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[i习作temp] 坚持下去,虽然远远达不到要求 [复制链接]

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发表于 2017-10-6 21:30:03 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
ISSUE Some people believe that corporations have a responsibility to promote the well-being of society in which they operate. Others believe that the only responsibility of corporations,provided they operate within the law,is to make as much money as possible.

Corporations are designed and expected to make profits while they are established in the very first place. Indisputably earning as much money as they can should be the top priority of corporations. Nonetheless,corporations,as they substantially benefit from and damage the societies and environments,should be aware of their social obligations in engaging in giving back to the societies and environments upon which they rest. While I concede making money is truly essential for any corporations,promoting the well-being of society and ameliorating environments,especially environments,should be additional obligations of corporations.

Corporations significantly contribute to the society advance. They serve to gather people with particular talents and skills together and are dedicated to researching a certain area. Moreover, corporations create tons of taxes annually to the nation , offer jobs for people and also they have produced a wide range of diverse productions. Thus,on one hand,basically making a great number of money could be considered as a reward for what they have done that benefits the society. On another hand,corporations should earn money to pay for workers’ salary and cover their daily expenditures.

however ,during the process of making profits, often the environments and society have been enormously suffered as trade-off. There are amount of examples where environments are severely violated by the corporations seeking for economic profits. In order to gain more profits and reduce products costs,chemical industries usually discharge sewage directly into river and then influx into ocean;to improve yield of crops,toxic pesticides are being widely used;the problem of global warming deteriorated thanks to the vast gas emissions of cars. Obviously,in these cases,corporations are principal culprits for environmental damage. Thus taking these facts into consideration,corporations should fulfill their obligations to restore environments in which they operate.

Further, to promote well-being of society and saving environments might sound an extra expenditure that seems like unnecessary, yet corporations need to be fully aware that promoting well-being of society and ameliorating environments are not only their obligations but actually help themselves. Sometimes these environmental loss might later contribute to threaten the sake of corporations and place them in jeopardy. This is especially true with insurance corporations. For example, they are more likely to help facilitate the transportation systems for less insurance compensations. Conversely, a poor health care system would cause higher morbidity rate, whereby insurance corporations might facing potentially pressures of tremendous compensations.

Although it is rational and reasonable for corporations to make money legally, yet it is always the case that silly seeking for economic benefits may lure corporations unscrupulously to do something anti-moral but legal that would largely harm safety of people or stability of society. Boundary between law and moral are typically not fully distinct, and law even has flaws and usually come later than illegal behaviors. Thus complying with law does not necessarily mean that corporations are making money in a rational approach or with sterling products.In retrospect,for example,getting close to examine America labor force of early 20th century,mass child workers were employed and exploited by corporations for cutting labor salaries,not until 1938 was an anti-child workers law enacted to prohibit this form of labor market.Anyway,as long as economic benefits exist,those venal corporations will contrive to circumvent existing regulations to make dirty money.

And also, according to the hierarchy of needs, gaining money should be the goal to cover fundamentally physiological needs. Yet once subjects’ prior needs are satisfied, they will spontaneously escalate to the higher level of self-esteem and even self-actualization. Accordingly, once corporations who have already earned a certain amount of money, money are not really that urgent as it was in the very first place, and will give precedence to the level of self-esteem and self-actualization. The optimal approach is to focus on promoting social well-being and restoring environments that bring high level satisfactions for corporations. Warren Buffet, for example, one that was famous for his remarkable talent of investment and that made countless money, spontaneously donate almost of his  shares to the charity fund founded by Bill Gates and Melinda.

In summary, taking a wide stance, while making money is really pivotal for corporation to fulfill their vocations, in order to get sustainable development and achieve self-actualization corporations have to be aware of the significance of contributing to promote well-being of society and environments. In fact ,any corporation who are less likely to carry out their social duty could not be viewed a great corporation.

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