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[i习作temp] issue196 sally 小组 2 月20的作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2006-2-22 12:35:10 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
题目:ISSUE 196 - "Technology creates more problems than it solves, and may threaten or damage the quality of life."
字数:578          用时:0:45:00          日期:2006-2-22

Nowadays is an era occupied by rapid scientific development and dramatic technology changes, which may serve good or evil. Someone claims that it helps solves amounts of problems, providing people with a convenient and comfortable life cannot be imagined by their ancestors. While someone insists that technology exacerbates the quality of human's life by generating more problems although it solves lots of problems. In my opinion, whether technology does good or evil does not determined by technology itself but by how human apply it.

As everybody enjoys and experiences everyday, technology largely improves human's life in all aspects compared to our ancestors. Eating is not just a sustain activity but a enjoyment or even an art when we take delicious food; meeting friend or relatives in the opposite of the earth conveniently has become a reality rather than a fantastic legend; flying around the earth in only one day with the help of plane makes you feel like a bird soaring in the sky; reading a beautiful novel while listening to some classic music is quite an relax way to pass the weekend's evening; maybe some day in the nearby future, the moon would be the most popular place for touring. Is it like a fairy tale, maybe to human centuries also it really is, however to us, it just a normal thing. Thanks to the technology, we can lead so comfortable a life.

On the one hand, technology truly solves lots of problems then improves our life, however, on the other hand, no one can deny the truth that while technology solves a problem, it may create one even more problems that are more serious than the former. Atom, which is discovered for the purpose of medicine use, is now apply for the military function for it stimulates the invention of nucleus power now being the most threatening weapon in human history. Gene engineering, which is also be found for the medical use and to rescue the extinct animals, may be utilized to create clone human that would brought severely chaos to the society. And the process of industrialization, which creates the most powerful productivity and accumulates large fortune to benefit human's life, catastrophically destroy the environment and kills innumerable numbers of wild animals. Facing the fact mentioned above, human should be woken up from the dream in which they take technology for granted that it is a omnipotent method to all problems.

Although technology seems like a two-edge sword, whether it can benefit the quality of human's life or in the opposite exacerbate it is mainly determined by our human beings. We cannot blame technology for itself for it is invited by human beings to solve human's problem at the beginning. It is human's ferocity and voracity that turn such an angle to the Satan. To satisfy our unsatiable desire, we utilize it in an inproper way, to achieve our purpose we take no consideration of others and harms it will be to others. In a word, it is our human beings, who create technology as an assistant to us, that deal with problems while at the same time, generating more.

Therefore, the hot debate that whether technology serves good or evil is not so significant as it seems to be because it is not the problem of technology but a problem of utilizing technology by humans. After we realize it, we should rationally apply the technology so as to ultimately improve the well-beings of human.

[ 本帖最后由 staralways 于 2006-2-22 12:36 编辑 ]

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2006-2-23 10:59:26 |只看该作者
seat taken!
Nowadays is an era occupied by rapid scientific development and dramatic technology changes, which may serve good or evil. Someone claims that it helps solves amounts of problems, providing people with a convenient and comfortable life cannot be imagined by their ancestors. While someone insists that technology exacerbates the quality of human's life by generating more problems although it solves lots of problems. In my opinion, whether technology does good or evil does not determined by technology itself but by how human apply it. 开头很好!!

As everybody enjoys and experiences everyday, technology largely improves human's life in all aspects compared to our ancestors. Eating is not just a sustain activity but a enjoyment or even an art when we take delicious food(为什么?吃与科技有什么关系?); meeting friend or relatives in the opposite of the earth conveniently has become a reality rather than a fantastic legend; flying around the earth in only one day with the help of plane makes you feel like a bird soaring in the sky(这个说的就比较清楚,前两个最好把引起改变的东西说出来); reading a beautiful novel while listening to some classic music is quite an relax way to pass the weekend's evening; maybe some day in the nearby future, the moon would be the most popular place for touring. Is it like a fairy tale, maybe to human centuries also it really is(这句没读懂,好像中式英语,再看看?), however to us, it just a normal thing. Thanks to the technology, we can lead so comfortable a life.这种排比式的写法我觉得很好,继续用吧!觉得有些句子写得不是很地道,不过这也是我很大的问题,你写得比我好了,所以限于水平,怕改不好只是想引起你的注意,写得地道了你的文章会更强

On the one hand, technology truly solves lots of problems then improves our life, however, on the other hand, no one can deny the truth that while technology solves a problem, it may create one(去掉one) even more problems that are more serious (than the former去掉比较好吧). 这个句子写的有点乱Atom, which is discovered for the purpose of medicine use, is now apply for the military function for it stimulates the invention of nucleus power now being the most threatening weapon in human history. Gene engineering, which is also be(去掉be) found(found 换成created 因为基因工程不是发现出来的,我觉得换成creat比较好,你觉得呢?) for the medical use and to rescue the extinct animals, may be utilized to create clone human that would brought severely chaos to the society. And the process of industrialization, which creates the most powerful productivity and accumulates large fortune to benefit human's life, catastrophically destroy the environment and kills innumerable numbers of wild animals. Facing the fact mentioned above, human should be woken up from the dream in which they take technology for granted that it is a omnipotent method to all problems.最后一句写的真不错,学习!!

