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[i习作temp] ISSUE88 [Dancing in the Dark] 第2次作业 by kuyuepo [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-6-6 20:32:13 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览


As the rapid development of technologies, the social customs and ethics have some changes, but the author's assertion that technologies determine social customs and ethics is questionable. Technologies influence our lifestyles on the material level, but the most important systems of social customs and ethics have not changed, for it is impossibility to overthrow the human nature.

Admittedly, technologies changed people's life in many fields. For example, people now celebrate the holidays and festivals in some different ways. On the New Year's Day, many people send e-mails or messages to friends instead of visiting, and in China, parents can give credit cards to their children instead of the 'lucky money' in cash. Some ancient customs are leaving us as the technology of communication developing. Now we can hardly see the horse cable, the letter pigeons and so on.

The customs and ethics, however, forming in a long history, having their own mental foundations and value systems, cannot be changed easily by the material development. Most people still hold their weddings in the church, and the procedures have not changed any more. Some traditional believes, such as respecting parents, achieving knowledge and building social credit, are lasting, although the ways of behavior may be different from before. Moreover, some customs have become the unique ceremonies or symbols of a city or nation. The primary purposes of these behaviors evolve into a new one fit to modern society, so they cannot be influenced by the technologies basically.

Additionally, the technology is created by human, so it is limited by some mental things like customs and ethics. For example, many governments do not allow using the clone technology in human, because the possibility of obeying the ethics and some religion believes. The technologies which challenge the basic value of the society will be limited or rejected by people. It is impossible to imagine that when a high-tech weapon has been invented, the behavior of killing human will be allowed. If the social customs and ethics are determined by the technologies, the common value of human will become to a mass and dangerous one ---- only the advanced technology can be achieved, and people may abandon many beautiful and valuable tradition to blindly search new measures of living.

To sum up, the technologies influence but not determine social customs and ethics. There is an interaction between them, but the association cannot be generalized to the determination.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-6-7 22:31:22 |只看该作者
As the rapid development of technologies, the social customs and ethics have some changes, but the author's assertion that technologies determine social customs and ethics is questionable. Technologies influence our lifestyles on the material level, but the most important systems of social customs and ethics have not changed, for it is impossibility to overthrow the human nature.

Admittedly, technologies changed people's life in many fields. For example, people now celebrate the holidays and festivals in some different ways. On the New Year's Day, many people send e-mails or messages to friends instead of visiting, and in China, parents can give credit cards to their children instead of the 'lucky money' in cash. Some ancient customs are leaving us as the technology of communication developing(develops?). Now we can hardly see the horse cable, the letter pigeons and so on.

The customs and ethics, however, forming(formed?) in a long history, having their own mental foundations and value systems, cannot be changed easily by the material development. Most people still hold their weddings in the church, and the procedures have not changed any more. Some traditional believes, such as respecting parents, achieving knowledge and building social credit, are lasting, although the ways of behavior may be different from before. Moreover, some customs have become the unique ceremonies or symbols of a city or nation. The primary purposes of these behaviors evolve into a new one fit to modern society, so they cannot be influenced by the technologies basically(这句的意思是, 这些行为的与时俱进即能证明其不会从根本上受技术的影响吗? 好像有些牵强. 不过也许是我没理解透彻,还请作者指点:P).

Additionally, the technology is created by human, so it is limited by some mental things like customs and ethics. For example, many governments do not allow using the clone technology in human, because (of) the possibility of obeying the ethics and some religion believes. The technologies which challenge the basic value of the society will be limited or rejected by people. It is impossible to imagine that when a high-tech weapon has been invented, the behavior of killing human will be allowed. If the social customs and ethics are determined by the technologies, the common value of human will become to a mass and dangerous one(这里有点不太明白, mass是指混乱么?) ---- only the advanced technology can be achieved, and people may abandon many(much) beautiful and valuable tradition to blindly search new measures of living(abandon … to 好像是放纵沉溺于之意吧).

To sum up, the technologies influence but not determine social customs and ethics. There is an interaction between them, but the association cannot be generalized to the determination.

文章中用的例子都挺不错, 学习了~

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-6-8 11:33:20 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 fingshang 于 2009-6-8 11:37 编辑



As the rapid development of technologies, the social customs and ethics have some changes, but the author's assertion that technologies determine social customs and ethics is questionable. Technologies influence our lifestyles on the material level, but the most important systems of social customs and ethics have not changed, for it is impossibility to overthrow the [url=]human nature[/url]
[*1] .

Admittedly, technologies changed [url=]people's life[/url]
[*2] in many fields. For example, people now celebrate the holidays and festivals in some different ways. On the New Year's Day, many people send e-mails or messages to friends instead of visiting, and in China, parents can give credit cards to their children instead of the 'lucky money' in cash. [url=]Some ancient customs are leaving us as the technology of communication developing. Now we can hardly see the horse cable, the letter pigeons and so on.[/url][*3]

The customs and ethics, however, forming in a long history, having their own mental foundations and value systems, cannot be changed easily by the material
(我觉得还是直接说科技吧) development. Most people still hold their weddings in the church, and the procedures have not changed any more. Some traditional believes, such as respecting parents, achieving knowledge and building social credit, are lasting, although the ways of behavior may be different from before. Moreover, some customs have become the unique ceremonies or symbols of a city or nation. The primary purposes of these behaviors evolve into a new one fit to modern society, so they cannot be influenced by the technologies basically.

Additionally, the technology is created by human, so it is limited by some mental things like customs and ethics. [url=]For example, many governments do not allow using the clone technology in human, because the possibility of obeying the ethics and some religion believes. The technologies which challenge the basic value of the society will be limited or rejected by people.[/url]
[*4] It is impossible to imagine that when a high-tech weapon has been invented, the behavior of killing human will be allowed. If the social customs and ethics are determined by the technologies, the common value of human will become to a mass and dangerous one ---- only the advanced technology can be achieved, and people may abandon many beautiful and valuable tradition to blindly search new measures of living.

To sum up, the technologies influence but not determine social customs and ethics.
[url=]There is an interaction between them, but the association cannot be generalized to the determination.[/url]

[*1]为什么要提human nature 呢?

[*2]Customs and ethics


[*4] 例子不错



我跟楼主一样 我们一起再加油把句子写的漂亮点儿吧  哎 这个过程慢慢积累吧  不知道楼主有没有什么积累好句子的办法

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ISSUE88 [Dancing in the Dark] 第2次作业 by kuyuepo
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