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[i习作temp] ISSUE26 旧房保护的矛盾 留链必回拍 [复制链接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2007-8-9 10:33:42 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
题目:ISSUE26 - "Most people would agree that buildings represent a valuable record of any society's past, but controversy arises when old buildings stand on ground that modern planners feel could be better used for modern purposes. In such situations, modern development should be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings so that contemporary needs can be served."
字数:637          用时:00:45:00          日期:2007-8-8 22:39:51


In the epoch of rapid development, new buildings are mushrooming in this era because of people' large demands. However controversial question emerge when the old buildings encumber the construction of the new. In my point of view, to preserve the old or to destroy them for the new is a complicated and intricate question which depends on the value of the old and the necessity of the new.

To begin with, the old building with extraordinary value in culture or arts, which excesses the value of the new building to be constructed, should not be replaced by the new. As is known to all, architectures play an important role in preserve culture and individuality of one nation. An old building records much information about the past which is very important and precious for the study of the constructing skills, culture, and morality at that time. For instance, the pyramids in Egypt over 3000 years ago tell us much information about that time. They record the values on what populace in ancient Egypt thought about live and death, the mirage skills in constructing and the antique in it provides important data for research ancient culture. In this case, pyramids represent a whole history of the grand ancient Egypt which cannot be destroyed for other uses. Another example is the Forbidden City in Beijing, China. The Forbidden City is the relics of the Ming and Qing palace which preserve much information about the history. Due to the thoughts that the palace for empire should be in the center of Beijing and the palace cannot be visited by populace, the Forbidden City, which lies in the center, separates Beijing to two parts. The east and west part cannot connect well because populace is not allowed to cross the palace which leads to the detour. Even the palace cause so much troubles, Chinese still would break it down because it is a precious legacy that our ancestors leave for us.

To the contrary, if the old architect is not as important as the new buildings, giving precedence to modern development is an advisable and acceptable choice. For example the old building has fewer characteristics or there are many coeval building around meanwhile the new building is used for hospital or education which is emergent for residents. In these cases when the value of the new excesses the old, the old should be destroyed to make this area available for the new.

Nevertheless, is there a better choice for this dilemma when the old building is as important as the old? In my point of view, to redesign may be a solution. Destroy the old and construct a new one will cost much money. If we can redesign the old and adapt it to the new function, the preservation of the old and the emergent need for the new can be solved at one time. For example, the old baiyun airport, in Guangzhou city China, is deserted when the new one begins to serve. Considering this old airport witness the large development in this city, it would not be destroyed but be redesigned for new purose. Now its terminal tower is planned to be used for a market and other part would be used for several functions else after being renewed. In this case, both the value of the old and the need for are resolved perfectly meanwhile this method saves myriad money.

In sum, whether to preserve the old or to construct the new is a complex question which needs our deliberation. This issue should be treated specially rather than generally or in other word it is a case-by-case problem based on the value and consequence of each choice. Moreover, reconstructing the old building for new function is a new way out when it comes to the green and economy society.(不知道节约型社会是否这么翻译.....)

还有10天就要考了,这个水平够么?作文虽然是45min内完成,但是写之前思考了很久,不知道大家写限时作文是不是连想带写一共45min?  留链接必回拍哦!!!!!!!


[ 本帖最后由 zhoumax 于 2007-8-10 23:30 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2007-8-9 16:57:06 |只看该作者

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发表于 2007-8-9 17:46:41 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-8-10 10:55:05 |只看该作者
In the epoch of rapid development, new buildings are mushrooming in this era because of people' large demands(动词用得不错。后面Large demands太白话了。due to various increasing needs both in life and in economy). However controversial question emerge(三单) when the old buildings encumber(不错) the construction of the new. In my point of view, to preserve the old or to destroy them for the new is a complicated and intricate question which depends on the value of the old and the necessity of the new.

To begin with, the old building with extraordinary value in culture or arts, which excesses the value of the new building to be constructed, should not be replaced by the new. As is known to all, architectures play an important role in preserve(ing) culture and individuality of one nation. An old building records much information about the past which is very important and precious for the study of the constructing skills, culture, and morality at that time. For instance, the pyramids in Egypt over 3000 years ago tell us much information about that time. They record the values on what populace in ancient Egypt thought about live and death, the mirage skills in constructing and the antique in it provides important data for research ancient culture.(金字塔又不是在城市里,和现代建筑没什么矛盾吧。不过这样举例也行,但不是太有说服力) In this case, pyramids represent a whole history of the grand ancient Egypt which cannot be destroyed for other uses. Another example is the Forbidden City in Beijing, China. The Forbidden City is the relics(保存得相当完好。把这个the relics of去掉) of the Ming and Qing palace which preserve much information about the history. Due to the thoughts that the palace for empire should be in the center of Beijing and the palace cannot be visited by populace, the Forbidden City, which lies in the center, separates Beijing to two parts. The east and west part cannot connect well because populace is not allowed to cross the palace which leads to the detour. Even the palace cause so much troubles, Chinese still would (not)break it down because it is a precious legacy that our ancestors leave for us.(论述得不错,语言也不错)

