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ISSUE 130"How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society." 现在孩子的社会化程度决定了社会的命运。可惜的是,我们还没有学会教孩子怎么样去建设一个更好的社会。
People who socialized well are commonly considered to beactive, charming, inspiring and therefore more likely to make a difference thataffects our society profoundly. However, contrary to popularassumption, what matters to a future society is not the degree ofchildren’s socialization, but more likely, the abilityto adapt to changing society, the persistence of truth, and the spirits ofcooperation, of the hopeful children, cultivated as the nature of education.
The effect of children’s socialization is particularlyambiguous. Socialization is of great value foreach child that help them adapt this world well and develop mental healthycondition.Those children who do not socialized well, as we couldalways see in the garten, who plays in the corner by oneself, who protect theirown toys without sharing with others, who keeps silence most of time, arealways worried by their parents and teachers about their development in thefuture.
Well, this concern isnot unnecessary, as a matter of fact, a lot of such children have suffered frommental disease --- depression, isolation and even autism, doing disservice toboth the society and individuals. And then, when we turn back to the nature of socialization, a processof learning from others all the time, its significance becomes more evident, of graspthe basic universal values of honesty, fidelity to task, friends,responsibility, love of country, pursuit of freedom and so on. Clearly, only of most people who possess these universalvalues, respect human rights and kindness our society consists can it see thepromising future.
But by contrary,a lot of people, myself included, would quiry that kinds of vision. Arepeople who appears to be well socialized really heathy in mental and psychological,aware of cooperate with others well? As a matter of fact, studying with othersin one school is by no means equal with awaress of sense of coorperation;chatting with amounts of friends online does not imply they are real friends.Morelikely, competence in school and society may make people more egoism anddevelop distort mental disease as a result. Thatis to say, the apperance of well socialization is actully not really socializedin essence. In other words, people look like geting together in physical butdistant a lot in heart. Then how could we tell that socializtion ofchidren determines the fatal of our society?
Evern worse,sometimes the excessive socialization is responsible for children’s inabilityof critical thinking and independent conceiving. What they pursuitis only to be accepted by others, and therefore, even when suspect, inquiry,they tend to restrain their ideas instead of persisting their own, since theyare afraid of being aliniated and strange in other’s eyesights. And, ironically,it is alawys thosewho are refused to socialize completely and come to critisize the traditionalconcepts, ideas that change the history, make big throughs, and affect thecontemporary community profoundly. For instance,
Cornips call into question the theory ofearth-centeed instead putting forward the ideas that our earth go around thesun; Marting Lutherking objects to the tradtional black slavery and lead to theslavery movement; Van Gaugh disabeyed the conventional painting style adheringtenaciously to his intituations and create impressionsim. Apparently, thecommon features of them ammonts to their courage, their indepentant thinking,and their persistence to their own voice. Decline to becompletely socialization is an attitude to embrace truth and adhere to theirfaith and beliefs to some degree.
Also, in theera of economic and technology development leading to globalizaiton trend, thedilemma of socialization from local customs and other culutres emerges in ourlife, and therefore, making the socialization issue more complicated. Oneapt illustaration involves the event of Egypts youth upheaval happned recently.Youth of Egypts, thought of as passive, meekly, submitting to autorian andreligious in the days gone by, are launching the unrest and revolt against theregim of octogenarian President Mubarak, fighting for freedom, justice, andopportunities. In that case, by viture offacebook and internet, they are resocialized by the culutres outside and changetheir conventional concepts.
Then, what wehave been informed, by that example of Arab issure, is that our society ischanging, along with some of our concepts and ideas. We are by nomeans sure what accounts for a better society, it is more likely that ourstandards today are not suitable in the future, as some conflictions betweentradition and modernizaiton happened in present day. Hence, as for how to raisechildren nowadays correctly, considered our education today, fortunately, the nature of which is not simplyimparting knowledge to them, but also helping them discovery their owninterest, cultivating their rational and logical thinking, as well as developtheir character of honest, fadility, responsibility and pursuing democracyembracing human rights, the universal values handed down by our ancestors. Therefore, we are actually intelligent as how toraise our children in modern societies that providing a guidence to them anddeveloping their characters to create their own society.
Fromthat matter, what accouts to determine the destiny our society in future is howchildren could apply what they have learned, not simply knowledge but methodsto thinking, values to persist, to the constant changing society and howchildren could well cooperate with each other to create more benefits for thesociety. |