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[i习作temp] issue87 求拍,有拍必回辣~~ [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2008-2-15 22:50:54 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览


87"In any field of inquiry, the beginner is more likely than the expert to make important discoveries."


Is there any advantage for a beginner to make important discoveries when compared with experts? People's opinions are divergent on such a complex and controversial issue. After all, while the experts are rich in knowledge and skills, the beginner is not limited by them and therefore can easily work out some ideas that no one has pointed out ever before. As for me, however, I would strongly disagree with this idea since while the experience and professional skills which the experts have are dispensable for any essential discovery, the professors can also have originality which plays a key role for the success of the beginners.

Admittedly, in some areas it is easier for beginners to achieve success to some extent. On one hand, there are some areas such as business that do not need deep understanding of knowledge and rich experience to discover meaningful things. In these areas, the chances of success are not limited by knowledge and experience that much: thus, the beginners are not strongly influenced. On the other hand, without deep knowledge and rich experience, which can actually present some limitation on the action, the beginners can explore the unknown areas with more freedom. What’s more, the perspective and approach are also more likely to be different from their processors as well. As a result, with the spirit of originality, chances for them to discover something important are higher.  

However, the advantages of the knowledge and experience far overweigh the disadvantages in most areas. In fact, they play an extremely essential role for any vital discovery. In genetic engineering, for instance, we can hardly imagine that a beginner who just graduated from school can discovery anything important. After all, he knew nothing about the latest development and had no idea about the professional knowledge required by a specific research. All he knew is the knowledge and skills that he had learnt from school, or to say, he only developed a basic understanding on that area and even had no prepared well enough to carry out his own research smoothly. Thus, for the area like this, the beginners without the knowledge and skills necessary for the daily research can hardly make any discoveries--- when he finally did several years later, he was not a beginner any more.

What's more, experience, which the beginners lack most, is also necessary for the success under most situations. As we know, there is large number of discoveries were made when the researches were initially designed to find another answer. Without profound experience about the research and application, the researchers might not notice them during the experiment for other uses. A concrete example involves Marie Curie, who was not well prepared and intentionally decided to find the element of radium. Yet this discovery had not only crowned her the Nobel Prize but also contributed dramatically to the society. Consider that the Marie Curie was just a beginner at that time, she would have no idea about the phenomenon that each known element had showed during the research. As a result, due to lack of experience, she might ignore the strange phenomenon which showed her the existence of an unknown element and would not have made this profound discovery. Therefore, due to lack of experience compared with the experts, it is extremely hard for the beginners to discover anything meaningful in most areas.  

Besides, since the experts can also have originality, it is therefore more likely for them to achieve success. History is replete with ample evidence to demonstrate this. A case in point related to the Einstein, who had contributed so much to our society as an expert with both originality and professional knowledge---his relative theory was original and even needed professional knowledge to just understand it. Thus, beginners are less likely to make vital discoveries compared with the experts.

From what has been discussed above, we can safely come to the conclusion that the experts are more likely to discover important things than beginners since while they are rich in knowledge and experience, they can also have originality at the same time.
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使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2008-2-16 14:52:02 |只看该作者
Is there any advantage fora beginner to make important discoveries when compared with experts?(后面半句可以这样写么?)People's opinions are divergent on such a complex and controversialissue(这个issue指的什么). After all, while the experts are rich in knowledge and skills(这个用法好像不对),the beginner is not limited by them and therefore  can easily work out (这个和idea搭配不恰当,换come up with)some (new) ideas that no one has pointed out ever before.(去掉) As for me, however,I would strongly disagree with this idea since while the experience andprofessional skills which the experts have are dispensable for anyessential discovery, the professors can also have originality whichplays a key role (这个词我还没用过,好)for the success of the beginners.(这个和topic有点偏,句子复杂了)

Admittedly, in some areas(fields) it is easier for beginners to achieve success to some extent. (这个比较从何而来)On onehand, there are some areas such as business that do not need deepunderstanding of knowledge and rich experience to discover meaningfulthings.(这个business例子不好) In these areas, the chances of success are not limited byknowledge and experience that much: thus, the beginners are notstrongly influenced. On the other hand, without deep knowledge and richexperience, which can actually present some limitation on the action,the beginners can explore the unknown areas with more freedom.( 这里太抽象了,最好给个例子) What’smore, the perspective and approach are also more likely to be differentfrom their processors as well.(和什么比较) As a result, with the spirit oforiginality, chances for them to discover something important arehigher.  

However, the advantages ofthe knowledge and experience far overweigh the disadvantages in mostareas. In fact, they play an extremely essential role for any vitaldiscovery. In genetic engineering, for instance, we can hardly imaginethat a beginner who just graduated from school can discovery anythingimportant. After all, he knew nothing about the latest development andhad no idea about the professional knowledge required by a specificresearch. All he knew is the knowledge and skills that he had learntfrom school, or to say, he only developed a basic understanding on thatarea and even had no prepared well enough to carry out his own researchsmoothly. Thus, for the area like this, the beginners without theknowledge and skills necessary for the daily research can hardly makeany discoveries--- when he finally did several years later, he was nota beginner any more.

What's more, experience,which the beginners lack most, is also necessary for the success undermost situations. As we know, there is large number of discoveries weremade when the researches were initially designed to find anotheranswer. Without profound experience about the research and application,the researchers might not notice them during the experiment for otheruses. A concrete example involves Marie Curie, who was not wellprepared and intentionally decided to find the element of radium. Yetthis discovery had not only crowned her the Nobel Prize but alsocontributed dramatically to the society. Consider that the Marie Curiewas just a beginner at that time, she would have no idea about thephenomenon that each known element had showed during the research. As aresult, due to lack of experience, she might ignore the strangephenomenon which showed her the existence of an unknown element andwould not have made this profound discovery. Therefore, due to lack ofexperience compared with the experts, it is extremely hard for thebeginners to discover anything meaningful in most areas.  

Besides, since the expertscan also have originality, it is therefore more likely for them toachieve success. History is replete with ample evidence to demonstratethis. A case in point related to the Einstein, who had contributed somuch to our society as an expert with both originality and professionalknowledge---his relative theory was original and even neededprofessional knowledge to just understand it. Thus, beginners are lesslikely to make vital discoveries compared with the experts.

From what has beendiscussed above, we can safely come to the conclusion that the expertsare more likely to discover important things than beginners since whilethey are rich in knowledge and experience, they can also haveoriginality at the same time.

我觉得你的文章太长了, 每句话都需斟琢, 有些意思表达得很抽象,理解起来有点困难, 用词有时不是很妥当.我也一直在这些方面努力在,有空帮我也改改吧, https://bbs.gter.net/thread-794732-6-1.html, 我的是54#,send. 共勉!

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2008-2-16 17:16:22 |只看该作者
恩恩,我写的时候就觉得有些意识说的太罗唆,句子太长了,恩好像有些。我会注意的!~非常感谢~~ 这就去拍你的啦嘿嘿

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2008-2-16 17:39:05 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

RE: issue87 求拍,有拍必回辣~~ [修改]
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issue87 求拍,有拍必回辣~~
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