2013.08.26 Good News: Best Paper/Best student Paper of ICMCM2013 is under organization! Please click the page awards for details! ICMCM2013 sincerely look foward to your participation! 2013.08.19 Good News: ICMCM2013 is Calling for Papers now! Please click and download the CFP or log on to page CFP for details! 2013.03.22 Good News: All accepted papers of ICMCM2012 have been totally indexed by EI Compendex! 2012.12.25 Good News: ICMCM & ICACME 2012 has been successfully held on December 21, 2012 in Dubai, UAE! Thank you very much for all your great support! Click here for more photos!
2013 the 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics and Computational Mechanics(ICMCM 2013) Frankfurt, Germany December 30-31st, 2013 http://www.icmcm.org/ 2013 the 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics and Computational Mechanics (ICMCM 2013) is being organized and will be held on 30-31st December, 2013 in Frankfurt, Germany. 2ND ICMCM focus on providing face to face platform for scientists including teachers, students and researchers, etc to present their latest research and results in the fields of Mechatronics and Computational Mechanics and related topics. Different areas participants will fully exchange new ideas and application experiences, establish business or research relations and find global partners for future collaboration via 2ND ICMCM2013. Paper Submission: 1.By EASYCHAIR: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icmcm2013 2.By Email: cfp@icmcm.org All accepted papers of 2nd ICMCM2013 will still be published in Applied Mechanics and Materials(ISSN: 1660-9336), which is currenly indexed by Elsevier: SCOPUS www.scopus.com and Ei Compendex (CPX) www.ei.org/. Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA), Chemical Abstracts (CA), Google and Google Scholar, ISI (ISTP), Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE). Contact: Ms.Gao Tel: +86-24-83958169-802 The Ist ICMCM 2012 International Conference on Mechatronics and Computational Mechanics (ICMCM 2012) has been successfully held on 20-21st December, 2012 in Dubai, UAE. Authors from UAE, China, Japan, United Kingdom, Turkey, Canada, Poland, South Korea, Malaysia, India, Iran, Mexico etc have participated in the conference and fully discussed the latest ideas face to face. All accepted papers of ICMCM2012 have been published in Applied Mechanics and Materials and totally indexed by EI Compendex, etc.