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一天一篇TPO作文 [复制链接]

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发表于 2012-3-20 22:03:12 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
还有二十多天考试,打算一天写一个TPO的作文。欢迎大家来帮忙改, 必回改哦~

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发表于 2012-3-20 22:04:53 |只看该作者
According to the lecture, communal online encyclopedias are as same valuable as, if not more valuable than, traditional printed encyclopedias.
First, communal online encyclopedias indeed suffer from errors, but the same is true of traditional encyclopedias. As the lecture pointed out, no encyclopedia is free of errors. Everyone can make errors, including the trained experts writing traditional encyclopedias.
The worry about unscrupulous users is not warranted. The damage brought from those unscrupulous users is not as serious as the passage contends. Actually, there are several strategies to protect online encyclopedias from such damage. For instance, there are some special editors who are able to eliminate the change the unscrupulous users done in some online encyclopedias. Another method is to record the history versions of encyclopedias so that they can be easily restored.
The third point in the passage doesn't mean anything. It is the whole community that has the right to decide which topic is important and which not, instead of some scholars. Actually, it's those traditional encyclopedias written by scholars that misunderstand what is important to the community and what the people are interested in. At the same time, just because communal online encyclopedias are written by the whole community, they can show people's interests and what the community thinks important.

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发表于 2012-3-20 22:07:24 |只看该作者
TPO6 独立写作
“Life today is easier and more comfortable than it was when your grandparents were children."
I strongly agree that life today is easier and more comfortable than it was decades ago. I'd like to illustrate my view by considering three important aspects of life: education, communication and entertainment.
First of all, it is much more easy and comfortable to be educated today than it was decades ago. Actually, there were only several universities in 1940s in my country. Very few families could afford their children to go to school, and more than 90% of people couldn't write even a simple letter. The equipments in the schools were very poor. However, there are more than ten universities in only a city nowadays, and everyone is educated for nine years freely according to the law. Not to mention with the modern equipment such as computers, one can learn in more comfortable way, and even learn courses at home.
The same is also true for communication. When my grandparents were children, they had no telephones. Because of warfare, even the post service often stopped. If they wanted to tell something to a friend in another city a hundred miles away, they had to write them a letter and give the letter to someone who would go to the city. Nowadays everything is different. I have many ways to communicate to someone thousands of miles away: I can send a short message, or telephone him, or send a e-mail, or talk to him via MSN. Within seconds, he can receive what I just said, which is impossible decades ago.
Today, we also have more ways to relax ourselves. Decades ago, watching a play needed several days to prepare the ground and cost a lot to pay to the actors, and those actors might not play well. Nowadays, with a CD and a computer, I can watch the movies played by the best players in the world any time I want. There are also some ways of entertainment that are totally impossible for our ancestors, such as playing computer games.

使用道具 举报

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发表于 2012-3-22 11:48:37 |只看该作者
昨天TPO7的忘了发了 现在发上来 独立写作最后一条很牵强 大家有什么更好的想法么

The lecture contends it a good idea for American wood companies to receive ecocertification.
First of all, American consumers distinguish certification made by a certification agency from advertisement made by the companies themselves. American consumers trust certification agency and value certification made by them. Because American consumers are interested in protecting the environment, the companies with ecocertification will be more favored by them.
Second, the increased price is not enough for consumers to reject certified wood products. Indeed, American consumers, as well as everyone, prefer products with lower price. But only when a product is much more expensive or cheaper than another, price can play an important role in the decision about which product to buy. However, the additional price brought by certification is less than five percent. Thus American consumers won't refuse to buy certified wood products for the additional price.
Third, it's certainly important for American companies to keep up with the developments in the rest of the world. Even though American companies are not aimed at winning the favor of the consumers outside the United Sates, the companies from other countries will try to share the American market. If American companies don't receive ecocertification, it is possible for American consumers choose the certified wood products made by foreign countries. As a result, the market share of American companies is decreased.

