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[i习作temp] 【Flyer杀G作文组】8月3日Issue170-By 但我 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-8-4 19:32:12 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE170 - "The surest indicator of a great nation is not the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, but the general welfare of all its people."
WORDS: 503          TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2010/8/3 17:01:12
1. definition of the general welfare and great nation.
2.a nation's general welfare contributes to the accomplishments社会发展的最终目的,是改善人们的生活。每个人生活水平的提高,表明了整个国家的强大。如果人们on the brink of starvation, lead to social unrest。如果大部分人lead a satisfied life, 将会有更多的outstanding 统治者、艺术家、科学家 ;the Soviet Union; 美国福利高,人们争相去
3.the achievements of its rulers, artists and scientists are of equal importance, which by their way brings the aim of welfare of its people into fruition. Roosevelt 新政;The Wright brothers 飞机;Edison 电灯;air-conditioner
4.这两个依据并不矛盾,统治者、艺术家、科学家的成就,提高了人民的生活水平,而全民福利的总体水平的提高,为统治者、艺术家、科学家取得成就提供了基础。These two criteria together do not conflict with each other, instead, they serve each other by turn. In sum, the indicator of a great nation includes the achievements of its rulers, artists and scientists as well as the general welfare of the populace.

The issue of whether the surest indicator of a great nation is the general welfare of all its people or the achievements of its rulers is a complex and controversial one. Different people hold different opinions due to their respective ways of looking at this issue. In my point of view, however, I hold that both of the two criteria are fundamental indicators of a great nation. My view will be greatly strengthened by the following discussions.
To begin with, in order to further discuss the issue, we should clearly define the general welfare and the standard to measure the greatness of a nation.. As what is mentioned above, when we speak of "rising general welfare", we refer to the subsequent terms: public health and safety, security against invasions, individual liberty and freedom, cultural richness and overall comfort--to sum up, a high standard of living. The criterion of a great nation includes two aspects: its people can lead a healthy life domestically and own a high status internationally. It is important to improve the living standard of its people. The common people are the primary force in building the country, they make great contribution for the whole nation. If the general welfare could not be raised, the initiative will be lost, and the country could not expect long-term development.
The first reason that can be presented to support my opinion is that a nation's general welfare contributes to the accomplishments (of its rulers, artists and scientists). The ultimate goal of developing is to improve people's living standard. The ascending of each person's life accumulates to form a powerful country. Take the example of the Soviet Union, which only possessed military and heavy industry rather than agriculture, collapsed at last. On the contrary, if most of the people in the contry lead a satisfied life, like having a relatively high education level, there will be more outstanding politicians, artists and scientists. The welfare in America is high, thus attracting thousands of people to come to the United States.
Besides, another reason for me to hold my opinion is that the achievements of its rulers, artists and scientists are of equal importance, which by their way brings the aim of welfare of its people into fruition. Roosevelt 's New Deal helped America in the Great Depression and World War II, offering  a myriad of employments and assisting agriculture and industry to revive. His new policy greatly improved the welfare of common people, thus ensured the stability of American society. Artistic works could relieve us from depression, give us a hand when in trouble and comfort us when in low. Scientific discoveries and inventions open a new way to experience life. With the contribution of Wright brothers, we can fly in the sky like birds and arrive at the destination in a short time by plane.Thanks tothe hard work of Edison, we can now read books after night falls without worrying the candle used up. In hot summer, we can enjoy cool air in the room equipped with an air-conditioner. In one word, the accomplishments of ruler, artists or scientists are essential for the improvement of our quality of life.
These two criteria do not have conflicts, instead, they serve each other by turn. In sum, the indicator of a great nation includes the achievements of political leaders, artists and scientists as well as the general welfare of the populace.

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