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[i习作temp] phoenix小组组员5号Issue51习作 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-2-18 15:51:02 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
51. "Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student."
Point 1:针对性的教育对个人而言是十分有效率的
Point 2:为每个人专门设计教育成本太高
Point 3:我们现在的教育已经十分的有效率

The speaker's claim that education should be specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student is a utopian issue--one that is fraught with the problems of feasibility. While this assertion is appealing in some aspects, I tend to disagree it, as discussed blow.

Admittedly, the teaching under specifically designed which have a positive effect on one's education. For example, Alexander the Great was a great Greek king who established a splendid empire and is remembered for spreading Greek civilization into the east. When he was young, his tutor was Aristotle. Aristotle designed the education plan specifically for young Alexander, and educated Alexander moral, philosophy, religion and so on. The specifically designed education ensure Alexander grow into a wise and brave emperor. In short, we can easily conclude that a student will get benefit from the specifically designed education.

However, the speaker's claim that each student should get a specifically designed education is difficult to realize. As the example of Alexander above, I concede that the appropriate education is an irreplaceable factor influenced Alexander's success. But in that era, individuals who have opportunity to get a specifically designed education are totally infrequent. After all, in the ancient age, unless a child was a nobleman, that he or she has no opportunity to get an education, let alone a specifically designed one. In contemporary society, although social resources is more adequate than ever before, it is impossible to ensure that each student have opportunity to get a specifically designed education. In one side, our society should give the talented child an opportunity that gets a specially designed education, because the talented child probably contributes profoundly to the promotion of our society. In the other side, it is sufficient that common education for most of the individuals in our society. After all, it is absurd that pay all attention on the education.

Consider the quality of education in contemporary society. If we define a truly effective education as one characterized by render certain most of the children grow up to be an good, ethical and law-abiding citizen, render certain our society steadily evolving into a more respectful, tolerant, and civilized one, render certain greater cooperation across different culture and national boundaries, then we can assert that the education of contemporary society is totally effective. Today’s education, although have not be specially designed for each student, to a large extent is a successful and effective one. Under today’s education, we are more sensitive to, and respect of, the rights of women, homosexuals, various ethnic and racial groups, and mentally- and physically-challenged individuals. I think any individual would agree that our education is not ineffective, and plays an irreplaceable role in our life and career. In this situation, we can say that it is unnecessary to ensure each student should get a specially designed education.

In sum, when it comes to a truly effective education, the specially designed education is feasible in theory but impossible in fact. In addition, the specially designed education is unnecessary to our society, today’s education system is suitable to most of the individuals. In the final analysis, I disagree with the speaker’s claim at all.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-2-18 16:47:30 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 NEU公孙轩辕 于 2010-2-18 18:17 编辑

The speaker's claim that education should be specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student is a utopian issue--one that is fraught with the problems of feasibility/practicality(推荐同义词). While this assertion is appealing( to agree with ) in some aspects, I tend to disagree it, as discussed blow.

Admittedly, the teaching under/which is specifically designed which/will have a positive effect on one's education. For example, Alexander the Great was a great Greek king who established a splendid empire and is remembered/commemorated/memorialized(同意替换词) for spreading/propagating(同意替换词) Greek civilization into the east. When he was young, his tutor was Aristotle.(删)/ Aristotle,once was Alexander's teacher in his youth,designed the education plan specifically for young Alexander, and educated Alexander moral, philosophy, religion and so on. The specifically designed education ensured Alexander to grow into a wise and brave emperor, which obviously contributed to his miraculous achievements.(点题) In short, we can easily conclude that a student will get benefit from the specifically designed education.

However, the speaker's claim that each student should get a specifically designed education is difficult to be realized. As the example of Alexander above, I concede that the appropriate education is an irreplaceable factor influenced/conducing to Alexander's success. But in that era, individuals who have opportunity to get a specifically designed education are totally infrequent. After all, in the ancient age, unless a child was a nobleman, that he or she has no opportunity to get an education, let alone a specifically designed one. In contemporary society, although social resources is/are more adequate than ever before, it is also impossible to ensure that each student have opportunity to get a specifically designed education. In one side, our society should give the talented child an opportunity that gets a specially designed education/provide students with access to specially designed education, because the talented children probably contributes profoundly to the promotion of our society. In the other side, it is sufficient that common education for most of the individuals in our society/common education nowadays has been proven sufficient to meet the demands of most individuals.(这两方面的关系是?。。。) After all, it is absurd that pay all attention on the education.(这样的总结让人摸不着头脑,前文完全没有提还有更重要的需要注意)

Consider the quality of education in contemporary society. If we define a truly effective education as one characterized by rendering certain(这个词用在这里想表达?...) most of the children grow up to be an good, ethical and law-abiding citizen, rendering certain our society steadily evolving into a more respectful, tolerant, and civilized one, rendering certain greater cooperation across different cultures and national boundaries, then we can assert that the education of contemporary society is totally effective. Today’s education, although have/has not been specially designed for each student, to a large extent is a successful and effective one. Under today’s education, we are more sensitive to, and respect of, the rights of women, homosexuals, various ethnic and racial groups, and mentally- and physically-challenged individuals. I think any individual would agree that our education is not ineffective, and plays an irreplaceable role in our life and career. In this situation/From this point of view, we can say that it is unnecessary to ensure each that student should get a specially designed education.

In sum, when it comes to a truly effective education, the specially designed education is feasible in theory but impossible in fact. In addition, the specially designed education is unnecessary to our society, today’s education system is suitable to most of the individuals. In the final analysis, I disagree with the speaker’s claim at all.


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