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[i习作temp] issue183 rabbitvv 欢迎互拍 [复制链接]

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发表于 2006-2-24 16:32:06 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
183"As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more complex and more mysterious."


Compared with our predecessors, we surely acquire more knowledge and have a more comprehensive understanding of the world. Yet at the same time, we are surrounded by more and more problems and difficulties. Then does it mean that the accumulation of knowledge would merely make things to be more mysterious as the speaker asserts? It is a question hard to answer. In my opinion, the scientific advancement would surely disperse certain mysteries and make them to be more clear and simple. However, with people's research, they would delve into certain problems deeper and think more widely. In this sense, things may be called more complicated.

To begin with, we should not deny that people's ceaseless observance, query and research have actually solved a great deal of problems and unveiled many mysteries once puzzled our predecessors, and thereby made certain things to be more  comprehensible and simple. For instance, given limited knowledge and technological facilities, our ancestors may regard lightning and thunder as a sign of God's anger. Gradually, with technological development, people began to learn that lightning is just an discontinuous natural electric discharge in the atmosphere, and thunder is the booming sound produced by the rapidly expanding air. Similarly, in 2004, American launched the twin robot geologists, the Mars Exploration Rovers. Those precious statistics and pictures collected by them would surely help people have further understanding of Mars, and clarify many ungrounded guesses and conjectures. Obviously, more knowledge we acquired, more problems would be solved and be clear.

Then why there are large amount of new and harder problems accompanied with our researches? This paradoxical phenomenon could be aptly explained in the following two aspects. On the one hand, after the primary settlement of one problem, people may not so easily be satisfied and then strong curiosities or sometimes sense of responsibilities would impel them to delve into the same realm further and deeper. As a result, they could excavate more and more minor and detailed domain waiting to be investigated. The development of economics is a telling example. At the first time, economics was merely used to address some problems happened during the simple trade. Gradually, with further research and development, people then divided economics into microeconomics and macroeconomics to tackle different problems in the society. Nowadays, we could find more and more detailed sub branches in economics, such as political economy, international Finance, Money and banking, Development Economics and so on. In short, it is people's deeper excavation and research that promote the emergence of more and more subjects and problems.

On the other hand, during the process of tackling the present problems, people may touch or have interrelations with other phenomena or realms. Thus, starting from one problem, people may think about and discover other related problems which have not yet been identified or addressed. A famous scientist once said: Human's acquirement of knowledge is like the expansion of a circle. As the circle becomes larger, more areas of unknown would be touched at its edge. For instance, starting from the successful launching of robots to Mars, scientists may try to observe other planets closely. Or they may think about whether it is feasible to establish an ecosystem in Mars similar to that in the earth, and then in the future human beings can come to visite Mars and live there. Also, they may try to invent faster and safer airships that can transport people to Mars more conveniently.  

In sum, knowledge can surely solve difficulties and discover mysteries for us. It is human beings' curiosity and further investigation that make them explore deeper and put forward more new research topics, and thereby make things seem to be more complex.

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