“It is more important for students to understand ideas and concepts than it is for them to learn facts”
I disagree with the statement that understanding ideas and concepts is more important than learning facts for students. On one hand, without learning facts, one cannot use what he learned in the real world. On the other hand, learning facts can help students understanding ideas and concepts.
First of all, only by understanding ideas and concepts, students don't know how link what they learned and the real world. There is a famous Chinese story of Zhao Kuo. Zhao Kuo was the son of a great general. He read all the military books in his family at very young age. With the ideas and concepts he learned in these books, he won every debate about military with everyone in his country. So, when another country invaded, the king chose Zhao as the general. However, Zhao had never taken part in a real war. After the war began, he found the real war is so far from the ideas and concepts he learned in the books. In the end, Zhao's country failed in the war.
What's more, only with facts can one understand ideas and concepts better. Sometimes the ideas and concepts are so elliptic that students don't know what they mean. At that moment, teachers should present some facts related to them as examples. This is why there are so many examples on mathematical textbooks. Without those examples, the definitions and theorems are still right, but students just cannot understand.
Actually, in some disciplines, ideas and concepts are just used to help students to learn facts. I'd like to talk about sports as an example. There are many ideas and concepts in physical exercise class. But can you imagine what can one do if he knows every terminology about basketball, but has never seen and play a basketball? I don’t think some club will favor such a player. After all, what students know is only meaningful when they can use it in practice.

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发表于 2012-3-22 17:15:43 |只看该作者
TPO6 独立写作1
“Life today is easier and more comfortable than it was when your grandparents were children."
I strongly agree that life today is easier and more comfortable than it was decades ago. I'd like to illustrate my view by considering three important aspects of life: education, communication and entertainment.
First of all, it is much more easy and comfortable [重复使用题目的词汇比较容易降低印象分]to be educated today than it was decades ago. Actually, there were only several universities【可以调研一下具体的数字,用具体的数字会比较有说服力一点,还有一点事1940其实已近有几十所了,http://forum.home.news.cn/thread/52032610/1.html这个网站有提到一点,我的感觉是如果是实现准备的例子的话,详细一点比较好】 in 1940s in my country. Very few families could afford their children to go to school, and more than 90% of people couldn't write even a simple letter. The equipments in the schools were very poor. However, there are more than ten universities in only a city nowadays, and everyone is educated for nine years【最好加In China,】 freely according to the law.【compulsory education这样的词汇比较专业】 Not to mention with the modern equipment such as computers, one can learn in more comfortable way, and even learn courses at home【题目是简单和舒适,我觉得在阐述的时候,要从这两个方面出发,简单=课程形式的多样性,得益于现代科技的发展,舒适:有比较好的学术条件背景之类之类的】.
The same is also true for communication. When my grandparents were children, they had no telephones. Because of warfare, even[even在这里不是很适合,一般是作为一种比较级,而前面只有原因状语,] the post service often stopped. If they wanted to tell something to a friend in another city a hundred miles away, they had to write them a letter and give the letter to someone who would go to the city. Nowadays everything is different. I have many ways to communicate to someone thousands of miles away【重复出现的用词】: I can send a short message, or telephone him, or send a e-mail, or talk to him via MSN【句式的多样性起见,可以转变宾主位置】. Within seconds, he can receive what I just said, which is impossible decades ago【the importance of this paragraph lies in convenience, so we have to mention in the begining】.' _; o& H& }' t/ ?) k: ^+ e
Today, we also have more ways to relax ourselves. Decades ago, watching a play needed several days to prepare the ground and cost a lot to pay to the actors, and those actors might not play well. Nowadays, with a CD and a computer, I can watch the movies played by the best players in the world any time I want. There are also some ways of entertainment that are totally impossible for our ancestors, such as playing computer games.【本段的中心句讲的是很多种方法,可是我个人感觉对比的不在一个方面,侧重点是娱乐的困难性对多样性+便利性,中心有偏移,所以前半部分可以换成:go to the specific theater, reading the available books, traveling is also limited by the transport之类之类的,然后从具体的方面对比】【结尾有点草率】

