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[未归类] sophia作文 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-2-19 18:49:37 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
2.19Do you agree with the following statement? Printed books are more influenced to people's lives than TV.

Printed book s defined as the stair for human to make progress during their lives. Television is regarded as the thing that provide considerable amount of information for man in modern society. Some people may consider that the book influence people a lot instead of television. However, I acquire a different picture of view on the other side. In my personal point of view, I cannot deny that people benefit a lot from books throughout the history, but I still believe the televisions influence people more than books nowadays.
Obviously, some sprit that
television is the most enjoyable way for men to acquire knowledge so that it rapidly dispatched all over the world to become the most common media. People spend more time with television rather than printed book, so it may not difficult to infer hoe great influence the television affected modern people. For example, Miss Zang—who was suffer from the bone cancer, and lost one of her ledge during this disaster, once gave up her hope to life. However, one day she saw the film “Forest Dump” in the television, she printed the motto “Life is like a box of chocolate, you would never know what will go next.” After divorce with her ex-husband, she set up a dumpling stall to rises her daughters. 20 years later, she had already become the president of the most famous frozen food company in Hong Kong. Today, she motto is still the one she acquire in television-- “Life is like a box of chocolate, you would never know what will go next.”

Another reason that I believe televisions influence people more is television provide more information to us than printed books. And with the information more timeliness in television, we can easily hold the chances. A typical example for this can be: Warren Buffet have a habit to collect information from medias since he graduated from Columbia University, 30 years ago he watch newspapers, and now he always 3 to 4 hours to watch the television news channel instead to acquire news about the stock market. He also claim that he can comprehend some knowledge of the field of modern industrial field to help him make the decision before he invest him money into the field. In this example, we can get the conclusion the if we utilize the television as a way to expand our view, we can save a considerable amount of time to achieve our goal.
Finally, the television can also benefit the children in the process they develop. From a test of MIT, the scientist discovered that children have a higher IQ, increased ability of reading, writing and comprehending compare to the children in last 80’s. Through this phenomenon, they infer that it may because the television act as the family tutor in modern society, and through this period, children learn how to express well in the way showed in televisions. Adding to the large amount of information provided by the TV, they learn to deal with the information unconsciously.
From the facts provided above, we can easily get the conclusion that we, as modern people, acquire more influence on television rather than printed books. Also I believe that we can benefit more form the television in the future.
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