical examination at least one week before 19 July 2016, so that they are able to collect their medical reports in time for the Student’s Pass application on 26 July 2016."
也就是说,如果想要在NUS的UHC体检的至少要12号前到达,才能在学校申请Student's pass;否则之后要自己去ICA申请。问了小米也得到了这样的答复:"You may complete your medical examination at a later date but please note that you will have to make an e-appointment for student pass application at ICA instead of at NUS. "