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[i习作temp] issue144 @@A DREAM @@小组第二次作业 by 吴虑 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-6-11 23:18:48 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 112810as 于 2009-6-11 23:20 编辑

"It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value." *a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc

When we appreciate the works which we regarded as the lasting value, such as the drama Hamlet, the film Titanic and the painting Mona Lisa, we may acclaim the artists who create the works at first. The artist’s inspiration and creative work reflect the panoply history of human beings with the creative minds replete of erratic ideas, there are more hues added to our quotidian life. The assertion above is that it is the artist, not the critic, who gives society something of lasting value. As far as I am concerned, both the artist and critic give society something of lasting value.

To begin with, the works are always not ponderable as soon as they are created. It is necessary for them to modify their works, but the artist may not find out where the flaw is. If so, what should be done to modify their works? The critic can be best the choice to help the artists find out what foible the works have. The critics’ views to some extent help the artists retrospect themselves deeply to bring up creative sparks. For instance, consider whether the book on capital has the lasting value or not if the book only written by Karl Heinrich Marx without Engels’ criticism? Both the artist Marx and the critic Engels create the lasting value which deeply influences the world. A constructive criticism could help artist promote their working level.

As the time pass, the greatest feats are those which are created by artists and valuated by critics, which entice the people’s attention towards those works. It is necessary for people, who have little understanding in art, to ask the critics for advices, such as, a critic can tell us what the content reflects in a famous novel, what is the meaning and the value in a painting. A constructive criticism can help people to distinguish the work whether to pay our attentions and time. However I have to confess that the criticisms may be limitative and subjective due to the critics’ personal recognition and subjective interests, this may refrain the creativity of the artists and misguide the people into wrong way.

In sum, artists and critics supplement each other. Without the critics’ constructive criticism, the artists can’t easily promote the working level. Only by the cooperation of artists and the critics, can they give the lasting value to society.
Sweet American Dream...

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Rank: 5Rank: 5


GRE斩浪之魂 AW活动特殊奖 GRE梦想之帆

发表于 2009-6-12 15:54:10 |只看该作者
When we appreciate the works which we regarded as the lasting value, such as the drama Hamlet, the film Titanic and the painting Mona Lisa, we may acclaim the artists who create the works at first. The artist’s inspiration and creative work reflect the panoply history of human beings with the creative minds replete of erratic ideas, there are more hues added to our quotidian life. The assertion above is that it is the artist, not the critic, who gives society something of lasting value.(我个人觉得这里很突然,因为你前面都没有提到,突然就来了the assertion above ,我觉得还不如不要,就这样挺好) As far as I am concerned, both the artist and critic give society something of lasting value.

To begin with, the works are always not ponderable as soon as they are created. It is necessary for them to modify their works, but the artist may not find out where the flaw is. If so, what should be done to modify their works? The critic can be best the choice to help the artists find out what foible the works have. The critics’ views to some extent help the artists retrospect themselves deeply to bring up creative sparks. For instance, consider whether the book on capital has the lasting value or not if the book only written by Karl Heinrich Marx without Engels’ criticism? Both the artist Marx and the critic Engels create the lasting value which deeply influences the world. A constructive criticism could help artist promote their working level.(很赞这个例子,用的很好!!)

As the time pass, the greatest feats are those which are created by artists and valuated by critics, which entice the people’s attention towards those works. It is necessary for people, who have little understanding in art, to ask the critics for advices, such as, a critic can tell us what the content reflects in a famous novel, what is the meaning and the value in a painting. A constructive criticism can help people to distinguish the work whether to pay our attentions and time. However I have to confess that the criticisms may be limitative and subjective due to the critics’ personal recognition and subjective interests, this may refrain the creativity of the artists and misguide the people into wrong way.(我觉得这里如果再加上一些可能会更好一些,这样就结束,总觉得还没有完)

In sum, artists and critics supplement each other. Without the critics’ constructive criticism, the artists can’t easily promote the working level. Only by the cooperation of artists and the critics, can they give the lasting value to society.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-6-13 22:48:24 |只看该作者
When we appreciate the works which we regarded as the lasting value, such as the drama Hamlet, the film Titanic and the painting Mona Lisa, we may acclaim the artists who create the works at first. The artist’s inspiration and creative work reflect the panoply history of human beings with the creative minds replete of erratic ideas, there are more hues added to our quotidian life. The assertion above is that it is the artist, not the critic, who gives society something of lasting value. As far as I am concerned, both the artist and critic give society something of lasting value.(前面说了一堆都是A重要,前面要稍微提提C~

To begin with, the works
(谁的?评论家的品论也是作品)are always not ponderable as soon as they are created. It is necessary for them to modify their works, but the artist may not find out where the flaw is. If so, what should be done to modify their works? The critic can be best (这里有错)the choice to help the artists find out what foible the works have. The critics’ views to some extent help the artists retrospect themselves deeply to bring up creative sparks. For instance, consider whether the book on capital has the lasting value or not if the book only written by Karl Heinrich Marx without Engels’ criticism? Both the artist Marx and the critic Engels create the lasting value which deeply influences the world. A constructive criticism could help artist promote their working level.(例子不错)

As the time pass, the greatest feats are those which are created by artists and valuated by critics, which entice the people’s attention towards those works. It is necessary for people, who have little understanding in art, to ask the critics for advices, such as, a critic can tell us what the content reflects in a famous novel, what is the meaning and the value in a painting. A constructive criticism can help people to distinguish the work whether to pay our attentions and time. However I have to confess that the criticisms may be limitative and subjective due to the critics’ personal recognition and subjective interests, this may refrain the creativity of the artists and misguide the people into wrong way.

In sum, artists and critics supplement each other. Without the critics’ constructive criticism, the artists can’t easily promote the working level. Only by the cooperation of artists and the critics, can they give the lasting value to society.

黎明到来之前 我不怕坚守在漫长的黑夜 !

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issue144 @@A DREAM @@小组第二次作业 by 吴虑
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