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[i习作temp] issue127 写的越多,感觉就越好!欢迎大家排砖! [复制链接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2005-7-28 16:38:02 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

127"Facts are stubborn things. They cannot be altered by our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions."
I totally agree with the speaker that facts are stubborn things. Facts exist as their own objectively but not because of we human beings' any attitudes or views on them. That is to say, our inclination, wishes or the dictates of our passions could not have any influence on the existing facts.

First of all, numerous big events had happened through the thousands of years' social development as time gone by. Since the time could not be reversed, we descendents could only taste these stories according to the corresponding records. While the history itself is objective, the records were the products of people's minds or observations which are subjective in essence. Nevertheless, the true history will be showed step by step along with the improvement of examination methods. For example, the Egypt ancient King Tut died at 16 while he had led a healthy and happy life before the death. Many inherited records in Egypt asserted that he was assassinated by the usurpers. However, the recent thorough CT examination of his excavated mummy found no evidence that he was murdered by others. In this way, history facts are unchangeable.

In modern times, as long the society is democratic, there is little way for any efforts trying to distort the facts since supervise of the verity of facts is much deep. This is especially true in the media industry. The news reporters in democratic societies try their best to expose the truth of events occurring recently so as to be outstanding and attract more readers which in turn accelerate the insurance of the truthfulness of facts. For example, the specific coverage of situation in Iraq including the suffering of ordinary citizens was showed to the world lively. True facts were exactly recorded. From this point of view, the facts could not be altered by people's inclination such as the government's wishes to hide these facts in order to get more civic supports.

On the other hand, the exchangeability of facts is even more evident in the modern scientific research since today's basic science research method is to develop theory to match the observed facts as much as possible. That is to say, facts or proved data are the only believable source of science. For example, firstly, most scientists agree that the electron,proton,neutron are the basic parts of all substances in the world. However, later more advanced and sophisticated experiment by professor Yang from China demonstrated that the basic parts mentioned above could be divided further into quark. Thus, we could only learn more about the facts through effective demonstration of facts but not our wishes.

Moreover, something could not be thought of at all with our temporary knowledge and or discovered by existing experiment methods but they indeed exist. I make this assertion because it is the fact that we human beings gradually learn more about the nature and ourselves by continuous discoveries of new facts which add to the maturation of our view about world. Therefore, it is sure that there must be some new facts that have not been recognized. The example above could also demonstrate this point.

To sum up, facts are like the real scenes outside our house. We could only observe them through the window but could not change them. Whether we could record them objectively is decided by ourselves.

[ Last edited by staralways on 2005-7-29 at 00:15 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-7-28 17:45:13 |只看该作者
I totally agree with the speaker that facts are stubborn things. Facts exist as their own objectively(objectivity) but not because of we human beings' any attitudes or views on them. That is to say, our inclination, wishes or the dictates of our passions could not have any influence on the existing facts.

First of all, numerous big events had happened through the thousands of years' social development as time gone by. Since the time could not be reversed, we descendents could only taste these stories according to the corresponding records. While the history itself is objective, the records were the products of people's minds or observations which are subjective in essence. Nevertheless, the true history will be showed step by step along with the improvement of examination methods. For example, the Egypt ancient King Tut died at 16 while he had led a healthy and happy life before the death. Many inherited records in Egypt asserted that he was assassinated by the usurpers. However, the recent thorough CT examination of his excavated mummy found no evidence that he was murdered by others.个人感觉这个例子象是在说科技的原因才使事实重现,侧重点似乎偏了! In this way, history facts are unchangeable.

In modern times, as long the society is democratic, there is little way for any efforts trying to distort the facts since supervise of the verity of facts is much deep. This is especially true in the media industry. The news reporters in democratic societies try their best to expose the truth of events occurring recently so as to be outstanding and attract more readers which in turn accelerate the insurance of the truthfulness of facts. For example, the specific coverage of situation in Iraq including the suffering of ordinary citizens was showed to the world lively. True facts were exactly recorded. From this point of view, the facts could not be altered by people's inclination such as the government's wishes to hide these facts in order to get more civic supports.

