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[i习作temp] issue7 劲爆超高频. 有砖必有回 [复制链接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2005-7-25 11:00:04 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
题目:The video camera provides such an accurate and conincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important fomr of documentation than written records.
The speaker asserts that video camera has become a more important form of documentation than written records, because it provides accurate and convincing record of contemporary life. Although the record video provides is accurate, this does not mean that it can totally replace written records.

It might seem tempting to agree with the speaker, on the basis that video records are vivid and accurate. As the production of modern technology, video camera can accurately take down live images at real time. When displaying a video record, the audience would even gain the illusion that they are watching the historical events live. People have made video camera a new form of eye, loyally observing and recording the past. In addition, video records could be used to record fleeting events, which could not even catch the attention of human eyes, and display them slower. Without video camera, man would not be able to see and study such events. Moreover, the technology has developed to the stage that video cameras can work properly at night, when human eyes are unable to see anything. In addition, while written records may make language barriers for readers, video records would not. Therefore, video records have become an important form of documentation.

However, the foci would be too narrow if we over-emphasize on the advantages of video camera, while ignoring the flaws of it. In order to record the historical events, the photographer has to be right in the scene where such events are happening. Nevertheless, common sense tells us that this is very difficult because no one could predict the future. A terrorist would not phone a reporter, before he explodes the bombs. A plane would not wait till a photographer is ready, before it crashes. A hurricane would not inform human, before it takes thousands of lives away. How would a photographer know something important would occur at a certain place, so as to record it? Admittedly, some might argue that scheduled events, such as international meeting could enable photographers to know in advance. Yet such events are limited, which decrease the value of video cameras in documentation.

Moreover, even if any events could be recorded by camera, this would not render written documents useless. Although videos are displaying the past loyally and accurately, it only reports things on the surface. How would a video render the ideas and values hidden deeply in the heart? Could video display the thoughts and feelings of people in the past? This is almost impossible. In contrast, written documents could record the hidden ideas and values of a society, and also the comments of the author explaining those events which would help understand historical laws, while video cannot. From this point of view, written documents are even superior to video records.

In the final analysis, the speaker's statement is partly true. Video camera, as the baby of latest technology advancements, is of great value in historical documentation. However, it has certain limitations, so written records could not be neglected. A combination of the two could be best for recording historical events.
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2005-7-25 12:10:58 |只看该作者
题目:The video camera provides such an accurate and conincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important fomr of documentation than written records.
The speaker asserts that video camera has become a more important form of documentation than written records, because it provides accurate and convincing record of contemporary life. Although the record video provides is accurate, this does not mean that it can totally replace written records. (曾经在一个论坛上看到, ETS hate这样的重述题目的开头)
It might seem tempting to agree with the speaker, on the basis that video records are vivid and accurate. As the production of modern technology, video camera can accurately take down live images at real time. When displaying a video record(是不是该改一下,好像不通), the audience would even gain the illusion that they are watching the historical events live. People have made video camera a new form of eye, loyally observing and recording the past. In addition, video records(改成camera吧) could be used to record fleeting events, which could not even catch the attention of human eyes, and display them slower. Without video camera, man would not be able to see and study such events. Moreover, the technology has developed to the stage that video cameras can work properly at night, when human eyes are unable to see anything. In addition, while written records may make language barriers for readers, video records would not. Therefore, video records have become an important form of documentation. (Topic sentence 不能概括你所说的优点, 应该再补充一下吧)
However, the foci would be too narrow if we over-emphasize on the advantages of video camera, while ignoring the flaws of it. In order to record the historical events, the photographer has to be right in the scene where such events are happening. Nevertheless, common sense tells us that this is very difficult because no one could predict the future. A terrorist would not phone a reporter, before he explodes the bombs. A plane would not wait till a photographer is ready, before it crashes. A hurricane would not inform human, before it takes thousands of lives away. How would a photographer know something important would occur at a certain place, so as to record it? Admittedly, some might argue that scheduled events, such as international meeting could enable photographers to know in advance. Yet such events are limited, which decrease the value of video cameras in documentation.