1,        变化句式
2,        尽量避免用词的重复性
3,        正确定义中心句
4,        提高例子的专业性,可以精致准备例子,拓展例子使用面

使用道具 举报

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发表于 2012-3-22 19:49:44 |只看该作者
The lecture contends that Chevalier's memoir is pretty accurate and reliable.
First, Chevalier was very rich in Switzerland, but he still need to borrow money. This is because Chevalier's property was things like houses. Selling such property could cost several days. So, after spent a great deal of money on parties and gambling, Chevalier had to borrow some money before he sold his property.
Second, the conversations that Chevalier recorded in the memoir between himself and Voltaire are accurate. Chevalier mentioned that every night after he talked to Voltaire, he wrote down the conservation. Thus when he wrote memoir, he could refer to his previous record. Evidence has been found confirming that Chevalier did do such record.
Third, the memoir's account of the Chevalier's escape from prison in Venice is reliable.  There were some prisoners with more powerful friends in Venice, but they didn't escape from the prison. Thus, it is not possible for Chevalier to escape from the prison with his friends offering a bribe to the jailers. What's more, documents have been found stating that the ceilings in Venice were repaired after Chevalier's escape. It was perhaps Chevalier's escape by making a hole in the ceiling that makes jailers notice the necessity to repair the ceilings.

“Television advertising directed toward young children (aged two to five) should not be allowed”
Television advertising can help young children develop bad habits and make them always ask their parents to buy toy and food. However, I disagree with the statement that television advertising directed toward young children (aged two to five) should not be allowed.
First of all, it's impossible to tell whether an advertisement is directed towards young children aged two to five or older children. Actually, there are many products that both children aged two to five and the older children can use. A three year old child and a six year old child can eat the same kind of potato chips; a five year old child and a seven year old one may play with the same kind of toy. How to tell such products are aimed at young children (aged two to five)? Such distinguish is impossible. Thus, the policy is not feasible at all.
What's more, even though television advertising is forbidden, there are still many other ways of advertise. Advertisement is in books, in radio program, on the street, in the shopping malls, and actually everywhere we can imagine. With television advertisement forbidden, children can still find advertisement. Moreover, merchants may advertise much more frequently in other ways as a strategy against such a policy. As a result, advertisement can also harm the young children, and the policy doesn't works.
It is also questionable whether an advertisement free environment is good for children. Suppose each kind of advertisement directed toward young children is forbidden and children grow up in an environment free of advertisement. When a mother wants to but some food for her three year old child, she can be hesitate to find out which product is good. Imagine a new kind of toy which is good for the intellect development of young children is produced and put into shelves in shopping malls. Without advertisements, parents and children may not know the coming of the toy. As a result, the toy cannot help children develop.

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发表于 2012-3-22 19:56:22 |只看该作者
5# 部落联盟five

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发表于 2012-3-22 22:03:42 |只看该作者
7# 秋雁北飞 恩 我是还有三个月的样子 主要是上次作文考的不咋地,所以想早点开始练习了,其实逻辑好应该就可以了,以前在GRE论坛里就遇到过你呢,我也就是给出点自己的想法,其实真正考试的时候句式用词什么的就是很朴素来着

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发表于 2012-3-24 11:36:56 |只看该作者
The lecture contends that hydrogen is not the solution of problems brought by cars.
First, hydrogen is not as accessible as the reading passage implies. The hydrogen in natural gas and water cannot be used without purification. Only the hydrogen in pure liquid state can be used by cars. But hydrogen in such state is an artificial matter. It's very difficult to get such hydrogen.
Second, the production of hydrogen can cause pollution. Energy is necessary in the process of purification of hydrogen. Oil or something else must be burned to produce such energy, which produces carbon dioxide at the same time. As a result, although cars with hydrogen-based fuel-cell engine don't produce carbon dioxide, the environment is still suffering from pollution.
Third, fuel-cell engines are not economically competitive at all. The only material that can be used for fuel-cell engines is an extremely expensive metal. All other material will break down with the existence of hydrogen. By now, there is no cheap material that can be used for fuel-cell engines.

