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[i习作temp] issue47 rabbitvv 5*4小组 欢迎2月底的朋友来拍 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2006-1-23 17:51:24 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
47"Society does not place enough emphasis on the intellect—that is, on reasoning and other cognitive skills."
2. 如果忽视理性而强调情感的负面影响

The speaker stresses the importance of intellect. Although I fundamentally agree with him, it seems that he overlooks the functions of emotion, which is equally essential for the social welfare. In my opinion, intellect and emotion are both highly required in establishing a health and well balanced society.

Admittedly, intellect, including skills of reasoning and other cognition is vital for us to discover mystery and unknown, find truth, and promote social progress. With a mind armed by reasoning and cognition, people can find relations between seemingly discrete phenomena, dig out fundamental principles and ultimately establish theories and models. Halley’s comet is mainly a fruit of intellect. Totally through arduous data analysis and calculation, Halley found the similarities of the periods of some records, thereby induced that these records actually refer to a unique comet. Even in arts subjects, intellect is also a basic and crucial factor responsible for many achievements. Historic research values factors, philosophy emphasizes logicality, and composers also have to follow certain rules of rhythm.   

On the contrary, undo emphasizing emotions while neglecting intellect may cause negative consequences for any society. History is laden with examples of tragedies brought by purely emotions. The fantastic disciples holding disparate religious believes enkindled sustained wars in the Middle East, just because they can not endure different believes and opinions. In this circumstances, intolerance overwhelmed justice and reason. In America, the distrust and enmity between African Americans and the whites cause the enduring social symptom—racial discriminations, which usually results in a great deal violence and endangers America’s safety.

At the same time, we should also realize the merits of emotion, which is surely a critical and indispensable factor for our individual achievements as well as social welfare. In most circumstances, emotion is the origin of people’s ceaseless impetus and inspirations. If fact, nearly every goal people set needs certain motivations involving enterprise, patriotism, or love. The invention of plane can attribute to humans' desire to fly freely like birds. Beethoven's "To Alice" was mainly inspired by fervid love toward a beautiful girl. Great frescos in the church primarily derive from artists’ esteem and glorification to the God.

Of course, we vivid human beings are not cold logical machines; undue suppression of moderate desires and emotions can result in huge waste of people’s imaginations and creativities, or may even dampen people’s ardors and ambitions to make great achievements. For instance, in the realm of education, over emphasizing intellect above other courses such as painting, singing or ethnics would impair student's all-around development. Cultivated in an exam-oriented environment rather than in a quality-oriented one, students would lack creativities and grow to be mediocrities without glorious contributions to the society

In conclusion, besides intellect, it is equally essential for us to place emphasis on cultivating the emotion. Only with the combination of both of them, can our society foster well-rounded and healthy people not only in their mind but also in their heart.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2006-1-23 21:18:54 |只看该作者
The speaker stresses the importance of intellect. Although I fundamentally agree with him, it seems that he overlooks the functions of emotion, which is equally essential for the social welfare. In my opinion, intellect and emotion are both highly required in establishing a health and well balanced society.

Admittedly, intellect, including skills of reasoning and other cognition is vital for us to discover mystery and unknown, find truth, and promote social progress. With a mind armed by reasoning and cognition, people can find relations between seemingly discrete phenomena, dig out fundamental principles and ultimately establish theories and models.(用在三个之间?) Halley’s comet is mainly a fruit of intellect. Totally through arduous data analysis and calculation, Halley found the similarities of the periods of some records, thereby induced that these records actually refer to a unique comet. Even in arts subjects, intellect is also a basic and crucial factor responsible for many achievements. Historic research values factors, philosophy emphasizes logicality, and composers also have to follow certain rules of rhythm.   (这句话的结构看不懂啊)

On the contrary, undo emphasizing emotions while neglecting intellect may cause negative consequences for any society. History is laden with examples of tragedies brought by purely emotions. The fantastic disciples holding disparate religious believes enkindled sustained wars in the Middle East, just because they can not endure different believes and opinions. In(under) this circumstances ,intolerance overwhelmed justice and reason. In America, the distrust and enmity between African Americans and the whites cause the enduring social symptom—racial discriminations, which usually results in a great deal violence and endangers America’s safety(没见过这种说法).

At the same time, we should also realize the merits of emotion, which is surely a critical and indispensable factor for our individual achievements as well as social welfare. In most circumstances, emotion is the origin of people’s ceaseless impetus and inspirations. If fact, nearly every goal people set needs certain motivations involving enterprise, patriotism, or love. The invention of plane can attribute to humans' desire to fly freely like birds. Beethoven's "To Alice" was mainly inspired by fervid love toward a beautiful girl. Great frescos in the church primarily derive from artists’ esteem and glorification to the God.

Of course, we vivid human beings are not cold logical machines; undue suppression of moderate desires and emotions can result in huge waste of people’s imaginations and creativities, or may even dampen people’s ardors and ambitions to make great achievements. For instance, in the realm of education, over emphasizing intellect above other courses such as painting, singing or ethnics would impair student's all-around development. Cultivated in an exam-oriented environment rather than in a quality-oriented one, students would lack creativities and grow to be mediocrities without glorious contributions to the society

In conclusion, besides intellect, it is equally essential for us to place emphasis on cultivating the emotion. Only with the combination of both of them, can our society foster well-rounded and healthy people not only in their mind but also in their heart. (可以这样说吗)


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2006-1-24 02:08:50 |只看该作者
issue47 rabbitvv 5*4小组 欢迎2月底的朋友来拍

47"Society does not place enough emphasis on the intellect—that is, on reasoning and other cognitive skills."
2. 如果忽视理性而强调情感的负面影响

The speaker stresses the importance of intellect. Although I fundamentally agree with him, it seems that he overlooks the functions of emotion(s), which is equally essential for the social welfare. In my opinion, intellect and emotion(s) are both highly required in establishing a health(healthy) and well balanced society.

