anyway,感谢寄托!!!感谢所有给于我帮助和鼓励的人,从没想到我这样的鸟人也有这样的结果,我背景弱得不得了,小本(本科烂校非重点,非211,非…… 前段时间还在吹嘘是中国100强的大学,搞笑死了),还是2本的生物工程(我们那个系都是高考和填报志愿的双重失败者,一直咽不下这口气)。GT一般,作文恶低:460+800+3。5 623+4 GPA overall 3.2 major 3.5。无牛人推荐。Research project 3个, 还未accepted的paper两篇,一篇中文的第一作者,英文的第二作者。感觉没发表的文章没太大的用处,不过PS 和CV里写了不少研究的经历和感受。 我是05年拿到学士学位的,空了一年申请,不过毕业了以后有半年一直在原导师手下干活,呵呵。估计很多现在还没拿到OFFER的人背景不太可能比我弱了,所以 hang on, buddy!!!!
OFFER @ Colorado state U, major chemical and biological engineering.
We are admitting you as a PhD candidate and awarding you a graduate assistantship commensurate with this academic standing. The award includes full payment of tuition plus a monthly PhD stipend of $1,400. Out of state tuition is currently $8,169.45 per semester. Consequently the total value of your award in the first year of your studies is at least $33,000.00. The assistantship will be renewable on July 1 of each year provided satisfactory progress toward degree requirements is maintained. Because of your interest in pursuing a PhD in our Department, you are to take the Preliminary Exam for entrance into that program at the end of your third semester of study. After passing this exam you will be formally accepted to the PhD program and your monthly stipend will be adjusted accordingly.
Prof. Ken Reardon has been assigned as your temporary graduate advisor. He will assist you in course selection once you arrive.
Formal admission to the graduate program at CSU is contingent upon meeting all of the eligibility requirements listed on the Graduate School Admissions web site. Please indicate your acceptance of our offer by signing the enclosed form and returning it to us as soon as possible.
Although I hope that I have been able to provide sufficient information for you to reach a positive decision about accepting our offer, if there are any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me by telephone or email. If you have any general questions about the graduate program, please contact our Graduate Advisor, Prof. Ranil Wickramasinghe