“Technology has made children less creative than they were in the past.”
I disagree with the statement that technology is making children less creative.
Technology has made children lees creative than they were in the past. Briefly speaking, technology has broaden children's horizon and offered them more change of communicate with others. From another perspective, it's not possible for the rapid development if people, including children are less creative.
First of all, with technology, nowadays children can know much more than in the past. There is no doubt that nowadays a child can know more about what he is interested in with the help of technology such as the Internet than in the past. Creative thinking is impossible if one no nothing about the topic. Can one without the basic understanding of calculus create a new method of proving the inverse function theorem? Obviously not. The more information one has, the more creative he can be. Thus, by providing more accessible information, technology is helping children becoming more creative.
What's more, communication is becoming more convenient with technology. Nowadays, one can send an e-mail to his friend thousands of miles away, and his friend can receive the massage just few seconds after. Such communication is impossible without modern technology. And communication plays an important role in creative thinking. A child can know the others' idea, and then come up with his own creative idea based on the others'. He can also express his idea on the Internet and see what others think about it, and then improve it. In both ways, a child becomes more creative.
From another point of view, the rapid development of technology itself demonstrates that children are becoming more creative. There is no doubt that technology is developing more and more rapidly in the past decades: just look at the increasing number of paper published every year. All the development of technology is done by some people, and these people were once children. Such increasing development speed is only possible when the development of technology is making children creative enough to develop technology faster in the next few decades.

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发表于 2012-3-24 11:38:03 |只看该作者
8# 部落联盟five

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发表于 2012-3-24 15:28:43 |只看该作者
The lecture contends that predators’ hypothesis is the more likely cause of the decline of sea otter populations.
First, no one can find dead otters. If otters are died of pollution, their bodies can be found by people. If otters are died of predators, their bodies will be eaten up, thus cannot be found. So, with no dead otters found, it is more likely predators caused the decline of sea otter populations.
Second, orcas may hunt otters as well. Although orcas prefer to hunt larger prey such as seals, the number of these animals is declining as the passage mentioned. So it is possible for orcas to begin hunt otters with no larger prey available, which causes the otter population declining.
Third, the predators’ hypothesis can explain the uneven pattern of otter decline better. Orcas have large body sizes, and some locations are not accessible for them. In the location accessible for orcas, the otters’ populations declined greatly. In the location not accessible for orcas, such as shallow or rocky area, the otters’ population remained stable.

“Playing computer games is a waste of time. Children should not be allowed to play them.”
I don't agree with the statement that playing computer games is a waste of time. Not only computer games can help children relax themselves, but also can help children learn teamwork. Although some children may spend too much time on computer games or even be addicted to them, it's not wise to forbidden all children from playing computer games.
First of all, as well as other ways of entertainment, playing computer games help children relax themselves.  Everyone needs some kinds of entertainment. Working all day can drive people to crazy. Psychologists have pointed out that children are not able to concentrate on a certain thing too long time. After spending several hours in learning, children can get tired. If we allow them to play computer games at that time, children can be refreshed later, and are able to study more. As a result, the whole process is more efficient than studying all day long.
What's more, computer games can help children learn teamwork. There are many games require different children to play different roles. Children are divided into different teams, and the goal of the whole team is achieved when each child can play his own role well. For example, in a popular game, DOTA, players are divided into carriers, gankers and supporters. Different roles have different work, such as making money or destroying the towers. Only when everyone accomplishes his work well, the team will win. By playing this computer games, children can learn what teamwork is.
Admittedly, there are some children spending too much time on playing. Some play computer games when they should study, do physical exercises or communicate with their parent and friends. Some children even play through a whole night without sleep, and they cannot concentrate on the class on the next day. There is no doubt that their parents and teachers should restrict their time of playing, or forbid them from playing. However, as long as most children can control the time they spend on computer games, it is not wise to forbid ALL children from playing computer games. In every society, there are some adults addicted to alcohol; but there are few countries forbidden all people from drinking. So why should we be so strict with children playing computer games, given we’re not so strict with ourselves?

