3.Tell me a little bit about what you hope to do after completing our LLM progam, and how you think our LLM program will help you in this venture.
I hope to go back to my country and continue to become a lawyer, especially in commercial law field. I think your LLM program about International commercial law and arbitration will help me a lot learn how to process international commercial cases and will broaden my eyes about the economy and law.
4.Are you looking at sitting for a US Bar exam, and if so, which?
yes, I think I'll have a try to take US Bar exam, from I heard and known on the Internet,I think New York State will be a good choice.
她说ICLA有些课不能满足US Bar考试要求的学分要求,如果我要考us bar我要换项目如ICA
6.怎么学习提高英语的?——balabala说了一些,然后说到English novel ,进一步问我最近在看什么小说?