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[a习作temp] argument38 『勇往直前小组』第十二次作业linshao [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-7-31 22:26:43 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
ARGUMENT38 - The following memo appeared in the newsletter of the West Meria Public Health Council.
"An innovative treatment has come to our attention that promises to significantly reduce absenteeism in our schools and workplaces. A study reports that in nearby East Meria, where fish consumption is very high, people visit the doctor only once or twice per year for the treatment of colds. Clearly, eating a substantial amount of fish can prevent colds. Since colds are the reason most frequently given for absences from school and work, we recommend the daily use of Ichthaid, a nutritional supplement derived from fish oil, as a good way to prevent colds and lower absenteeism."
我们注意到一种保证可以显著减少学校和工作岗位的缺席的革新疗法。一项研究报告说在附近的East Meria,鱼的消费量很高,那里的人们每年因为治感冒而去看医生的次数只有一或两次。显然,吃较大量的鱼可以预防感冒。由于感冒是学校和单位缺席的最常见原因,我们建议每天服用Ichthaid,一种从鱼油中提炼的营养物质,作为预防感冒和减少缺席率的有效措施。

In this memo, the author suggests that the daily use of lchthaid can prevent colds and lower absenteeism. However, careful scrutiny of the evidence makes the suggestion unconvincing.

In the first place, the author makes an unfair assumption that the absenteeism in school and workplaces are mainly caused by colds. There is no information about the ratio of colds in absenteeism of our city. Even granted that colds are major reason of absences, are they all true colds? Common sense tells us that people always lie to the employers or teachers for the most common reason. If the colds can be prevented efficiently, they may choose another prevailing reason to excuse the absences. If that’s true, the author's any suggestion on dealing with the colds will be meaningless to prevent absenteeism.

Another problem with the argument is the cause-effect relationship between the low colds and eating more fish. There is no evidence to demonstrate that eating a substantial amount of fish can prevent colds. The health condition, climate, living habit, eating, sleeping, etc, all of these will affect the cold rate. Perhaps the people living in East Meria drink much warm water than West. Or perhaps people in East do more swimming in the sea than west. Without ruling out these alternatives, the author cannot convince me that it is the fish which cause the lower rate of colds in East.

Moreover, even granted the fish can prevent colds, the author's recommendation remains unconvincing. There is no information that Ichthaid which derived from fish oil can prevent colds too. There maybe some other chemical substances in the fish which are effective to treat cold. If so, the author's claim will be unsound. Without informing us the mechanism of preventing colds of the fish, and without the comparison of fish and other measure which are benefit to cold, the author still cannot persuade the residents in West Meria to eat more fish for preventing the colds.

In sum, the author's suggestion is unsound as it stands. To better support it, the author should provide more information about the true main reason of the absences. To strengthen it, the author also needs to inform us of the true reason of the lower cold rate in East. And the Ichthaid's effectiveness on preventing the colds will be more helpful to make conclusion.

ARGUMENT6 - The following was written as a part of an application for a small business loan by a group of developers in the city of Monroe.
"A jazz music club in Monroe would be a tremendously profitable enterprise. Currently, the nearest jazz club is 65 miles away; thus, our proposed club, the C Note, would have the local market all to itself. Plus, jazz is extremely popular in Monroe: over 100,000 people attended Monroe's jazz festival last summer, several well-known jazz musicians live in Monroe, and the highest-rated radio program in Monroe is 'Jazz Nightly,' which airs every weeknight. Finally, a nationwide study indicates that the typical jazz fan spends close to $1,000 per year on jazz entertainment. It is clear that the C Note cannot help but make money."

Monroe建立爵士乐俱乐部将会是非常盈利的产业。当前,最近的爵士俱乐部也在65英里以外;因此,我们筹建的俱乐部C Note将会占有全部的本地市场。而且,爵士乐在Monroe非常流行:去年夏天10万多人参加了Monroe的爵士音乐节,若干知名爵士音乐家居住在MonroeMonroe获评价最高的广播节目是平时每天播出的Jazz Nightly。最后,一项全国性研究表明典型的爵士爱好者每年花费近1000元用于爵士娱乐。显然C Note将会很赚钱。

1.赚钱除了与市场环境有关以外还与公司的经营管理密不可分。论断没有提供任何有关他们管理人员的资料,以及他们对Jazz club营销的任何设想。断然认为有好的市场环境就会赚钱。

2.认为喜欢爵士乐的人就会去Jazz club。而且听爵士乐的方式有很多,比如电台,比如自己在家听CD等等。电台的乐迷和参加聚会的人并不一定成为他们的消费者,而他们每年在爵士乐上的销费更不一定必须包括去Jazz club的费用。

