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[a习作temp] argument53 323小组作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2006-3-16 00:11:28 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ARGUMENT53 - Thirteen years ago, researchers studied a group of 25 infants who showed signs of mild distress when exposed to unfamiliar stimuli such as an unusual odor or a tape recording of an unknown voice. They discovered that these infants were more likely than other infants to have been conceived in early autumn, a time when their mothers' production of melatonin-a hormone known to affect some brain functions-would naturally increase in response to decreased daylight. In a follow-up study conducted earlier this year, more than half of these children-now teenagers-who had shown signs of distress identified themselves as shy. Clearly, increased levels of melatonin before birth cause shyness during infancy and this shyness continues into later life.

2 对于两个间隔的时间段的调查不能说明这种影响是联系的,即便能说明,这些孩子羞涩的原因可能有很多,比如环境的影响等等,不能说明它是由怀孕前母体的激素引起的

WORDS: 382          TIME: 0:30:00          DATE: 2006-03-12

The author concludes that increased levels of melatonin before birth cause shyness during infancy and this shyness continues into later life according to a earlier survey thirteen years ago and a follow-up study this year. Yet the author fails to define what is the shyness during infancy, whether it refers to signs of mild distress when exposed to unfamiliar stimuli among infants or it only refers to the signs of distress whenever. In order to explain the fact's causes, the author must first give us a clean phenomenon rather than two different facts.

To begin with, the author implies us that the infants who showed signs of mild distress to unfamiliar stimuli are those whose mothers' production of melatonin would increase in early autumn, when the infants are conceived, but does it necessarily mean that most of the infants tend to get shyness after birth if their mothers' melatonin level increases during the conceiving period? Without more details about the earlier study such as how many are the babies whose mothers have the condition mentioned above, we can not draw the further conclusion about the phenomenon's causes. Also the author fails to ensure the occurrence of mothers' melatonin increase thus makes the fact he wants to explain unreal.

On the other hand, the author assumes that the infants' shyness is due to the effect in their brain. But this need not be the case, it is entirely possible that this is only a natural response considering the infants have just come to a strange place, which is common even in the adults, we also feel distress to unfamiliar stimuli like talks from the strangers in a new place. Even admitting the effect in the brain leads to the shyness in infants, there is no evidence to justify that this effect must be brought out by the increasing level of melatonin.

In the final analysis, the author concludes that the shyness shown in the infants continues into their later life. First, he even cannot convince me that the two kinds of shyness own the same characters, which is of little significances to draw further conclusion. Second, assuming they are the same and they all are caused by the reason mentioned above,. Only by two separate periods known as the infants and the teenagers, any conclusion about the continuity cannot be made.

In sum, the author only depends on subtle relationship between the infant’s distress and increased level of melatonin to conclude the former is bound to lead to the latter, which loses any justified evidences. So the conclusion is unwarranted. Besides, the phenomenon depicted by the author among 25 infants may not be common since the total number of babies conceived in early autumn keeps unknown. If so, the study on this phenomenon is actually unnecessary.
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2006-3-17 02:30:21 |只看该作者
2 对于两个间隔的时间段的调查不能说明这种影响是联系的,即便能说明,这些孩子羞涩的原因可能有很多,比如环境的影响等等,不能说明它是由怀孕前母体的激素引起的

WORDS: 382          TIME: 0:30:00          DATE: 2006-03-12

The author concludes that increased levels of melatonin before birth cause shyness during infancy and this shyness continues into later life according to a earlier survey thirteen years ago and a follow-up study this year. Yet the author fails to define what is the shyness during infancy, whether it refers to signs of mild distress when exposed to unfamiliar stimuli among infants or it only refers to the signs of distress whenever. In order to explain the fact's causes, the author must first give us a clean phenomenon rather than two different facts.开头别具一格,赞!不过还是要注意时间啊

To begin with, the author implies us that the infants who showed signs of mild distress to unfamiliar stimuli are those whose mothers' production of melatonin would increase in early autumn, when the infants are conceived, but does it necessarily mean that most of the infants tend to get shyness after birth if their mothers' melatonin level increases during the conceiving period?好长啊 Without more details about the earlier study such as how many are the babies whose mothers have the condition mentioned above, we can not draw the further conclusion about the phenomenon's causes. Also the author fails to ensure the occurrence of mothers' melatonin increase thus makes the fact he wants to explain unreal.

On the other hand, the author assumes that the infants' shyness is due to the effect in their brain. But this need not be the case, it is entirely possible that this is only a natural response considering the infants have just come to a strange place, which is common even in the adults, we also feel distress to unfamiliar stimuli like talks from the strangers in a new place. Even admitting the effect in the brain leads to the shyness in infants, there is no evidence to justify that this effect must be brought out by the increasing level of melatonin.还可以说M这个东西到底是对妈妈还是孩子的脑子起作用什么的

In the final analysis, the author concludes that the shyness shown in the infants continues into their later life. First, he even cannot convince me that the two kinds of shyness own the same characters, which is of little significances to draw further conclusion. Second, assuming they are the same and they all are caused by the reason mentioned above,. Only by two separate periods known as the infants and the teenagers, any conclusion about the continuity cannot be made.

In sum, the author only depends on subtle relationship between the infant’s distress and increased level of melatonin to conclude the former is bound to lead to the latter, which loses any justified evidences. So the conclusion is unwarranted. Besides, the phenomenon depicted by the author among 25 infants may not be common since the total number of babies conceived in early autumn keeps unknown. If so, the study on this phenomenon is actually unnecessary.

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argument53 323小组作业


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