On the other hand, the exchangeability of facts is even more evident in the modern scientific research since today's basic science research method is to develop theory to match the observed facts as much as possible.这句好长好绕口有点读不懂,能解释下吗?:( That is to say, facts or proved data are the only believable source of science. For example, firstly, most scientists agree that the electron,proton,neutron are the basic parts of all substances in the world. However, later more advanced and sophisticated experiment by professor Yang from China demonstrated that the basic parts mentioned above could be divided further into quark. Thus, we could only learn more about the facts through effective demonstration of facts but not our wishes.

Moreover, something could not be thought of觉得用dreamed up比较好 at all with our temporary knowledge and or discovered by existing experiment methods but they indeed exist. I make this assertion because it is the fact that we human beings gradually learn more about the nature and ourselves by continuous discoveries of new facts which add to the maturation of our view about world. Therefore, it is sure这好象是病句吧?.... sure的主语是人吧,我也记不太清楚了 that there must be some new facts that have not been recognized. The example above could also demonstrate this point.

To sum up, facts are like the real scenes outside our house. We could only observe them through the window but could not change them. Whether we could record them objectively is decided by ourselves.结尾赞!:p


使用道具 举报

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-7-28 17:52:10 |只看该作者
I totally agree with the speaker that facts are stubborn things. Facts exist as their own objectively but not because of we human beings' any attitudes or views on them. That is to say, our inclination, wishes or the dictates of our passions could not have any influence on the existing facts.看样子是全部支持了

First of all, numerous big events had happened through the thousands of years' social development as time gone by. Since the time could not be reversed, we descendents could only taste these stories according to the corresponding records. While the history itself is objective, the records were the products of people's minds or observations which are subjective in essence. Nevertheless, the true history will be showed step by step along with the improvement of examination methods. For example, the Egypt ancient King Tut died at 16 while he had led a healthy and happy life before the death. Many inherited records in Egypt asserted that he was assassinated by the usurpers. However, the recent thorough CT examination of his excavated mummy found no evidence that he was murdered by others. In this way, history facts are unchangeable.小弟斗胆把这一段前半部分重写一下,因为觉得前面的几句作为主体段的开头似乎扣题不是很紧
numerous event happend in past, either sensational or trivial, can not be altered by the inclination or desire of human, for they are stubborn fact shapened by past human behaviors. No matter what cognition we build from the existing document, the history can not pander to our discoveries, which is only a retrospect from the point of descendants

In modern times, as longas the society is democratic, there is little way是leeway吧,其实也不太好,确定了一下是个口语词,要不直接改被动语态算了little is allowed for... for any efforts trying to distort the facts since supervise of the verity of facts is much这个much是不是有点儿问题 deep. This is especially true in the media industry. The news reporters in democratic societies try their best to expose the truth of events occurring recently so as to be outstanding and attract more readers which in turn accelerate the insurance of the truthfulness of facts. 尽管我觉得媒体是愿意夸大或歪曲事实的,放在这即使逻辑上没有问题,也觉得有点儿别扭,但是下面的例子完全把这个情况扭转了:)For example, the specific coverage of situation in Iraq including the suffering of ordinary citizens was showed to the world lively. True facts were exactly recorded. From this point of view, the facts could not be altered by people's inclination such as the government's wishes to hide these facts in order to get more civic supports.

