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[i习作temp] issue48 [Jet小组]第10次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2008-2-22 15:06:31 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Were the most significant events and trends in history made by some elites or by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten? The author believes that the common people nameless contribute more, for the reason that the study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. I concede that a lot of ordinary people made great contributions in history. Nevertheless, the few elites played a pivotal roles in historic development.

Admittedly, under some certain circumstance the most significant events and trends in history were made possible by thousands of common people. To support this view, we should look back into history. The Great Wall, considered as one of the greatest miracles in the world, was constructed by a myriad of labor forces using their blood and perspiration. Though it is the first emperor of ancient dynasty Qin who made this decision, however, without millions of workers' endeavor and lives how can this miracle established? Another example comes into my mind immediately is another miracle in the world-Pyramid, which has some similarities to illustrate this point just as The Great Wall.
However, most of the time, it is the key figures in history who played a more crucial role than the ordinary people. There are some examples in the scientific fields. For example, it is Newton, who laid the foundation of calculus, formulated three fundamental laws of mechanics, leading to the law of gravitation. Einstein put forward Theory of Relativity and gave us a perfect interpretation of the photoelectric effect. Moreover, it is Beethoven who left the world with so many great compositions, which are so infective, unforgettable and cannot be replaced. It is Shakespeare who created the greatest English literature, left the offspring innumerable works. Considering these factors, it is always some key individuals who provide the necessary impetus for our history.
In addition, we should consider another question though few elites in history played a significant role in most crucial events and trends, sometimes these events and trends are inevitable. Even if the historic celebrities failed to the things recorded and known by people nowadays. There must be other person standing out to instead of them. President Abraham Lincoln gave the American Civil War a new political direction. He had freed Negro slaves in the rebel states of the south as well as save the Union. His contribution to the freedom cannot be forgotten. However, if there were no Abraham Lincoln, there might be another person sooner or later to fulfill this great mission.
In sum, both the few elites and ordinary people play a crucial role in giving impetus to our history, though mostly the history was created by historic celebrities. The great elites are the catalyst of the society while the public are the reactant. We should admire the effects of both of them.

[ 本帖最后由 sunneptune 于 2008-2-22 15:18 编辑 ]
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Rank: 2

发表于 2008-2-25 22:27:32 |只看该作者
Were the most significant events and trends in history made by some elites or by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten? The author believes that the--不要the common people --nameless放在people contribute more, for the reason that the study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. I concede that a lot of ordinary people made great contributions in history. Nevertheless, the few elites played a pivotal roles in historic development.

Admittedly, under some certain circumstancesituation the most significant events and trends in history were made possible by thousands of common people. To support this view, we should look back into history. The Great Wall, considered as one of the greatest miracles in the world, was constructed by a myriad of labor forces using their blood and perspiration. Though it is the first emperor of ancient dynasty Qin who made this decision, however, without millions of workers' endeavor and lives how can this miracle established这部分感觉可以放在without前面  不然就有点chinglish..? Another example comes into my mind immediately is another miracle in the world---Pyramid, which has some similarities to illustrate this point just as The Great Wall.这段结局的也太仓促了吧。。。还可以加上一句个人观点结束   

   However, most of the time, it is the key figures in history who played a 注意主谓的统一 more crucial roles than the ordinary peopledid). There are some examples in the scientificscience fields. For example, it is Newton, who laid the foundation of calculus, formulated three fundamental laws of mechanics, leading to the law of gravitation. Einstein put forward Theory of Relativity and gave us a perfect interpretation of the photoelectric effect.强力建议不要再举牛顿和爱因斯坦的例子了 这是ets最讨厌最可能判雷同的例子之一。。虽然我也用了。。。 Moreover, it is Beethoven who left the world with so many great compositions, which are so infective, unforgettable and cannot be replaced. It is Shakespeare who created the greatest English literature, left the offspring innumerable works. 排比~Considering these factors, it is always some key individuals who provide the necessary impetus for our history.    In addition, we should consider another question though few elites in history played a significant role in most crucial events and trends, sometimes these events and trends are inevitable. Even if the historic celebrities failed to the things recorded and known by people nowadays. There ,must be other person standing out to instead of them.some other persons would had taken their palces.. President Abraham Lincoln gave the American Civil War a new political direction. He had freed Negro slaves in the rebel states of the south as well as save the Union. His contribution to the freedom cannot be forgotten. However, if there were no Abraham Lincoln, there might be another person sooner or later to fulfill this great mission.这里还要说为什么,理由不充分,为什么还会有别的人代替他们,为什么他们可以代替他们,起到什么作用   
In sum, both the few elites and ordinary people play a crucial role in giving impetus to our history, though mostly the history was created by historic celebrities. The great elites are the catalyst of the society while the public are the reactant. We should admire the effects of both of them.

感觉你忽略了题目的一个观点。题目有两层1历史研究太强调个人 2 历史是群众创造的
似乎第一点被你忽视了 还要有关于历史研究的部分

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issue48 [Jet小组]第10次作业


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