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[活动] 12.2独立写作作业 movies [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-12-2 19:24:31 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
It is more fun to see a movie in the cinema with other people than see a movie at home.

I think sometimes seeing a movie in the cinema can bring me more fun but other times seeing a movie at home can be more enjoyable. In other words, which place I prefer depends on what kind of movie I am going to see.

First of all, I love watching movies, especially some blockbuster films like Spider man and Transformers, in the cinema because nothing can compete with the atmosphere in the cinema. The thrilling scenes and fantastic actions can make me excited. Moreover, perfect conditions of the cinema, such as the huge screen and the visual and sound effects, can make me feel like experiencing the same with the heroes and heroines. For example, I can still remember the feeling when I saw Titanic in the cinema for the first time. I felt as if I were on the ship too, trying to survive. I believe I could never feel the same way if I saw it on my couch in front of a small TV screen.

In addition, I think going to the cinema with my friends on weekends is a good way to spend my leisure time. My roommate and I usually go to the movies as long as we have time because both of us consider it as our best way to relax and promoting our friendship. By enjoying movies and sharing feelings afterwards, we can find much more in common.

However, when I want to see the movie which attracts me by their moving stories rather than the big scenes, I prefer to watch it at home. I think there’ s no need to watch a comedy or feature films in the cinema, especially when considering the fact that the cost of renting a DVD is much lower than buying a movie ticket. So if the movie is warm and moving, I will no doubt choose to watch it lying in the bed and enjoying snacks with my parents and friends.

To conclude, for me, enjoying movies in the cinema and enjoying them at home both merits. And I will choose the place according to the movie I intend to see.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-12-2 21:22:18 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 shirley072 于 2009-12-2 21:23 编辑

I think sometimes seeing a movie in the cinema can bring me more fun but other times seeing a movie at home can be more enjoyable. In other words (这个短语在衔接方面不太恰当,可以换成in my opinion或者for me对于我来说之类的), which place I prefer depends on what kind of movie I am going to see.

First of all, I love watching movies, especially someblockbuster films like Spider man and Transformers, (逗号去掉,加在后面in the cinema之后) in the cinema because nothing can compete with the atmosphere in the cinema (觉得整个这个表述有点欠缺,直译过来就是任何事情都不能与电影院的气氛相提并论,这个可能不好吧). The thrilling scenes and fantastic actions can make me excited. Moreover, perfect conditions of the cinema, such as the huge screen and the visual and sound effects, can make me feel like experiencing the same with the heroes and heroines (这句话有点问题,并且前面用了can make me,这句又用,显得有点重复,experience the same,这个same应该不是名词吧,前面没有提过名词,于是这里也不算省略,所以还少一个名词,恩主要是我想了半天也没有想出来,但是这句话我建议要重新组织一下 ). For example, I can still remember the feeling when I saw Titanic in the cinema for the first time. I felt as if I were on the ship too, trying to survive. I believe I could never feel the same way if I saw it on my couch in front of a small TV screen.  b6 [" j+ E# G
+ ?* v! V+ A% F/ ]( P% H# L

In addition, I think going to the cinema with my friends on weekends is a good way to spend my leisure time. My roommate and I usually go to the movies as long as we have time because both of us consider it as our best way to relax and promoting (promote) our friendship. By enjoying movies and sharing feelings afterwards, we can find much more in common.

However, when I want to see the movie which attracts me by their moving stories rather than the big scenes, I prefer to watch it at home. I think there’ s no need to watch a comedy or feature films in the cinema, especially when considering the fact that the cost of renting a DVD is much lower than buying a movie ticket. So if the movie is warm and moving, I will no doubt choose to watch it lying in the bed and enjoying snacks with my parents and friends. (这段不错,但是我觉得阐述内容不太丰富)

To conclude, for me, enjoying movies in the cinema and enjoying them at home both merits. And I will choose the place according to the movie I intend to see.


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发表于 2009-12-3 09:47:13 |只看该作者
另外想问下,我们是被分到一个组了吗?我还是不是很明白批改的任务是怎么分的,我该改谁的呢? 2# shirley072

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-12-4 22:36:59 |只看该作者
Keeping the room clean and tidy can make students more successful.

