岭南大学香港八大公立大学之一 1888年诞生于广州 学校旧址是如今的中山大学 2015年被《福布斯》评为 亚洲十大顶尖博雅学院之一 2021年泰晤士高等教育大学影响力排名中
岭南大学的优质教育排名全球第三 2021年QS亚洲大学排名中 「国际师资比例」、「外来交换生人数」及「出访交换生人数」均位列第一 岭南大学是港校中唯一荣获QS五星级院校的大学 世界博雅院校联盟成员 亚洲博雅大学联盟创始成员 京港大学联盟成员
课程特色 ![]()
课程安排 HRMOB 毕业生的发展前景:
✽本课程的毕业生可向人力资源管理及各机构的管理层发展 ✽修读香港或海外大学的相关博士学位课程
海外交流机会 采取互动学习模式,通过 MGT506 Action Learning Projects 实践研习项目,与南洋理工大学协办的Singapore Study Tour 新加坡游学团及Leadership Incubation Program领袖培育计划,让学生能够从实际参与中领悟出人力资源管理的精髓。
Ms KAUR, Dalvinder (MScHRMOB 2022 Graduate)
I still visit the programme office after graduating with the HRMOB master's degree. The professors and staff foster a long-term relationship environment here, which makes it one of the best learning experiences. Learning from professors who were once exceptional HR Directors, and have managed this degree since commencement, the course is all about practicality and application. Apart from academic knowledge, team building and networking are what you will gain at every turn in this degree. At any given time, you can always consult with professors regarding your career and entrepreneurial ideas and learn from their first-hand experiences. The teaching style of every professor varies in a fascinating way. You won't believe me if I tell you that one of our courses included a talent show as an icebreaker activity.
Ms BAILEY Jennifer Cousineau (MScHRMOB 2018 Graduate)
This Programme allows me to gain invaluable knowledge from experienced professors who used “real-life” examples as part of their teaching. In the past year, the Programme arranged different guest speakers to deliver talks. In addition, site visits to companies were also well organized. I was mostly impressed with the visit to LinkedIn when we received a tour around the office. The humanistic and relaxing office allows employees to have good sense of belonging to the company. It also cultivates creativity and innovation for the establishment of the HR networking system. I treasure the lectures and chances of site visits which will definitely give me invaluable insights and help me in my future career.
Ms XU, Anqi Angel (MScHRMOB 2019 Graduate)
Time flies, I have finished my master degree at Lingnan University this year and I am so blessed to choose MScHRMOB Programme. During the process of learning, I gained a lot of professional human resources management knowledge and had opportunities to visit famous companies in various industries. We had a better understanding of how to practice what we have learned in future work. In addition, thanks to our professors and classmates to bring me lots of unforgettable memories.
入学要求 申请人应持有认可的大学学士学位(非商科背景的申请者或须修读预备科课程); 及若申请者并未持有本港大学颁授的学位或于非英语教学的大学取得学位,须考获: - 雅思:不低于6.5分,或 - 托福(TOEFL): 不低于550(笔考)或79 (网考) - 持有同等英语资格者* *持有同等英语资格者,可能获邀参加入学面试。 申请详情: 授课语言:英语 修读年期:一年全日制 2023年秋季入学申请截止日期: 2022年10月1日至2023年4月30日
网上申请: https://www.ln.edu.hk/admission/apply/ 更多课程资讯敬请访问HRMOB课程网页: www.ln.edu.hk/mgt/prog/
联系我们 地址:香港屯门岭南大学郭少明伉俪楼1楼112/1室 电话:(852) 2616 8303 电邮:hrmob@ln.edu.hk