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[i习作temp] 憋了一天的竞争与合作,求修改,找提高的方法 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2011-9-9 01:07:54 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Nature selection, choosing the fittest and superseding the inferior, indicates competition induces species to do their best to obtain the most of resource at the limited habitat to survive. Meanwhile, without any interaction with outside world, none could survive or thrive. Actually, competition and cooperation are two essential and inseparable driving forces for the living and even for the successful civilization.

As we all know, the productivity of the society depends on the competition dearly. With competition, the high-tech products turn to be more available and affordable. Past centuries has seen the cars increasing in power, diversifying in shape, and declining in price. In addition, even the software, which built the milestone for the computer and Internet development, is struggling in the quandary of losing its market which it had occupied at the very beginning, for more and more rivals, Apple, for example, device the new technology and invent suitable materials for computer industry. In fact, none wants to keep the advanced technology products as the luxuries, only when they regardless of being left behind. As a result, more creative thoughts get brought out and more consumers get the benefit. Competition in business is not alone. The graduate record examination selects the best students for the further better study, while The World Cup inspires talent football players to win the glory for their nations, and the presidential election in America finds the foresighted and wise leader for the country.

Admittedly, life is not only a pure matter of competition, and the cooperation accounts a lot either. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken, and the cooperation could make incredible sense to the society in various fields. Watson and Click worked together with a perfect X-ray diffraction image of DNA, taken by Franklin and provided by Wilkins, and came up with the double helical structure of DNA successfully and won the Nobel Price. Indeed, none of the efforts of them could be eliminated during the research, and it is the cooperation that makes the contribution to the world of science. We could also witness the fruitful cooperation between nations. They need to work together in an effort to prevent the terrorist attack and capture the felons; to reduce the ocean pollution and global warming; to distribute the finite nature resource in developing; to control the fateful and infective disease. The cooperation makes all of the participants as the winners in the end.

As tomorrow hosts, the young could not handle the pressing and complicate social problems apart from either competition or cooperation. Only caring the cooperation and ignoring the competition, there could be less creative ideas and less active participation, for there would be less worriment of being wiped out and less inspiration to move forward. What's worse, there could be many free riders who could receive the same reward with no any effort. To go further, without cooperation, competition would be trapped. Making the buggy behind a closed door, one could not obtain the different ideas from different perspectives, or consider the issues thoroughly, or make it efficiently. In a word, when we compete with each other we could be more creative, and while we are creative and willing to cooperate with each other we become more competitive, and then there comes the improvement.
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