On the other hand, the exchangeability of facts is even more evident in the modern scientific research since today's basic science research method is to develop theory to match the observed facts as much as possible. That is to say, facts or proved data are the only believable source of science. For example, firstly, most scientists agree that the electron,proton,neutron are the basic parts particlesof all substances in the world. However, later more advanced and sophisticated experiment by professor Yang from China demonstrated that the basic parts mentioned above could be divided further into quark. Thus, we could only learn more about the facts through effective demonstration of facts but not our wishes.觉得有必要把从事实中出现理论和理论不能改变现实区分一下,可能如地球中心论之类的例子在这儿更合适

Moreover, something could not be thought ofconceived意思会好些 at all with our temporary knowledge and or discovered by existing experiment methods but they indeed exist. I make this assertion because it is the fact that we human beings gradually learn more about the nature and ourselves by continuous discoveries of new facts which add to the maturation of our view about world. Therefore, it is sure that there must be some new facts that have not been recognized. The example above could also demonstrate this point.感觉这一段也是对改变事实这个点的陈述力度不够,结合第一段那个全肯定个人觉得可能有破有立也不错:)

To sum up, facts are like the real scenes outside our house. We could only observe them through the window but could not change them. Whether we could record them objectively is decided by ourselves.
If you think English is easy, take GRE
If you think math is easy, take wavelet
If you think life is easy, take a girlfriend

使用道具 举报

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-7-28 17:56:04 |只看该作者
感觉B1 B2 的立意真的很好,值得学习啊,但后两个Body感觉角度需要调整一下,小弟也是菜鸟,如有不当,还请见谅
If you think English is easy, take GRE
If you think math is easy, take wavelet
If you think life is easy, take a girlfriend

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2005-7-28 19:30:29 |只看该作者
I totally agree with the speaker that facts are stubborn things. Facts exist as their own objectively(objectivity) but not because of we human beings' any attitudes or views on them. That is to say, our inclination, wishes or the dictates of our passions could not have any influence on the existing facts.

First of all, numerous big events had happened through the thousands of years' social development as time gone by. Since the time could not be reversed, we descendents could only taste these stories according to the corresponding records. While the history itself is objective, the records were the products of people's minds or observations which are subjective in essence. Nevertheless, the true history will be showed step by step along with the improvement of examination methods. For example, the Egypt ancient King Tut died at 16 while he had led a healthy and happy life before the death. Many inherited records in Egypt asserted that he was assassinated by the usurpers. However, the recent thorough CT examination of his excavated mummy found no evidence that he was murdered by others.个人感觉这个例子象是在说科技的原因才使事实重现,侧重点似乎偏了! (将上面的红字部分独立成句,或许好些!)In this way, history facts are unchangeable.

In modern times, as long the society is democratic, there is little way for any efforts trying to distort the facts since supervise of the verity of facts is much deep. This is especially true in the media industry. The news reporters in democratic societies try their best to expose the truth of events occurring recently so as to be outstanding and attract more readers which in turn accelerate the insurance of the truthfulness of facts. For example, the specific coverage of situation in Iraq including the suffering of ordinary citizens was showed to the world lively. True facts were exactly recorded. From this point of view, the facts could not be altered by people's inclination such as the government's wishes to hide these facts in order to get more civic supports.

On the other hand, the exchangeability(sorry,是unchangeability) of facts is even more evident in the modern scientific research since today's basic science research method is to develop theory to match the observed facts as much as possible.这句好长好绕口有点读不懂,能解释下吗? That is to say, facts or proved data are the only believable source of science. For example, firstly, most scientists agree that the electron,proton,neutron are the basic parts of all substances in the world. However, later more advanced and sophisticated experiment by professor Yang from China demonstrated that the basic parts mentioned above could be divided further into quark. Thus, we could only learn more about the facts through effective demonstration of facts but not our wishes.

Moreover, something could not be thought of觉得用dreamed up比较好(3x.又多学了一个!) at all with our temporary knowledge and or discovered by existing experiment methods but they indeed exist. I make this assertion because it is the fact that we human beings gradually learn more about the nature and ourselves by continuous discoveries of new facts which add to the maturation of our view about world. Therefore, it is sure这好象是病句吧?.... sure的主语是人吧,我也记不太清楚了(it is certain ) that there must be some new facts that have not been recognized. The example above could also demonstrate this point.

To sum up, facts are like the real scenes outside our house. We could only observe them through the window but could not change them. Whether we could record them objectively is decided by ourselves.结尾赞!




