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[i习作temp] issue104 第一篇,写了3个小时 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-8-5 13:34:06 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
104.”Instant foods, instant communication, faster transportation-all of these rescent developments are desighed to save time. Ironically, though, instead of making more leisure time available, these developments have contributed to a pace of human affairs that is more rushed and more frantic than ever before.”
Modern society brings a lot of changes to people’s life. Admittedly, high technological products applied to every aspects of human life liberate human from tackling simple and repeated work such as washing machine and cleaner. But speculating about our life nowadays, we will be found in a confused situation full of wonder why there is still so little time left for us to do whatever we want.

First, is the high technological products fundamentally liberate us from working? The answer surely is not. For one thing, any product is produced by human and each new invention is not an easy thing to invent, which consists great efforts of people. For instance, Bill Gates spent quite a few years to develop Microsoft and at the first stage of the career, he was so busy not only compelling programs but also operating company that he has not enough time to spend with his family. He once said he felt sorry about that when interviewed by a newspaper. For another thing, more products means more choices. Consumers always spend a lot of time collecting information about the different company’s products when they plan to buy a high technology product. Take my family for example, once we needed a new television, my father spent one month to compare different kinds of TV to buy one.

Second, technology, such as instant communication, strengthens the connection of people and provides a way making people under control of other people. When one is watched by someone, he or she would tend to be rushed to finish his or her work. What’s more, with the development of telecommunication, people extend their work place to home. For example, many people will be given a notebook computer when they are employed by a company, especially big company. This computer is used to help them finish their work that has not finished in company. And with mobile phone, employer can easily find employee even in their spare time. So, more and more people lose their own time for relaxing and enjoying family happiness.

The increasing pace of life lead to many disadvantages to people. Eating fast food is a bad eating habit. There is a lot of fat in fried chips, fried chicken, hamburger, hot dog, and hot chocolate. People who always eat it would suffer high blood pressure, high cholestrein and diabetes. Many children like eating fast food, which is especially bad for their growth. The flesh of fried chicken has growth hormone in it , which will stimulate children develop untimely. On the other hand, eating fast food does not liberate from working. In fact, eating lunch together with friends or family can relax people ,to the contrary, eating fast food hurried people to work. Some people even have to eat their lunch at the office desk due to untold work to finish. Not because fast food can make leisure time available, people choose to eat it, but because the leisure time is so little even a lunch is not available.

However, every coin has its two sides. When we appreciate that technology brings us great pleasure, numerous information, fresh experiences, we should also think about how our life is changing with it. Is it the effect we want?  The initial purpose and the final effect may not coincident with each other. When they have conflict, what we should do? In my opinion, we should adapt to the pace of life, anyway, we can’t change it individually.

[ Last edited by staralways on 2005-8-6 at 10:36 ]

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Rank: 5Rank: 5


Golden Apple

发表于 2005-8-5 15:56:31 |只看该作者
Mencius said,"When heaven is about to confer a great office on any man,it first exercises his mind with suffering, and his sinews and bones with toil.It exposes his body to hunger………….By all these methods, it stimulates his mind, consolidates his character, and increases his efficiency".

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-5 22:13:06 |只看该作者
104.”Instant foods, instant communication, faster transportation-all of these rescent developments are desighed to save time. Ironically, though, instead of making more leisure time available, these developments have contributed to a pace of human affairs that is more rushed and more frantic than ever before.”
Modern society brings a lot of changes to people’s life. Admittedly, high technological products applied to every aspects of human life liberate human from tackling simple and repeated work such as washing machine and cleaner. But speculating about our life nowadays, we will be found in a confused situation full of wonder why there is still so little time left for us to do whatever we want.(没有观点,就是在陈述一个事实,并提了一个问题,老外不喜欢这样的开头的,最好在开头就要提出自己的观点,赞同什么,反对什么)

First, is the high technological products fundamentally liberate us from working? The answer surely is not. For one thing, any product is produced by human and each new invention is not an easy thing to invent, which consists great efforts of people. For instance, Bill Gates spent quite a few years to develop Microsoft and at the first stage of the career, he was so busy not only compelling programs but also operating company that he has not enough time to spend with his family. He once said he felt sorry about that when interviewed by a newspaper. For another thing, more products means more choices. Consumers always spend a lot of time collecting information about the different company’s products when they plan to buy a high technology product. Take my family for example, once we needed a new television, my father spent one month to compare different kinds of TV to buy one.这一段好像离题了,首先比尔盖茨纳个例子不好,不是说发明的时候费不费事,而是说产品是否给人们带来更多的时间。第二个例子勉强也不是很好。

Second, technology, such as instant communication, strengthens the connection of people and provides a way making people under control of other people(怎么会呢?被人控制,有一点哈,不过觉得观点不是很好). When one is watched by someone, he or she would tend to be rushed to finish his or her work. What’s more, with the development of telecommunication, people extend their work place to home. For example, many people will be given a notebook computer when they are employed by a company, especially big company. This computer is used to help them finish their work that has not finished in company. And with mobile phone, employer can easily find employee even in their spare time. So, more and more people lose their own time for relaxing and enjoying family happiness.

The increasing pace of life lead to many disadvantages to people. Eating fast food is a bad eating habit. There is a lot of fat in fried chips, fried chicken, hamburger, hot dog, and hot chocolate. People who always eat it would suffer high blood pressure, high cholestrein and diabetes. Many children like eating fast food, which is especially bad for their growth. The flesh of fried chicken has growth hormone in it , which will stimulate children develop untimely.(前面在说既是食品的坏处,可是和主题有什么关系呢?解放了人们还是使人们的工作更繁重) On the other hand, eating fast food does not liberate from working. In fact, eating lunch together with friends or family can relax people ,to the contrary, eating fast food hurried people to work. Some people even have to eat their lunch at the office desk due to untold work to finish. Not because fast food can make leisure time available, people choose to eat it, but because the leisure time is so little even a lunch is not available.

However, every coin has its two sides. When we appreciate that technology brings us great pleasure, numerous information, fresh experiences, we should also think about how our life is changing with it. Is it the effect we want?  The initial purpose and the final effect may not coincident with each other. When they have conflict, what we should do? In my opinion, we should adapt to the pace of life, anyway, we can’t change it individually.


We are sad today, and we will be sad for quite a while. We are not moving on. We are embracing our mourning. We are Virginia Tech ...

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