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[i习作temp] Emulate小组 Issue112 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-11-25 19:21:05 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 AK_小儿 于 2010-12-19 12:35 编辑

TOPIC: ISSUE112 - "Some educational systems emphasize the development of students' capacity for reasoning and logical thinking, but students would benefit more from an education that also taught them to explore their own emotions."

It is common to see that some educational systems make the development of students’ capacity for reasoning and logical thinking first when educating. However, though I admit the importance of this ability, I regard an education of exploring students own emotions as more beneficial.

I greatly concede that a reasoning and logical thinking plays an significant role in most realms, especially in physical science and mathematics, which develop depending on a strongly ability of reasoning and logical thinking. While, on the other hand, a study in emotion contributes little. And even in the study of history, politics and economic, emotion seems to be secondary for those disciplines need an objective view to record or judge more than an emotional attitude or a subjective imagination.

But other field like art and literature, caused by inspiration of emotions more than logical thinking, need a powerful world of emotion and spirit to ensure its development. Without the exploration of emotion, works of art and literature may lose its soul, just as a sea without lives. No matter where and when do you live, an experience of exploring emotion should always be a basis to create a masterpiece in art or literature. Shakespeare may never be famous for his logical thinking of Midsummer Night’s Dream. Vincent Van Gogh may never be known for his ability of reasoning in painting Sunflower. Obviously, the logical thinking did less contribution compared to emotional exploration when it comes to art and literature. To some extent, both of them share the equal importance in our daily life. The question that which is more beneficial and important may depend on which realm you choose to step in.

However, I still make the exploration of emotional world at the first place for human’s characteristic of emotion. Some said that excessive emotional dominating will lead a terrible consequence in social life so that we need to be more calm and objective when facing problem in social life. Admittedly, most social problems, including theft, robbery, murder or even wars and racial discrimination, is the consequence of irrational thought, which seems to show how being rational with logical thinking is important. But isn’t this what we have been aiming at for a long term by exploring our own emotion? Human being established such a number of laws to ensure the order of the world, but still can’t put an end to crime. Isn’t this the consequence of human’s inability to control their own emotion? Actually, exploring emotion doesn’t mean being irrational; but on the contrary, it means to learn how live together, how to communicate and control your own emotion, and finally, how to be a man. We are firstly as a man, then, we become scientist or economist, so I always hold the opinion that exploring one’s own emotion comes first.

Indeed a logical thinking helps to solve problem in science and an objective attitude contributes to dealing with problem better. But as a man, to explore our emotion is the basis and always critical in one’s life.
I still remember that there are three sentences above the gate of my high school, saying ‘learn how to be, learn how to learn, learn how to live.’ See, how to be always comes the first.(word 541)
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-11-26 21:11:57 |只看该作者
It is common to see that some educational systems make the development of students’ capacity for reasoning and logical thinking first when educating. However, though I admit the importance of this ability, I regard an ? education of exploring students own emotions as more beneficial.

I greatly concede that a reasoning and logical thinking plays an significant role in most realms, especially in physical science and mathematics, which develop depending on a strongly ability of reasoning and logical thinking. While, on the other hand, a study in emotion contributes little. And even in the study of history, politics and economic, emotion seems to be secondary for those disciplines need an objective view to record or judge more than an emotional attitude or a subjective imagination.

But other field like art and literature, caused by inspiration of emotions more than logical thinking, need a powerful world of emotion and spirit to ensure its development. Without the exploration of emotion, works of art and literature may lose its soul, just as a sea without lives好!. No matter where and when do you live, an experience of exploring emotion should always be a basis to create a masterpiece in art or literature. Shakespeare may never be famous for his logical thinking of Midsummer Night’s Dream. Vincent Van Gogh may never be known for his ability of reasoning in painting Sunflower好!. Obviously, the logical thinking did less contribution compared to emotional exploration when it comes to art and literature. To some extent, both of them share the equal importance in our daily life. The question that which is more beneficial and important may depend on which realm you choose to step in.