I agree with the view that students who can keep their room clean and tidy will be more successful for the reasons as follows.

First of all, I think a clean and tidy environment can help us to study better. For me, a room with books and clothes thrown everywhere will definitely make me crazy. I like a clean and tidy learning environment because it makes me comfortable and helps me to concentrate on my study better. Not only this, by putting things in order, I can easily find out what I want, which can save me a lot of time. Conversely, leaving things about will make it difficult to find things out, and sometimes even get things lost. Once my mum considered some messy papers on my table as rubbish and threw them away. Actually, those papers were my homework. It really brought me big trouble.

In addition, for students, the ability to manage themselves is of great importance. And putting our belongings orderly is a crucial step for us to learn how to take care of ourselves. With its help, we can form a good habit of how to arrange things, which will provide benefit to our future life. What’s more, it makes us more independent and mature. No one can deny the fact that we cannot rely on our parents forever. So if we can manage ourselves better, we can make better preparation for our future. I believe it will definitely make us more successful.

I have a friend named Joy. He always leaves things about. However, it is amazing that he can find everything he wants in the “dump”. What’s more interesting, he never cleans up his room or even lets others do, even his mum, for the reason that he cannot find anything when everything stays in great order.  I admire his talent. But considering my poor memory, I prefer to put everything in good order so that I can find out what I need quickly.

To conclude, maintaining a clean and tidy learning environment can provide numerous benefits to students to achieve more success.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-12-4 22:38:26 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
People benefit more from travelling in their own country than travelling in a foreign country.

I partially agree with the view that travelling in our own country can provide more benefits than travelling abroad. Here are my reasons.

First of all, travelling in our own country allows us to come to understand our country better. I think it is essential for us to understand our own culture and history well before we try to get aware of the world outside. It is because the history and traditions of our own country make great influence to our value, life style and even the way we behave. And travelling around our own country can offer us a chance to know where we live better. At the same time, we can also gain awareness of what kind of life our compatriots are living. Take my country as an example. There are numerous great places of interests and amazing natural views worth to visit. If I have a chance, I will definitely choose to visit around my country. This is not only for the reason that I can enjoy beautiful sceneries, but also for the reason that I gain better understanding of my own country and love her more.

However, we can also benefit a lot from travelling in a foreign country. Every country owns its distinct culture and famous places to show its character to be proud of. I think they are not only the treasures to those people living there, but also to the people living on the earth. For instance, after visiting to Paris, I learnt a lot of knowledge about its history and enjoyed numerous wonderful places. What’s more, I got to a life style dramatically different from that I am living with now. I felt amazing the moment I contact with a different language, a different eating habit and even a different way to say hello. This fantastic experience opened my mind and made my life more colorful. Undoubtedly, this can barely be gained by visiting our own country because the majority of people in a same country share a similar way to live a life.

To conclude, both travelling abroad and travelling at home have their merits and benefit us greatly. So what approach we take just depends on our own interest and how much we can afford a trip.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-12-7 11:10:21 |只看该作者
5# 林霄麟
I partially agree with the view that travelling in our own country can provide more benefits than travelling abroad. Here are my reasons.
# V, T3 F4 I# v8 q
/ E) H5 {' X5 K0 Y$ O( d
First of all, travelling in our own country allows us to come to understand our country better. I think it is essential for us to understand our own culture and history well before we try to get aware of the world outside. It is because the history and traditions of our own country make great influence to our value, life style and even the way we behave. And travelling around our own country can offer us a chance to know where we live better. At the same time, we can also gain awareness of what kind of life our compatriots are living. Take my country as an example. There are numerous great places of interests and amazing natural views worth to visit. If I have a chance, I will definitely choose to visit around my country. This is not only for the reason that I can enjoy beautiful sceneries, but also for the reason that I gain better understanding of my own country and love her more.
7 j+ E5 A- `! `+ ]% B
# J5 p; y/ P2 z- o, vHowever, we can also benefit a lot from travelling in a foreign country. Every country owns its distinct culture and famous places to show its character to be proud of. I think they are not only the treasures to those people living there, but also to the people living on the earth. For instance, after visiting to Paris, I learnt a lot of knowledge about its history and enjoyed numerous wonderful places. What’s more, I got to a life style dramatically different from that I am living with now. I felt amazing the moment I contact with a different language, a different eating habit and even a different way to say hello. This fantastic experience opened my mind and made my life more colorful. Undoubtedly, this can barely be gained by visiting our own country because the majority of people in a same country share a similar way to live a life.
9 o0 Z0 U+ P, V0 L
$ f7 k/ {: H5 L2 k, I2 O
To conclude, both travelling abroad and travelling at home have their merits and benefit us greatly. So what approach we take just depends on our own interest and how much we can afford a trip.
" J1