To the contrary, if the old architect(建筑师) is not as important as the new buildings, giving precedence to modern development is an advisable and acceptable choice. For example the old building has fewer characteristics or there are many coeval building around meanwhile the new building is used for hospital or education which is emergent for residents. In these cases when the value of the new excesses the old, the old should be destroyed to make this area available for the new.(可以写一写保护旧建筑的坏处,占地,是城市没有生气,浪费人力物力。此段没有well-developed)

Nevertheless, is there a better choice for this dilemma when the old building is as important as the old? In my point of view, to redesign may be a solution. Destroy the old and construct a new one will cost much money. If we can redesign the old and adapt it to the new function, the preservation of the old and the emergent need for the new can be solved at one time. For example, the old baiyun airport, in Guangzhou city China, is deserted when the new one begins to serve. Considering this old airport witness the large development in this city, it would not be destroyed but be redesigned for new purose. Now its terminal tower is planned to be used for a market and other part would be used for several functions else after being renewed. In this case, both the value of the old and the need for are resolved perfectly meanwhile this method saves myriad money. (意见挺新颖。)

In sum, whether to preserve the old or to construct the new is a complex question which needs our deliberation. This issue should be treated specially rather than generally or in other word it is a case-by-case problem based on the value and consequence of each choice. Moreover, reconstructing the old building for new function is a new way out when it comes to the green and economy society(conservation-oriented society 中国特色词汇最好不要有).


使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2007-8-10 11:09:42 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-8-10 23:12:33 |只看该作者

题目:ISSUE26 - "Most people would agree that buildings represent a valuable record of any society's past, but controversy arises when old buildings stand on ground that modern planners feel could be better used for modern purposes. In such situations, modern development should be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings so that contemporary needs can be served."
字数:637          用时:00:45:00          日期:2007-8-8 22:39:51


In the epoch of rapid development, new buildings are mushrooming in this era because of people' large demands. However controversial question emerge when the old buildings encumber the construction of the new. In my point of view, to preserve the old or to destroy them for the new is a complicated and intricate question which depends on the value of the old and the necessity of the new.(开头不错啊!用的词挺好的,理由简短又明确)

To begin with, the old building with extraordinary value in culture or arts, which excesses the value of the new building to be constructed, should not be replaced by the new. As is known to all, architectures play an important role in preserve culture and individuality of one nation. An old building records much information about the past which is very important and precious for the study of the constructing skills, culture, and morality at that time. For instance, the pyramids in Egypt over 3000 years ago tell us much information about that time. They record the values on what populace in ancient Egypt thought about live and death, the mirage skills in constructing and the antique in it provides important data for research ancient culture. In this case, pyramids represent a whole history of the grand ancient Egypt which cannot be destroyed for other uses. (我的观点是:金字塔的例子作为强调古建筑的重要性,还算是合适的,不过就是无法涉及题目中所指出的矛盾。我想如果稍微做一个假设,比如说某个金字塔挡住了某个将要修的高速公路或者什么之类的,我们也不能为了现在的利益而牺牲文化价值。个人意见,仅供参考哈!)Another example is the Forbidden City in Beijing, China. The Forbidden City is the relics of the Ming and Qing palace which preserve much information about the history. Due to the thoughts that the palace for empire should be in the center of Beijing and the palace cannot be visited by populace, the Forbidden City, which lies in the center, separates Beijing to two parts. The east and west part cannot connect well because populace is not allowed to cross the palace which leads to the detour. Even the palace cause so much troubles, Chinese still would break it down because it is a precious legacy that our ancestors leave for us.这里来一个小总结吧!

To the contrary, if the old architect??? is not as important as the new buildings, giving precedence to modern development is an advisable and acceptable choice. For example the old building has fewer characteristics or there are many coeval building around meanwhile the new building is used for hospital or education which is emergent for residents. In these cases when the value of the new excesses the old, the old should be destroyed to make this area available for the new.我觉得这个具体的例子可能比较难找,毕竟那些被改造的房子都是比较没有名气的,但是你把城市改造必然会拆掉一些没有多少价值的旧屋这个事实摆出来,应该还是可以比较有说服力的吧?否则城市改造不是没有可能了?甚至就说说你自己城市里面改造,把你熟悉的某些旧房子改造掉了,也可以说服别人。

Nevertheless, is there a better choice for this dilemma when the old building is as important as the old?(这里要修改一下吧??) In my point of view, to redesign may be a solution. Destroy the old and construct a new one will cost much money. If we can redesign the old and adapt it to the new function, the preservation of the old and the emergent need for the new can be solved at one time. For example, the old baiyun airport, in Guangzhou city China, is deserted when the new one begins to serve. Considering this old airport witness the large development in this city, it would not be destroyed but be redesigned for new purose. Now its terminal tower is planned to be used for a market and other part would be used for several functions else after being renewed. In this case, both the value of the old and the need for are resolved perfectly meanwhile this method saves myriad money. (这段讲得还不错啦!)

In sum, whether to preserve the old or to construct the new is a complex question which needs our deliberation. This issue should be treated specially rather than generally or in other word it is a case-by-case problem based on the value and consequence of each choice. Moreover, reconstructing the old building for new function is a new way out when it comes to the green and economy society.(不知道怎么说就不要说呗,换一个句式,大家都可以理解的就可以啦。)



使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2007-8-10 23:23:29 |只看该作者

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