However, I still make the exploration of emotional world at the first place for human’s characteristic of emotion. Some said that excessive emotional dominating will lead a terrible consequence in social life so that we need to be more calm and objective when facing problem in social life. Admittedly, most social problems, including theft, robbery, murder or even wars and racial discrimination, is the consequence of irrational thought, which seems to show how being rational with logical thinking is important. But isn’t this what we have been aiming at for a long term by exploring our own emotion? Human being established such a number of laws to ensure the order of the world, but still can’t put an end to crime. Isn’t this the consequence of human’s inability to control their own emotion? Actually, exploring emotion doesn’t mean being irrational; but on the contrary, it means to learn how live together, how to communicate and control your own emotion, and finally, how to be a man. We are firstly as a man, then, we become scientist or economist好!, so I always hold the opinion that exploring one’s own emotion comes first.

Indeed a logical thinking helps to solve problem in science and an objective attitude contributes to dealing with problem better. But as a man, to explore our emotion is the basis and always critical in one’s life. I still remember that there are three sentences above the gate of my high school, saying ‘learn how to be, learn how to learn, learn how to live.’ See, how to be always comes the first


你的字数一直很足够。佩服。我写的都是400+ 还没达到500+的。哈哈~
懵懂不懂摘星事 直到流萤舞成眠

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-11-28 10:36:05 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 zleung 于 2010-11-28 10:37 编辑

Someeducational systems emphasize the development of students' capacity forreasoning and logical thinking, but students would benefit more from aneducation that also taught them to explore their own emotions."
It is common to see that someeducational systems make the development of students’ capacity for reasoningand logical thinking first when educating. However, though I admit theimportance of this ability, I regard an education of exploring students own emotionsas more beneficial.
I greatly concede(concede 表示不情愿的承认,前面不能用greatly修饰) that a reasoning and logical thinking plays ansignificant role in most realms, especially in physical science andmathematics, which develop depending on a strongly ability of reasoning andlogical thinking. While, on the other hand, a study in emotion contributeslittle. And even in the study of history, politics and economic, emotion seemsto be secondary for those disciplines need an objective view to record or judgemore than an emotional attitude or a subjective imagination.
But other fields like art and literature, caused by(based on) inspirationof emotions more than logical thinking, need a powerful world of emotion andspirit to ensure its development. Without the exploration of emotion, works ofart and literature may lose its soul, just as a sea without lives. No matterwhere and when do you live, an experience of exploring emotion shouldalways be a basis to create a masterpiece in art or literature. Shakespeare were never(过去时就可以了) famous for his logical thinking of Midsummer Night’s Dream.Vincent Van Gogh were neverknown for his ability of reasoning in painting Sunflower. Obviously, thelogical thinking did less contribution compared to emotional exploration whenit comes to art and literature. To some extent, both of them share the equalimportance in our daily life. The question that which is more beneficial andimportant may depend on which realm you choose to step in.(这一段前面一部分给力, 例子也不错,可是最后一句话不明白什么意思,bothfo them是指什么,如果是指logical thinkingemotion的话,就不能出现在这段了)
However, I still make theexploration of emotional world at the first place for human’s characteristic ofemotion. Some said that excessive emotional dominating will lead a terribleconsequence in social life so that we need to be more calm and objective whenfacing problem in social life. Admittedly, most social problems, includingtheft, robbery, murder or even wars and racial discrimination, is theconsequence of irrational thought, which seems to show how being rational withlogical thinking is important. But isn’t this what we have been aiming at for along term by exploring our own emotion? Human being established such a numberof laws to ensure the order of the world, but still can’t put an end to crime.Isn’t this the consequence of human’s inability to control their own emotion?Actually, exploring emotion doesn’t mean being irrational; but on the contrary,it means to learn how live together, how to communicate and control your ownemotion, and finally, how to be a man. We are firstly as a man, then, we becomescientist or economist, so I always hold the opinion that exploring one’s own emotioncomes first.(这一段和上一段是承接关系, 不是转折关系, 不能用however, 换作what’s more 比较好, 这段的论述有创新)
Indeed a logical thinkinghelps to solve problem in science and an objective attitude contributes todealing with problem better. But as a man, to explore our emotion is the basisand always critical in one’s life.
Istill remember that there are three sentences above the gate of my high school,saying ‘learn how to be, learn how to learn, learn how to live.’ See, how to bealways comes the first.(这句最好不要写了, 专业一点嘛,不要用自己的事迹去论证,没有说服力)

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Emulate小组 Issue112


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