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-12-7 12:19:14 |只看该作者
哦,好,我会注意啦,谢谢~~ 6# yuminjia

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-12-8 13:28:15 |只看该作者
12.7 Agree or disagree, in order to succeed, you should be more like others than be different from everyone else.

I disagree with the view that it is better to be more like others than be different from them to achieve success. Here are my reasons.

First of all, trying to be more similar with others will restrain our ability to create, think and deal with things dependently. By following everything as others do, we may never come up with our own idea to handle staff. We may never bother to think whether or not what we follow is correct. Even worse, we may take copying others as granted and become incapable of solving problems on our own. If so, who are we? We are just copies of other persons, but no longer ourselves. Undoubtedly, it will do harm for us to achieve our own success.

On the other hand, showing distinct characters and special skills is beneficial to our success. As a matter of fact, the majority of us share a similar trail of life. We accept a similar education, have a similar working schedule and sometimes even have similar values and belief. There is no need to try to be more like others, especially when we have already had a lot in common. Instead of hiding different ideas and special skills, more should be demonstrated by current people. It is because it can make us extraordinary and, what’ more, lead to more success.

Bill Gates, who I admire very much, is a successful person who never follows others blindly and always tries to create. Instead of finishing his college study in Harvard, as most other students do, he chose to start his own career in Microsoft. He spent years and years on developing computer software. Today almost everyone on this planet enjoys the conveniences of software invented by Bill and his working team. No one can deny that, until today no operating system can compete with Windows. I believe, if Bill is the one who always follows what others do, he would never achieve what he owns today.

To sum up, being different from others can provide more benefits for us to achieve success.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-12-8 14:28:50 |只看该作者
I disagree with the view that it is better to be more like others than be different from them to achieve success. Here are my reasons.(个人觉得第一段的内容有点空洞,我建议采用cavadoris127号独立作文的开头,写得很好)

+ |1 C; m: }7 x4 l8 I0 ~) c) \
5 ?( u' T- c" o( z- G/ w
First of all, trying to be
beingmore similar with others will restrain our ability to create, think (thingk, create 这样逻辑会好点)and deal with things dependently. By following everything as others do, we may never come up with our own idea to handle staffstuff. We may never(Never may we) bother to think whether or not what we follow is correct. Even worse, (What’s more 因为what’s more可以做一个连词在句子中,它可以单独使用,前后可以和其他的句子成分用逗号隔开;even worse只能和其他的句子成分一起使用在一起表示比较级) we may take copying others as granted and become incapable of solving problems on our own. If so, who are we? We are just copies of other persons, but no longer ourselves. Undoubtedly, it will do harm for us to achieve our own success. (观点不错,但建议采用第三人称议论)

^0 W/ \, J7 ~7 {8 r
On the other hand, showing distinct characters and special skills is beneficial to our success
help us gain success. As a matter of fact, the majority of us share a similar trail of life. We accept a similar education, have a similar working schedule and sometimes even have similar values and belief. There is no need to It is not necessary for people totry to be more like others, especially when we have already had a lot in common. Instead of hiding different ideas and special skills, more should be demonstrated by current people. It is because it can make us extraordinary and, what’ more, lead to more success (Instead of hiding different ideas and special skills, more should be demonstrated by current people owing to the fact that it can make us extraordinary and, what’s more, lead to more success). (楼主的文章过多的采用了。。。,。。。这样的形式,我想如果阅卷老师看了后会觉得这个孩子是不是只会用这种形式的句子,然后就不太好了)
; ^" ]7 c" C1 E- D% ~# s6 H* K: w

