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[i习作temp] ISSUE48 大家帮评价下 还有哪里不足啊 [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-3-26 00:03:59 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE48 - "The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten."
WORDS: 589          TIME: 0:45:00          DATE: 2007-3-26
Did groups of forgotten people not the famous figures make the most significant events and trends in history, as the speaker asserts? It might be tempting to agree with the speaker on the basis that any significant event or trend more or less involved the ordinary people. Nevertheless, it seems to me that many most significant events are attributed to the famous figures' thinkings.
Admittedly, groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten play a vital role in history. As is known to all, any significant event or development of any society must have something to do with the public's contribution. Consider the Great Wall, known as the ancient Chinese fortification, built from the beginning of 14-th century to ending of 17-th century. Moreover, The Great Wall  were built and restored in several dynasties at different times in Chinese history. Therefore, it is impossible to anybody for constructing such great fortification only since it costs much more time than human beings' life. Another example is the Pyramids, which were built by ancient Egyptian as tombs to pharaohs and their queens. The Pyramids also were built between the Old Kingdom and the Middle Kingdom. Many history researches infrom that  such significant projects are due to groups of people's contribution. Under this circumstance, it is obvious that the public's contribution in history cannot be replaced by the famous figures.
On the other hand, there are also many significant historical events which are made by the famous figures. That the distiguished figures' thinkings and ideas are much more sightful than that of the public is indisputable. The history is replete with such examples. Evariste Galeos, the precocious mathematical genius, did many significant mathematical masterpieces. One of them is Group Theory, which opens the new branch of Mathematics and underpins much modern Mathematics. with many applications of modern Physics, in particularly in Nuclear Physics. An informed person can realize that such accomplishment could not made by the ordinary people since there were many people disagreeing with Galeos when he talked this theory. We can also consider why Martin Luther King winned Nobel Peace Prize, that is Martin Luther King's significant contribution to the blacks cannot be made by any group of people. Accordingly, these examples illustrate this point that the celebrities also are part-and-parcel in history.
In balance, the history is wrote by both the famous few and groups of people who might be forgotten. To some extent, when evaluating the history, we should take the public and the celebrities into consideration. Without any of them, it is likely that a man without left or right leg. The cordinate marriage with the public and the celebrities would correctly appraise the significant events and trends. For example, Microsoft company, the leader in services, software, solutions all the world, open the today's high-tech trend. The development of the distinguished company not only is due to Bill Gates leader group's meaningful sight, but also the Microsoft' 1,700employees, who come from 103 countries and regions. Without any of them, the Microsoft cannot hit such high level that any company has not imagined. Therefore, study the history should combine the public's contribution with the famous figures' advanced ideas and values.
In sum, the celebrites provide the meaningful sight to the historical events and trends while the public also plays irreplacable contribution to the history. Thus, only when we are aware of significant role of the famous figures, and when we realize the positive influence of the public, would we study history in a long and wide run.

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