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[a习作temp] Argument179 临考之作,只写高频! [复制链接]

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发表于 2005-7-26 20:35:12 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Argument179: 371 words   30 minutes
The following is a memorandum written by the director of personnel to the president of the Cedar Corporation.
'It would be a mistake to rehire the Good-Taste Company to supply the food in our employee cafeteria next year. It is the second most expensive caterer in the city. In addition, its prices have risen in each of the last three years, and it refuses to provide meals for people on special diets. Just last month three employees complained to me that they no longer eat in the cafeteria because they find the experience 'unbearable.' Our company should instead hire Discount Foods. Discount is a family-owned local company and it offers a varied menu of fish and poultry. I recently tasted a sample lunch at one of the many companies that Discount serves and it was delicious—an indication that hiring Discount will lead to improved employee satisfaction.'

In this argument, the author astonishingly deduces a conclusion that switching to hire Discount will lead to improved employee satisfaction. While the author establishes his demonstration mainly based on some individuals’ experience, this argument, however, is obviously a ramshackle one that needs more scrutiny.

To begin with, the raised price in last three years of Good taste company is not enough to conclude that Cedar corporation should cease to hire it next year. Although it is the second most expensive caterer in the city, it may be still a worthwhile one because of its high quality of food and service. The reason why Good taste company raised its price may be the inflation of currency due to the influence of some economic factor. Further, no solid evidence in this argument suggests that only Good Taste company raised its price but other caterer company not. Thus the raised price is not a decisive reason for Cedar company to choose Discount company to supply its employee food.

Another illogical point in this argument I want to point out is that three employees' complaints can prove its bad quality of Good Taste company. How many employees have eaten Good Taste's food? If there is a tremendous number of employees who are using this caterer, three one's complaints is very normal because it cannot satisfy all of those employees' taste at the same time. It is highly possible that the three employees don't like its food because of some individual illnesses that had affected their appetite.

The final ridiculous facet in this argument is that the author recommends Discount company to serve Cater based on his individual taste. The sample lunch at one of many companies that Discount serves cannot represent its overall service at all. No evidence reveals that it is that branch company that provided sample lunch to author will supply food to Cedar corporation. What's more, it is strongly doubtable that the author's taste conforms to most of the employees' in that company. After all, Discount company not only serve the author but also the majority of the employees.

In my final analysis, this argument is just a cheap advertisement for Discount company but a rough persuasion that cannot convince others to switch to Discount. In order to fortify his conclusion, more information of Discount company about the advantages over Good Taste should be provided

[ Last edited by staralways on 2005-7-26 at 21:08 ]
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Argument179 临考之作,只写高频!
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