Bill Gates, who I admire very much, is a successful person who never follows others blindly and always tries to create. Instead of finishing his college study in Harvard, as most other students do, he chose to start his own career in Microsoft(of building up the Microsoft Company). He spent years and years on developing computer software. Today almost everyone on this planet enjoys the conveniences of software invented by Bill and his working team. No one can deny that, until today no operating system can compete with Windows. I believe, if Bill is the one who always follows what others do, he would never achieve what he owns today.
. E: A! i! k! B  W+ H5

To sum up, being different from others can provide more benefits for us to achieve success. (

总体来说叙述比较清楚,但逻辑有问题,首先把Bill的例子放在第二段,然后加上一个主题句说:我们生活中有很多因为和别人不一样而成功的例子。 比如,Bill 。。。  这样中间三段之间逻辑衔接地更好,加油!

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Rank: 4

发表于 2009-12-8 14:42:57 |只看该作者
I disagree with the view that it isbetter to be more like others than be different from them to achieve success.Here are my reasons.

First of all, trying to be moresimilar with others will restrain our ability to create, think and deal withthings dependently. By following everything as others do, we may never come upwith our own idea to handle staff. We may never bother to think whether or notwhat we follow is correct. Even worse, we may take copying others as grantedand become incapable of solving problems on our own. If so, who are we? We arejust copies of other persons, but no longer ourselves. Undoubtedly, it will doharm for us to achieve our own success. (其实我觉得第一句话的论点提得相当的不错,只是我觉得后面阐述的内容不够,尤其是都比较抽象,没有展开,不具体)

On the other hand, showing (exploring) distinct characters and specialskills is beneficial to our success. As a matter of fact, the majority of usshare a similar trail of life. We accept a similar education, have a similarworking schedule and sometimes even have similar values and belief (这句话全部都用到similar,可以考虑整合一下). Thereis no need to try to be more like others, especially when we have already had alot in common. Instead of hiding different ideas and special skills, more (more what?前面没有看到主语) should be demonstrated by currentpeople (这句话稍微有点别扭). It is because it (说的是skills?) can make us extraordinary and,what’ more, lead to more success.

Bill Gates, who I admire very much,is a successful person who never follows others blindly and always tries tocreate. Instead of finishing his college study in Harvard, as most otherstudents do, he chose to start his own career in Microsoft. He spent years andyears on developing computer software. Today almost everyone on this planetenjoys the conveniences of software invented by Bill and his working team. Noone can deny that, until today no operating system can compete with Windows. Ibelieve, if Bill is the one who always follows what others do, he would neverachieve what he owns today. (这段写得好啊,感觉像是和第二段阐述的内容更接近吧,不走寻常路,可以安排到前面去嘛)

To sum up,being different from others can provide more benefits for us to achieve success.


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-12-8 19:48:06 |只看该作者
12.8 printed book have had greater effects on society than television has?

Today people have numerous ways to gain knowledge, information and entertainment. Among them, books and TV may be the best representatives. Which one has greater effects to our society? Personally, I think that televisions make a bigger difference to us than printed books. Here are my reasons.

First of all, with the help of TV, we can acquire more information both by vision and sound. For instance, when I read a geography textbook, we may get bored of those monotonous words and little information we read will be remembered. However, a scientific program, such as Discovery, allows me to remember more knowledge by illustrating photographs and interesting introductions of different phenomenon and theories. It is because more sense will be brightened by watching TV than reading a book. It will increase the efficiency to learn knowledge. Of course, I have to admit that the information listed on the books may be more professional and systematic.

In addition, performances and TV shows may bring information to a larger amount of people. As far as I concern, there remains millions of people who cannot read and write. So how can they gain knowledge? I regard TV as the best candidate. By listening and watching, they can learn common knowledge, solutions to social problems and even learn how to distinguish right from wrong. TV provides an opportunity for analphabetic people to learn more and better. So undoubtedly, our society is influenced by TV more greatly.

