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[经典批改讨论] issue152 FLY AW小组第三十二次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2006-7-7 15:37:49 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE152 - "The only responsibility of corporate executives, provided they stay within the law, is to make as much money as possible for their companies."
WORDS: 676          TIME: 上午 12:45:00          DATE: 2006-7-7

Our modern era has been marked with tremendous achievements of economy, which, at least partly, could be attributed to exeutives' successful manipulating the companies to gain the profits. Thus, a current popular view claims that the only responsibility of corporate executives is to maximize the benefits of a company, as long as staying within the law. I basically agree with the contention insofar as the essential role of the CEOs is to make as much money as possible for the company's stockholders. Yet, this fact does not necessarily mean the maximum of the profits is the exclusive and intense responsibility of the CEO. From the perspective of mine, the social reputation as well as the environment where the corporation is set is also the main considerations of the executives when they make the strategies for the companies.

At first glance the balance of empirical evidence would seem to lend considerable credence to the speaker's claim. After all, the economic benefits serve as the key index for a specific corporation's success. The total amounts of the capital at a particular time and the profits instilled into the company during a span of time are the basic foundation of a commercial organization to survive, to feed the emplyees, and to promote the development of the market, even the hoslitic society. On one hand, through the endeavor of maximizing the profit, better salaries and welfair for their employees would thus be esured, also, the boom of the corporation would create more job openings for the society, at least for the relevant regions. On the other, the pursuit of the profit in the whole market will induce the fierce competition among companies, which stimulates them to reduce the cost of the products and further ameliorate the qualities of the goods. As a consequence, this process of pursuing the maximized profits boosts the development of economy in the district as well as creates more property for the whole society by means of the overflowing effects. As for the consumers, they can also be offered the high quality of products and services.

While we admit the maximum of profits are the essential target for CEOs, at the same time we should be circumpect with other respects regarding a combination of the responsibilites, in terms of a qualified corporate executive. The morality and reputation should be considered with no doubt. First, in the time of the rapid advancemet of modern technology, the law often lags behind the new invention and discoveries. Consequently, the use of new products derived from the new technology might be potentially harmful to the customers' health, though they may conform to the current laws. As a result, the discipline of ethics should be imposed on the executives of the company, by way of establishing a mainstream and strong sense of culture in the enterprise, in order to protect the interests of the consumers.

Second, the social reputation also acts as an important target for the corporation. The executive cannot solely pursue the economical profit without any consideration of the social stability and environmetal protection, which act as an important standard for the public to evaluate the reputation of a particular corporation. An apt illustration of the point can be perceived in the movie "Dreams" by Akira Kurosawa, the world full of chemical mushroom with the blue industrial gas may come to reality if all the executives indulge in maximizing the profits. Furthermore, the enhanced social reputation and everlasting conformity to the commercial moralities will benefit the commercial  organization in the long term by winning the trust and admiration of the public, thus boost the profits and establish a solid and perfect enterprise image as well.

Simply put, the executive, who is in charge of the issue of the whole company, should pay much attention to the accounting profits, for the sake of the accomplishment of the company, the stockholders' interests, and emplyee's welfare. Yet, as an insighful and forward-looking leader of the commercial organization, it may be imprudent  to overlook the significance of the social reputation and mainstream morality.

[ 本帖最后由 iq28 于 2007-6-18 19:28 编辑 ]

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issue152 FLY AW小组第三十二次作业


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