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发表于 2012-3-26 20:58:55 |只看该作者
The lecture contends that reading less literature is not as serious as the reading passage implies.
First, literature is not the only way to provide intellectual stimulation. Many reading materials can just exercise people's imaginations as good as novel and poems do. Thus there are no important benefits missing for the reading public.
Second, when people read less literature, they move to books in general. For example, people can listen to music and watch movies. It's not fair to say that listening to a great piece of music is a waste of time. Nowadays, the culture changes. There are more ways to express one's feelings besides novel and poems. In music and movies, ideas can be expressed more directly.
Third, the less invest literature received should not be attributed to readers. Actually, this is the authors' fault. Modern writers are too difficult to understand, so there is no doubt that publishers don't support them as they did centuries ago.

“Some people say that the Internet provides people with a lot of valuable information. Others think access to so much information create problems. Which view do you agree with?”
Internet is one of the most influential technology ever since. On one hand, Internet makes communication among people easier, and provides lots of valuable information; on the other hand, Internet also brings problems.
First of all, the enormous amount information can make people lost themselves. Since everyone is able to add some information on the Internet, the amount of information is expanding all the time. Even a medium size BBS can have thousand of new topic every day. Thus, the curiosity of people leads them to search more and more websites, even though the passage an photos in the websites have nothings to do with them. One of my roommates can spend a whole night on a sport website! So there is no doubt that he cannot concentrate on the class, and he often gets sick because of lack of physical exercise.
What's more, with everyone accessible to create it, the information on the Internet is not always reliable. There are too few restrictions about posting on the Internet. If someone trusts everything he sees on the Internet, the result can be disastrous. For example, everyone, without even bit knowledge about medicine, can claim himself a physician on the Internet. He is able to post and contend himself have a efficient way to cure some disease. If some patients believe in him, not only their money are lost, but also their healthy.
Another problem is the human flesh search. People are always leaving some trace. Sometimes you let out your birthday on a BBS, and give away your workplace on another website. Such kind of trace is not dangerous, until someone decided to "manhunt" you. Once human flesh search begins, all the details you give out will quickly be found and then everyone interesting in you can know it. They know your habits, your grandmother's name, which school your little son studies in, which restaurants your family often go for a dinner, and everything you ever let out by accident. And such information being known by many people including your friends and enemies can annoy and destroy you. There are many cases in which after been human flesh searched, the poor man cannot continue to work at the previous position, and have to immigrate to another city.

The lecture contends that the statement that Jane Austen is the subject of the professional painting is not convincing.
First, the permission of Austen's family hardly prove the portrait is of Austen. Actually, when they gave the permission, Austen had been dead for almost 70 years. Those family members had never seen Jane. Thus they don't know for sure whether the one on the portrait is Jane Austen.
Second, the similarity of the teenage girl and the one in Cassandra's sketch is mighty because the teenage girl is a relative of Austen. Jane Austen had a big family and many relatives. Some of her relatives were teenagers, or their children were teenagers. There is evidence supporting that the teenage girl on the portrait is one of Austen's distant relatives, Mary.
Third, there is contradictory clue in the dating of the portrait. Some material in the painting of the portrait is sold by a merchant who didn't begin his business career until Austen was twenty years old. Thus the portrait couldn't be painted when Austen was a teenage girl, and the teenager couldn't be Austen.