Finally, many players, singers and sport stars, who become famous through television, affect people’s life more and more greatly. Believe it or not, I usually follow the fashion of my favorite singer Avril Lavigne. Once I even brought a pair of Punk boots the same as what she worn in her concert shown on TV. It is because I think that was cool. I believe many people have similar experiences with me, wearing as their idol wears or behaving as their idol behaves. This influence is unprecedented and will absolutely last for a long period.

In sum, although printed books have a much longer history than TV does, they still cannot compete with the effects brought by TV, especially in this information age.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2009-12-8 20:24:23 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 shiwei83 于 2009-12-8 20:41 编辑

I disagree with the view that it is better to be more like others than be different from them to achieve success. Here are my reasons.(开头段写得少了些,最好能参考一下作文模板,开头段太单薄,容易给人留下不好的印象。)

First of all, trying to be more similar with others will restrain our ability to create(ability to create改成creativity就好), think and deal with things dependently. By following everything as others do, we may never come up with our own idea to handle staff. We may never bother to think whether or not what we follow is correct. Even worse, we may take copying others as granted and become incapable of solving problems on our own. If so, who are we? We are just copies of other persons, but no longer ourselves. Undoubtedly, it will do harm for us to achieve our own success.

On the other hand, showing distinct characters and special skills is beneficial to our success. As a matter of fact, the majority of us share a similar trail of life. We accept a similar education, have a similar working schedule and sometimes even have similar values and belief. There is no need to try to be more like others, especially when we have already had a lot in common. Instead of hiding different ideas and special skills, more should be demonstrated by current people. It is because it can make us extraordinary and, what’ more, lead to more success.   

Bill Gates, who I admire very much, is a successful person who never follows others blindly and always tries to create. Instead of finishing his
college删去) study in Harvard(删去, aslike most other students do, he chose to start his own career in Microsoft. He spent years and years on developing computer software. Today almost everyone on this planet enjoys the conveniences of software invented by Bill and his working team. No one can deny that, until today no operating system can compete with Windows. I believe, if Bill is the one who always follows what others do, he would never achieve (what he owns today改为today’s success).

To sum up, being different from others can provide more benefits for us to achieve success.(结尾最好能点题,然后说两句无关痛痒的套话)

楼主的问题在于开头和结尾无话可说,实在不行,可以参考一下模板以及其他同学的习作,最好能写好开头和结尾,这样对提高写作成绩会很有帮助。另外注意段与段之间的衔接,像Bill Gates的这个例子就显得有点突兀,最好能加上过渡句,这样会显得自然些。

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2009-12-8 20:37:16 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 shiwei83 于 2009-12-8 20:42 编辑

Today people have numerous ways to gain knowledge, information and entertainment. Among them, books and TV may be the best representatives. Which one has greater effects to our society? Personally, I think that televisions make a bigger difference to us than printed books. Here are my reasons.(这次的开头比上篇写得好,内容充实了许多。)
First of all, with the help of TV, we can acquire more information both by vision(frame) and sound. For instance, when I read a geography textbook, we may get bored of those monotonous words and little information we read will(would) be remembered. However, a scientific program, such as Discovery, allows me to remember more knowledge by illustrating photographs and interesting introductions of different phenomenon and theories. It is because more sense will be brightened by watching TV than reading a book. It will increase the efficiency to learn knowledge. Of course, I have to admit that the information listed on the books may be more professional and systematic.  (最后一句讲得很好,使得论证更全面
In addition, performances and TV shows may bring information to a larger amount of people. As far as I concern, there remains millions of people who can not read and write. So how can they gain knowledge? I regard TV as the best candidate. By listening and watching, they can learn common knowledge, solutions to social problems and even learn how to distinguish (between)right (from改为and) wrong. TV provides an opportunity for analphabetic (删去people) to learn more and better. So undoubtedly, our society is influenced by TV more greatly.

Finally, many players, singers and sport stars, who become famous through television, affect people’s life more and more greatly. Believe it or not, I usually follow the fashion of my favorite singer Avril Lavigne. Once I even brought a pair of Punk boots the same as what she worn in her concert shown on TV. It is because I think that was cool. I believe many people have similar experiences with me, wearing as their idol wears or behaving as their idol behaves. This influence is unprecedented and will absolutely last for a long period.

In sum, although printed books have a much longer history than TV does, they still cannot compete with the effects brought by TV, especially in this information age.