Moreover, even if any events could be recorded by camera, this would not render written documents useless. Although videos are displaying the past loyally and accurately, it only reports things on the surface. How would a video render the ideas and values hidden deeply in the heart? Could video display the thoughts and feelings of people in the past? This is almost impossible. In contrast, written documents could record the hidden ideas and values of a society, and also the comments of the author explaining those events which would help understand historical laws, while video cannot. From this point of view, written documents are even superior to video records.

In the final analysis, the speaker's statement is partly true. Video camera, as the baby of latest technology advancements, is of great value in historical documentation. However, it has certain limitations, so written records could not be neglected. A combination of the two could be best for recording historical events.

论证得很深刻, 如果每段能有更具概括性的Topic sentence就更好了.
另外再加一个video camera的优点吧: objective :vomit:

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2005-7-25 15:03:50 |只看该作者
The speaker asserts that video cameras are superior to written documentations, due to its accurate and convincing records. In my view, although the record video provides is accurate, this does not mean that it can totally replace written records.
B1开头不动,结尾总结句:Given the above advantages video has, it has become an important form of documentation. 不知道可否?
另外再加一个video camera的优点吧: objective :篇幅有限。本来是想加,可是想到录像的人还可能看到不利于他的地方就不录呢!所以还是主观的。说服力不强。所以没加。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-7-29 23:22:28 |只看该作者
[题目:The video camera provides such an accurate and conincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records.
The speaker asserts that video camera has become a more important form of documentation than written records, because it provides accurate and convincing record of contemporary life. Although(主从,加个that或者what吧) the record video provides is accurate, this does not mean that it can totally replace written records.

It might seem tempting to agree with the speaker, on the basis that video records are vivid and accurate. As the production of modern technology, video camera can accurately take down live images at real time. When displaying a video record, the audience would even gain the illusion that they are watching the historical events
live(看不明白解释一下吧live-alive?). People have made video camera a new form of eye, loyally observing and recording the past. In addition, video records could be used to record fleeting events, which could not even catch(be catched by) the attention of human eyes, and display them slower. Without video camera, man would not be able to see and study such events. Moreover, the technology has developed to the stage that video cameras can work properly at night, when human eyes are unable to see anything. In addition, while written records may make language barriers for readers, video records would not. Therefore, video records have become an important form of documentation.

However, the foci would be too narrow if we over-emphasize on the advantages of video camera, while ignoring the flaws of it. In order to record the historical events, the photographer has to be right in the scene where such events are happening. Nevertheless, common sense tells us that this is very difficult because no one could predict the future. A terrorist would not phone a reporter, before he explodes the bombs. A plane would not wait till a photographer is ready, before it crashes. A hurricane would not inform human, before it takes thousands of lives away. How would a photographer know something important would occur at a certain place, so as to record it? Admittedly, some might argue that scheduled events, such as international meeting could enable photographers to know in advance. Yet such events are limited, which decrease the value of video cameras in documentation.(我觉得如果这一段可以上来直接写,然而video camera并不能记录每一个精彩瞬间,然后列上你的排比会很漂亮)

Moreover, even if any events could be recorded by camera, this would not render written documents useless. Although videos are displaying the past loyally and accurately, it only reports things on the surface. How would a video render the ideas and values hidden deeply in the heart? Could video display the thoughts and feelings of people in the past? This is almost impossible. In contrast, written documents could record the hidden ideas and values of a society, and also the comments of the author explaining those events which would help understand historical laws, while video cannot.(比较的有些重复) From this point of view, written documents are even superior to video records.

In the final analysis, the speaker's statement is partly true. Video camera, as the baby of latest technology advancements, is of great value in historical documentation. However, it has certain limitations, so written records could not be neglected. A combination of the two could be best for recording historical events.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2005-7-29 23:44:24 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

RE: issue7 劲爆超高频. 有砖必有回 [修改]
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issue7 劲爆超高频. 有砖必有回


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