Offer evidence that agrees with your stance up to a point, then add to it with ideas of your own.
Present evidence that contradicts your stance in order to argue against (refute) it and therefore strengthen your position
Use sources against each other, as if they are experts on a panel discussing your proposition
Use quotations to support your assertion, not merely to state or restate your claim. Weak and Strong Uses of Evidence
In order to use evidence effectively, you need to integrate it smoothly into your paragraph(为了使这些论据流畅的结合在一起,应该:)
o State your claim.
o Give your evidence, remembering to relate it to the claim.
o Comment on the evidence to show how it supports the claim
Questions to Ask Yourself When Revising Your Paper
1) Do I avoid generalizing in my paper by specifically explaining how my evidence is representative?
2) Have I offered my reader evidence to substantiate each assertion I make in my paper?
3) Do I thoroughly explain why/how my evidence backs up my ideas?
4) Do I provide evidence that not only confirms but also qualifies my paper’s main claims?
5) Do I use evidence to test and evolve my ideas, rather than to just confirm them?
6) Do I cite my sources thoroughly and correctly?
Writing a Conclusion
A conclusion should - stress the importance of the thesis statement, (重现主题句)
- give the essay a sense of completeness, and (完善全文)
- leave a final impression on the reader.(给读者一个深刻的印象)
- Echoing the introduction: (呼应开头)Echoing your introduction can be a good strategy if it is meant to bring the reader full-circle. If you begin by describing a scenario, you can end with the same scenario as proof that your essay was helpful in creating a new understanding.
Example Introduction From the parking lot, I could see the towers of the castle of the Magic Kingdom standing stately against the blue sky. To the right, the tall peak of The Matterhorn rose even higher. From the left, I could hear the jungle sounds of Adventure
land. As I entered the gate, Main Street stretched before me with its quaint shops evoking an old-fashioned small town so charming it could never have existed. I was entranced. Disneyland may have been built for children, but it brings out the child in adults. Conclusion I thought I would spend a few hours at Disneyland, but here I was at 1:00 A.M., closing time, leaving the front gates with the now dark towers of the Magic Kingdom behind me. I could see tired children, toddling along and struggling to keep their eyes open as best they could. Others slept in their parents' arms as we waited for the parking lot tram that would take us to our cars. My forty-year-old feet ached, and I felt a bit sad to think that in a couple of days I would be leaving California, my vacation over, to go back to my desk. But then I smiled to think that for at least a day I felt ten years old again.(划线部分都是和前面呼应的部分) - Challenging the reader:(挑战读者的思维) By issuing a challenge to your readers, you are helping them to redirect the information in the paper, and they may apply it to their own lives.
Example Though serving on a jury is not only a civic responsibility but also an interesting experience, many people still view jury duty as a chore that interrupts their jobs and the routine of their daily lives. However, juries are part of America's attempt to be a free and just society. Thus, jury duty challenges us to be interested and responsible citizens. - Looking to the future:(展望未来) Looking to the future can emphasize the importance of your paper or redirect the readers' thought process. It may help them apply the new information to their lives or see things more globally.
Example Without well-qualified teachers, schools are little more than buildings and equipment. If higher-paying careers continue to attract the best and the brightest students, there will not only be a shortage of teachers, but the teachers available may not have the best qualifications. Our youth will suffer. And when youth suffers, the future suffers.(好段落!) - Posing questions:(提出问题) Posing questions, either to your readers or in general, may help your readers gain a new perspective on the topic, which they may not have held before reading your conclusion. It may also bring your main ideas together to create a new meaning.
Example Campaign advertisements should help us understand the candidate's qualifications and positions on the issues. Instead, most tell us what a boob or knave the opposing candidate is, or they present general images of the candidate as a family person or God-fearing American. Do such advertisements contribute to creating an informed electorate or a people who choose political leaders the same way they choose soft drinks and soap?
这个主要是要注意一些比较Chinglish 的用法,呵呵比说我们说的“异与同”英文中就一个词difference
Creative ways to use metaphors Most books give rather boring examples of metaphors such as my father is a bear or the librarian was a beast. However, in your poetry (and fiction for that matter) you can do much more than say X is Y, like an algebraic formula. Definitely play with extended metaphors (see above) and experiment with some of the following, using metaphors... as verbs | The news that ignited his face snuffed out her smile. | as adjectives and adverbs | Her carnivorous pencil carved up Susan's devotion. | as prepositional phrases | The doctor inspected the rash with a vulture's eye. | as appositives or modifiers | On the sidewalk was yesterday's paper, an ink-stained sponge. |
Examples Scratching at the window with claws of pine, the wind wants in. | Imogene Bolls, "Coyote Wind" | What a thrill--my thumb instead of an onion. The top quite gone except for a sort of hinge of skin....A celebration this is. Out of a gap a million soldiers run, redcoats every one. | Sylvia Plath, "Cut" | The clouds were low and hairy in the skies, like locks blown forward in the gleam of eyes. | Robert Frost, "Once by the Pacific" | Little boys lie still, awake wondering, wondering delicate little boxes of dust. | James Wright, "The Undermining of the Defense Economy" |
呵呵,版主给的比喻的介绍,虽然不是我需要的,但是还是很有用 |