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-12-8 21:28:41 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 yuminjia 于 2009-12-9 09:05 编辑

12.8 printed book have had greater effects on society than television has
@) l# A, |8 u& L1 c0 H
Today people have numerous ways to gain knowledge, information and entertainment. Among them, books and TV may be the best representatives. Which one has greater effects to our society? Personally, I think that televisions makes a bigger difference(
有很大不同是这么说吗?) to us than printed books. Here are my reasons./(我觉得你开头写的很不错啊) * m6 S
4 X& }+ P% i; i- \8 Y
First of all, with the help of TV, we can acquire more information both by vision and sound. For instance, when I read a geography textbook, we may get bored of those monotonous words and little information we read will be remembered. However, a scientific program, such as Discovery, allows me to remember more knowledge by illustrating photographs and interesting introductions of different phenomenon and theories.
It is because more sense will be brightened by watching TV than reading a book. Meanwhile, It will increase the efficiency to learn knowledge. Of course, I have to admit that the information listed on the books may be more professional and systematic.1 b+ v* N2 T) K

addition, performances and TV shows may bring information to a larger amount of people. As far as I concern, there remains millions of people who cannot read and write. So how can they gain knowledge? I regard TV as the best candidate.(
这个词替换的好) By listening and watching, they can learn common knowledge, solutions to social problems and even learn how to distinguish right from wrong. TV provides an opportunity for analphabetic people to learn more and better.(写的好) So undoubtedly, our society is influenced by TV more greatly.
m0 j7 _! u) l2 G: }
Finally, many players, singers and sport stars, who become famous through television, affect people’s life more and more greatly. Believe it or not, I usually follow the fashion of my favorite singer Avril Lavigne. Once I even brought a pair of Punk boots the same as what she worn in her concert shown on TV.
It is because I think that was cool. I believe many people have similar experiences with me, wearing as their idol wears or behaving as their idol behaves. This influence is unprecedented and will absolutely last for a long period.

In sum, although printed books have a much longer history than TV does, they still cannot compete with the effects brought by TV, especially in this information age.


我有个问题,为什么大家都喜欢用it is because...........?这个是什么句式?表语从句? 因为 为啥不直接说because?

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


荣誉版主 寄托与我 Sagittarius射手座 Golden Apple

发表于 2009-12-9 12:07:10 |只看该作者
12.8 printed book have had greater effects on society than television has?

Today people have numerous ways to gain knowledge, information and entertainment. Among them, books and TV may be the best representatives. Which one has greater effects to our society? Personally, I think that televisions make a bigger difference(太Chesenglish了) to us than printed books. Here are my reasons.

First of all, with the help of TV, we can acquire more information both by vision and sound. For instance, when I read a geography textbook, we may get bored of those monotonous words and little information we read will be remembered. However, a scientific program, such as Discovery, allows me to remember more knowledge by illustrating photographs and interesting introductions of different phenomenons and theories. It is because(because就可以了) more sense will be brightened by watching TV than reading a book. It will increase the efficiency to learn knowledge. Of course, I have to admit that the information listed on the books may be more professional and systematic
In addition, performances and TV shows may bring information to a larger amount of people. As far as I concern, there remains millions of people who cannot read and write. So how can they gain knowledge? I regard TV as the best candidate. By listening and watching, they can learn common knowledge, solutions to social problems and even learn how to distinguish right from wrong. TV provides an opportunity for analphabetic people to learn more and better. So undoubtedly, our society is influenced by TV more greatly。

Finally, many players, singers and sport stars, who become famous through television, affect people’s life more and more greatly. Believe it or not, I usually follow the fashion of my favorite singer Avril Lavigne. Once I even brought a pair of Punk boots the same as what she worn in her concert shown on TV. It is because I think that was cool. I believe many people have similar experiences with me, wearing as their idol wears or behaving as their idol behaves. This influence is unprecedented and will absolutely last for a long period

In sum, although printed books have a much longer history than TV does, they still cannot compete with the effects brought by TV, especially in this information age(结尾简单了点)


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RE: 12.2独立写作作业 movies [修改]
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12.2独立写作作业 movies
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