3.虽然最近一家Jazz club也有65公里远,但也许就在他们旁边就有很多家俱乐部也以爵士乐为主,虽然不叫做Jazz club。另外大多数人去俱乐部的根本原因并不是听音乐,他们用爵士乐做卖点并不一定能在竞争中取胜。

4.他们应该更多地考虑如何经营俱乐部以保证他赚钱,而不能光依赖外部的环境。另外究竟人们去Jazz club的原因是什么,人们花在俱乐部上的钱又会是多少,都还有待进一步调查。
ARGUMENT230 - The following appeared in a recommendation from the planning department of the city of Transopolis.
"Ten years ago, as part of a comprehensive urban renewal program, the city of Transopolis adapted for industrial use a large area of severely substandard housing near the freeway. Subsequently, several factories were constructed there, crime rates in the area declined, and property tax revenues for the entire city increased. To further revitalize the city, we should now take similar action in a declining residential area on the opposite side of the city. Since some houses and apartments in existing nearby neighborhoods are currently unoccupied, alternate housing for those displaced by this action will be readily available."


1.没有证据证明这边有足够的空间发展工业,或者说发展工业适合该地区。如果说该地区附近有很多疗养院,sanatorium or park, 建工业就会影响该地区的环境。



ARGUMENT150 - The following is a letter to the editor of an environmental magazine.
"The decline in the numbers of amphibians worldwide clearly indicates the global pollution of water and air. Two studies of amphibians in Yosemite National Park in California confirm my conclusion. In 1915 there were seven species of amphibians in the park, and there were abundant numbers of each species. However, in 1992 there were only four species of amphibians observed in the park, and the numbers of each species were drastically reduced. The decline in Yosemite has been blamed on the introduction of trout into the park's waters, which began in 1920 (trout are known to eat amphibian eggs). But the introduction of trout cannot be the real reason for the Yosemite decline because it does not explain the worldwide decline."





ARGUMENT191 - The following is a letter from a professor at Xanadu College to the college's president.
"The development of an extensive computer-based long-distance learning program will enhance the reputation of Xanadu College. This program would allow more students to enroll in our courses, thereby increasing our income from student tuition. Traditional courses could easily be adapted for distance learners, as was shown by the adaptation of two traditional courses for our distance learning trial project last year. Also, by using computer programs and taped lectures, faculty will have fewer classroom obligations and more time to engage in extensive research, thereby enhancing the reputation of Xanadu."



[ 本帖最后由 linshao 于 2007-7-31 22:27 编辑 ]

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Rank: 2

发表于 2007-8-2 10:27:49 |只看该作者
In this memo, the author suggests that the daily use of lchthaid can prevent colds and lower absenteeism. However, careful scrutiny of the evidence makes the suggestion unconvincing.

In the first place, the author makes an unfair assumption that the absenteeism in school and workplaces are mainly caused by colds. There is no information about the ratio of colds in absenteeism of our city. Even granted that colds are major reason of absences, are they all true colds? Common sense tells us that people always lie to the employers or teachers for the most common reason. If the colds can be prevented efficiently, they may choose another prevailing reason to excuse the absences. If that’s true, the author's any suggestion on dealing with the colds will be meaningless to prevent absenteeism.

Another problem with the argument is the cause-effect relationship between the low colds and eating more fish. There is no evidence to demonstrate that eating a substantial amount of fish can prevent colds. The health condition, climate, living habit, eating, sleeping, etc, all of these will affect the cold rate. Perhaps the people living in East Meria drink much warm water than West(这个有点牵强). Or perhaps people in East do more swimming in the sea than west. Without ruling out these alternatives, the author cannot convince me that it is the fish which cause the lower rate of colds in East.(还可以考虑像感冒这样的小病可能他们都不会去看医生的)

Moreover, even granted the fish can prevent colds, the author's recommendation remains unconvincing. There is no information that Ichthaid which derived from fish oil can prevent colds too. There maybe some other chemical substances in the fish which are effective to treat cold. If so, the author's claim will be unsound. Without informing us the mechanism of preventing colds of the fish, and without the comparison of fish and other measure which are benefit to cold, the author still cannot persuade the residents in West Meria to eat more fish for preventing the colds.

In sum, the author's suggestion is unsound as it stands. To better support it, the author should provide more information about the true main reason of the absences. To strengthen it, the author also needs to inform us of the true reason of the lower cold rate in East. And the Ichthaid's effectiveness on preventing the colds will be more helpful to make conclusion.

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