[ Last edited by hustzwj on 2005-7-28 at 19:46 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2005-7-28 19:45:01 |只看该作者
I totally agree with the speaker that facts are stubborn things. Facts exist as their own objectively but not because of we human beings' any attitudes or views on them. That is to say, our inclination, wishes or the dictates of our passions could not have any influence on the existing facts.看样子是全部支持了

First of all, numerous big events had happened through the thousands of years' social development as time gone by. Since the time could not be reversed, we descendents could only taste these stories according to the corresponding records. While the history itself is objective, the records were the products of people's minds or observations which are subjective in essence. Nevertheless, the true history will be showed step by step along with the improvement of examination methods. For example, the Egypt ancient King Tut died at 16 while he had led a healthy and happy life before the death. Many inherited records in Egypt asserted that he was assassinated by the usurpers. However, the recent thorough CT examination of his excavated mummy found no evidence that he was murdered by others. In this way, history facts are unchangeable.小弟斗胆把这一段前半部分重写一下,因为觉得前面的几句作为主体段的开头似乎扣题不是很紧
numerous event happend in past, either sensational or trivial, can not be altered by the inclination or desire of human, for they are stubborn fact shapened by past human behaviors. No matter what cognition we build from the existing document, the history can not pander to our discoveries, which is only a retrospect from the point of descendants(语言功底好强!那偶就收下了!:lol)

In modern times, as longas the society is democratic, there is little way是leeway吧,其实也不太好,确定了一下是个口语词,要不直接改被动语态算了(there is little possibility for )little is allowed for... for any efforts trying to distort the facts since supervise of the verity of facts is much这个much是不是有点儿问题 deep. This is especially true in the media industry. The news reporters in democratic societies try their best to expose the truth of events occurring recently so as to be outstanding and attract more readers which in turn accelerate the insurance of the truthfulness of facts. 尽管我觉得媒体是愿意夸大或歪曲事实的,放在这即使逻辑上没有问题,也觉得有点儿别扭,但是下面的例子完全把这个情况扭转了For example, the specific coverage of situation in Iraq including the suffering of ordinary citizens was showed to the world lively. True facts were exactly recorded. From this point of view, the facts could not be altered by people's inclination such as the government's wishes to hide these facts in order to get more civic supports.

On the other hand, the exchangeability of facts is even more evident in the modern scientific research since today's basic science research method is to develop theory to match the observed facts as much as possible. That is to say, facts or proved data are the only believable source of science. For example, firstly, most scientists agree that the electron,proton,neutron are the basic parts particlesof all substances in the world.In their mind, that is the facts of micro-world's structure. However, later more advanced and sophisticated experiment by professor Yang from China demonstrated that the basic parts mentioned above could be divided further into quark. Thus, we could only learn more about the facts through effective demonstration of facts but not our wishes.觉得有必要把从事实中出现理论和理论不能改变现实区分一下,可能如地球中心论之类的例子在这儿更合适(或许我应该把这个例子更合理的引导我的观点上来。)(当时也想到了,但觉得有点用的太多了,想换一个。不过那个rotated的例子的确很合适!)

Moreover, something could not be thought ofconceived意思会好些 at all with our temporary knowledge and or discovered by existing experiment methods but they indeed exist. I make this assertion because it is the fact that we human beings gradually learn more about the nature and ourselves by continuous discoveries of new facts which add to the maturation of our view about world. Therefore, it is sure that there must be some new facts that have not been recognized. The example above could also demonstrate this point.感觉这一段也是对改变事实这个点的陈述力度不够,结合第一段那个全肯定个人觉得可能有破有立也不错

To sum up, facts are like the real scenes outside our house. We could only observe them through the window but could not change them. Whether we could record them objectively is decided by ourselves


使用道具 举报

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-7-28 23:10:25 |只看该作者
If you think English is easy, take GRE
If you think math is easy, take wavelet
If you think life is easy, take a girlfriend

使用道具 举报

RE: issue127 写的越多,感觉就越好!欢迎大家排砖! [修改]
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issue127 写的越多,感觉就越好!欢迎大家排砖!
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