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[未归类] issue154 等待好心人。。谢谢 有拍必回 ~~~ [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2007-8-10 14:37:43 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
154 Both parents and communities must be involved in the local schools. Education is
too important to leave solely to a group of professional educators.

Education should be defined that to teach students to learn the knowledge including every
period. Such as the subjects in school, and the moral, the mentality so forth. All of these
should be learned, so the education is not just limited in the school. In my mind, teachers
are not the sole educators to children, but the parents and communities.

I support that, parents are the first teachers to a child. When a baby comes out to the
world, he doesn't know everything, even can't say a word. That is the parents, teach him
to say "papa" ,and lead him to recognize our wonderful place. What parents do everyday,
including their smile, talk, or action like smoking, will press deeply to the little baby. This influence
is so essential because most of time it can determine the process of shaping their moral.

There is a obvious example. A thief steel things for 30 years. At the end, he was arrested
and finally condemned to death. What his last sentence to this world was: I hate  my mother,
who took me to steal when I was a child, she led me to death. Even when a person grows up
to adult, his parents also make a important role as educators in front of them. Face to
the older, son is always the child. And also, parents have much more experience, and failed
more than their kids. They surely have responsibility to educate their sons.

Certainly, the communities are  good educators as well. A famous person once said: Do you
know what you are short of? Please go into the society. That is ture. Actually, the society
is a realistic educator, he provides different problems waiting for the begginers to face to.
Experience sometimes is useful rather than the pure knowledge. The cure communities tell
people their distance from the command. And the facts happened everyday alert people which
thing should be considerably pay attention to while others shouldn't. That is why lots of
moneybags are not have high grades that they earlier take the experience, and understand
what the society precisely want, then they correct themselves, self-exam and finally fit
the society.

Admittedly, teachers are quite important that shouldn't be ignore in human society. They
just like the light lead students to the right direction. They have the expert knowledge
knowing how to educate students, teach them well. Teachers do not just bring children the
knowledge of math, physics, linguistic, but also tell them how to think, how to deal with
problem. Plato was the teacher of Aristotle, both of them were famous philosophers. Plato's
deep thought lead latter to the mind world, and found himself's interest, finally Aristotle
became a well-known figure as well.

However, education should not be just the teachers to pay off, and undoubtly that is
not enough for a person. Education is a wide period, and its object is complicated as well.
A successful person need comprehensive education to cultivate. All of these, such as parents,
communities and teachers are all determine factors to one man.

Sum up, teachers are not the sole educators to a person. Good education need parents and
communities as well.

[ 本帖最后由 luohanmi 于 2007-8-11 14:55 编辑 ]

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