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[i习作temp] issue4[jet小组第七次作业】 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2008-2-25 23:08:55 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue 4 "No field of study can advance significantly unless outsiders
bring their knowledge and experience to that field of study."


   If you are a student majoring in biology, you may have to have the courses about history, chemistry, even physic, besides the his major. If you are a professor investigating the origin of human being, you will never give up the study of other fields such as the geology, biology, sociology and so on. It's so common and necessary to bring knowledge and experience from other field of study into field is studied. Cross-field study and practice does show a lot of benefit to the study, however, it is not always work.
   It's no doubt that cross-field study and practice will show significant merits in the field being studied. It is true that cross-field study means more time and energy is required and maybe less time and energy can be devote in studying the target field, but you can bring about new knowledge to your field through study on other field, which can not obtain from long-term study day after night in your own field. In fact, every field is necessarily associate with other field more or less and no field of study can advance further without knowledge and experience brought in from other field. They are all independent. Take a undergraduate majoring in advertise for example, he has to master the basic knowledge about advertise, communication, branding in such field, as well as economy, psychology about the consumer, statistics and so on in other fields. Supposed that an advertiser conducts an advertisement for a company without the other knowledge and experience from other field, he will never know what the consumer want from the product, he will never know how to get the effective data from the market and the competitors since he has never done these work, he will never judge the advertisement correctly because of the lack of study about art. Thus, it is very significant and necessary to study and even practice in other field to make the target study more comprehensive and profound.
    However, knowledge and experience from other field does not always benefit to the origin study, sometimes, it may even destructive. It does not deny the importance and necessity of the cross-field study and practice, but it is qualified. First, the study and experience must be relevant in certain extent. If you are a poet, there is little sense for you to study the chemistry or get experience through working in a engineering company because it can hardly to inspire the poet in composing or make him more fluently in expressing his emotion in poem. In addition, if the knowledge and experience from other field supersedes the origin field and become dominative, it is very harmful and destructive. There are numerous example show that the great scientists can not be understanded since their great discoveries violated the benefit of the politicians or the principle of the religion, so their study could not go ahead because of the interference of other field and truth was buried. If, a painter compose a painting which is not obey the moral opinion in that time, it can hardly appreciated by people since people evaluate it from the formed knowledge and experience from the ethic and society, regardless the art value in this painting. Therefore, knowledge and experience from other field can sometimes become the obstacle for the origin study.
    Despite the fact that the study and practice in the field not only consumes our limited time and energy but also checks the development of the study sometimes, we have to acknowledge the noticeable advantages of it. It is unavoidable to study cross filed, but we should know that the study and experience will be effective when it is relevant and subordinate to the origin field of study, otherwise, it is meaningless.

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