“It is better to have broad knowledge of many academic subjects than to specialize in one specific subject.”
As a student majoring in math, I totally agree that it's better to have broad knowledge of many academic subjects than to specialize in one specific subject.
First of all, when studying a particular subject, the knowledge of other fundamental fields can be useful. In the history, many physicians are also mathematicians. As Newton said, "the law of nature is written in calculus." To study nature, one must study math. For example, it's impossible for Einstein to develop his theory of relativity without his knowledge about non-Euclidean geometry. Nowadays, even the economists begin to use the theory of probability to illustrate and predict economic phenomenon. Those who have never learnt math cannot understand an economic paper.
Second, knowledge about other subjects can also be useful for those studying fundamental fields. When I learnt partial differential equations (a course of math), the professor often gave some physical background for the equations we studied. With the physical background, we could better understand the meaning of each term, and what the solution mean for the real world. Moreover, we knew what we studied is not some artificial productions, but the rules that can be used for engineers. My teacher once said: if a mathematician doesn't know the equations' background in other disciplines, he can easily lose himself in the confusing symbols.
Not only the knowledge of other academic subjects is useful, but also the way of thinking. Some disciplines, such as math, prefer logical and theoretic thinking, while some others prefer intuitive and practical thinking. There is a story about a student majoring in math and a student majoring in physics. Both of them are given the same equation, and they spend days on it. Finally, the student majoring in physics cheers and cries "I find the solution", while the student majoring in math also cheers and cries "I demonstrate that the equation is soluble". Clearly, they have different ways of thinking when face the same problem. Sometimes the logical way works, while sometimes the intuitive way works. So, if one can learn both ways of thinking, he can view a question in a more efficient perspective.

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发表于 2012-3-28 16:19:52 |只看该作者
The professor talks about salvage logging, which means removing dead trees from damaged areas. She refutes the reading passage and contends that salvage logging can do harm to the forest in the long term, and the benefit is questionable.
First, it's unnecessary to remove dead trees in order to make room for new trees. In the process of decomposition, the nutrient in the dead trees is transferred to the soil. Thus the natural decomposition of trees can make the soil in the forest richer and more suitable for the growth of new trees. While dead trees are removed from forests, the nutrient in them is also removed. This is directly different from what the reading passage says.
Second, the insects increase is not harmful for the healthy trees. The reading passage states that the increased number of spruce bark beetles can endanger healthy trees. However, the lecture points out that spruce bark beetles have been lived in both healthy trees and decaying wood for hundreds of years, and trees haven't became unhealthy because of them. Moreover, decaying wood is a suitable habitat not only for spruce bark beetle, but also for other kinds of insects and birds, which can benefit the forests.
Third, the economic benefits are smaller than the reading passage implies. The benefits from decaying woods are short term. Additionally, the equipments used to remove woods can be expensive. When it comes to the additional jobs, they are just temporary. What's more, residents from other areas can get these jobs instead of local residents.

独立写作“People benefit more from traveling in their own country than from traveling to foreign countries.”
With modern technology making transportation more and more convenient, traveling is becoming more and more popular. When asked about whether they prefer to travel in their own country or travel abroad, different people have different opinions. But in my opinion, travelling abroad can benefit people more.
To start with, what is the purpose of traveling? Why do we travel? Why we go to Tibet with our body exhausted and head aching, instead of watching TV in our cozy home? The reason is to look for something different from our daily life, different from what we see every day. Actually, this is the same reason for every adventure in history, including finding Pacific Ocean and arriving the South Polar. By traveling, one can board his horizon, and see the world from a different perspective. This is the purpose of traveling, and the way traveling benefit people.
So, it's obvious that traveling abroad can benefit people with more knowledge of the others. Both the landscape and culture in different countries are usually more different than those in the same country. It is such difference makes traveling abroad attractive and beneficial. Someone living in a small island on the Pacific Ocean can be shocked by the Alps Mountain; Florida can leave an deep impression on someone from an inland country. A Chinese can be surprised when a son called his father's name in America; an Englishman can find it interesting how the people in Syria dress. All of them find themselves in a new world. By traveling abroad, they know more about the earth and human beings.
By traveling abroad, people know themselves better as well. By comparing two kinds of culture, people know more about each other. My teacher in math once said, only after he went to America did he come to understand how much do Chinese emphasize on the connection and communication between people, especially family members. I think this is a common phenomenon. One can only understand his own culture when he understands another one. Thus, to understand ourselves better is another reason for traveling abroad.

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发表于 2012-3-28 16:46:40 |只看该作者
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发表于 2012-3-28 19:11:22 |只看该作者

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