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[习作点评] 【NINE小组】第九次作业--by oyxj1551 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-8-29 21:48:37 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Although, from the view of the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the physiological need is the most basic for man, I can hardly agree with the speaker to suspend the funding for arts to fulfill the social man’s need to live. Because ,from my point of view, fund for art can not only bring prosperity to the field of arts, but also help handle with the problem of starvation and unemployment.
To begin with, suspending government funding for arts to aid people who are in hungry or unemployed will end in little effect. Commonly, funding for society security to fund people takes a much larger portion of the government funding than that for arts. So, the little cut part of fund will do little help to aid people. To prove it, I will lead in the definition of relative increase amount. For instance, A has one apple while B has one hundred apples. When given one more apple to each one, the relative increase amount for A is 1 while 1/100 for B. That means the increase satisfaction of A is much more than that of B. On this account, the increase fund from arts to aiding people is close to the example of B which has little effect to the previous condition. That is to say, suspending government funding for arts can hardly improve the condition of starvation and unemployment.

From another part, funding for arts do have some advantages. First of all, arts works can inspire people mentally, especially in the period of war when starvation and unemployment are much likely to occur. With the inspiration of arts, people who are in bad condition will be ignited the will to survive, to overcome the obstacles, and the eagerness to persist and thus find their own way out. Besides, arts can give those who are in hungry and unemployed a hand, as artist can raise money by charity sale. Each year, a large number of such sales are held spontaneously or by UN around the world to raise money to fund children in serious starvation in Africa. All in all, a great development will be seen in the field of arts with government funding, in return, help solving the problem of starvation and unemployment.

The government should balance the funding for arts and citizens who are in hungry and unemployed. Even though, arts cannot serve as job, bread, or milk, which are the necessities of those who are hungry and employed. Food or jobs, as well, cannot replace the art to fulfill the higher desire of people. Bread and music like hallelujah are both necessary for people in bad situation. That is to say, government should not merely offer funding for people in hungry and unemployed. A proper portion of funding should be offered for aid as well.

In conclusion, government shouldn’t suspend the funding for arts when significant numbers of citizens are hungry or unemployed, or the field of arts will lost in dark and the little improvement will be seen in the case of starvation and unemployment.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-8-30 21:56:55 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 winterfine 于 2011-8-30 21:59 编辑

Although, from the view of the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the physiological need is the most basic for man, I can hardly agree with the speaker to suspend the funding for arts to fulfill the social man’s need to live. Because ,from my point of view, fund for art can not only bring prosperity to the field of arts, but also help handle with the problem of starvation and unemployment.
在开头提到Maslow’s hierarchy of needs不是非常合适,在后文的论证中基本没有再提到个人需求等级的问题了。
To begin with, suspending government funding for arts to aid people who are in hungry or unemployed will end in little effect. Commonly, funding for society security to fund people (去掉) takes a much larger portion of the government funding than that for arts. So, the little cut part of fund will do little help to aid people. To prove it, I will lead in the definition of relative increase amount. For instance, A has one apple while B has one hundred apples. When given one more apple to each one, the relative increase amount for A is 1 while 1/100 for B. That means the increase satisfaction of A is much more than that of B. On this account, the increase fund from arts to aiding people is close to the example of B which has little effect to the previous condition. That is to say, suspending government funding for arts can hardly improve the condition of starvation and unemployment.
如果能举例子说明,某地艺术支出多少,给出占总支出的比例很少,读者自然能够得出suspending government funding end in little effect的结论. 苹果的例子只是一个抽象的类比,并不直接论证你的观点。

From another part, funding for arts do have some advantages. First of all, arts works can inspire people mentally, especially in the period of war when starvation and unemployment are much likely to occur. With the inspiration of arts, people who are in bad condition will be ignited the will to survive, to overcome the obstacles, and the eagerness to persist and thus find their own way out. (战争只是很特殊的情况吧) Besides, arts can give those who are in hungry and unemployed a hand, as artist can raise money by charity sale (义卖不是用来赚钱的). Each year, a large number of such sales are held spontaneously or by UN around the world to raise money to fund children in serious starvation in Africa. (一个国家的艺术事业帮助解决另一些国家的饥饿问题,与题目论述的国家内部问题是2个概念吧) All in all, a great development will be seen in the field of arts with government funding, in return, help solving the problem of starvation and unemployment.

The government should balance the funding for arts and citizens who are in hungry and unemployed. Even though, arts cannot serve as job, bread, or milk, which are the necessities of those who are hungry and employed. Food or jobs, as well, cannot replace the art to fulfill the higher desire of people. Bread and music like hallelujah (不确定这个用法) are both necessary for people in bad situation. That is to say, government should not merely offer funding for people in hungry and unemployed. A proper portion of funding should be offered for aid as well.

In conclusion, government shouldn’t suspend the funding for arts when significant numbers of citizens are hungry or unemployed, or the field of arts will lost in dark and the little improvement will be seen in the case of starvation and unemployment.


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【NINE小组】第九次作业--by oyxj1551
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