Although technology seems like a two-edge sword, whether it can benefit the quality of human's life or in the opposite exacerbate it is mainly determined by our human beings. We cannot blame technology for itself for it is invited by human beings to solve human's problem at the beginning. It is human's ferocity and voracity that turn such an angle to the Satan. To satisfy our unsatiable desire, we utilize it in an inproper(improper) way, to achieve our purpose we take no consideration of others and harms it will be to others. In a word, it is our human beings, who create technology as an assistant to us, that deal with problems while at the same time, generating more.

Therefore, the hot debate that whether technology serves good or evil is not so significant as it seems to be because it is not the problem of technology but a problem of utilizing technology by humans. After we realize it, we should rationally apply the technology so as to ultimately improve the well-beings of human.

[ 本帖最后由 小室黄瓜 于 2006-2-23 23:09 编辑 ]

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2006-2-24 15:07:24 |只看该作者
issue196 sally 小组 2 月20的作业

题目:ISSUE 196 - "Technology creates more problems than it solves, and may threaten or damage the quality of life."
字数:578          用时:0:45:00          日期:2006-2-22

Nowadays is an era occupied by rapid scientific development and dramatic technology changes, which may serve good or evil. Someone claims that it helps solves (solving) amounts of problems, providing people with a convenient and comfortable life (that) cannot be imagined by their ancestors. While someone insists that technology exacerbates the quality of human's life by generating more problems although it solves lots of problems. In my opinion, whether technology does good or evil does not determined (are not determined) by technology itself but by how human apply it.(开头写的观点明确,有心意)

As everybody enjoys and experiences everyday, technology largely improves human's life in all aspects compared to our ancestors. Eating is not just a sustain activity but a enjoyment or even an art when we take delicious food; meeting friend or relatives in the opposite of the earth conveniently has become a reality rather than a fantastic legend; flying around the earth in only one day with the help of plane makes you feel like a bird soaring in the sky; reading a beautiful novel while listening to some classic music is quite an relax way to pass the weekend's evening; maybe some day in the nearby future, the moon would be the most popular place for touring(tour). Is it like a fairy tale, maybe to human centuries also it really is, however to us, it just a normal thing. Thanks to the technology, we can lead so comfortable a life.(例子举得很好,而且行文也不错

On the one hand, technology truly solves lots of problems then improves our life, however, on the other hand, no one can deny the truth that while technology solves a problem, it may create one even more problems that are more serious than the former. Atom, which is discovered for the purpose of medicine use, is now apply(applied) for the military function for it stimulates the invention of nucleus power now being the most threatening weapon in human history. Gene engineering, which is also be found for the medical use and to rescue the extinct animals, may be utilized to create clone human that would brought severely chaos to the society. And the process of industrialization, which creates the most powerful productivity and accumulates large fortune to benefit human's life, catastrophically destroy the environment and kills innumerable numbers of wild animals. Facing the fact mentioned above, human should be woken up from the dream in which they take technology for granted that it is an omnipotent method to all problems.(这段写的也不错,三个设计原子、基因工程、工业化的例子举得都非常好,结尾总结的也不错,赞!

Although technology seems like a two-edge sword, whether it can benefit the quality of human's life or in the opposite exacerbate it is mainly determined by our human beings. We cannot blame technology for itself for it is invited(invented) by human beings to solve human's problem at the beginning. It is human's ferocity and voracity that turn such an angle to the Satan(这句话说的不错,值得学习). To satisfy our unsatisfiable desire, we utilize it in an improper way, to achieve our purpose we take no consideration of others and harms it will be to others. In a word, it is our human beings, who create technology as an assistant to us, that deal with problems while at the same time, generating more.(此外,我觉得这段如果把科技带来的副效应的解决办法也加进去,会使分析更全面

Therefore, the hot debate that whether technology serves good or evil is not so significant as it seems to be because it is not the problem of technology but a problem of utilizing technology by humans. After we realize it, we should rationally apply the technology so as to ultimately improve the well-being of human.

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