Admittedly, intellect, including skills of reasoning and (other去掉)other cognition(are) is vital for us to discover mystery(ies) and(the) unknown, find truth, and promote social progress. With a mind armed by reasoning and cognition, people can find relations between seemingly discrete phenomena, dig out fundamental principles and ultimately establish theories and models. Halley ’s Comet is mainly a fruit of intellect. Totally through arduous data analysis and calculation, Halley found the similarities of the periods of some records, thereby induced that these records actually refer to a unique comet. Even in arts subjects, intellect is also a basic and crucial factor responsible for many achievements. Historic research values factors, philosophy emphasizes logicality, and composers also have to follow certain rules of rhythm.(这个句子不错)   

On the contrary, undo(undue) emphasizing emotions while neglecting intellect may cause negative consequences for any society. History is laden with examples of tragedies brought by purely emotions. The fantastic disciples holding disparate religious believes enkindled sustained wars in the Middle East, just because they can not endure different believes and opinions. In this circumstances, intolerance
(加个and emotions 结构对称一些)overwhelmed (liberalism,不宽容对开明,感情对理智)justice and reason. In America, the distrust and enmity between African Americans and the whites cause the enduring social symptom—racial discriminations, which usually results in a great deal violence and endangers America’s safety.

At the same time, we should also realize the merits of emotion, which is surely a critical and indispensable factor for our individual achievements as well as social welfare. In most circumstances, emotion is the origin of people’s ceaseless impetus and inspirations. If fact, nearly every goal people set needs certain motivations involving enterprise, patriotism, or love. The invention of plane can attribute to humans' desire to fly freely like birds. Beethoven's "To Alice" was mainly inspired by fervid love toward a beautiful girl. Great frescos in the church primarily derive(derive primarily) from artists’ esteem and glorification to the God.

Of course, we vivid human beings are not cold logical (thinking)machines; undue suppression of moderate desires and emotions can result in huge waste of people’s imaginations and creativities, or may even dampen people’s ardors and ambitions to make great achievements. For instance, in the realm of education, over emphasizing intellect above other courses such as painting, singing or ethnics would impair student's all-around development. Cultivated in an exam-oriented environment rather than in a quality-oriented one, students would lack creativities and grow to be mediocrities without glorious contributions to the society

In conclusion, besides intellect, it is equally essential for us to place emphasis on cultivating the emotion. Only with the combination of both of them, can our society foster well-rounded and healthy people not only in their mind but also in their heart.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2006-1-24 10:21:51 |只看该作者
The speaker stresses the importance of intellect. Although I fundamentally agree with him, it seems that he overlooks the functions of emotion, which is equally essential for the social welfare. In my opinion, intellect and emotion are both highly required in establishing a health and well balanced society.

Admittedly, intellect, including skills of reasoning and other cognition is vital for us to discover mystery and unknown, find truth, and promote social progress. With a mind armed by reasoning and cognition, people can find relations between seemingly discrete phenomena, dig out fundamental principles and ultimately establish(established) theories and models. Halley’s comet is mainly a fruit of intellect. Totally through arduous data analysis and calculation, Halley found the similarities of the periods of some records, thereby induced that these records actually refer to a unique comet. Even in arts subjects, intellect is also a basic and crucial factor responsible for many achievements. Historic research values factors, philosophy emphasizes logicality, and composers also have to follow certain rules of rhythm. (遵循韵律规则与intellect的关系是什么呢?)  

On the contrary, undo emphasizing emotions while neglecting intellect may cause negative consequences for any society. History is laden with examples of tragedies brought by purely emotions.(这句赞一个!) The fantastic disciples holding disparate religious believes enkindled sustained wars in the Middle East, just because they can not endure different believes and opinions. In this circumstances, intolerance overwhelmed justice and reason. In America, the distrust and enmity between African Americans and the whites cause the enduring social symptom—racial discriminations, which usually results in a great deal violence and endangers America’s safety.

At the same time, we should also realize the merits of emotion, which is surely a critical and indispensable factor for our individual achievements as well as social welfare. In most circumstances, emotion is the origin of people’s ceaseless impetus and inspirations. If fact, nearly every goal people set needs certain motivations involving enterprise, patriotism, or love. The invention of plane can attribute to humans' desire to fly freely like birds. Beethoven's "To Alice" was mainly inspired by fervid love toward a beautiful girl. Great frescos in the church primarily derive from artists’ esteem and glorification to the God. (这段主体句是说对个人和对社会,感觉后面只谈到了对个人的影响)

Of course, we vivid human beings are not cold logical machines; undue suppression of moderate desires and emotions can result in huge waste of people’s imaginations and creativities, or may even dampen people’s ardors and ambitions to make great achievements. For instance, in the realm of education, over emphasizing intellect above other courses such as painting, singing or ethnics would impair student's all-around development. Cultivated in an exam-oriented environment rather than in a quality-oriented one, students would lack creativities and grow to be mediocrities without glorious contributions to the society

In conclusion, besides intellect, it is equally essential for us to place emphasis on cultivating the emotion. Only with the combination of both of them, can our society foster well-rounded and healthy people not only in their mind but also in their heart.

[ 本帖最后由 linda_zheng 于 2006-1-24 10:23 编辑 ]
summer, summer, summer…

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